Figure 5. SNO-NP treatment increases the uptake of passively drained 30 nm tracer by LN cells in vivo, but not of smaller 5 nm tracers.
A) CD45+ cell number in dLN. B) The cellular profile of CD45+ LN cells with SNO-NP treatment and control SH-NP treatment. C) Representative examples of CD45+ LN cells without 5 and 30 nm tracers, or with tracer and SNO-NP or SH-NP treatment. D) Percent of CD45+ cells in dLN positive for passively draining tracers 72 h after co-injection with treatment. E) Number and F) percent of each cell subtype positive for 30 nm tracer after 72 h. G) MFI of 30 nm+ cells after SNO-NP treatment, normalized to SH-NP control. *s represent significant differences between pre-normalized populations. H) Effect of SNO-NP treatment on tracer uptake by barrier, cortex, and paracortex cell populations. I) Percent of LN cells positive for 5 nm tracer 72 h after injection. J) Mean fluorescence intensity of 5 nm+ cells 72 h after tracer and SNO-NP injection, normalized to SH-NP control. K) Percent of cells positive for 30 nm tracer after splenocytes were incubated in vitro for 4 h with tracer and SNO-NP or SH-NP control. Results are normalized to SH-NP control.