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. 2021 Feb 8;16(2):e0246269. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246269

Skewed logit model for analyzing correlated infant morbidity data

Ngugi Mwenda 1,*, Ruth Nduati 2, Mathew Kosgei 1, Gregory Kerich 1
Editor: Musie Ghebremichael3
PMCID: PMC7870004  PMID: 33556102



Infant morbidity is a topic of interest because it is used globally as an indicator of the status of health care in a country. A large body of evidence supports an association between bacterial vaginosis (BV) and infant morbidity. When estimating the relationship between the predictors and the estimated variable of morbidity severity, the latter exhibits imbalanced data, which means that violation of symmetry is expected. Two competing methods of analysis, that is, (1) probit and (2) logit techniques, can be considered in this context and have been applied to model such outcomes. However, these models may yield inconsistent results. While non-normal modeling approaches have been embraced in the recent past, the skewed logit model has been given little attention. In this study, we exemplify its usefulness in analyzing imbalanced longitudinal responses data.


While numerous non-normal methods for modeling binomial responses are well established, there is a need for comparison studies to assess their usefulness in different scenarios, especially under a longitudinal setting. This is addressed in this study. We use a dataset from Kenya about infants born to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive mothers, who are also screened for BV. We aimed to investigate the effect of BV on infant morbidity across time. We derived a score for morbidity incidences depending on illnesses reported during the month of reference. By adjusting for the mother’s BV status, the child’s HIV status, sex, feeding status, and weight for age, we estimated the standard binary logit and skewed logit models, both using Generalized Estimating Equations.


Results show that accounting for skewness in imbalanced binary data can show associations between variables in line with expectations documented by the literature. In addition, an in-depth analysis accounting for skewness has shown that, over time, maternal BV is associated with multiple health conditions in infants.


Maternal BV status was positively associated with infant morbidity incidences, which highlights the need for early intervention in cases of HIV-infected pregnant women.


Skewed and non-normal data are commonly observed in health research. Usually, the dataset is transformed, censored, or truncated to impose normality, rather than modeling the data in its natural state [1]. Many conventional approaches to modeling lead to incorrect estimates of parameters and standard errors due to the assumptions imposed.

For example, imbalances can occur in binary response data, when symmetry is violated. There are two types of models which are typically employed to analyze data in these scenarios—1) logit and 2) probit models. Logit models have error variables that follow a logistic distribution and this type of model is considered to be characteristic of discrete choice models. The probit model uses the cumulative standard normal distribution function and assumes the error term is normally distributed. Although this assumption is viewed as a reasonable compromise to achieve mathematical simplicity and parsimonious results, its suitability has been doubted of late.

Several recent studies have investigated various ways of handling non-normal data. However, few have focused on the methodology. For example, a paper published by Bono et al. [2] details several non-normal distributions typical in health, education, and social science, but their substantiation in the literature remains scarce. Further, several other distributions are not considered in this paper, suggesting that they were not common in the study’s period of reference. However, these distributions could be vital in answering some important scientific questions on binary responses that suffer from substantial departure from the commonly assumed symmetric logistic distribution [35].

For example, for the Bernoulli distribution, binary asymmetry is defined as the sensitivity to changes in the independent variable that is not maximized at 0.5. This means that a stimulus in any of the independent variables for any individual with probability P = 0.5 is not exaggerated. Assuming symmetry in some settings could be inefficient and can lead to biased estimators [4].

The importance of normality and symmetry in traditional methods of data analysis cannot be under-estimated. There is a need for compromise between statistical simplicity and plausible estimates of parameters when these assumptions do not hold. Questions regarding the suitability of the assumption-based methods have been raised in the literature [4]. Put differently, although the numerous probability distribution function options can fit the data quite well, the data need to speak for themselves, rather than being forced into a model with assumptions [1].

There is mounting scientific evidence regarding the inconsistency and weakness of the logit and probit models for skewed binary response data. Recent studies have proposed alternative methods for handling binomial responses, such as: a gamma generated logistic distribution [6], gamma and log-normal distributions [7], improved analysis for skewed continuous responses [8], a skewed Weibull regression model [9], a generalized logistic distribution [10], and a skewed logit model [4]. This shows that modeling non-normality continues to be a topic of importance in recent general research. However, few methods have been considered and applied in health research. Most of the literature and applications have focused on cross-sectional data in social, political, and economics research [3, 1115].

Our study is focused on (1) estimating skewness parameter from GLM (2) applying the value in a longitudinal study on infant morbidities under GEE [34].

Morbidity is the state of being symptomatic or unhealthy due to a disease or condition [16] and this can be experienced at any stage in life. This study is focused on BV related morbidities, since this remains a major point of concern globally and particularly in Africa, where the majority of BV cases are recorded [1719]. Child morbidity and mortality as a consequence of BV in conjunction with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been a significant hindrance to meeting goal three of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) on Good Health and Well-being [20], which aims to end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age.

The scientific literature has established a link between BV and adverse outcomes in mothers and their children [21]. Past studies have investigated the occurrence of health deficiencies [22, 23], pregnancy loss, labor complications and preterm delivery [2426], as well as spontaneous and recurrent abortions [27] among mothers, while others have reported adverse outcomes such as neonatal malformations [28] and low birth weight [29] among the babies. While some studies have tried to investigate the effects of BV in the context of HIV infection [23, 30, 31], there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the long-term effects in these cases.

To shed light on this topic, we apply the skewed logit model using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) to evaluate the variations in the data across time in months and thereby, better understand the infant morbidities. This approach relaxes the strong conditional probability on a binary response, thereby accommodating for the heterogeneity of repeated measures on the same subjects, and accounting for interaction effects in the selected covariates across time.

