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The SMARCB1/INI1 gene was first discovered in the mid-1990s, and since then it has been revealed that loss of function mutations in this gene result in aggressive rhabdoid tumors. Recently, the term “rhabdoid tumor” has become synonymous with decreased SMARCB1/INI1 expression. When genetic aberrations in the SMARCB1/INI1 gene occur, the result can cause complete loss of expression, decreased expression, and mosaic expression. Although SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors are predominantly sarcomas, this is a diverse group of tumors with mixed phenotypes, which can often make the diagnosis challenging. Prognosis for these aggressive tumors is often poor. Moreover, refractory and relapsing progressive disease is common. As a result, accurate and timely diagnosis is imperative. Despite the SMARCB1/INI1 gene itself and its implications in tumorigenesis being discovered over two decades ago, there is a paucity of rhabdoid tumor cases reported in the literature that detail SMARCB1/INI1 expression. Much work remains if we hope to provide additional therapeutic strategies for patients with aggressive SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors.
Keywords: SMARCB1, INI1, loss of function mutation, rhabdoid, sarcoma
History of the SMARCB1/INI1 Gene
SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily B member 1 (SMARCB1), also known as integrase interactor 1 (INI1), is a crucial component of a chromatin-remodeling protein complex. SMARCB1/INI1 was first identified in yeast in the late 1980s 1. By 1994, its human homologue was isolated in fibroblast cells 2, 3. Subsequent molecular investigations showed this nuclear protein complex enhances DNA transcription by interactions with HIV-1 integrase 2. Nuclear SMARCB1/INI1 exists ubiquitously in all normal cells, and acts as a tumor suppressor gene 4. It was revealed in the early 2000s by studies in mice that biallelic knockout of the SMARCB1/INI1 gene resulted in early lethality 5. Mice with heterozygous loss before birth, or who had later conditional single-allele knockout after birth, of SMARCB1/INI1 developed aggressive rhabdoid tumors 6– 8. Since its discovery, much work has revealed this chromatin-remodeling protein has crucial roles in multiple signaling pathways that function to suppress tumorigenesis and tumor growth 9. Although these pathways are highly complex, the development and use of targeted anti-cancer therapies has practically become ubiquitous for nearly all solid tumors. Thus, continued investigations are needed if we hope to provide additional therapeutic strategies for patients with aggressive SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors 9.
Interestingly, the genetic signatures of SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors are far from monotonous. Three distinct patterns of abnormal SMARCB1/INI1 gene expression have been identified – reduced, complete loss, and mosaic 9.
Epidemiology, clinical, prognosis
Complete loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression has been linked to a number of pediatric and adult sarcomas ( Table 1). Malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT) and epithelioid sarcoma (ES) both result from biallelic deletions or mutations causing a complete loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression 41. Commonly arising before the age of three years old, MRTs are considered one of the most aggressive childhood neoplasms associated with high mortality 41. MRTs have been reported in adults 42– 49. Based on MRT of adulthood being primarily reported anecdotally, estimated rates of incidence remain unclear. Data concerning the 5-year survival rate for MRT in adults is difficult to determine as well, as various percentages have been reported in literature 13, 14. However, estimated average survival following MRT diagnosis has been reported to be six months 10.
Table 1. Epidemiologic, selected clinical, and prognostic data for SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors.
STS, soft tissue sarcomas; MRT, malignant rhabdoid tumor; CNS, central nervous system; MPNST, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; NF-1, neurofibromatosis type 1; NF-2; neurofibromatosis type 2, GI, gastrointestinal; NA, data not available.
