A. Animals were inoculated with the indicated doses of LNP and the survival rate, weight (B), and clinical scores (C) recorded daily for up to 8 days. Data was pooled from two independent experiments. N=9 for each group except PBS/Naïve where n=5. D. Lungs harvested at the indicated time points from PBS, and the 10 μg group were harvested and photographed. E. Animals injected with 10 μg of LNP were sacrificed 9 hours post inoculation and their lungs’ leukocytic composition determined by flow cytometry following a published gating strategy (Yu et al., 2016). Neut.= neutrophils, Eosi. = eosinophils, DC = dendritic cells, NK = natural killer, aMac. = alveolar macrophages, iMac. = interstitial macrophages, iMon. = inflammatory monocytes, rMon. = resident monocytes. F. LNP injection leads to fast and homogenous dispersion in the lung. Animals were inoculated with PBS or 10 μg of DiI-labeled LNP. Six hours later the lungs were harvested, prepared for histology, stained with DAPI and imaged using a confocal microscope. One representative image is shown. For all the charts the data were pooled from at least two separate experiments and displayed as percent ± SD. Each dot represents a separate animal. Student’s two-tailed t-test was used to determine the significance between naïve and the experimental samples. ***p<0.0005, **p<0.005, *p<0.05, ns = not significant.