Materials and methods


The Nairobi Infant Morbidity Study (NIMS) was a randomized clinical trial carried out by scholars in the International AIDS Research and Training Program supported by grant NICHD-23412 from the National Institutes of Health. The objective was to collect high quality longitudinal data on morbidity and mortality of babies from HIV-positive pregnant women in a random sample considering mothers who either breastfed or gave their baby formula. The description, analysis and findings of the original study can be found elsewhere [32].

The study participants were drawn from a population of 16529 pregnant mothers attending four antenatal clinics in Nairobi, Kenya. After screening for HIV, 2315 were found to be positive. Of these women, 425 were selected and verbally agreed to be enrolled in the study. At each prenatal visit, each woman was subjected to a standard physical and clinical examination, and an interview.

Before birth, at 32 weeks of pregnancy, pelvic examination, including analysis of vaginal and cervical secretions were conducted for each woman to determine their BV status. This was done using sterile Dacron swabs by a trained clinical officer and the Nugent criteria was used to qualify a woman for a BV diagnosis. A pH value from the swab, of ≥ 7 was considered a case, indicating alkalinity of the vaginal fluids and inhibition of bad bacteria such as as Trichomonas, Candida albicans, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

Immediately after birth, infants were assessed for HIV using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Those who tested positive were subjected to a more accurate Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Infants who had three consecutive negative tests were deemed negative. The pairs of infants who survived were regularly re-examined over the next two years and their history of ailments were documented at every visit.

The study data was collected in two ways, scheduled and unscheduled visits. Scheduled visits meant that the dyad pairs were supposed to come to the clinic for examination at a specific time, while unscheduled visits meant they could pop in any time in case of an illness. Other physical examinations of the baby, including details like sex, weight, and height, were observed and recorded.

The planned visits were bi-weekly during the first 3 months and monthly thereafter for up to two years. In all scenarios, data were collected either through parental report or diagnosis at the hospital or clinic. Of the total number of women enrolled, complete records from birth to six months were only available for 401 women. The other 24 women either had miscarriages or still births or did not complete the follow up appointments. Of the 401 women, 74 pairs had missing values, either for the mother’s BV measure or for the morbidity incidences of the infants. To address this, we applied a missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism. There is sufficient evidence that, using the GEE approach, this approach still enables a consistent estimate of the regression parameters so long as the mean model is correctly specified [33].

A standard questionnaire developed by the principal investigator of the study to identify illnesses was completed for both the mother and the child. This was achieved using a 19-item yes/no morbidity questionnaire which purports to measure health status of an infant. The total score of the questionnaire is computed as the count of all the “yes” responses. There were a total of 1962 observations from 327 pairs of mothers and babies. From the total score, we created a binary response of; (1) those who did not have any illness and (2) those who had either minimal or severe illnesses. Table 1 presents an initial exploratory analysis used to identify the asymmetry in the total responses for each month. This evidence of asymmetry justifies the use of the skewed logit model.

Table 1. BV with morbidity incidences reported from month one to six for both BV-exposed and unexposed babies in the Nairobi data survey.

Time in Months BV present(n = 148) BV absent(n = 179) Total(n = 327)
1 115(78%) 85(47%) 200(61%)
2 97(66%) 84(47%) 181(55%)
3 97(66%) 85(48%) 182(56%)
4 92(62%) 101(56%) 193(59%)
5 86(58%) 96(53%) 182(56%)
6 79(53%) 103(58%) 182(56%)

Ethical approval

The study protocol was approved by the institutional review boards of the University of Washington and University of Nairobi. Verbal consent was obtained from all mothers prior to their inclusion in the study. The investigators in the study did not require documentation of any consent for the participants because at the time of the study, written consent was not mandated by the ethics bodies involved. Therefore, at that time, no procedures regarding written consent were violated given the research context of doing the study in Kenya.

Statistical model

Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and the GEEs were used to model infant morbidity. The first modeling approach to determine the need for the skewed logit model and the value for skewness was carried out with GLMs [34]. The response variable was the health status of the infant within a particular month at the time of the hospital visit or the reported health status about the infant from the mother. For our study, we considered all health events, whereby a health event occurred if an infant was reported to have experienced any illness within the month.

Let Yit be the response for subject i measured at different points in time t = 1, …, ni denote the outcome vector for subjects i = 1, 2, …, N and xit is a ni × q matrix of covariate variables for subject i. The expected value is given by E(Yit) = πit and the linear predictor that relates the mean to the covariates is given by

k(πit)=ηit=xitβ (1)

where xit is the covariate vector for subject i at time t with length q. This includes the infant weight, mother’s BV status, HIV status of the infant, and feeding status of the infant. k−1(.) is a known link function such as the skewed logit model and β are regression parameters.

For each infant status of illness at any chosen time point, the response follows a Bernoulli distribution with pi(probability of being ill=πit) and is specified as:

YitBern(1,πit) (2)

To model the outcome, the logit and probit models are preferred options, but they both have conditional probability distributions, which have a maximum at 0, such that Pi for i ∈ (0, 1) is 0.5 and thus, they have a fixed symmetry of 0.5. However, this assumption of symmetry may not be realistic to all Bernoulli responses and therefore, not desired [4, 11, 15]. For this reason, the skewed logit approach is employed here, taking advantage of the fact that the logit model is nested within the skewed logit model (Fig 1). There are reported similarities in terms of model specification, estimation, and iterations. Using the skewed logit model made it possible to see if the data were skewed and therefore, to estimate the skewness value.

