Correction to ‘Recruitment Strategy for Potential COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Donors’ [Mayo Clinic Proceedings 95 (2020) 2343–2349/3217]
Kylie J. Andersen, BS; Stephen A. Klassen, PhD; Kathryn F. Larson, MD; Juan G. Ripoll, MD; Jonathon W. Senefeld, PhD; Andrew J. Clayburn, BS; John R.A. Shepherd, MD; Andrew S. Tseng, MD; Chad C. Wiggins, PhD; Brenna M. Murphy, BSc; Shane K. Ford, MSc; Christopher P. Johnson, BS; Andrew D. Miller, MS; Sarah E. Baker, PhD; R. Scott Wright, MD; Jeffrey L. Winters, MD; James R. Stubbs, MD; Michael J. Joyner, MD; and Camille M. van Buskirk, MD
From the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine (K.J.A., S.A.K., K.F.L., J.G.R., J.W.S., A.J.C., J.R.A.S., C.C.W., B.M.M, S.K.F, C.P.J., A.D.M., S.E.B., M.J.J.), Department of Cardiovascular Medicine (K.F.L., A.S.T., R.S.W.), Human Research Protection Program (R.S.W.), and the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (J.L.W., J.R.S., C.M.v.B.), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
The authors regret that the following 2 authors were left off the author list:
Brenna M. Murphy, BSc, and Shane K. Ford, MSc.
The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.