Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most leading cause of death in men worldwide. African‐American men (AA) represent more aggressive form of the disease compared to Caucasian (CA) counterparts. Several lines of evidences suggest that biological factors are responsible for the observed racial disparity.
This study was aimed at identifying the epigenetic variation among AA and CA PCa patients and whether DNA methylation differences have an association with clinical outcomes in the two races.
Methods and results
The cancer genome atlas (TCGA) dataset (2015) was used to identify existing epigenetic variation in AA and CA PCa patients. Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) was performed to identify global DNA methylation changes in a small cohort of AA and CA PCa patients. The RRBS data were then used to identify survival and recurrence outcomes in AA and CA PCa patients using publicly available datasets. The TCGA data analysis revealed epigenetic heterogeneity, which could be categorized into four classes. AA associated primarily to methylation cluster 1 (p = 0.048), and CA associated to methylation cluster 3 (p = 0.000146). Enrichment of the Wnt signaling pathway was identified in both the races; however, they were differentially activated in terms of canonical and non‐canonical Wnt signaling. This was further validated using the Decipher Genomics Resource Information Database (GRID). The RRBS data also identified discrete methylation patterns in AA compared with CA and, in part, validated our TCGA findings. Survival analysis using the RRBS data suggested hypomethylated genes to be significantly associated with recurrence of PCa in CA (p = 6.07 × 10−6) as well as in AA (p = 0.0077).
Overall, we observed epigenetic‐based racial disparity in PCa which could affect survival and should be considered during prognosis and treatment.
Keywords: African‐American, Caucasian, epigenetics, prostate cancer
Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most prevalent malignancies affecting men1 and the second‐most leading cause of cancer‐related death for men in the US.2, 3 Although there is a decline in incidence of PCa over the past few decades,4 African‐American men (AA) continue to have a higher mortality as compared with Caucasian men (CA). They present early onset of the disease with high‐grade tumor, aggressive metastasis potential with increased risk of recurrence, and have worse survival outcomes when compared with their CA counterparts.5, 6, 7, 8 It is suggested that racial disparity in PCa is influenced by socioeconomic status, diet, and lifestyle.9, 10, 11 However, several lines of evidences indicate that biological factors such as genetic and epigenetic drivers play an important role.8, 12 Such factors include ERG rearrangement, PTEN deletion, SPINK1 overexpression, SPOP mutation, and 8q24 SNPs.13, 14 Elevated levels of testosterone have also been reported in AA men as compared with CA men, which may contribute to the increased risk of PCa in AA men.15, 16 Furthermore, AA men have prominent immune‐related tumor biology17 and altered epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) signaling in tumor‐adjacent stroma which potentially associates with aggressive PCa phenotype in AA men.18, 19 These genetic differences could contribute to the divergence in the cellular niche, thereby affecting the aggressiveness in PCa among various racial groups.
Epigenetic modulation, particularly aberrant DNA methylation, has been implicated in PCa etiology and disease progression.20 This phenomenon in tumorigenesis is due to the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes through promoter methylation. DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) is the enzyme responsible for methylation, and DNMT3b polymorphism has been reported in PCa. Incidentally, an increase in odds ratio for this polymorphism was higher in AA compared with CA21 which further indicates epigenetic variation among races. The availability of only a few gene‐specific studies, investigated through DNA methylation amongst AA and CA men with PCa, has provided only incremental advancement in our understanding of the global epigenetic factors driving racial disparity.22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Nevertheless, the differential methylation pattern of APC,24 AR,23 GSTP1,22, 23 NKX2‐5,23 PMEPA1,25 RARB,23, 24 ROBO1,26 SPARC,23 and TIMP3 23 genes has been identified in AA vs CA patients. Rybicki et al (2016) identified hypermethylation of APC and RARB in benign prostate of CA and AA, respectively, which could have a predictive role in determining the risk of biochemical recurrence (BCR).27 Importantly, only a few studies have identified global methylation differences among AA and CA PCa patients.28, 29 Luo et al (2013) identified widespread differences in DNA methylation in human prostate tumor derived endothelial cells from AA and CA. Devaney et al (2015) reported differential methylation changes in ABCG5, MST1R, SNRPN, and SHANK2 genes.29 They further identified ABCG5 and SNRPN genes to be associated with proliferation.29 Overall, these studies have suggested that race‐specific methylation events are differentially associated with either aggressiveness or BCR and could have added prognostic value in predicting clinical outcomes and deciding treatment regimens.
