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. 2021 Jan 23;10(2):218. doi: 10.3390/plants10020218

Morphology Characterization, Molecular Phylogeny, and Pathogenicity of Diaporthe passifloricola on Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju in Jiangxi Province, China

Chingchai Chaisiri 1,2, Xiang-Yu Liu 1,2, Wei-Xiao Yin 1, Chao-Xi Luo 1,2, Yang Lin 1,*
Editors: Giancarlo Polizzi, Vladimiro Guarnaccia, Dalia Aiello
PMCID: PMC7911537  PMID: 33498730


The Nanfengmiju (Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju), a high-quality local variety of mandarin, is one of the major fruit crops in Jiangxi Province, China. Citrus melanose and stem-end rot, two common fungal diseases of Nanfengmiju, are both caused by Diaporthe spp. (syn. Phomopsis spp.). Identification of the Diaporthe species is essential for epidemiological studies, quarantine measures, and management of diseases caused by these fungi. Melanose disease was observed on Nanfengmiju fruit in Jiangxi Province of China in 2016. Based on morphological characterization and multi-locus phylogenetic analyses, three out of 39 isolates from diseased samples were identified as D. passifloricola. Since these three isolates did not cause melanose on citrus fruit in the pathogenicity tests, they were presumed to be endophytic fungi present in the diseased tissues. However, our results indicate that D. passifloricola may persist as a symptom-less endophyte in the peel of citrus fruit, yet it may cause stem-end if it invades the stem end during fruit storage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of D. passifloricola as the causal agent of the stem-end rot disease in Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju.

Keywords: citrus, Diaporthe passifloricola, morphological characterization, multi-locus phylogenetic analyses

1. Introduction

As the earliest citrus producer in the world, China has over 4000 years of history of citrus cultivation. The citrus industry of China covers more than 20 provinces [1]. Recently, the cultivation area reached 2.5 million ha, and the production was about 38 million tons [2]. Melanose, one of the most common fungal diseases of citrus worldwide [3,4], generally occurs in many citrus-growing regions of China, such as Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and so on [5,6,7]. All commercial citrus varieties are susceptible to melanose. Typical symptoms of melanose disease are small, discrete, sunken spots with a yellowish, reddish-brown to black color. Symptoms begin as tiny pustular lesions, then, pustular lesions disappear and become hardened gummed areas with a sandpaper-like surface [3,8,9]. Diaporthe spp. (syn. Phomopsis) are the causal agents of melanose and can also cause stem-end rots on fruit during the storage period. Since 95% of citrus is consumed as fresh fruit in China, melanose and stem-end rots diseases reduce the economic value of this crop seriously.

At present, Diaporthe citri is the only known causal agent of citrus melanose disease in the world. The species was first found as the causal agent of stem-end rot of citrus fruit in Florida, USA [10]. After that, D. citri was also associated with melanose of citrus fruit, leaves, and shoots and gummosis of perennial branches worldwide [11,12,13,14]. All Citrus species are susceptible to it [4]. In China, D. citri has been isolated in many citrus growing regions, including Guangxi [15], Guangdong [16], Fujian [17], Jiangxi [18], Sichuan [19], Taiwan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, Jiangsu [20], Zhejiang, and Shanghai [5]. In addition to D. citri, D. citriasiana, and D. citrichinensis have also been found to be pathogens of stem-end rot of citrus fruit in China. D. citriasiana distributes in Shaanxi and Jiangxi Provinces, China. D. citrichinensis is only found in Shaanxi Province, China [5].

The genus Diaporthe, belonging to the Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales, Ascomycota, shows high species diversity. Many species are harmful plant pathogens and exhibit broad host ranges [21,22,23,24,25]. A single species of Diaporthe is commonly associated with different hosts, while a single host may be infected by multiple species of Diaporthe [26,27]. Up to now, over 1020 names “Diaporthe” and around 950 names of the asexual morph “Phomopsis” are recorded in MycoBank lists (accessed July, 2020;, of which more than 100 Diaporthe or Phomopsis species have been reported in China [5,6,28,29,30,31,32,33]. In the past, morphological characteristics and host associations were the basis of the identification of Diaporthe species. The typical morphological characteristics of Diaporthe spp. are immersed ascomata and erumpent pseudostroma with elongated perithecial necks for the sexual morph [34] and black conidiomata with dimorphic conidia (alpha and beta conidia) for the asexual morph [35]. In some species, there are intermediates between alpha and beta conidia named gamma conidia [36]. However, morphological traits tend to vary in response to changes in environmental conditions, thus they may not be sufficiently reliable for the identification of Diaporthe at the species level [37]. With the development of molecular identification, multi-locus phylogenies combined with morphological characterization have been developed to identify Diaporthe species [21,24,30,37,38]. Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS), beta-tubulin gene (TUB), translation elongation factor 1-α gene (TEF), histone-3 gene (HIS), and calmodulin gene (CAL) are commonly employed markers to identify Diaporthe species [21,31,37,38].

The Nanfengmiju (Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju), a high-quality local variety of mandarin, is one of the major fruit crops in Jiangxi Province. The accumulation of dead citrus wood results in the increase of fungal inocula in orchards of Jiangxi. Currently, melanose has become the major fungal disease of Nanfengmiju, immensely reducing the commercial value of citrus production. The identification of Diaporthe spp. is essential for the epidemiology, quarantine measure, and management of citrus melanose and stem-end rot diseases. In this study, morphology, and sequences of five loci (ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL) were employed to identify and characterize Diaporthe species on citrus fruit.

