CNS-homing immune cells are reduced in the blood of relapsing-remitting and progressive MS patients
(A–F) Comparisons of single-cell gene set enrichment of the CNS-h signature (A–C) or a control signature of random genes (D–F) in cluster T09 for indicated cohorts with n = 150 cells per sample and mean gene set enrichment averaged for each sample (right panels).
(A and D) Samples from n = 8 RRMS patients without treatment (cohort MS1) compared with n = 7 HI (cohort HI1).
(B and E) Samples from n = 7 RRMS patients without treatment (cohort MS2) compared with n = 6 HI (cohort HI2).
(C and F) Samples from n = 10 PPMS patients without treatment (cohort MS3) compared with n = 10 HI (cohort HI3).
FDR-adjusted paired two-tailed t tests were used in (A)–(F).