In this study, we analyzed the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) dataset, consisting of 333 PCa patients with a subset having methylation data (43 AA and 162 CA).30 Further, we carried out Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) on a small cohort of AA and CA prostate tumors to identify global methylation patterns. Both TCGA and RRBS analysis revealed discrete methylation events which could play a crucial role in driving racial disparity in PCa. We further investigated global methylation association with survival and recurrence outcomes using publicly available databases. This preliminary study provides compelling evidence for a larger follow‐up study to help better understand epigenetically driven disease processes in different racial groups and their association with disease outcome.
2.1. Prostate tissue samples
Prostate tissues were procured from radical prostatectomy specimens of men who had signed a written informed consent and were undergoing surgery as standard of care treatment for PCa at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as per Institutional Review Board approved protocols (GCO# 06‐0996, 14‐0318 and surgical consent). The tumor and benign regions (away from the tumor) were identified and marked by the pathologist before procuring the specimens. This was a pilot study so only three AA and three CA PCa patients were enrolled in this study; their clinical profile including tumor stage and Gleason score has been elaborated in Table 1.
Table 1.
Clinical profile of prostate cancer patients enrolled for RRBS analysis
Patient ID | Race | Gleason Score | PSA | Stage |
CA1 | Caucasian | 4 + 5 | 15.5 | pT3b |
CA2 | Caucasian | 4 + 3 | 6 | pT2c |
CA3 | Caucasian | 5 + 4 | 1.5 | pT3a |
AA1 | African‐American | 3 + 4 | 20.7 | pT3b |
AA2 | African‐American | 3 + 4 | 4.8 | pT2c |
AA3 | African‐American | 3 + 4 | 10 | pT3b |
2.2. TCGA data re‐analysis
The Cancer Genome Atlas Network (2015) has performed extensive genomic, transcriptomic, epigenetic, and proteomics studies on a large cohort of PCa patients (333 primary prostate tumor tissues) to identify the molecular and biological heterogeneity in PCa patients.30 In order to investigate the epigenetic variation and specific methylation pattern in AA and CA men, we retrieved the TCGA datasets with methylation cluster (MC) information and clinical details for each patient from the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics (http://www.cbioportal.org/study.do?cancer_study_id=prad_tcga_pub). Of the 333 PCa patients who were enrolled in TCGA study, 43 PCa patients were reported to be AA, and 162 were CA. The Gleason score and grading of these patients has been elaborated in Table 2. Further, to identify the biological pathways dysregulated in each MC, we used a list of differentially regulated genes in each cluster which was procured from firebrowse (http://firebrowse.org/?cohort=PRAD).31 We also used TCGA methylated data to validate our RRBS analysis, which was retrieved from (http://firebrowse.org/?cohort=PRAD)portal.32
Table 2.
Gleason grading of the AA and CA men with PCa in TCGA cohort and GRID cohort
Grade Group | Gleason Score | No. of AA Patients | Percentage (%) | No. of CA Patients | Percentage (%) |
TCGA cohort | |||||
1 | 6 (3 + 3) | 12 | 27.9 | 27 | 16.7 |
2 | 7 (3 + 4) | 14 | 32.6 | 56 | 34.6 |
3 | 7 (4 + 3) | 8 | 18.6 | 35 | 21.6 |
4 | 8 | 5 | 11.6 | 16 | 9.9 |
5 | 9‐10 | 4 | 9.3 | 28 | 17.3 |
GRID cohort | |||||
Grade Group | Gleason Score | No. of AA Patients | Percentage (%) | No. of CA Patients | Percentage (%) |
1 | 6 (3 + 3) | 35 | 5.9 | 18 | 3.2 |
2 | 7 (3 + 4) | 333 | 55.9 | 306 | 55 |
3 | 7 (4 + 3) | 131 | 22 | 150 | 27 |
4 | 8 | 49 | 8.2 | 30 | 5.4 |
5 | 9‐10 | 48 | 8.1 | 52 | 9.4 |
2.3. GenomeDx analysis
Genomics Resource Information Database (GRID) patients' samples were used for the validation of our observation of differential Wnt signaling in CA and AA cohorts from TCGA data. This analysis was performed on a total of 1152 PCa patients, 596 AA and 556 CA, and is part of another study. Gleason score and grading of the GRID cohort has been summarized in Table 2. RNA was extracted from routine formalin‐fixed, paraffin embedded radical prostatectomy tumor tissues, which were amplified and hybridized to Human Exon 1.0 ST microarrays (Thermo‐Fisher, Carlsbad, CA). All GRID data were normalized using the single channel array normalization algorithm33 and data processed as previously described.34
2.4. DNA extraction and RRBS sequencing
Genomic DNA was extracted from frozen tissues using Qiagen's DNA/RNA extraction kit (Cat No. 80204) as per manufacturer's instruction. Library preparation for RRBS was performed using NuGEN Ovation RRBS Methyl‐Seq System (Cat N0: 0353, 0553) for Illumina Sequencing. In brief, the preparation steps included: (1) DNA fragmentation by MspI enzyme digestion; (2) ligation of adapter; (3) end repair; (4) DNA oxidation; (5) bisulfite conversion; (6) desulfonation and purification; and (7) amplification and purification. The libraries were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platform (75 bp paired end) at The Genomics Core Facility at the Icahn Institute and Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences.