2. Results

2.1. Morphological Characterization of D. passifloricola

Thirty-nine isolates (Supplementary Figure S1), were obtained from 10 diseased citrus fruit with typical melanose symptoms. Of these, three isolates preliminarily identified as D. passifloricola with the ITS marker were designated as NFIF-3-11, NFIF-3-19, and NFIF-3-21, and sorted out for further study. All three isolates showed the same culture characteristics on four kinds of media. After three days of incubation, the diameter of colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA), malt extract agar (MEA), corn meal agar (CMA), and oatmeal agar (OMA) media reached 53–69 mm (x- = 60), 51–63 mm (x- = 57), 43–56 mm (x- = 51), and 44–51 mm (x- = 49), respectively. The colonies were fluffy with smooth margins. After 30 days of incubation, the surface of colonies on PDA, CMA, and OMA media had a uniform whitish appearance, whereas the colony grown on MEA presented yellowish patches (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

The cultural characteristics of Diaporthe passifloricola (NFIF-3-21) on different media. The isolate was incubated at 25 °C in the dark. (A,E), PDA medium, (B,F), MEA medium, (C,G), CMA medium, (D,H), OMA medium. Note: AD, Colonies after 3 days incubation, EH, Colonies after 30 days incubation.

Sporulation was induced on PDA and 1/10 PDA medium supplemented with sterilized pine needles (PNA). Conidiomata (pycnidia) were solitary to aggregated, black, sub-globose to globose, up to 200 µm in diameter. Conidial masses were hyaline to creamy, yellowish. Conidial droplets were exuded from central ostioles. Pycnidial walls consisted of 3–6 layers, medium brown (Figure 2). All three isolates produced dimorphic conidia. Alpha (α) conidia were (6.9–) 7.2–8 (–8.2) µm × 3.1–4.1 µm (x = 7.6 × 3.6 µm², n = 30), aseptate, bi-guttulate, hyaline, fusoid, and ellipsoid, smooth, apex subrounded to rounded, base subtruncate to truncate. Beta (β) conidia were (22.3–) 23.7–26.6 (–27.9) µm × 1–2 µm (x = 25.1 × 1.5 µm², n = 30), aseptate, slightly curved to spindle-shaped, smooth, base truncate. Gamma (C) conidia were not observed.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Asexual reproduction of Diaporthe passifloricola (NFIF-3-21). (A,B), conidiomata on PNA after 30 days incubation, (CF), conidiomata on PDA after 30 days incubation, (G), alpha (α) conidia, (H), beta (β) conidia. Scale bars: AB, 500 µm; CF, 200 µm; GH, 10 µm.

2.2. Pathogenicity Test

In pathogenicity tests, non-wounded Nanfengmiju fruit were used to test the ability of three isolates to cause citrus melanose and stem-end rot diseases. At 15 days after inducing melanose symptom, three isolates of NFIF-3-11, NFIF-3-19, and NFIF-3-21 did not cause any symptoms, while the positive control D. citri strain caused typical reddish-brown to black lesion spots symptoms (Figure 3B). On the contrary, all the fruit inoculated with conidial suspension of isolates NFIF-3-11, NFIF-3-19, and NFIF-3-21, as well as positive control fruit inoculated with D. citri strain showed typical rot symptoms at 7 days after inoculation. No significant symptom was observed on negative control fruit inoculated with sterile water (Figure 3C). Re-isolation was performed following Koch’s postulation method. The strains were re-isolated from the experimentally inoculated fruit with stem-end rot symptoms. The identity of the re-isolated strains was confirmed by amplification and sequencing of ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL molecular markers.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

(A) Nanfengmiju fruit from Jiangxi Province showing symptoms of melanose. (B) pathogenicity stimulating melanose symptoms on mandarin fruit. For each strain, 300 μL of conidial suspensions is dropped on a piece of cotton, and then placed on the bottom of the fruit. The inoculated fruit are placed in a plastic chamber maintain 95% relative humidity, incubated at 25 °C 12 h of light and 12 h of dark for 15 days. (C) pathogenicity stimulating stem-end rot symptoms on stem-end of mandarin fruit. The stems of citrus fruit are removed carefully, and 10 μL of conidial suspension of each strain is dropped there and incubated at 25 °C in the dark for 7 days. Note: B and C, from left to right are sterile water, conidial suspensions of D. citri (isolate NFHF-8-4) and conidia suspensions of D. passifloricola (isolate NFIF-3-21), respectively.

2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses

For preliminary identification, the MegaBlast search was performed for ITS region of three isolates in NCBI’s GenBank nucleotide database. All three isolates (NFIF-3-11, NFIF-3-19, and NFIF-3-21) showed 100% identity to Diaporthe ueckerae (KY565426) and Phomopsis sp. (KX510126, XP677503, KM229696, FJ233186, and GU595054), 99% identity to D. phaseolorum (LC360110), D. longicolla (KF577903), D. ueckerae (KY565424, KY565425), and D. passifloricola (NR_147595).

Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on the sequences of ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL. To verify if these five loci were congruent and could be combined together, single locus analysis was also performed for each locus. The results indicated that the topology of single-locus trees was congruent (Supplementary Figures S2–S6). Fifteen new sequences were generated from three isolates in this study. Other published sequences of Diaporthe spp. were downloaded from GenBank database. In total, 2738 characters of 101 strains from 80 Diaporthe spp., including one outgroup species D. citri (CBS 135422), were employed for Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Maximum Parsimony (MP) analyses to construct phylogenetic tree. The dataset consisted of 611 characters of ITS (1–611), 868 characters of TUB (612–1479), 527 characters of TEF (1480–2006), 581 characters of HIS (2007–2587), and 578 characters of CAL (2588–3165), respectively. MP analyses of combined data generated a single most parsimonious tree (tree length (TL) = 5416, consistency index (CI) = 0.449, retention index (RI) = 0.739, rescaled consistency index (RC) = 0.332, and homoplasy index (HI) = 0.551). Of the 3165 analyzed characters, 1036 characters were parsimony-informative, 431 variable characters were parsimony uninformative, and 1698 characters were constant. Data of each region/loci were shown in Supplementary Table S1. Using the best scoring RA×ML analysis, a final optimization tree with a likelihood value of −30,716.492582 was generated. The matrix data had 1837 distinct alignment patterns in the ML analysis, with 39.30% of gaps and completely undetermined characters. Estimated base frequencies were as follows: A = 0.212443, C = 0.325722, G = 0.238041, T = 0.223795, with substitution rates AC = 1.252910, AG = 4.007552, AT = 1.250610, C = 1.175745, CT = 5.302300, GT = 1.000000. The gamma distribution shape parameter alpha = 0.938818 and the TL = 6.170537. The ML and MP tree of combined data had similar topology to BI tree. The posterior probabilities (PP) values calculated from BI, bootstrap support (BS) values calculated from ML and MP analyses were plotted in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure S7. The combined loci analyses grouped three isolates (NFIF-3-11, NFIF-3-19, and NFIF-3-21) together with 0.97 of Bayesian posterior probabilities values (BIPP), 99% of Maximum likelihood bootstrap values (MLBS), and 94% of Maximum parsimony bootstrap values (MPBS), respectively. The isolates were classified as D. passifloricola with 1 of BIPP, 75% of MLBS, and 67% of MPBS, and distinct from D. durionigena, D. rosae, D. miriciae, and D. ueckerae. The analysis of polymorphic nucleotides in each locus of D. passifloricola, D. durionigene, and D. rosae also found 11, 4, 4, and 11 polymorphic nucleotides in ITS, TUB, TEF, and CAL, respectively (Supplementary Table S2). While there was no polymorphic nucleotide in HIS sequence of three species.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of the combined sequences of five loci (ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL). Posterior probabilities support values ≥0.7 and Bootstrap support values ≥50%, Bayesian posterior probabilities values (BIPP)/ Maximum likelihood bootstrap values (MLBS)/ Maximum parsimony bootstrap values (MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with D. citri CBS 135422. Ex-type, ex-epitype, and holotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given.

Materials examined: CHINA, Jiangxi Province, Fuzhou city, Nanfeng district, on fruit of Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju, August 2016, C. Chaisiri (living culture: CCTCC M 2020452 = NFIF-3-21).

3. Discussion

Diaporthe passifloricola was identified from leaf spots on Passiflora foetida in Malaysia [39]. The colonies of this species on MEA, OA, and PDA are dirty white. Alpha conidia are aseptate, hyaline, smooth, guttulate, fusoid-ellipsoid, tapering towards both ends, apex subobtuse, base subtruncate, (5–) 6–7 (–9) × 2.5 (–3) µm. Gamma conidia are not observed. Beta conidia are spindle shaped, aseptate, smooth, hyaline, apex acutely rounded, base truncate, tapering from lower third towards apex, curved, (20–) 22–25 (–27) × 1.5 (–2) µm. In this study, the colonies of the isolates on PDA were dirty white, which are similar to those of D. passifloricola [39], D. durionigena [40], D. rosae [41], and D. ueckerae [42], while that of D. miriciae is buff [23]. Morphological characteristics of alpha (bi-guttulate) and beta conidia of three isolates are consistent with those of D. passifloricola ex-type strain (CBS 141329) [39]. The sizes of alpha and beta conidia of three isolates are larger than those of D. durionigena [40] and D. rosae [41]. The alpha conidia of D. miriciae are not described of guttulate characterized [23], and the beta conidia of D. ueckerae are not observed in a previous study [42]. Thus, morphological characteristics of the three isolates are the most consistent with those of D. passifloricola. Taking into account that morphological characteristics sometimes vary with environmental conditions, they are not always reliable to identify the isolates to species level in genus of Diaporthe [37]. Thus, further molecular identification is necessary.

The sequence of the ITS region was once used alone to identify Diaporthe species. However, there are many intraspecific variations in ITS locus of certain Diaporthe species. Sometimes the intraspecific variation is even greater than interspecific variation, which makes it difficult to identify Diaporthe species with ITS sequence alone [43,44]. Currently, multi-locus phylogenetic analyses have been applied for the identification of Diaporthe species [37,45]. Thus, although ITS sequences of all three isolates showed 100% similarity with D. ueckerae (KY565426) in this study, it was unreliable, due to many intraspecific variations in ITS regions of Diaporthe species.

The combined use of the five loci (i.e., ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL) is shown to be the best way to generate a phylogenetic tree to determine the boundaries of Diaporthe spp. [21,31,33,37,38,45]. After preliminary identification with ITS locus, four species of D. passifloricola, D. rosae, D. ueckerae, and D. miriciae were found to have high identity to the three isolates obtained in this study. Thus, five loci of ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL were further employed to perform phylogenetic analysis.

The main molecular traits of D. passifloricola have been described in 2016 [39]. For ITS region, D. passifloricola (KX228292.1) shows 98% (556/567) similarity to D. miriciae (KJ197284.1) and 90% (466/519)–93% (402/430) similarity to five ‘Phomopsis tersa’ (e.g., KF516000.1 and JQ585648.1). For HIS sequence, D. passifloricola (KX228367.1) exhibits 100% identity (380/380) to D. absenteum (KP293559.1) and 99% identity (378/380) to ‘Diaporthe sp. 1 RG-2013’ (KC343687.1). Meanwhile, for TUB sequence, D. passifloricola (MB817057) is 99% similar to ‘Diaporthe sp. 1 RG-2013’ (KC344171.1 (513/517)) and D. miriciae (KJ197264.1 (589/595)). However, the difference among D. passifloricola and other two species D. durionigene and D.rosae, which have the closest genetic distance with D. passifloricola, has not been reported. In this study, polymorphic nucleotides in ITS, TUB, TEF, and CAL sequences of D. passifloricola, D. durionigene, and D. rosae are determined and can distinguish three species well.

The taxonomy of Diaporthe is complex. Many Diaporthe spp. were classified according to different criteria, i.e., host associations, morphological characteristics [26,28,46,47], or sequences of ITS region [22,26,48]. It is suggested that only those type strains, whose identification has been widely recognized, should be accepted as references for the taxonomy of this genus [37,49,50]. Moreover, several isolates included type strains from previous publications are selected for references with phylogenetic analysis in this study. While MegaBlast search was performed for each locus on NCBI, the Diaporthe species showing the highest similarity with the sequencing of each locus of the isolates were not the type strains. Thus, the species identified by us are different from those retrieved by a single locus MegaBlast search on NCBI.

Before this study, 22 Diaporthe spp. associated with citrus were known in the world [5,6,25,37,51,52]. They are either pathogens, endophytes, or saprobes on citrus [6,11,25,52,53,54]. This is the first time that D. passifloricola has been isolated from C. reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju.

In previous studies, 15 Diaporthe spp. have been reported to be associated with citrus in China [5,6]. Of them, three species are pathogens on citrus, i.e., D. citri, D. citriasiana, and D. citrichinensis. D. citri is identified as the causal agents of melanose disease as well as stem-end rot disease. In addition to being a pathogen, D. citri is also found as an endophyte in non-symptomatic twigs and as a saprobe on dead twigs. Two species, D. citriasiana, and D. citrichinensis, can only cause stem-end rot symptom on ponkan fruit (Citrus reticulata) [5]. The other 12 Diaporthe spp. were identified as endophytes or saprobes on citrus [6]. All of these indicate that the symbiotic relationship and ecological function of Diaporthe spp. with citrus plants is complex and variable.

Endophytes are defined as all organisms inhabiting plant organs which, at some time in their lives, can colonize internal plant tissues without causing significant damage to the host [55]. So defined, endophytes may also encompass asymptomatic latent pathogens. Sometimes asymptomatic fungi can cause diseases on their host plants under certain conditions. It’s reported that several Plectosphaerella spp. isolated from symptomless tomatoes and peppers can cause disease symptoms on tomato and pepper, and even basil and parsley when artificially inoculated [56,57]. Epichloë festucae is a well-known endophytic fungus of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). However, a E. festucae noxA mutant is associated with severe stunting of the host as a result of hyphal hyper-branching and increased biomass [58]. Some fungal saprobes and pathogens can be isolated from rice (Oryza sativa) as endophytes [59]. In this study, since D. passifloricola isolates failed to cause melanose on citrus fruit, they are supposed to be the endophytic fungi colonizing diseased tissues with melanose symptoms. However, our results show that this species can induce stem-end rot symptoms on artificially inoculated citrus fruit. Thus, D. passifloricola could be a potential causal agent of stem-end rot disease during transportation and storage.

The disease spots of citrus melanose are formed by host hypersensitive response (HR). When the pathogens penetrate epidermal cells of the citrus, they are arrested and killed at the infection sites by hosts along with the development of melanose symptoms [60,61,62]. As a result, it is difficult to isolate pathogens in old disease spots. The disease spots were not newly formed, which might be the reason why we failed to isolate the pathogen causing melanose symptoms.

4. Materials and Methods

4.1. Fungal Isolation

In 2016, 10 citrus fruit of Nanfengmiju with typical symptoms of melanose were collected from a citrus orchard in Fuzhou City of Jiangxi Province (Figure 3A). The discrete and sunken black spots were observed on the fruit surface. Pieces of small sections about 5 mm2 from the margin of the lesion were cut off and soaked in 75% ethanol solution for 1 min. The sections were surface disinfested with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaClO) for 1 min, rinsed three times with sterilized water, dried, and then incubated on PDA plates amended with 100 μg/mL streptomycin and 100 μg/mL ampicillin at 25 °C for 2 to 5 days. Hyphal tips growing from the pieces of the sample were transferred onto fresh PDA plates and incubated at 25 °C for 30 days as previous methods [7]. After sporulation, single-spore-isolation was performed as previously described [63]. All single-spore cultures were stored on half strength PDA slants in Eppendorf tubes at 4 °C, and on dried filter paper discs at −20 °C, respectively. A living culture of D. passifloricola in this study was deposited in China Center for Type Culture Collection (CCTCC), Wuhan, China.

4.2. Morphological Characterization

Sporulation was induced on PDA, MEA, CMA, OMA, and PNA. After inoculation, isolates were incubated at 25 °C with 12 h of light and 12 h of dark for 30 days. Conidia were harvested from the top of mature pycnidia. Pycnidia were picked up from pine needles with sterile toothpicks. The length and width of 30 conidia were measured with a stage micrometer under a Motic BA200 light microscope (Motic China Group Co., Ltd., Xiamen, China). The morphology of conidiomata was observed under OLYMPUS SZX16 stereo microscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Images of conidia were captured using a digital camera Nikon Eclipse 80i on a compound light microscope (Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) imaging system. Images of culture plates were captured using Cannon 600D digital camera (Cannon Inc., Tokyo, Japan). Colony and pycnidia color was investigated with a color chart according to the method of Rayner [64].