Fig 1. Cumulative density function of the skewed logit model with different values of skewness.

Fig 1

The bold continuous line represents the logit model which assumes symmetry.

The probability of a child experiencing illness is given by

Pr(illness=1)=k-1(xitβ) (3)

In this work, we aim to consider a response that violates the symmetry assumption, using the framework described above. Following Burr [35], k−1(.) accommodates asymmetry through;

k-1(.)=Pr(yit=1xit)=1-1(1+exp(xitβ))α (4)

for α > 0 and this is the skew value to be estimated.

This variation implies that the maximum is no longer restricted to P = 0.5. Since the skew value cannot be observed, we fit a regression of all covariates under the skewed logit model using the GLM approach [34]. Further, we use the α obtained as a proxy for the disturbance to be used in the GEE [36].

To obtain robust standard errors that are meaningful for the parameter estimates, we adopted the Huber sandwich estimator [37, 38], which has the ability to relax the intra-group correlation. To increase the efficiency of model convergence, we specify a tolerance value of 0.0001 and set the maximum number of iterations to 100.

The applicability of the two models using the set of covariates was determined by the likelihood ratio test that compares the logit and the skewed logit model to identify any significant differences [39].

Estimation of parameters using the GEE

Developed by Liang and Zeger [40] in their land mark paper, GEE can be used to model correlated data and give a marginal inference interpretation. The strength of this approach is its straightforward application, since the mean response depends on the covariates and not on any random effects or any previous responses. Thus, only the marginal distribution of the subject dependent vector is specified.

The variance of the response is a function of the mean and is conditional on the vector of covariates represented as


where v is the variance function depending on yit and ϕ is the dispersion parameter assumed to be 1 for the exponential dispersion model family.

Let D be a diagonal matrix of derivatives ∂πi/∂ηi and V(πi) is a ni × ni diagonal matrix to be decomposed as;

V(πi)=D[V(πit)]12I(ni×ni)D[V(πit)]12 (5)

This estimation equation treats each observation within a given time point as independent. Our work focuses on the marginal distribution of the response for which the mean and the variance are averaged over the six observation time points. However, the variance of correlated data does not have a diagonal form and hence, we replace the identity matrix I(ni×ni) using methods proposed by Liang and Zeger [40] with another correlation structure Ri(ρ). Gi is the diagonal matrix with jth the diagonal element equal to v(πij) such that Eq 5 corresponds to Eq 6 as shown:

Wi=Gi12Ri(ρ)Gi12 (6)

The working correlation structure Ri with dimension ni × ni is assumed to depend on a vector of the association parameter ρ. Liang and Zeger [40] stated that the mis-specification of Ri(ρ) only affects the efficiency of the β^ and β^ is robust against mis-specification. In our application, we will consider several correlation structures. These include the unstructured structure, where every measure between two points is assigned its association parameter; the auto-regressive (AR-1) structure with lag = 1, in which correlation decreases exponentially with the differences in measurements; the independence structure in which we use the identity matrix as the correlation structure; and the exchangeable structure in which correlation is assumed to be equal across different measurements. Liang and Zeger have provided evidence that mis-specification of the correlation structure only affects β’s efficiency. This is because of the assumption that the estimation equation for the regression coefficients is orthogonal to the estimation equation for the correlation coefficients.

The GEE are as follows;

1=1jDiWi-1(yi-πi)=0 (7)

Where Di = GΛi xi, Wi=V(πit)12Ri(ρ)V(πit)12 and Λi is a diagonal matrix with jth entry given by dk-1(ηij)dηij.

The most traditional way of solving the estimating equations is to employ the iterative re-weighed least squares algorithm, which is a modification of the Newton–Raphson algorithm. In this approach, the observed Hessian matrix replaces the expected Hessian matrix, using the Fisher scoring algorithm.

However, McDaniel [41] proposed an alternative approach to estimate β’s such that instead of the summation in Eq 7, they are evaluated using the matrix form as shown;

xΛG(G12Ri(ρ)G12)-1Z (8)

Several methods of analyzing skewed binary data have been proposed in the literature [9, 4244]. Of particular importance for this current study is the method described by Prentice [5] that allows for the elimination of asymmetry through the modification of the inverse link function of the logit model, given as:


Statistical analysis was then implemented in R version 3.6.3 [45] (The R Development Core Team, Vienna, Austria). Though most functions are available directly in the software, we required an extra library including “dplyr” [46] for data manipulation, “glogis” [47] for the skewed logit Cumulative Density Functions (CDFs) plots with different values of α and the “geeM” [41] for the skewed logit analysis under the GEE.

The final GEE models were calculated and the probabilities of a child having morbidities were interpreted. These probabilities were calculated using the inverse-logit function and odds ratio as the exponential values of the differences in the logits. The p-values were calculated for each parameter estimate, as were the Z statistic and the model and robust standard errors.


Application to the real dataset and interpretation of findings

The preliminary analysis showed that 148 (45%) infants were born to women who tested positive for BV while the remaining 179 (55%) were born to women who tested negative for BV. 185 (57%) infants were breastfed, while 142 (43%) were formula-fed. 168 (51%) were males and 159 (49%) were female. 61 (19%) of the infants were HIV-positive, while 266 (81%) were HIV-negative.

It was of scientific interest to model the effects of BV on the marginal probability of an infant suffering from different morbidities in the first six months of life. Assuming morbidity incidence as the response, our data had the number of morbidity incidences recorded in a given month for each infant. Zero was recorded if no incidences occurred.