2.5. Computational analysis
Bismark v0.15.0 software was used for the analysis of bisulfite sequencing data. It is a set of tools for the Bisulfite‐Seq data which performs alignments of bisulfite‐treated reads to a reference genome (hg 19 which is bisulphate converted) as well as cytosine methylation calls at the same time. Sequence reads that produce a unique alignment against the bisulfite genomes were then compared with the normal genomic sequence, and the methylation state of all cytosine positions in the read is inferred. Read alignment details for RRBS data are summarized in Table 3. Further, the methylation status of the uniquely mapped reads was extracted using the bismark_methylation_extractor script in Bismark. The CpG region with at least five reads covering them were used for downstream analysis. Methylation of a specific region was calculated by averaging the methylation levels of all CpGs covered in that region. We calculated promoter methylation levels for each sample then compared the variation among CA vs AA and tumor vs benign region for each racial group. Promoters were defined as ±2 kb windows centered on RefSeq transcription start sites.
Table 3.
Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing reads and mapping from sequenced tissues of African‐American and Caucasian men with PCa
Race/Group | Type of Tissue | Raw Reads | Unique Mapped Reads | Mapping Percentage |
CA1 | Benign | 12282536 | 5416647 | 44.1% |
Tumor | 12732930 | 5803964 | 45.6% | |
CA2 | Benign | 10462111 | 4675127 | 44.7% |
Tumor | 10607889 | 4840047 | 45.6% | |
CA3 | Benign | 7160756 | 3072980 | 42.9% |
Tumor | 11087471 | 5098151 | 46.0% | |
AA1 | Benign | 12788974 | 5762829 | 45.1% |
Tumor | 13354714 | 5831607 | 43.7% | |
AA2 | Benign | 7520582 | 3363084 | 44.7% |
Tumor | 12431991 | 5216656 | 42.0% | |
AA3 | Benign | 10402284 | 4513597 | 43.4% |
Tumor | 9577045 | 3958823 | 41.3% |
2.6. Survival analysis
To determine the association of hypomethylated genes (RRBS analysis) with survival and recurrence, we used SurvExpress software (http://bioinformatica.mty.itesm.mx:8080/Biomatec/SurvivaX.jsp). We used gene list from uploaded hypomethylated genes (RRBS analysis) and publicly available human cancer database to predict biomarkers for risk assessment and survival. Prostate adenocarcinoma PRAD‐TCGA database30 and Sboner database35 were used for the identification of biomarkers associated with survival. The Taylor databases36 were used for the analysis of recurrence. The risk groups were generated either by splitting the ordered prognostic index (PI) (risk score estimated by beta coefficients multiplied by gene expression values) for each sample at the median where samples are distributed equally in both groups or by using an optimized algorithm from the ordered PI.37 The SurvExpress software was used in default setting for a log‐rank test along all values of the arranged PI, and the minimum p‐value was selected. Higher risk group has the higher PI value, whereas low risk group has the lower PI value. Iteration was performed until no changes are observed. Kaplan‐Meier curve was generated for risk groups, which also provided information of concordance index that estimates the probability that subjects with a higher risk will experience the event after subjects with a lower risk.37
2.7. Functional analysis
The Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software (Ingenuity Systems, Redwood City, CA) was used to identify the relevant bio‐functions and the pathways associated with differentially expressed gene in each MC. For this, the gene list was imported into IPA software, and iteration was performed until no difference was observed. The IPA generates pathways utilizing the imported genes and the genes stored in the ingenuity knowledge database, which is based on functional annotations and experimental observations. It also computed a p value for each pathway, to assess the likelihood of the association between the focus genes and a canonical pathway being not random. It also predicts the activation or inhibition of a canonical pathway based on z‐score by comparing the uploaded dataset and the information stored in IPA knowledge database. A positive z‐score suggests the activation, whereas a negative z‐score indicates inactivation of the pathway.
