A) Circles indicate optical fiber tip locations in rats analyzed from each group superimposed on coronal rat brain atlas images (
Paxinos and Watson, 1998). X’s indicate optical fiber tip locations of rats excluded from the analysis due to either fiber misplacement or lack of opsin expression (see Materials and methods). (
B) Optical fiber tip locations superimposed on sagittal rat brain atlas images. (
C) Three-dimensinal optical fiber tip locations for each group. Small dots represent individual rats. Large dots represent average locations for each group. A-P and M-L coordinates are with respect to bregma; D-V coordinates are with respect to the brain surface. (
D) Three-dimensional A-P, M-L, and D-V coordinates for each fiber tip. There were no significant differences in fiber tip locations between groups along any axes (one-way ANOVAs: A-P:
F(4, 25)=0.28, p=0.89; M-L:
F(4, 25)=0.38, p=0.82; D-V:
F(4, 25)=0.95, p=0.45). Gray dots represent locations for individual rats.