We sought to assess whether children born to women who tested positive for BV were more likely to have a higher morbidity incidence than their counterparts and if the effects would change with time. The literature has shown that BV has more effects during the first months after birth as the child continues to build immunity as they grow. Also, we expect children who gain weight consistently to have fewer morbidity incidences than those babies who take time to gain weight.

The frequency of morbidity incidence seemed to decrease evenly in the BV present group. This was not the same in the BV absent group, which evidenced increases and decreases in morbidities in the different months considered (Table 1). It was, therefore, important to examine the effect of BV on infant morbidity over time. In order to correctly estimate the marginal effect of the parameters of interest to be estimated, a distribution had to be chosen for the dependent variable, which did not involve assuming a specific distribution would apply. Thus, we considered the following logistic model:

logit(πik)=log(πik1-πik)=β0+β1BVi+β2HIVi+β3feedingi+β4malei+β5timek+β6weighti+β15timek×BVi (9)

for k = 1, …, 6, i = 1, …, 327 where Timek = k. Malei = 1 if the ith child is male and 0 if female, HIVi = 1 if the child tests positive to HIV and 0 otherwise, Breastfedi = 1 if the child was randomized to the breastfeeding group and 0 if randomized to the formula feeding group, BVi = 1 if the mother tested positive for BV and 0 if she tested negative, and Weighti is recorded continuously for each infant across the six months. Data on morbidities from birth were included in the month 1 tally, and not as an independent time period, since morbidities due to BV on neonates was found to be insignificant in previous research [21, 32]. We interacted time and BV to assess changes in immunity over the time of exposure.

Our data can effectively account for the within-subject correlation. Hence, we consider the following correlations structures in terms of independence, as well as whether they are exchangeable, AR(1), M-dependent, and unstructured. In this paper, we were interested in comparing two models, the skewed logit-GEE and the standard GEE, when the response is assumed to be asymmetric. We assessed different correlation structures and all our parameter estimates were within the acceptable standard error ranges. However, measurements which were not taken for the same individual exhibit lower correlation and follow a pattern imposed by AR(1), thus for the interpretation of our work, AR(1) was adopted. For the M-dependent variable, we use the default m = 1.

Very few iterations are needed for the convergence of the models in GEE. Therefore, we initially set the maximum iterations to 50, however, the models with M-dependent variable and AR(1) correlation structure did not converge. We increased the maximum iterations to 200 and this achieved convergence. More precisely, independence converged after 12 iterations, exchangeability was achieved after 16 iterations, unstructured compliance was achieved after 14 iterations, AR1 was achieved after 89 iterations and after 108 iterations, the model was m-dependent.

The results in Table 2 showed a significant differences in the coefficients and their marginal effect, particularly in the interaction terms. When we chose a p-value = 0.05 level of significance, parameter estimates from the standard GEE were not significant. In this case, only time and gender were significant. However, when using the skewed logit GEE, gender, time, BV, and the interaction between time and BV were significant.

Table 2. Regression parameter estimates with model-based and empirical Standard Errors (SE) for independence, exchangeable, AR(1), unstructured and M-dependent correlation structures estimated using unconditional residuals for GEE and skewed logit-GEE.

Effect Corr GEE SL-GEE
Est Model SE Rob SE Wald Z p-value Est Model SE Rob SE Wald Z p-value
Intercept Ind 0.253 0.228 0.276 0.918 0.359 0.176 0.209 0.239 0.737 0.461
Exch 0.088 0.263 0.264 0.335 0.738 0.024 0.242 0.235 0.100 0.920
AR(1) 0.119 0.267 0.276 0.430 0.667 0.043 0.245 0.239 0.180 0.858
Unstr 0.029 0.272 0.272 0.108 0.914 -0.038 0.249 0.238 -0.160 0.873
M-dep 0.129 0.261 0.276 0.468 0.640 0.050 0.239 0.239 0.207 0.836
Breastfed Ind -0.057 0.108 0.157 -0.361 0.718 -0.062 0.099 0.136 -0.455 0.649
Exch -0.022 0.146 0.150 -0.148 0.883 -0.027 0.134 0.134 -0.205 0.838
AR(1) -0.052 0.137 0.157 -0.332 0.740 -0.058 0.126 0.136 -0.425 0.671
Unstr -0.027 0.149 0.155 -0.173 0.863 -0.031 0.137 0.138 -0.224 0.823
M-dep -0.051 0.131 0.157 -0.323 0.747 -0.057 0.121 0.136 -0.416 0.678
BV Ind 1.086 0.431 0.791 1.373 0.170 1.495 0.348 0.420 3.561 <0.001
Exch 1.049 0.470 0.802 1.308 0.191 1.475 0.371 0.419 3.524 <0.001
AR(1) 1.000 0.533 0.910 1.099 0.272 1.494 0.421 0.444 3.368 <0.001
Unstr 0.901 0.530 0.957 0.941 0.347 1.286 0.440 0.553 2.326 0.020
M-dep 1.017 0.526 0.926 1.098 0.272 1.513 0.417 0.451 3.353 <0.001
BV:Time Ind -0.199 0.091 0.145 -1.376 0.169 -0.275 0.077 0.083 -3.310 <0.001
Exch -0.198 0.088 0.144 -1.368 0.171 -0.277 0.072 0.083 -3.340 <0.001
AR(1) -0.191 0.107 0.163 -1.176 0.240 -0.280 0.088 0.087 -3.214 <0.001
Unstr -0.176 0.099 0.170 -1.036 0.300 -0.246 0.084 0.103 -2.383 0.017
M-dep -0.196 0.106 0.166 -1.180 0.238 -0.285 0.088 0.088 -3.227 0.001
HIV Ind 0.189 0.179 0.309 0.612 0.541 0.222 0.159 0.244 0.910 0.363
Exch 0.248 0.250 0.299 0.830 0.406 0.273 0.225 0.249 1.096 0.273
AR(1) 0.216 0.234 0.326 0.662 0.508 0.253 0.208 0.253 1.001 0.317
Unstr 0.193 0.253 0.323 0.596 0.551 0.232 0.225 0.259 0.894 0.371
M-dep 0.212 0.224 0.328 0.646 0.518 0.250 0.198 0.253 0.989 0.323
Male Ind -0.370 0.117 0.168 -2.202 0.028 -0.382 0.107 0.145 -2.632 0.009
Exch -0.358 0.156 0.158 -2.261 0.024 -0.358 0.144 0.143 -2.495 0.013
AR(1) -0.359 0.148 0.166 -2.162 0.031 -0.369 0.135 0.144 -2.568 0.010
Unstr -0.319 0.159 0.165 -1.937 0.053 -0.329 0.145 0.146 -2.262 0.024
M-dep -0.363 0.142 0.167 -2.173 0.030 -0.373 0.130 0.144 -2.589 0.010
Time Ind 0.178 0.062 0.076 2.346 0.019 0.192 0.057 0.066 2.915 0.004
Exch 0.146 0.067 0.075 1.941 0.052 0.165 0.061 0.065 2.539 0.011
AR(1) 0.135 0.071 0.076 1.783 0.075 0.150 0.065 0.065 2.289 0.022
Unstr 0.110 0.069 0.075 1.457 0.145 0.126 0.063 0.065 1.918 0.055
M-dep 0.143 0.070 0.076 1.875 0.061 0.156 0.064 0.066 2.370 0.018
Weight Ind -0.112 0.057 0.071 -1.581 0.114 -0.125 0.052 0.061 -2.043 0.041
Exch -0.068 0.067 0.069 -0.982 0.326 -0.087 0.062 0.060 -1.447 0.148
AR(1) -0.062 0.067 0.071 -0.871 0.384 -0.076 0.062 0.061 -1.242 0.214
Unstr -0.034 0.068 0.072 -0.481 0.631 -0.050 0.063 0.062 -0.805 0.421
M-dep -0.068 0.065 0.071 -0.953 0.341 -0.080 0.060 0.061 -1.311 0.190