3.1. AA and CA men with PCa associate in different methylation clusters
An integrative epigenetic and genetics analysis by TCGA study identified four distinct methylation groups which are named as MC 1, 2, 3, and 4.30 Each MC was differentially associated with distinct genetic alterations previously implicated in PCa such as ERG‐ ETV1‐, ERG‐ETV4‐fusions, and SPOP, FOXA1, and IDH1 mutations30 (Figure 1A). Interestingly, 43% PCa patients were ERG fusion‐positive; one‐third of which exhibited hypermethylation and associated with MC (MC1). The other two‐third of ERG positive PCa patients had hypomethylated DNA loci and associated with MC 3 (MC3) (Figure 1A). MC2 had highly methylated DNA loci and included patients with SPOP, FOXA1, and IDH1 mutations, and ETV1 and ETV4 fusions. MC4 had hypomethylated loci and was positive for ERG, ETV1, and ETV4 fusions, and SPOP and FOXA1 mutations (Figure 1A).
Figure 1.
Clustering of prostate cancer TCGA dataset based on DNA methylation. A, Pictorial representation of the distribution of fusion and mutation associated tumors (333 PCa patients) with different methylation clusters. B, The distribution of African‐American (43) and Caucasian (162) men with PCa in different methylation clusters
To further study the association of race with the various MCs, we categorized PCa patients who were enrolled in TCGA study into two racial groups (43 AA and 162 CA). Upon sub‐analysis, we observed a trend towards enrichment of MC1 Cluster in AA men (p = 0.048), while CA men predominantly associated in MC3 (p = 0.000146) (Figure 1B). Both the clusters MC1 and MC3 displayed distinct spectrum of methylation status; MC1 (AA) had hypermethylated loci whereas the MC3 (CA) showed hypomethylated loci.
3.2. Non‐canonical Wnt/Ca+2 signaling pathway is significantly upregulated in CA men with PCa
We further analyzed the mRNA expression data from TCGA study to identify signaling pathways dysregulated in each MC using IPA. We observed Wnt signaling pathway to be differentially regulated in all the four clusters (Supplementary Table 1 ). Since, AA and CA men with PCa displayed trend towards association (p = 0.048) or was significantly associated (p = 0.000146) with MC1 and MC3, respectively, we focused our analyses on these two clusters. The pathway analysis of dysregulated genes in MC1 (AA) showed downregulation of non‐canonical Wnt signaling (Wnt/Ca+2 signaling), whereas it was activated in MC3 (CA) (Figure 2A). The analysis of MC3 (CA) showed exclusive activation of non‐canonical Wnt/Ca+2 signaling. Furthermore, inflammation/immune‐cell‐related pathways and PI3K signaling was observed to be associated with upregulated genes in MC1 (Table 4). We also observed down regulated genes associated with cell cycle signaling in MC1. In the case of MC3, amino acid metabolism‐related pathways were associated with upregulated genes, and downregulated genes were associated with cytokine signaling and PI3K‐pathway alterations (Table 4).
Figure 2.
Race‐specific differential regulation of canonical (Wnt/β‐catenin) and non‐canonical (Wnt/Ca+2) Wnt signaling pathways. A, Alterations in the MC1 and MC3 and their association with canonical and non‐canonical Wnt signaling pathways. The p value denote the likelihood of the indicated race to belong to the two clusters. B, Differential expression of Wnt (Wnt/Ca+2) signaling genes in CA (556) and AA (596) in the decipher‐GRID dataset. Each point is a combined average of Wnt/Ca+2 associated genes plotted for both CA and AA
Table 4.