4.3. Pathogenicity Test

Pathogenicity tests were carried out on detached Nanfengmiju fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju). Non-wounded citrus fruit were washed with tap water, then surface disinfested with 75% of ethanol and rinsed with sterile water. Pycnidia with alpha conidia were induced as mentioned above and diluted to 106 conidia/mL with sterile water. To stimulate melanose symptoms, 300 μL of conidial suspensions was dropped on a piece of cotton, and then placed on the bottom of the fruit as previously described with a slight modification [65]. The inoculated fruit were placed in a plastic chamber with 95% relative humidity, incubated under the condition of 12 h of light and 12 h of dark at 25 °C for 15 days. Since Diaporthe spp. were the causal agents of both melanose and stem-end rot diseases on citrus fruit, their ability to cause stem-end rot symptom was also determined. The stems of citrus fruit were removed carefully, and 10 μl of conidial suspension (106 conidia/mL) of each strain was inoculated onto stem ends as previously described [5]. Then, the inoculated fruit were placed in a plastic chamber with wet towel tissues at the bottom. The chamber was wrapped with plastic film to maintain 95% relative humidity and incubated at 25 °C in the dark for 7 days. In all the pathogenicity tests, the conidial suspension (106 conidia/mL) of D. citri strain NFHF-8-4 [7] and sterile distilled water were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Symptoms on fruit were observed. Four fruit were inoculated for each strain, and the experiments were repeated at least twice.

To authenticate the causal agent, tissue pieces from the margin of lesions on the experimentally inoculated and diseased fruit were placed on PDA to re-isolate the fungus. Molecular identification of the isolate was performed using the sequence of ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL loci as mentioned below.

4.4. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification, and Sequencing

DNA extraction was performed as previously described [66]. Fragments of ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primer pairs ITS1/ITS4 [67], Bt-2a/Bt-2b [68], EF1-728F/EF1-986R [69], CYLH3F/H3-1b [68,70], and CAL-228F/CAL-737R [69], respectively. Twenty-five microliters of PCR reaction included 1 μL genomic DNA (100–500 ng/μL), 1 μL (10 mM) of each primer, 9.5 μL double-distilled water, and 12.5 μL 2× Taq PCR Master Mix (Aidlab Biotechnologies Co., Ltd., Beijing, China). PCR amplification was carried out with an initial denaturation step at 95 °C for 3 min followed by 40 cycles, consisting of a denaturation step at 95 °C for 30 sec, an annealing step for 50 sec, an elongation step at 72 °C for 2 min, and a final step at 72 °C for 5 min. The annealing temperatures were 51 °C for the amplification of partial ITS, 55 °C for the amplification of partial TUB, TEF, and CAL, and 58 °C for the amplification of partial HIS, respectively, as mentioned previously [31]. The size of PCR products was verified by gel electrophoresis in Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer using 1% agarose gel. Sequencing was carried out at Wuhan Tianyi Huiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China.

4.5. Phylogenetic Analyses

The preliminary identifications of the isolates obtained in this study were determined using newly generated ITS sequences with all available type-derived sequences listed in previous studies [6,24,25,37,51]. Based on the result of preliminary identification, Diaporthe species with the closest genetic distance to the isolates in this study were selected. Sequences (ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL) of them were downloaded from NCBI’s GenBank nucleotide database ( All sequences used in this study are listed in Table 1, including 15 sequences of three new isolates. The reference isolates were selected from ex-type, ex-epitype, and holotype cultures. Five-locus phylogenetic analyses were conducted to identify isolates to species level according to previous studies [21,30,37]. Sequences of five loci (ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL) were assembled. Alignments of assembled sequences were performed with L-INS-i iterative refinement method by MAFFT alignment, a version available online [71], and manual adjustment was conducted where it was necessary by BioEdit v.7.2.5 [72]. ML trees were generated with 1,000 replicates using RA×ML-HPC BlackBox v.8.2.10 [73], which was available on the CIPRES Science Gateway v.3.3 Web Portal [74]. The RAxML software selected general time reversible model of evolution including estimation of invariable sites (GTRGAMMA+I). MP analyses were carried out with 1,000 replicates using Phylogenetic Analyses Using Parsimony (PAUP*) v.4.0b10 [75], with tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) branch-swapping algorithm. All characters were weighted equally, and the alignment gaps were treated as missing characters. Descriptive tree statistics including TL, CI, RI, RC, and HI were calculated for parsimony analyses. MrModeltest v.2.3 [76] was used to perform statistical selection of the best-fit model of nucleotide substitution and the corrected Akaike information criterion (AIC) determined above was incorporated into evolutionary models in the analysis (Supplementary Table S1). BI analysis was performed by using MrBayes v.3.2.2, with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Four simultaneous of MCMC chains were run for 20,000,000th generations, and trees were sampled frequency every 100th generations, resulting in a total of 20,000 trees, and started from a random tree topology. The calculation of BI analyses was stopped when the average standard deviation of split frequencies fell below 0.01. The first 10% of trees were discarded as burn-in phase of analysis, and the remaining 180,000 trees were summarized to calculate the PP in the majority rule consensus tree. Phylogenetic analyses and full alignment of datasets were submitted to TreeBASE ( with the study ID: 27334.

Table 1.

GenBank accession numbers of isolates used in this study.

