Article title: Abortion and contraceptive use stigma: a cross-sectional study of attitudes and beliefs in secondary school students in western Kenya
Authors: Ulrika Rehnström Loi, Beatrice Otieno, Monica Oguttu, Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Marie Klingberg-Allvin, Elisabeth Faxelid, Marlene Makenzius
Journal: Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
Bibliometrics: Volume 27, Number 3, pages 20 - 31
When this article was published, Monica Oguttu's academic affiliation was given as:
Executive Director, Kisumu Medical Education Trust (KMET), Kisumu, Kenya; College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
While Monica Oguttu is the Executive Director of the Kisumu Medical Education Trust, she is not affiliated with the University of Nairobi. This error was introduced prior to submission, during drafting of the manuscript.
The erroneous affiliation has now been removed, with the agreement of the authors and the journal, and the affiliation displayed in the online article is now correct.