Pathways associated with differentially expressed genes in MC 1 and MC 3
Methylation Cluster 1 (African‐American) | Methylation Cluster 3 (Caucasian) | |||
Pathways | Genes | Pathways | Genes | |
Upregulated | Chemokine signaling and immune cell or inflammation related signaling | MCP‐3, Eotaxin, PKC, MLCP, CCR3, PI3K, cPLA2, Gβ, AIM2, CASP1, CASP5, VAV2, PXN, VCAM1, PRKCQ, NOX3, MMP16, CLDN18, PRKCZ, CTNNA2, IRS2, DLC1, MMP17, ITK, PRKCB | Amino acid metabolism | BCAT1, BCAT2, HMGCLL1, EHHADH, ALDH2, ALDH1A2, ALDH1L1, ALDH3A1 |
PI3K signaling | VAV2, PLCZ1, PTPRC, IRS2, PLCL2, PRKCZ, NFATC1, PPP3CA, PRKCB | |||
Downregulated | Cell cycle related pathways | CDKN2A, HDAC9, CCND2, CCNA1, CCND3, PPP2R2A, PPP2R3A, HDAC7, CUL1,CDK6, HDAC10, PPP2R5C, CDKN1B, NRG1, SMAD3 | Cytokine and chemokine signaling | VCAM1, IL‐6, AKT, PI3K, JAK1, JAK3, PLCγ1, mTOR, NFAT, MHC‐II, MCP‐3, SDF‐1, CAMK, PI3Kγ, MLCP, CCR3, |
PI3K signaling | NFAT, TAPP, PLCγ1, CAMK, IP3R, Calcineurin, TLR4, PI3K, AKT |
The finding of differential regulation of Wnt signaling in MC3 (representation of CA cohort) from TCGA data re‐analysis were further validated in a separate and larger cohort of PCa patients among these two racial groups. We used the GRID data from GenomeDx, which uses RNA expression analysis from prostate tumors to provide a Decipher‐genomic score that predicts disease aggressiveness. Subdividing the GRID data, and filtering for genes belonging to the non‐canonical Wnt/Ca+2 signaling pathway, we observed highly significant upregulation in the CA patients when compared with AA patients (p = 5.6 × 10−06) (Figure 2B). This observation corroborated our TCGA analysis and suggested that upregulation of Wnt/Ca+2 signaling pathway in MC3 (representative of CA PCa) could be a race‐specific driver of PCa (Figure 2A).
3.3. Hypomethylation changes are more prevalent in CA men with PCa
We further designed and carried out a pilot study to identify global methylation differences in CA and AA tumors through RRBS analysis. We selected six tumor‐benign matched samples, three from CA, and three AA, the clinical parameters of which are provided in Table 1. We observed distinct methylation pattern in CA and AA tumor tissue (Figure 3A). We identified hypomethylation of 32 genes in CA which were totally distinct from 19 hypomethylated genes in AA (Supplementary Table 2). Although this data is limited to only three samples, it shows concordance with our previous observation with TCGA data where MC3 (CA) clusters show predominantly hypomethylated loci (Figure 1A). Moreover, we observed differential methylation changes in tumor and benign tissue in both CA and AA (Figure 3B,C), respectively. IPA analysis of the genes differentially methylated in tumor vs benign tissue in CA and AA revealed dysregulation of distinct pathways. Mainly, antigen presentation, redox reaction, lactose degradation, and EIF2 signaling affected in CA whereas amino acid degradation and fatty acid oxidation pathway was affected in AA (Supplementary Table 3). In line with previous observation that benign tissue methylation from AA shows some similarity with tumor methylation patterns in CA,28 we observe similar clustering in our analysis, Supplementary Figure 1. However, due to the limited sample size, confidence calls on the genes was low and thus warrants a follow‐up study with larger number of samples.
Figure 3.
Epigenetic changes in Caucasian and African‐American men with PCa. A, Heat map representing the methylation variation in CA and AA. B, Heat map represents the methylation variation in tumor and benign tissues in CA. C, Heat map represents the methylation variation in tumor and benign tissues in AA. Yellow color corresponds to hypermethylated genes in both the groups, whereas blue color represents the hypomethylated genes
3.4. TCGA methylation data validates RRBS analysis
Despite the small number of samples and inherent heterogeneity in PCa, we compared the methylated data obtained from our RRBS analysis with TCGA data to identify concordance. Although, different platforms were used in TCGA and the RRBS study, we observed similar methylation patterns: RPS29, ZNF180, POLD4, AKIRIN2, SLC41A3, PDIA3, CPSF2, and SLC35C2 genes were hypomethylated in AA men in RRBS analysis as well as in TCGA data (methylation mean with cut‐off <0.2 was used for hypomethylated genes in TCGA analysis30) (Table 5). Additionally, hypermethylated genes (methylation mean cut‐off >0.3 was used for hypermethylated genes in TCGA analysis30) from both the analysis include IDH3B, LRP10, BLVRB, ZNF256, LIME1, CD72, URM1, PSAP, PIKFYVE, ARL6IP1, and BTBD2, which were associated with AA (Table 6)
Table 5.