Diaporthe Species Culture No. Host Species Origin GenBank No. Reference(s)
D. acaciarum CBS 138862 Acacia tortilis Tanzania KP004460 KP004509 KP004504 [77]
D. acericola MFLUCC 17-0956 Acer negundo Italy KY964224 KY964074 KY964180 KY964137 [78]
D. alangii CFCC 52556 Alangium kurzii China MH121491 MH121573 MH121533 MH121451 MH121415 [31]
D. amaranthophila ATCC 74226 Amaranthus sp. USA AF079776 [36]
D. ambigua CBS 114015 Pyrus communis South Africa KC343010 KC343978 KC343736 KC343494 KC343252 [37]
D. angelicae CBS 111592 Heracleum sphondylium Austria KC343027 KC343995 KC343753 KC343511 KC343269 [37]
D. apiculatum CGMCC3.17533 Camellia sinensis China KP267896 KP293476 KP267970 [79]
D. arctii CBS 136.25 Arctium sp. Unknown KC343031 KC343999 KC343757 KC343515 KC343273 [37]
D. batatas CBS 122.21 Ipomoea batatas USA KC343040 KC344008 KC343766 KC343524 KC343282 [37]
D. beilharziae VPRI 16602 Indigofera australis Australia JX862529 KF170921 JX862535 [80]
D. caryae CFCC 52563 Carya illinoensis China MH121498 MH121580 MH121540 MH121458 MH121422 [31]
D. chimonanthi SCHM 3614 Chimonanthus praecox China AY622993 [81]
D. chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1422 Chromolaena odorata Thailand MT214362 [82]
D. cichorii MFLUCC 17-1023 Cichorium intybus Italy KY964220 KY964104 KY964176 KY964133 [78]
D. citri CBS 135422 Citrus sp. USA KC843311 KC843187 KC843071 MF418281 KC843157 [25,51]
D. compacta CGMCC3.17536 Camellia sinensis China KP267854 KP293434 KP267928 KP293508 [79]
D. convolvuli CBS 124654 Convolvulus arvensis Turkey KC343054 KC344022 KC343780 KC343538 KC343296 [37]
D. cucurbitae DAOM 42078 Cucumis sativus Canada KM453210 KP118848 KM453211 KM453212 [42]
D. cuppatea CBS 117499 Aspalathus linearis South Africa KC343057 KC344025 KC343783 KC343541 KC343299 [37]
D. diachenii PH10-1 Unknown Lithuania KR870866 [83]
D. durionigena VTCC 930005 Durio zibethinus Vietnam MN453530 MT276159 MT276157 [40]
D. durionigena KCSR1906.7 Durio zibethinus Vietnam MN453531 MT276160 MT276158 [40]
D. endophytica CBS 133811 Schinus terebinthifolius Brazil KC343065 KC344033 KC343791 KC343549 KC343307 [37]
D. fructicola MAFF 246408 Passiflora edulis x P. edulis f. flavicarpa Japan LC342734 LC342736 LC342735 LC342737 LC342738 [84]
D. fructicola MAFF 246409 Passiflora edulis x P. edulis f. flavicarpa Japan LC342739 LC342741 LC342740 LC342742 LC342743 [84]
D. ganjae CBS 180.91 Cannabis sativa USA KC343112 KC344080 KC343838 KC343596 KC343354 [37]
D. glabrae SCHM 3622 Bougainvillea glabra China AY601918 [85]
D. goulteri BRIP 55657a Helianthus annuus Australia KJ197289 KJ197270 KJ197252 [23]
D. gulyae BRIP 54025 Helianthus annuus Australia JF431299 KJ197271 JN645803 [23,86]
D. guttulata CGMCC3.20100 Unknown China MT385950 MT424705 MT424685 MW022491 MW022470 [87]
D. helianthi CBS 592.81 Helianthus annuus Serbia KC343115 KC344083 KC343841 KC343599 KC343357 [37]
D. hordei CBS 481.92 Hordeum vulgare Norway KC343120 KC344088 KC343846 KC343604 KC343362 [37]
D. hubeiensis JZB320123 Vertis vinifera China MK335809 MK500147 MK523570 MK500235 [88]
D. infecunda CBS 133812 Schinus terebinthifolius Brazil KC343126 KC344094 KC343852 KC343610 KC343368 [37]
D. infertilis CBS 230.52 Citrus sinensis Suriname KC343052 KC344020 KC343778 KC343536 KC343294 [37]
D. kongii BRIP 54031 Helianthus annuus Australia JF431301 KJ197272 JN645797 [23,86]
D. leucospermi CBS 111980 Leucospermum sp. Australia JN712460 [89]
D. longicolla ATCC 60325 Glycine max USA KJ590728 KJ610883 KJ590767 KJ659188 KJ612124 [42]
D. longicolla CBS 127267 Glycine max Croatia KC343199 KC344167 KC343925 KC343683 KC343441 [42]
D. longicolla CBS 116023 Glycine max USA KC343198 KC344166 KC343924 KC343682 KC343440 [42]
D. longispora CBS 194.36 Ribes sp. Canada KC343135 KC344103 KC343861 KC343619 KC343377 [37]
D. lusitanicae CBS 123212 Foeniculum vulgare Portugal KC343136 KC344104 KC343862 KC343620 KC343378 [37]
D. malorum CBS 142383 Malus domestica Portugal KY435638 KY435668 KY435627 KY435648 KY435658 [90]
D. manihotia CBS 505.76 Manihot utilissima Rwanda KC343138 KC344106 KC343864 KC343622 KC343380 [37]
D. masirevicii BRIP 57892a Helianthus annuus Australia KJ197277 KJ197257 KJ197239 [23]
D. megalospora CBS 143.27 Sambucus canadensis Unknown KC343140 KC344108 KC343866 KC343624 KC343382 [37]
D. melonis CBS 507.78 Cucumis melo USA KC343142 KC344110 KC343868 KC343626 KC343384 [37]
D. michelina SCHM 3603 Michelia alba China AY620820 [30]
D. middletonii BRIP 54884e Rapistrum rugostrum Australia KJ197286 KJ197266 KJ197248 [23]
D. minusculata CGMCC3.20098 Unknown China MT385957 MT424712 MT424692 MW022499 MW022475 [87]
D. miriciae BRIP 54736j Helianthus annuus Australia KJ197282 KJ197262 KJ197244 [23]
D. miriciae BRIP 55662c Glycine max Australia KJ197283 KJ197263 KJ197245 [23]
D. miriciae BRIP 56918a Vigna radiata Australia KJ197284 KJ197264 KJ197246 [23]
D. neoarctii CBS 109490 Ambrosia trifida USA KC343145 KC344113 KC343871 KC343629 KC343387 [37]
D. novem CBS 127270 Glycine max Croatia KC343156 KC344124 KC343882 KC343640 KC343398 [37]
D. ovalispora CGMCC3.17256 Citrus limon China KJ490628 KJ490449 KJ490507 KJ490570 [6]
D. pachirae COAD2074 Pachira glabra Brazil MG559537 MG559541 MG559539 MG559535 [91]
D. passiflorae CBS 132527 Passiflora edulis South America JX069860 KY435674 KY435633 KY435654 KY435664 [92]
D. passifloricola CBS 141329 Passiflora foetida Malaysia KX228292 KX228387 KX228367 [39]
D. passifloricola NFIF-3-11 Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju China MG786598 MG925398 MG925401 MK238998 MK238995 This study
D. passifloricola NFIF-3-19 Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju China MG786599 MG925399 MG925402 MK238999 MK238996 This study
D. passifloricola NFIF-3-21 Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju China MG786600 MG925400 MG925403 MK239000 MK238997 This study
D. phaseolorum CBS 139281 Phaseolus vulgaris USA KJ590738 KJ610893 KJ590739 KJ659220 KJ612135 [42]
D. pyracanthae CBS 142384 Pyracantha coccinea Portugal KY435635 KY435666 KY435625 KY435645 KY435656 [90]
D. racemosae CBS 143770 Euclea racemosa South Africa MG600223 MG600227 MG600225 MG600221 MG600219 [93]
D. rosae MFLUCC 17-2658 Rosa sp. Thailand MG828894 MG843878 MG829273 [41]
D. rosae MFLUCC 18-0354 Magnolia champaca Thailand MG906792 MG968951 MG968953 [94]
D. rosae MFLUCC 17-2574 Senna siamea Thailand MG906793 MG968952 MG968954 [94]
D. sackstonii BRIP 54669b Helianthus annuus Australia KJ197287 KJ197267 KJ197249 [23]
D. salicicola VPRI 32789 Salix purpurea Australia JX862531 KF170923 JX862537 [80]
D. sambucusii CFCC 51986 Sambucus williamsii China KY852495 KY852511 KY852507 KY852503 KY852499 [95]
D. schini CBS 133181 Schinus terebinthifolius Brazil KC343191 KC344159 KC343917 KC343675 KC343433 [37]
D. schoeni MFLUCC 17-2930 Schoenus nigricans Italy KY964226 KY964109 KY964182 KY964139 [78]
D. sclerotioides CBS 296.67 Cucumis sativus Netherlands KC343193 KC344161 KC343919 KC343677 KC343435 [37]
D. serafiniae BRIP 55665a Helianthus annuus Australia KJ197274 KJ197254 KJ197236 [23]
D. sinensis CGMCC3.19521 Amaranthus sp. China MK637451 MK660447 MK660449 MK660451 [96]
D. sojae CBS 139282 Glycine max USA KJ590719 KJ610875 KJ590762 KJ659208 KJ612116 [42]
D. sojae (D. actinidiae) ICMP13683 Actinidia deliciosa New Zealand KC145886 KC145941 [97]
D. sojae (D. camptothecae) SCHM 3611 Camptotheca acuminate China AY622996 [81]
D. sojae (D. kochmanii) BRIP 54033 Helianthus annuus Australia JF431295 JN645809 [42,86]
D. sojae (D. melonis var. brevistylospora) MAFF 410444 Cucumis melo Japan KJ590714 KJ610870 KJ590757 KJ659203 KJ612111 [42]
D. stewartii CBS 193.36 Cosmos bipinnatus Unknown FJ889448 JX275421 GQ250324 JX197415 [44,45]
D. subellipicola KUMCC 17-0153 Unknown China MG746632 MG746634 MG746633 [98]
D. subordinaria CBS 101711 Plantago lanceolata New Zealand KC343213 KC344181 KC343939 KC343697 KC343455 [37]
D. tecomae CBS 100547 Tabebuia sp. Brazil KC343215 KC344183 KC343941 KC343699 KC343457 [37]
D. tectonae MFLUCC 12-0777 Tectona grandis Thailand KU712430 KU743977 KU749359 KU749345 [99]
D. tectonendophytica MFLUCC 13-0471 Tectona grandis Thailand KU712439 KU743986 KU749367 KU749354 [99]
D. terebinthifolii CBS 133180 Schinus terebinthifolius Brazil KC343216 KC344184 KC343942 KC343700 KC343458 [37]
D. thunbergiicola MFLUCC 12-0033 Thunbergia laurifolia Thailand KP715097 KP715098 [100]
D. tulliensis BRIP 62248a Theobroma cacao Australia KR936130 KR936132 KR936133 [101]
D. ueckerae CBS 139283 Cucumis melo USA KJ590726 KJ610881 KJ590747 KJ659215 KJ612122 [42]
D. ueckerae FAU659 Cucumis melo USA KJ590724 KJ610879 KJ590745 KJ659213 KJ612120 [42]
D. ueckerae FAU658 Cucumis melo USA KJ590725 KJ610880 KJ590746 KJ659214 KJ612119 [42]
D. ueckerae FAU660 Cucumis melo USA KJ590723 KJ610878 KJ590744 KJ659212 KJ612121 [42]
D. unshiuensis CGMCC3.17569 Citrus unshiu China KJ490587 KJ490408 KJ490466 KJ490529 [6]
D. unshiuensis ZJUD51 Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle China KJ490586 KJ490407 KJ490465 KJ490528 [6]
D. unshiuensis ZJUD50 Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle China KJ490585 KJ490406 KJ490464 KJ490527 [6]
D. vexans CBS 127.14 Solanum melongena USA KC343229 KC344197 KC343955 KC343713 KC343471 [37]
D. vitimegaspora STE-U2675 Vitis vinifera Taiwan AF230749 [26]
D. vochysiae LGMF1583 Vochysia divergens Brazil MG976391 MK007527 MK007526 MK033323 MK007528 [102]
Diaporthe sp. 1 CBS 119639 Man, abscess Germany KC343202 KC344170 KC343928 KC343686 KC343444 [37]
Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124 Corylus sp. China KC343004 KC343972 KC343730 KC343488 KC343246 [37]

a ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Virginia, USA; BRIP: Plant Pathology Herbarium, Department of Employment, Economic, Development and Innovation, Queensland, Australia; CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CFCC: China Forestry Culture Collection Center, Beijing, China; CGMCC: China General Microbiological Culture Collection, Beijing, China; COAD: Coleção Octávio Almeida Drummond, Universidade Ferderal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil; DAOM: Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture (Mycology), Ottawa, Canada; FAU: Isolates in culture collection of Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, Maryland, USA; ICMP: International Collection of Micro-organisms from Plants, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand; JZB: Culture collection of Institute of Plant and Environment Protection, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing, China; KCSR, VTCC: Vietnam Type Culture Collection, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology (IMBT), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam; HUMCC: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection, Yunnan, China; LGMF: Culture collection of Laboratory of Genetics of Microorganisms, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil; MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; SCHM: Mycological Herbarium of South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China; STE-U: Culture collection of the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; VPRI: Victorian Plant Pathogen Herbarium, Bundoora, Australia; ZJUD: Diaporthe species culture collection at the Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; Ex-type, ex-epitype, and holotype cultures are indicated in bold. Isolates obtained in this study are indicated in italics. b ITS: Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions; TUB: Beta-tubulin gene; TEF: Translation elongation factor 1-α gene; HIS: Histone-3 gene; and CAL: Calmodulin gene. Sequences generated in this study are indicated in italics.