Model-based vs sandwich-based variance ratio

Table 3 shows the differences in variances from the model and the Huber sandwich estimate in which we sought to establish by what factor are they different. This was calculated using


As expected, and confirmed by our results, the major differences between the model-based and empirical variance occur as a result of the independence correlation structure. The largest differences are in the estimated variance of the BV with the sandwich-based variance ratio. There are differences, but these do not have a notable influence on the variances. They are comparable within the correlation structure. The least variances differences are observed in the AR(1) correlation structure. This supports our choice for using the AR(1) correlation structure for model interpretation. This is because, for a correctly specified correlation, we expect the model and sandwich errors to be comparable, thus increasing the efficiency in the estimation of the β’s.

Table 3. Differences in model-based vs sandwich-based variance ratios for both GEE and SGEE.

Effect Corr GEE SL-GEE
Est V.R Est V.R
Intercept Ind 0.253 1.465 0.176 1.317
Exch 0.088 1.006 0.024 0.944
AR(1) 0.119 1.062 0.043 0.952
Unstr 0.029 0.996 -0.038 0.917
M-dep 0.129 1.115 0.050 0.997
Breastfed Ind -0.057 2.099 -0.062 1.893
Exch -0.022 1.051 -0.027 0.997
AR(1) -0.052 1.309 -0.058 1.169
Unstr -0.027 1.085 -0.031 1.022
M-dep -0.051 1.433 -0.057 1.274
BV Ind 1.086 3.364 1.495 1.458
Exch 1.049 2.915 1.475 1.275
AR(1) 1.000 2.911 1.494 1.109
Unstr 0.901 3.262 1.286 1.578
M-dep 1.017 3.108 1.513 1.172
BV:Time Ind -0.199 2.507 -0.275 1.168
Exch -0.198 2.690 -0.277 1.331
AR(1) -0.191 2.328 -0.280 0.977
Unstr -0.176 2.923 -0.246 1.505
M-dep -0.196 2.446 -0.285 1.006
HIV Ind 0.189 2.968 0.222 2.343
Exch 0.248 1.436 0.273 1.225
AR(1) 0.216 1.947 0.253 1.487
Unstr 0.193 1.634 0.232 1.322
M-dep 0.212 2.145 0.250 1.626
Male Ind -0.370 2.057 -0.382 1.845
Exch -0.358 1.027 -0.358 0.989
AR(1) -0.359 1.268 -0.369 1.128
Unstr -0.319 1.069 -0.329 1.001
M-dep -0.363 1.395 -0.373 1.234
Time Ind 0.178 1.498 0.192 1.344
Exch 0.146 1.261 0.165 1.137
AR(1) 0.135 1.132 0.150 1.003
Unstr 0.110 1.207 0.126 1.090
M-dep 0.143 1.180 0.156 1.049
Weight Ind -0.112 1.538 -0.125 1.365
Exch -0.068 1.057 -0.087 0.963
AR(1) -0.062 1.120 -0.076 0.979
Unstr -0.034 1.098 -0.050 0.988
M-dep -0.068 1.189 -0.080 1.042

Effects of time on BV

We proceed and calculate the effects of BV across time on infants given by exp(β1^+β^15time) and reported in Table 4. This table shows that the effects of BV on morbidity tend to decrease with time from month 1 to month 5. For example, if we compare month 1 and month 5, we can conclude that at month 1, the OR of having morbidity incidences are 3.37 times higher for exposed than unexposed babies. At month 5, the OR decreases to 1.11 for exposed babies. At month 6, we observe a reverse causality, whereby the unexposed had higher OR for morbidities. This can be explained such that sick babies had more hospital visits and therefore, were treated for different illnesses, thus achieving a better health status in the long run. This leaves the BV unexposed group of babies vulnerable to other illnesses during growth, with minimal health intervention as they rarely sought medical attention. This is likely due to the non-threatening nature of the health conditions. With time, these could have led to an increase in illnesses experienced by infants in the unexposed group.

Table 4. Calculated coefficient of bacterial vaginosis with time from exp(β1 + β51 × time), achieved by replacing the respective values from the skewed logit-GEE model with the AR-1 correlation structure.

Time Coefficient of effects of bacterial vaginosis
Month 1 3.37
Month 2 2.54
Month 3 1.92
Month 4 1.45
Month 5 1.11
Month 6 0.83


In the present study, we utilized the skewed logit technique under the GEE framework to analyze the risk factors associated with BV. We built on the existing contributions put forth by Nagler [4] and Liang and Zeger [40]. The model adopted in the present study is based on logistic regression, but modified assuming a parameter for skewness, to allow it to accommodate both symmetric and asymmetric responses.

There are several situations in which the relationship between the function of the response and covariates is not strictly symmetric. The asymmetric model is a class of models that borrows strength from both symmetric and asymmetric forms and can be applied in both scenarios, while still maintaining model parsimony. Furthermore, the frequently encountered assumption of symmetry is very restrictive, unrealistic, and can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the parameter estimates.

The model we have used in this study has been shown to be useful in applications when the symmetry properties of a binary outcome are unknown, and it seems to be applicable in both symmetric and asymmetric cases. Due to the correlated nature of longitudinal data, and needing an easy means of marginal interpretation, the GLM methods seem insufficient, but the use of GEE has been recommended and successfully applied in recent literature.

In this paper, we found that gender is a reliable predictor of infant morbidity. Specifically, girls were more likely to be healthy than boys. This finding is supported by previous studies and adds to the large body of knowledge indicating that boys require more attention and health care than girls. With girls having a higher survival probability than boys, our results appear consistent with the reports of Stevenson et al. [48]. This finding implies that there is hopes for a decline in mortality among boys if better interventions targeting their health can be implemented.

BV was found out to have a significant relationship with infant morbidities when other covariates are controlled for. Infants whose mothers tested positive for BV were found to have higher morbidity incidences compared to those whose mothers tested negative. The effect of BV on infant health has been reported in several studies, but with different conclusions on morbidities and mortalities [49, 50]. The most important finding in this work was the degree of significance observed in the skewed logit model for the interaction between BV and time. This finding would be of interest to doctors, as it indicates the need to plan for proper treatment and monitoring of an infant’s health after confirming the maternal BV status, particularly during the first six months. This finding can also inform targeted infant morbidity campaigns, depending on the mother’s BV status and the age of the infant.

The negative coefficient of weight and infant morbidities could indicate that an increase in weight gain could reduce morbidity. Babies who eat well tend to gain nutrients from food and have better capabilities of fighting illness in their bodies. Proper weight gain is also an indicator of proper growth. These results were consistent with those reported by Sarah et al. [51].

Past work by Verma et al. indicated an increase in the number of illnesses during infant growth [52]. This is in contrast with what was reported in Table 1, which shows only an insignificant decline among all the infants(5%), from a high of 61% to a low of 56%. To be more precise, considering the BV-exposed group, there was a huge decline of 25%, from a high of 78% in the first month to 53% in the sixth month. However, in the non-exposed group, there was a slow increase, whereby the number of morbidities observed increased from 47% in month one to 58% in month six. However, this study was based on the general population of the infants, without factoring in any other factors defining the exposed group or applying any randomization.

Not all covariates included in our study were statistically significant at p = 0.05. Nonetheless, their coefficient sign could assist in detecting a trend of association with the response. The covariate set included, e.g. the mode of feeding, whereby breastfeeding had a negative relation with infant morbidities. This finding could reflect behaviors that have been reported in other studies whereby breastfed infants were healthier than their counterparts who were formula-fed [32, 53]. Finally, the HIV status of the infant exhibited a positive coefficient with infant morbidity. Infants who tested positive for HIV presented signs of morbidity, consistent with the results obtained by Kartik et al. [53]. Morbidities associated with HIV were found to increase infant mortality risk according to studies conducted in Kenya [54], Botswana [55], Cameroon [49], and South Africa [53].

To our knowledge, this is the first health research study that considers a skewed logit model under the GEE framework. Our study is one of the few studies that specifically explores the effect of BV on infants across time and considering the HIV status.


Longitudinal binomial data are likely to be observed in numerous health fields where the binary components are correlated. Logit and probit models are widely used for modeling this outcome, which means applying the assumption that data is symmetrical. However, some competing methods for symmetry have been proposed as the logit and probit models do not support skewed binomial responses. We have shown that skewed logit-GEE is able to show an association between variables which is not identified by the standard GEE. Accordingly, it fits our imbalanced health dataset better. In this study, we have shown the superiority of the SL-GEE over the standard GEE when asymmetry is assumed. In our approach, the score of morbidities is converted to a binary, with asymmetry in the extreme morbidity cases. Literature supports an association between BV and morbidity among infants [21]. Thus, since skewed logit-GEE has predicted a BV-time interaction, we conclude that asymmetry is an important factor to consider before choosing the analysis method. It must be appropriately accounted for in analytical models to avoid biases in final parameter estimates, as has been established in this paper and other works [35, 11].