Comparison of hypomethylated genes in African‐American (hypermethylated in Caucasian) in RRBS analysis and hypomethylated in TCGA dataset (methylation mean cut off <0.2)
RRBS | TCGA Data | |||
Gene | p Value | Methylation Difference | p Value | Methylation Mean |
RPS29 | 0.002 | −0.23 | 1.07E − 09 | 0.04 |
ZNF180 | 0.03 | −0.15 | 1.04E − 02 | 0.03 |
POLD4 | 0.04 | −0.14 | 3.58E − 06 | 0.14 |
AKIRIN2 | 0.01 | −0.13 | 4.67E − 15 | 0.03 |
SLC41A3 | 0.02 | −0.13 | 4.69E − 03 | 0.06 |
PDIA3 | 0.01 | −0.12 | 7.33E − 02 | 0.12 |
CPSF2 | 0.04 | −0.11 | 1.62E − 07 | 0.04 |
SLC35C2 | 0.01 | −0.10 | 5.60E − 08 | 0.05 |
Table 6.
Comparison of hypermethylated genes in African‐American (hypomethylated in Caucasian) in RRBS analysis and hypermethylated in TCGA dataset (methylation mean cut‐off >0.3)
RRBS | TCGA Data | |||
Gene | p Value | Methylation Difference | p Value | Methylation Mean |
IDH3B | 0.035 | 0.262 | 9.95E − 09 | 10.38 |
LRP10 | 0.017 | 0.105 | 1.66E − 04 | 12.16 |
BLVRB | 0.039 | 0.166 | 7.89E − 03 | 10.45 |
ZNF256 | 0.021 | 0.135 | 1.02E − 05 | 6.71 |
LIME1 | 0.047 | 0.205 | 3.03E − 07 | 6.34 |
CD72 | 0.038 | 0.106 | 4.15E − 15 | 4.47 |
URM1 | 0.017 | 0.266 | 1.49E − 03 | 10.25 |
PSAP | 0.008 | 0.467 | 5.37E − 09 | 14.88 |
PIKFYVE | 0.046 | 0.106 | 1.12E − 06 | 9.96 |
ARL6IP1 | 0.003 | 0.202 | 3.14E − 15 | 12.12 |
BTBD2 | 0.032 | 0.130 | 6.64E − 07 | 11.49 |
3.5. Hypomethylated gene sets associate with biochemical recurrence and survival
To test whether the 19 hypomethylated genes (associating with AA) and the 32 hypomethylated genes (associating with CA) (Supplementary Table 2) identified from the pilot study had any prognostic significance, we performed outcome analysis using these genes independently. The PRAD‐TCGA (TCGA) dataset (497 samples)30 and Sboner datasets (281 samples)35 were used for the prediction of survival outcome, whereas the Taylor dataset (140 sample)36 was used to access the recurrence of PCa (see Methods) (Figure 4). We only observed slight outcomes association in the TCGA dataset (p = 0.99 for CA, and p = 0.047 for AA gene sets) (Figure 4A). However, despite the small sample size of our RRBS study, we were able to separate risk groups based on differential expression of genes in Sboner dataset significantly (p = 0.00013 for CA, and p = 0.02 for AA gene sets) (Figure 4B and Table 7). Furthermore, the Taylor datasets suggested significant association of hypomethylated genes with BCR of PCa (p = 6 × 10−6 for CA, and p = 0.0077 for AA gene sets) (Figure 4C and Table 7). Although the above observation points to the limitation of our study due to limited number of samples, it also provides strong preliminary evidence to carry out a larger study in order to identify better race‐specific predictive epigenetic markers.
Figure 4.
Comparison of PCa Kaplan‐Meier curves identified through race‐specific methylation gene‐sets. A, The curves were generated using the prostate adenocarcinoma PRAD‐TCGA database and hypomethylated genes identified by RRBS analysis from CA and AA tumors. B, Similar to A, but using the Sboner prostate database. C, Similar to A and B, but using the Taylor prostate database. Horizontal axis represents time to event (days in A, months in B and C). Red and green curves denote high‐ and low‐risk groups, respectively. The red and green numbers below horizontal axis represent the number of individuals not presenting the event of the corresponding risk group along time. The number of individuals, the number of censored, and the CI of each risk group are shown in the top‐right insets. CI represent concordance index; P represent p value
Table 7.
