In “Self-Administered Behavioral Skills–Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial” (JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(1):e25291), the authors noted five author names missing middle initials.
In the originally published paper, the list of authors appeared as follows:
Laura Garcia, Beth Darnall, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian Mackey, Josh Sackman, Robert Louis, Todd Maddox, Brandon Birckhead
The list has been corrected as follows:
Laura M Garcia, Beth D Darnall, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian G Mackey, Josh Sackman, Robert G Louis, Todd Maddox, Brandon J Birckhead
The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on February 12, 2021, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories.