Correction to: Archives of Toxicology (2020) 94:2939–2950 10.1007/s00204-020-02794-3
Unfortunately, the following errors occurred during the production process, compromising text understandability:
1. page 2945, the subheading after the second paragraph should read:
Taken together, the totality of the above described in-vitro evidence compellingly reveals…
2. page 2946, the last sentence of the second paragraph should read:
Formation of urinary MAs and of N7-GA-Gua DNA adducts in liver, kidney and lung was measured 16 h after application, a time point where a previous pilot experiment had shown maximal N7-GA-Gua DNA concentration to occur. The separate subheading: N7‑GA‑Gua DNA concentration to occur is to be deleted.
3. Potential conflicts of interest:
The author receives honoraria for scientific consultation as a member of
The Scientific Committee of the Institute For Scientific Information On Coffee, ISIC, van Boetzelaerlaan 21 2581 AA The Hague the Netherlands
The Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, Washington DC, USA;
The Genotoxicity Adjunct Team of the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Woodcliff Lake NJ, USA;
The Food Safety Science Advisory Panel, Fonterra Research and Development, Palmerston North, NZ.
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