Evaluation of survival and recurrence analysis and prognostic markers in three different prostate cancer databases using hypomethylated gene sets identified by RRBS analysis in different racial group
Datasets | Caucasian | African‐American | ||||
Risk Group p Value | DEG Between Risk Groups | Genes | Risk Group p Value | DEG Between Risk Groups | Genes | |
PRAD‐TCGA database30 | 0.998 | 14 | HOXD12, C6orf108, C17orf46, SIVA1, OLFM1, TMEM14A, C2orf56, BLVRB, CA9, ZNF566, ARL6IP1, CCDC104, MBD1, PSAP | 0.0474 | 12 | KLHL12, EZH1, RPS29, ALDH3B1, LCN1, MTHFD1, GALNT6, AKIRIN2, ODF3L1, NDUFB1, SLC35C2, GPR37 |
Sboner database35 | 0.00013 | 10 | ATP5G2, C6orf108, CD72, SIVA1, OLFM1, CEBPZ, BLVRB, CA9, IDH3B, PSAP | 0.02 | 7 | EZH1, ALDH3B1, LCN1, MTHFD1, POLD4, PDIA3, GPR37 |
Taylor database36 | 6.01e‐06 | 10 | ATP5G2, SLC34A3, PIKFYVE, ATXN1L, DYNC1I2, CEBPZ, CA9, ARL6IP1, URM1, MBD1 | 0.0077 | 8 | EZH1, LCN1, GALNT6, POLD4, C4orf39, SLC41A3, ODF3L1, CPSF2 |
There exist disproportionate incidence, progression, and mortality of PCa patients in relation to race. Epigenetic changes are an inherent genomic property that appears early during development38 or acquired during life due to exposure to certain environmental factors.39, 40 Variations in methylation have also been reported among AA and CA ethnic groups,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 with studies suggesting the existence of race‐specific methylation differences at birth.40, 41 Several studies have reported that hypermethylation of CpG is a predominant event occurring in PCa.30, 42 The comprehensive TCGA study identified the existence of diverse heterogeneity in the genomics of PCa but was limited in race‐specific stratification with respect to epigenetic analysis.30
Based on distinct race‐based methylation clustering of the TCGA data, we identified that AA tumors show trends towards associating with MC1 with hypermethylated loci. On the other hand, CA tumors associated significantly to MC3 cluster with hypomethylated loci. Due to the unavailability of directly methylated and unmethylated gene information from TCGA data, we used differentially regulated genes in each MC to carry out functional analysis. We found that non‐canonical Wnt/Ca+2 are upregulated in CA (MC3), which was also validated in a large cohort of PCa patients by the Decipher‐GRID dataset. Although multiple studies have identified association of Wnt signaling with aggressive, late stage disease, and metastasis in PCa,43, 44, 45 to our knowledge, the distinction of Wnt/β‐catenin and Wnt/Ca+2 signaling pathway association with ethnicity in PCa has not been reported previously. Of the two Wnt signaling pathways, Wnt/β‐catenin is a very well‐studied pathway and plays an important role in progression of PCa towards metastasis, and development of disease.46, 47 More recently, non‐canonical Wnt (Wnt/Ca+2) signaling has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of PCa.45, 48 Due to the involvement of Wnt/β‐catenin pathway in progression, it has been suggested to act as a molecular marker for predicting resistance to several androgen‐dependent therapies.49 Due to their important role in tumorigenesis and metastasis, genes involved in canonical and non‐canonical Wnt signaling pathways are emerging as promising targets for therapeutic intervention in PCa.50, 51 Future studies are needed to not only understand the mechanism of Wnt signaling driven PCa but also identify race‐specific therapeutic potential.
The analysis also identified that inflammation‐related pathway, PI3K signaling, cell cycle signaling, and amino acid metabolism pathways vary differentially in these racial groups. Specifically, chemokine signaling and immune cell‐related pathway and PI3K signaling were associated with upregulated genes in AA (MC1). Several studies had reported association of interleukin signaling and inflammation to be more prevalent in AA17, 52 and over‐activation of PI3K/AKT pathway in AA men compared with CA men.53 Furthermore, we found cell cycle signaling was downregulated in AAs in line with a recent study that reported enhanced cell cycle‐related transcription in specific subpopulation of CA derived PCa cell‐line.54 Finally, amino‐acid metabolism pathways were observed to be associated with genes upregulated in CA men (MC3), which was in line with previously reported study that showed higher amino acid metabolism in CA derived PCa cell lines treated with androgens.55
To establish a premise for a larger study in the future, we carried out a pilot RRBS study using a small cohort of PCa tumors derived from AA (three samples) and CA men (three samples). Despite the highly limited sample size, the analysis found observations similar to the TCGA re‐analysis, such as the PDIA3 gene which was hypomethylated in AA (hypermethylated in Ca), and shown to associate with malignant PCa and thus could be used as a biomarker.56 Furthermore, hypermethylated genes in AA include isocitrate dehydrogenase beta‐subunit (IDH3B) and phosphoinositide kinase, FYVE‐Type Zinc Finger Containing (PIKFYVE), which have previously been suggested to serve as urine‐based biomarker for PCa.57 Whereas mutations in IDH3B have been associated with PCa,58 PIKFYVE induces exosome secretion and is known to influence cancer related pathways like metastasis and drug resistance development.59 The importance of these genes with respect to racial disparity in PCa has not been studied and needs to be explored further.