5. Conclusions

Our results indicate that D. passifloricola, may occur as an asymptomatic endophyte in the peel of citrus fruit. If is manages to invade the fruit stalk, however, it may induce typical stem-end rot symptoms during transportation and storage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time D. passifloricola has been isolated from Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju in China and identified as a causal agent of stem-end rot disease in this crop.


We thank Kevin D. Hyde (Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand) and Jian-Kui Liu (Fungal Research Laboratory, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China) for technical assistance and invaluable advice. The authors sincerely thank the reviewers and editor for their contributions to improve the manuscript during the revision process.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Table S1 nucleotide substitution models, MP and ML alignment properties, Table S2 Polymorphic nucleotides in ITS, TUB, TEF, and CAL sequences of D. passifloricola, D. durionigene, and D. rosae, Figure S1. The prevalence of Diaporthe species on citrus in Jiangxi Province, China based on phylogenetic identification. Numbers (%) indicate the number of obtained isolates of certain species and the percentage among the total 140 isolates [1]. Yellow color indicate 39 isolates of Diaporthe sp. were found in this study, Figure S2. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of sequences of ITS locus. A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony. Bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124. Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-isotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given, Figure S3. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of sequences of TUB locus. A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony. Bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124. Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-isotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given, Figure S4. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of sequences of TEF locus. A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony. Bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124. Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-isotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given, Figure S5. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of sequences of HIS locus. A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony. Bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124. Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-isotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given, Figure S6. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of sequences of CAL locus. A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony. Bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with Diaporthella corylina CBS 121124. Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-isotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given, Figure S7. The phylogenetic tree is generated from the analysis of the combined sequences of five loci (ITS, TUB, TEF, HIS, and CAL). A, Maximum likelihood and B, Maximum parsimony, bootstrap support values ≥50%, (MLBS/MPBS) are displayed at the nodes. The tree is rooted with D. citri CBS 135422. Ex-type, ex-epitype and holotype cultures are indicated in bold. The codes of isolates used for phylogenetic tree are given.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.C., Y.L. and C.-X.L.; validation, C.C., X.-Y.L., Y.L. and C.-X.L.; formal analysis, C.C. and X.-Y.L.; investigation and resources, C.C., X.-Y.L., W.-X.Y. and Y.L.; data curation, C.C., X.-Y.L., Y.L., W.-X.Y. and C.-X.L.; writing, C.C., C.-X.L. and Y.L.; funding acquisition, Y.L. and C.-X.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (number 2017YFD020200103).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Alignment data generated in the current study are available in TreeBASE (accession All sequence data are available in NCBI GenBank following the accession numbers in the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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