The capillary bed constitutes the obligatory pathway for almost all oxygen (O2) and substrate molecules as they pass from blood to individual cells. As the largest organ, by mass, skeletal muscle contains a prodigious surface area of capillaries that have a critical role in metabolic homeostasis and must support energetic requirements that increase as much as 100-fold from rest to maximal exercise. In 1919 Krogh’s 3 papers, published in the Journal of Physiology, brilliantly conflated measurements of muscle capillary function at rest and during contractions with Agner K. Erlang’s mathematical model of O2 diffusion. These papers single-handedly changed the perception of capillaries from passive vessels serving at the mercy of their upstream arterioles into actively contracting vessels that were recruited during exercise to elevate blood-myocyte O2 flux. Although seminal features of Krogh’s model have not withstood the test of time and subsequent technological developments, Krogh is credited with helping found the field of muscle microcirculation and appreciating the role of the capillary bed and muscle O2 diffusing capacity in facilitating blood-myocyte O2 flux. Today, thanks in large part to Krogh, it is recognized that comprehending the role of the microcirculation, as it supports perfusive and diffusive O2 conductances, is fundamental to understanding skeletal muscle plasticity with exercise training and resolving the mechanistic bases by which major pathologies including heart failure and diabetes cripple exercise tolerance and cerebrovascular dysfunction predicates impaired executive function.
Keywords: Exercise, capillary hemodynamics, red blood cell flux, O2 uptake kinetics
Shack August Steenberg Krogh (1874–1949) was a superb experimentalist who could conceive and fabricate state-of-the art purpose-built research instruments. These capabilities empowered his great intellect and unstoppable curiosity enabling him to address some of the most pressing scientific questions of the day, in physiology and beyond. One of his personal beliefs was that “Questions worthy of attack, show their worth by fighting back” a saying from the Danish polymath, Piet Hein, (27) and his measurements, as depicted in Fig. 1 (left side), emphasized the foundational dilemma regarding capillary function that he solved with his “capillary recruitment” theory. For his estimates of the total length of capillaries in an adult human, 100,000 km (!) (17), there simply was not sufficient blood volume to allow continuous perfusion of this vast network of vessels with a combined blood volume of nearly 5 L! The individual Krogh considered had 50 kg of muscle and for muscle to constitute ~35% of this body mass, this was an extraordinarily large person (143 kg, 315 lb). Their total blood volume at 8% body mass would have been ~12 L and skeletal muscle would have required 34% of that volume - which he quite rightly considered untenable.
From his intravital microscopy observations in the tongue of deeply anesthetized frogs and other muscles and species, as well as India ink (carbon) infusions in muscles at rest, during contractions and post-mortem, Krogh spied a potential solution (18–20). What if, at least at rest, most capillaries were shut and did not support red blood cell (RBC) or plasma flux (Fig. 2)? During muscle contractions/exercise, these capillaries would then open and receive blood flow (capillary recruitment). For this schema to work, Krogh needed a mechanism for closing off capillaries to blood flow and so he considered that the capillaries themselves, or later, following Bjovulf J. Vimtrup’s experiments in Krogh’s laboratory (28), that Rouget’s cells (later termed pericytes) spontaneously constricted the capillary (rev. 24). At rest Krogh considered that a cyclical dilation and flow occurred among capillaries when some constrictor substance, which Krogh called “pituitin” was metabolized and temporarily released the impediment to flow through that particular capillary (17).
During exercise, essentially all capillaries were recruited and, in this fashion, intracapillary diffusion distances were decreased and overall muscle O2 diffusing capacity was increased to facilitate a ten-fold or so increase in metabolic rate (i.e., O2 upta e, ). A central piece of this puzzle was the work of Norwegian-born Torbjorn Gaarder in fish, performed in Krogh’s laboratory of Zoophysiology in Copenhagen, which supported the notion that muscle , even at rest, was O2 supply dependent (rev. 24). From this Krogh concluded that the PO2 was either zero or close to zero at the extremities from open capillaries. Moreover, Krogh considered that each capillary had the same RBC flux and O2 delivery potential that was unchanged between rest and exercise (Fig. 2). Thus, the only mechanism by which blood-muscle O2 flux could increase by 10-fold or so was by capillary recruitment (20).
To this point Krogh had made measurements of the muscle O2 diffusion constant, “D”, under hyperoxic conditions, that were remarkably close to those measured many decades later – a superb achievement (rev. 24). These measurements combined with his capillary counts, formed the basis for his 3rd Nobel prizewinning paper (20) and the one that he considered “most interesting” (24,27). Thus, by conflating his measurements of muscle capillaries and recruitment theory with a “D” that could only change by means of capillary recruitment, he and Erlang calculated the PO2 profiles in Fig. 2 (see central graph, refs. 18–20). With so few capillaries supporting RBC flux at rest, capillary recruitment was requisite for preventing massive muscle anoxia during exercise. In fact, the Krogh-Erlang equation predicted that intramyocyte PO2 increased during exercise. Further, the Krogh-Erlang model held that capillaries represented pinpoint sources of O2 delivery such that the tissue volume supplied by a capillary increased with distance from that capillary: In itself a most inefficient system (6).
Figure 3 updates many of the seminal features of Krogh’s model with discoveries made over the intervening century and paints a very different picture of skeletal muscle O2 delivery at rest and during exercise. Firstly, note that, as before Krogh the principal site of muscle blood flow control has returned to the arterioles upstream of the capillaries (rev. 18). From Fig. 1 (right side) capillary density measurements from human quadriceps demonstrate that 300.mm−2 is more reasonable than 2,000.mm−2 (rev. 24) as is a muscle mass of ~23 kg (not 50 kg). Also, the observation of Damon & Duling (4) and others (5,26, rev 24) that capillary hematocrit may only be ~15% (due, in part, to the presence of the glycocalyx (4,5)) reduces the maximum blood volume necessary to fill the capillary bed to less than 1/10th that considered by Krogh (17), at least at rest (see Fig. 1, right side). Despite intensive investigation and sporadic reports of endothelial cells or pericytes narrowing the capillary lumen (9) no compelling evidence has been presented that either process can either fully constrict or dilate a capillary (rev. 24), and certainly not within the very few seconds necessary to explain the rapid dynamics required to support in vivo muscle kinetics (2,8,14,26, rev 24). Not only have many laboratories demonstrated the RBC flux in most skeletal muscle capillaries at rest under well-controlled physiological conditions (negating the presence of, or necessity for, capillary recruitment), but it is now recognized that capillary RBC velocity and flux as well as hematocrit vary hugely among capillaries – even those supplied by a common arteriole (4,15, rev 24). This evidence, combined with the realization that it is the number of RBCs within flowing capillaries adjacent to the contracting muscle fibers that determines tissue O2 diffusing capacity (7), challenges Krogh’s notion of capillaries each contributing equally to O2 delivery and having a solely binary function (i.e., either open or closed, ref 1).
Figure 3 also demonstrates that different fibre types, not recognized in Krogh’s day, have different mitochondrial volume densities and myoglobin content. That mitochondria form an interconnected network that may span the distance between sarcolemma and fibre center combined with the ability of (particularly) deoxygenated myoglobin (Mb) to transport O2 within the myocyte might negate the concept of intramuscular diffusion distances altogether (3): As indeed the physiological evidence supports (10). Direct measurements of microvascular and interstitial space PO2s in rats (Fig. 4A and E) and intramyocyte PO2s in dogs (13) and humans (25) demonstrate very different PO2 profiles from capillary to myocyte than hypothesized by Krogh (compare Krogh-Erlang graph in Fig. 2G with graph in Fig. 4E). In addition, it is now known that the 3-dimensional network of blood vessels (arterioles, capillaries and venules) facilitates significant intervessel O2 exchange (15) and, especially for contracted muscles with tortuous and branched capillaries (Fig 3i and j), the Hill cylinder geometry, where tissue volume supplied by a given capillary decreases with distance from that capillary, is more appropriate and efficient for O2 delivery (6, rev 24).
Key to furthering our knowledge of microcirculatory function are the techniques presented in Figure 4 that constitute a level of interrogation far beyond that available to Krogh. Several of these are pertinent here including phosphorescence-quenching determination of microvascular and interstitial PO2’s (11,12) and MRS for resolution of intramuscular PO2 (25). But it is Near–Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) that is, perhaps, most widely used in humans. A veritable plethora of NIRS investigations have provided support for the concept that little capillary recruitment actually occurs in human muscle from rest to exercise (e.g., 16, Figure 4C). Specifically, supposing, as did Krogh, that at least 90% of capillaries were closed in resting muscle (no plasma, no RBCs) and these were then recruited during exercise such that they contained RBCs. The muscle hemoglobin+myoglobin concentration ([Hb+Mb]), which NIRS measures, would be expected to increase enormously (i.e., reflecting at least a 10-fold increase in [Hb]). However, actual measurements demonstrate typically a 20–30% elevation (14,24) and this can be achieved, at least in theory, by elevating the capillary hematocrit as has been demonstrated by contractions and other hyperemic states (4,5,26 rev 24)).
Why is it so important that we understand capillary function and the mechanistic bases for blood-myocyte O2 flux?
The skeletal muscle capillary endothelium presents a truly vast surface area – far bigger than a tennis court - for blood-myocyte interchange of O2, substrates such as glucose, amino acids and free-fatty acids as well as a host of metabolites and signaling molecules. If it is not recognized that most of that surface is available in health, then predations of diseases such as heart failure (12,26) and Type II diabetes (22), that reduce that surface area and therefore exchange capacity remain silent. Although it is now believed that Krogh’s capillary recruitment mechanism, by which contracted-shut capillaries opened to flow at the onset of exercise, is untenable he taught us to consider the function of the capillary bed as a whole. Moreover, his work helped us to consider that blood-muscle O2 flux is symbiosis of perfusive and diffusive O2 fluxes – although the former is now recognized to be controlled principally at the arteriolar level (21) and the latter by capillary hematocrit and longitudinal capillary recruitment (i.e., by increasing O2 exchange along the length of already-flowing capillaries (24, Fig. 3E)). Figure 5 presents three seminal parameters of aerobic function (23) inetics (rate of increase following exercise onset), critical power/critical speed (CP/CS, the highest metabolic rate, that can be sustained for a very long time’) and max (the highest achieved during large muscle mass exercise) (23). These parameters define exercise performance and each is dependent on achieving a rapid and substantial increase in blood-muscle O2 flux directed into the contracting myocytes. s exercise training improves exercise tolerance by means of speeding inetics and increasing P and max, so organic diseases (e.g., HF, ype II diabetes) and chronic inactivity that slow kinetics and decrease CP/CS and max in so doing impair exercise tolerance (23). Having an accurate model of capillary function is key to understanding the control of these parameters and their plasticity in health and disease - function and dysfunction - and designing effective therapeutic countermeasures to improve patients’ exercise tolerance, quality of life and reduce morbidity and mortality.
Krogh’s 1919 Nobel prizewinning papers conflated muscle capillary function at rest and during contractions with measurements of oxygen (O2) diffusion to produce a novel theory of muscle O2 delivery.
Essential components of Krogh’s theory included most capillaries being contracted shut at rest and being recruited during muscle contractions to increase O2 delivery and decrease O2 diffusion distances.
Discoveries in the intervening 100 years have moved the site of capillary blood flow upstream to the arterioles: There is no compelling evidence for capillary contractility or active closure.
Most capillaries support flow at rest and increased O2 delivery during contractions occurs via elevated blood flow and velocity within already flowing capillaries and recruitment of exchange surface along the capillaries (longitudinal recruitment).
Today it is recognized that capillaries do not have a simple binary function (i.e., open or closed) but changes in capillary hemodynamics increase perfusive and diffusive O2 conductances during contractions.
The impact of intramuscular and intramyocyte diffusion distances is mitigated by elevated intracapillary (increased hematocrit) and intramyocyte (myoglobin deoxygenation, mitochondrial interconnectivity) O2 diffusing capacity.
Conflict of interest
The authors of our manuscript titled “August Krogh: Muscle capillary function and oxygen delivery” have no conflicts of interests to declare.
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