Our research has focused on the commonly neglected “minor diseases” which have been ignored at the expense of “major causes” of infant morbidity and mortality [56, 57]. Therefore, we recommend further research and policies that target infant morbidity on a more holistic level.


We acknowledge the anonymous reviewers whose comments improved the quality of this paper significantly.

Data Availability

Data are available at

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Musie Ghebremichael

17 Aug 2020


Time effects of bacterial vaginosis on infant morbidities in Kenya assessed using modified skewed generalized estimating equations


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Reviewer's Responses to Questions

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Reviewer #1: No

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Reviewer #3: Partly


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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The main focus of this article is to implement a non-standard GLM/GEE method to analyze the infant morbidity and mortality, due to skewness of data. The authors incorporate Burr Type X (generalized Rayleigh) distribution and geeM package in R to achieve this goal.

My main concern is with the Methodology. I recommend that the authors focus on how the statistical analysis was implemented in geeM package of R, rather than going over the general technical details (see below). For this, the authors should understand the geeM package better, in order to make clearer and better technical arguments. In particular, the article will be more attractive if the authors include the R codes, either in the text or in the appendix/supplemental material.

For specific comments, there are instances where things could be eliminated or moved to the appendix. For example, the explanations from line 244 to 280 are standard in GLM and can be found in many books and articles, so the authors can just give a reference without having to explain in 3 pages.

Also, the notations are very inconsistent throughout. The both the X's and Y's are sometimes capital letters and sometimes lower case letters and sometimes bold letters; in both cases the subscripts are either inconsistent or non-existent. In addition, authors sometimes use X^T and other times X' to denote the X transpose. More seriously, the formulas (3) and (4), as well as the formula on line 309, are incorrect. These inconsistencies make the paper very difficult to read and make sense.

Again, the authors must take care to make the technical arguments coherent and sound. By focusing more on understanding and implementing the R package that actually perform the analysis, the hope is that the paper will become more consistent and practical.

Reviewer #2: See attached

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters) (Limit 200 to 20000 Characters)

Reviewer #3: This study uses data from the Nairobi infant morbidity study to evaluate the effects of time and bacterial vaginosis (BV) on morbidity among infants born to women infected with HIV-1. The authors compared the results of their data analysis using a traditional generalized estimating equations (GEE) model versus their newly-developed skewed generalized estimating equations (SGEE) model, which extends the GEE framework to accommodate possible asymmetry.

General comments

It is unclear if the authors are presenting a novel statistical method versus a novel application of an existing method to shed light on the effects of time and VB on infant mortality. Note that lines 182-184 suggest the former while lines 137-139 and 455-456 suggest the latter.

If the formulation of their SGEE model is novel, it would be helpful to formally validate the utility of this method (versus GEE) is the presence of asymmetry using simulation studies. If this work has already been done and published elsewhere, and the authors are presenting a novel application of this method, I’m wondering if it would be possible to exclude the majority of the technical information contained in the methods section (or at least move it to an appendix), and report a validated goodness of fit/model comparison measure for the GEE versus SGEE models applied to their data.

Specific comments


-Line 40: I’m not sure what is meant by “distorted” in this sentence. Do the authors mean “transformed”?

-Lines 42-44: “A typical assumption for the distribution of the error term in logistic analysis is the logistic function that is commonly applied to data with standard binomial distributions.” I believe the phrasing that suggests logistic regression models have error variables that follow a logistic distribution is characteristic of discrete choice models, primarily used by economists. Given that this paper involves a biomedical application (and will likely appeal to a clinical audience) it would be helpful to rephrase.

-Line 58: “The supporting literature has shown that this could be inefficient for parameter estimation in some settings” could use a supporting reference.


-The notation introduced at the beginning of the methods section is ambiguous. For example, line 146 introduces “nj” as the number of observations observed for subject “i”. Later, the notation “ni” is used to denote the dimension of the covariate matrix and response vector. Repeated use of the same letter with varying subscripts is confusing. Elsewhere (line 150) the authors use Yij to (presumably) denote the jth observation for subject i, but then two lines later (line 152) define “Yi” as an indicator for subject i’s morbidity without reference to a particular time. This suggests that the authors are modeling a univariate response. Was the second subscript j left off in line 152?

-Line 149: I’m not sure what a matrix-vector is? Do they mean covariate matrix?

-Line 188: Y0 is not defined.


-Line 342: It would be good to explicitly state how the response variable was categorized (e.g. 0 vs at least 1 morbidity at a given monthly visit)

-Line 352: Since the authors are interested in comparing morbidity by month among infants born to mothers with vs without BV, it would be easier to digest Table 1 if it presented the percentage of infants with at least one morbidity conditional on BV status during each month. For example, during month 1 a direct calculation of the 115/(115+33)=78% of infants experiencing a morbidity within the BV-present group vs the 85/(85+94)=47% of infants experiencing a morbidity within the BV-absent group highlights the relevant comparison more clearly.

-Line 357: “important to examine the effect of BV on child morbidity” should add “over time”

-Line 358: Was data from birth through 6 months used in this analysis (as stated in line 325)? Here t=1,2,…,6 suggests data from birth was not used.

-Line 364: “We wanted to show that our model fits better for binary data that violate symmetry”. As noted above, this general goal is better achieved using simulations.

