Figure 1.
Flowchart of the different tasks. The amplification of IG/TR rearrangements by ddPCR was compared with RQ-PCR to assess if it can improve MRD quantification at clinically critical TP and therefore allows a more precise stratification of patients. MRD results by RQ-PCR are indicated; in boxes are the TP tested by ddPCR in parallel to RQ-PCR, to answer the questions below. ddPCR = droplet digital polymerase chain reaction; IG = immunoglobulin; MR = medium risk; NEG = negative; MRD = minimal residual disease; POS-NQ = positive not-quantifiable; RQ-PCR = real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SER = slow early responder; SR = standard risk; TP = time point; TR = T-cell receptor.