Using in‐silico analysis, we observed that the Sboner35 and Taylor datasets36 predicted survival and recurrence outcome to associate with gene‐sets identified through RRBS analysis in the two racial groups. However, direct lack of ethnic information in the available dataset limits the impact of prediction of these genes in specific ethnic populations. Thus, a future follow‐up study involving a large cohort of AA and CA PCa patient is needed for better prediction of bio‐markers for risk assessment, aggressive cancer prediction, recurrence development, and overall survival.
Over the past decade, genomic, epigenomic, and proteomic approaches have contributed tremendously towards the stratification of various complexities with respect to active surveillance, surgery, and therapeutics in PCa. The present study adds to the above by including race characteristics and provides preliminary evidence suggesting race‐specific role of epigenetic in driving PCa. Together, it can, not only help better understand race‐specific disease mechanisms and prediction of clinical outcome, but also help in identifying distinct pathways and novel target molecules for developing more effective race‐specific therapeutic interventions.
All authors had full access to the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Conceptualization, S.S.Y., A.K.T., K.K.Y.; Methodology, R.R., S.S.Y., H.P., I.K., J.O.C, M.A., E.D., O.E., A.K.T., K.K.Y.; Investigation, R.R., S.S.Y., A.K.T., K.K.Y.; Formal analysis, R.R.,S.S.Y., K.K.Y.; Resources, A.K.T.; Writing ‐ Original Draft, R.R., S.S.Y., K.K.Y.; Writing ‐ Review & Editing, R.R., S.S.Y., E.T., A.K.T., K.K.Y., Visualization, R.R., S.S.Y., K.K.Y.; Supervision, S.S.Y, A.K.T., K.K.Y.
The research work was supported by funds from the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Deane Prostate Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY.
Supporting information
Supplementary Figure 1. Epigenetic variations in tumor and benign tissue of Caucasian and African‐American men PCa. Heat map represents the methylation variation and clustering in CA (three benign and three tumor) and AA (three benign vs three tumor). Yellow color corresponds to hypermethylated genes in both the groups, whereas blue color represents the hypomethylated genes.
Supplementary Table 1. Pathways associated with different methylation cluster.
Supplementary Table 2. List of differentially methylated genes in African‐Americans PCa patients as compared with Caucasians patients.
Supplementary Table 3. Pathways associated with hypomethylated genes in CA and AA PCa patients identified by RRBS analysis.
We are thankful to the Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York for use of their equipment and resources. Both S.S.Y. and K.K.Y. thank the Prostate Cancer Foundation for Young Investigator Awards.
Rai R, Yadav SS, Pan H, et al. Epigenetic analysis identifies factors driving racial disparity in prostate cancer. Cancer Reports. 2019;2:e1153. 10.1002/cnr2.1153
Richa Rai and Shalini S. Yadav contributed equally
Contributor Information
Ashutosh K. Tewari, Email: ash.tewari@mountsinai.org.
Kamlesh K. Yadav, Email: kamlesh.yadav@mountsinai.org.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Figure 1. Epigenetic variations in tumor and benign tissue of Caucasian and African‐American men PCa. Heat map represents the methylation variation and clustering in CA (three benign and three tumor) and AA (three benign vs three tumor). Yellow color corresponds to hypermethylated genes in both the groups, whereas blue color represents the hypomethylated genes.
Supplementary Table 1. Pathways associated with different methylation cluster.
Supplementary Table 2. List of differentially methylated genes in African‐Americans PCa patients as compared with Caucasians patients.
Supplementary Table 3. Pathways associated with hypomethylated genes in CA and AA PCa patients identified by RRBS analysis.