Figure 6. Depletion of glutamate from synaptic vesicles confirms vesicular source of ambient glutamate.
(A) Example recordings of the baseline current of an ON UBC in control (left panel) and of an ON UBC after BafA1 treatment (right), showing the decrease in the current revealed by 100 µM CTZ after treatment with BafA1, with subsequent block by 5 µM NBQX. (B) Left: After incubation with ACSF as a control, CTZ increased the inward holding current significantly, which was reversed by NBQX. Friedman test, p<0.0001, n = 12; Dunn's multiple comparisons tests, baseline vs CTZ, p=0.01, CTZ vs CTZ+NBQX, p<0.001. Right- Incubation in BafA1 reduced the effect of CTZ. Friedman test, p=0.0169, n = 12; Dunn's multiple comparisons tests, Baseline vs CTZ, p=0.459; CTZ vs CTZ+NBQX, p=0.0128. (C) The effect of CTZ was significantly reduced by incubation in BafA1, unpaired t-test, p=0.002, n = 25.