-Line 365: “We tested different correlation structures for comparison purposes; however, because our model was concerned with the time effect, we used the AR(1) output for interpretation” This point could be clarified and could use some elaboration. How did the correlation structures compare overall? How is the use of AR(1) beneficial regarding modeling the effect of time in this application? Is it because measurements taken further apart have lower correlation according to the pattern imposed by AR(1)?

-Line 381: Where is -0.372 coming from? The coefficient for sex using the SGEE model with AR(1) is -0.369. Also, it would be helpful to explicitly note that this is an odds ratio (line 380).

-Line 381: “Those with BV had a 4.48 odds of morbidity compared with their counterparts” is this the OR at birth? I am not sure how this OR is interpreted because time is coded as t = 1, 2, ..,6 (358) and there is an interaction term. Did the authors use data at birth (time =0)?

-Line 386: The authors should explicitly state that the quantity they are using in an OR.

-Line 392 (and Table 3): Again, was data from birth used in this application or is the effect being extrapolated? (again, line 358 suggests outcome measurements were at months 1-6)

-Line 395: Where is the quantity 2.72 coming from? Isn’t the OR 3.37? And should 1.04 be 1.11?


-Line 410: Best to avoid causal language such as “proved”.

-Line 419: Again, avoid using the word “proven”.

-Line 451: “In addition, our study found a decline in the number of morbidities from birth” Table 1 suggests that there was a decline in morbidity (defined as no morbidity vs at least 1 morbidity) over time among infants in the BV-positive group but an increase in morbidity over time among infants in the BV-negative group.

-Lines 461-463: “Asymmetry in the binary outcome is a phenomenon that should be appropriately accounted for in analytical models to avoid biases in final parameter estimates, as has been established in Table 2” It’s a stretch to draw this conclusion based on an inspection of p-values from just one application. The authors should cite simulation studies using their exact formulation of the SGEE model or validated measures of fit applied to this data.

-Line 464: I believe the term “converges” should be replaced with “is equivalent”


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

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Submitted filename: plos_one_jul_20.pdf

Decision Letter 1

Musie Ghebremichael

16 Dec 2020


Skewed-Logit model for Analyzing Correlated Infants morbidity data


Dear Dr. Mwenda,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: For the GEE model, it would be helpful to show additional details of model selection. Authors may consider using QIC or QICu functions in R package MuMIn.

On page 18, equation (9), there should only be 6 main effects. I think beta_4 is redundant. Also, for the interaction term, it is more customary to write beta_{15} with (BV X time).

Again, providing the computer code will be very much appreciated.

Reviewer #2: My comments have been addressed except my second comment, beginning "The application of the scobit method to the data should include some justification based on the data, before seeing results ..." The authors reply in their letter with a justification for using scobit that is independent of the results of the data analysis. This argument, based on earlier medical analyses, satisfied me. However, I don't know whether they included this key justification in the revision of the paper; perhaps I missed it.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2021 Feb 8;16(2):e0246269. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246269.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

18 Dec 2020

For the GEE model, it would be helpful to show additional details of model selection. Authors

may consider using QIC or QICu functions in R package MuMIn

Response: Thankyou for highlighting this. We have reviewed the methodology underlying QIC and QICu

framework as provided by Hardin (2013), in their book Generelized Estimating Equations. On page 163-171,

and they explain that the framework is good in model selection only when (1) a researcher is seeking to find the

best correlation structure among the competing ones and (2) when models have different number of covariates

and a researcher wants to choose the most parsimonous.

However, our approach is comparing the Logit and the Skewed Logit, where the later factors in binary

skeweness. In this scenario, both the QIC and the QICu are not appropriate for model selection. this is

because, in the book of Hardin (2013) on page 171, they point out that ”This criterion (QIC and QICu) is

meant as a guide for choosing between models when no scientific knowledge would guide the researcher to a

preference.” For our modeling approach, a large body of literature supports maternal Bacterial Vaginosis and

time effect on infant morbidity, therefore we prefer output from the skewed Logit since it was able to bring out

this important association.

On page 18, equation (9), there should only be 6 main effects. I think β4 is redundant. Also, for

the interaction term, it is more customary to write β15 with (BV ×) time

Response: Thank you for noting this. We have removed the redundant β4BVi to ensure we only have 6 betas.

Again, providing the computer code will be very much appreciated.

Response: We have anonymized the dataset and have provided it for replication purpose.As advised by

PLOS one, data have been shared and achieved in Fig share and can be accessed using the following link.

( for data and r code at OSF public site

”The application of the scobit method to the data should include some justification based on the

data, before seeing results ...”

Response: Thank you for this. We have captured this in the Data section, the last paragraph that reads ” A

standard questionnaire developed by the principal investigator of the study to identify illnesses was completed

for both the mother and the child. This was achieved using a 19-item yes/no morbidity questionnaire which

purports to measure health status of an infant. The total score of the questionnaire is computed as the count of

all the ”yes” responses. There were a total of 1962 observations from 327 pairs of mothers and babies. From the

total score, we created a binary response of; (1) those who did not have any illness and (2) those who had either

minimal or severe illnesses. Table 1 presents an initial exploratory analysis used to identify the asymmetry in

the total responses for each month. This evidence of asymmetry justifies the use of the skewed logit



Submitted filename: response to reviewers.pdf

Decision Letter 2

Musie Ghebremichael

18 Jan 2021

Skewed-Logit model for Analyzing Correlated Infants morbidity data


Dear Dr. Mwenda,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Musie Ghebremichael

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):


Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Musie Ghebremichael

21 Jan 2021


Skewed Logit Model for Analyzing Correlated Infant Morbidity Data 

Dear Dr. Mwenda:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Musie Ghebremichael

Academic Editor


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