Epidemiology, Clinical | Survival | ||
expression |
Synovial sarcoma | 5 – 10% of all STS; median age of 40 years; males 10, 11 | 5-year, 36–76% 11 |
Complete loss | Malignant rhabdoid tumor | Typically < 3 years of age
11; typically presents
intraabdominally in adult males 10, 12 |
MRT: 5-year, 15 – 20%
extrarenal rhabdoid tumor: 5-year, 35% 14 |
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid
tumor |
Typically < 3 years of age; 10% of CNS tumors in infants 12 | 20 months 15, 16 | |
Epithelioid sarcoma | < 1% of all STS; median age of 27 years, males 17 | 5-year, 68% (all ages) 18 | |
Renal medullary carcinoma | Third most common kidney cancer among children
and young adults; median age of 28 years; males 19, 20 |
Overall survival less than
12 months 19 |
Epithelioid malignant
peripheral nerve sheath tumor |
< 1% of all STS; < 5% of all MPNSTs; aggressive MPNST
variant; unlike MPNST uncommonly associated with NF-1; median age > 40 years 21, 22 |
5-year, 34 – 43% 22 | |
Myoepithelial carcinoma | About 70% occur in parotid gland; median age of
55 years 23 |
5-year, 71% 24 | |
Extraskeletal myxoid
chondrosarcoma |
< 3% of all STS; median age of 50 years; males 25 | 5-year, 80 – 90% 25 | |
Chordoma | Median age of 50 – 60 years in adults, males; median age of
10 – 12 years in children, females 26, 27 |
5-year, 70% 28 | |
Pancreas undifferentiated
rhabdoid carcinoma |
Heterogeneous group of neoplasms; poorly characterized 29 | NA | |
Sinonasal basaloid carcinoma | < 5% of all head/neck cancers; 0.5 cases per 100,000
population per year; males 30 |
Median overall survival
17 months 31 |
Rhabdoid carcinoma of the
gastrointestinal tract |
About 0.1% of all gastric cancers; < 50 cases reported in the
upper and lower GI tract 32, 33 |
Overall survival six
months 33 |
expression |
Schwannomatosis | Third major form of neurofibromatosis; distinct from NF-1
and NF-2; median age of 40 years; 20% familial 34 |
NA |
Gastrointestinal stromal
tumor |
5% of all STS, 80% of all mesenchymal GI tract tumors;
median age of 60 years 35– 37 |
5-year, 83% 38 | |
Ossifying fibromyxoid
tumor |
Only 300 cases reported worldwide; median age of 50 years;
males 39, 40 |
NA |
ES is now categorized into two subgroups: distal and proximal. Conventional or distal-type ES tends to be histologically similar squamous cells. Also, distal-type ES immunohistochemical (IHC) profiles can be diverse. Proximal-type ES is thought to be the more aggressive variant, and has an affinity for the proximal limbs of young adults. Microscopically, sheets of large rhabdoid tumor cells are predominantly observed 50. Based on more recent clinicopathologic and IHC data, many tumors that were previously diagnosed as a MRT are now classified as proximal ES 51.
In addition to ES, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor, renal medullary carcinoma, and pediatric chordoma are rare sarcomas that result from the complete loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression ( Table 1). They predominantly occur in pediatric or young adult patients. Collectively, these neoplasms typically develop in the head/neck, CNS, thorax, kidneys, other visceral organs, retroperitoneum, trunk, and extremities 12, 17, 19, 26, 52. Exceedingly rare SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors that occur more commonly in adults include synovial sarcomas, epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, myoepithelial carcinoma, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, chordoma, schwannomatosis, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and ossifying fibromyxoid tumor ( Table 1). On light microscopy, these sarcomatous neoplasms exist on a morphological spectrum. Tissue specimens are often composed of epithelioid or rhabdoid cells 53. However, other morphologic patterns have been described 50. Thus, the diagnosis of SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors can be difficult based on their polyphenotypic variation 4. SMARCB1/INI1 immunostaining can be used to confirm the diagnosis of an epithelioid or rhabdoid sarcoma because loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression is rarely observed in other tumor types 54, 55. Thus, in the absence of this genetic alteration, other malignant soft tissue tumors with epithelioid-like morphologies can be more confidently ruled out, such as melanoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma.
Aside from SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors sharing an aberration in the same gene, the relationship between these malignancies remains unclear. Following diagnosis in any age or organ, nearly all SMARCB1/INI1-deficient malignancies characteristically follow an aggressive clinical pattern and prognosis is often poor ( Table 1). Survival rates are often reportedly low, but they may not be accurate given low rates of incidence, and considerations for newer treatments. Also, survival can be highly dependent on surgical intervention and completeness of tumor resection, especially for chordomas. GIST are the most common sarcomas of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. They commonly develop in the sixth decade of life and have no gender predominance 35. Following the diagnosis of a GIST, survival rates are highly variable and depend on specific biologic characteristics of the tumor, the type of treatment, and the risk of post-treatment recurrence 36.
Challenges in retrospective data collection for adult cases of SMARCB1/INI-deficient tumors
Recently, the term “rhabdoid tumor” has become synonymous with tumors that harbor loss of function mutations in the SMARCB1/INI1 gene 56. We reviewed the literature and found a paucity of cases reporting SMARCB1/INI1 genetic aberrations in adult patients with sarcomas. A total of 450 cases of rare sarcomas were found to be described in single case reports, case series, or systematic reviews published between the years 2000 – 2020 ( Table 2) 57– 92. This number is likely far lower than the actual accounts of reported sarcoma cases in the literature. However, reports were excluded if it was apparent the case did not meet our inclusion criteria based on the publicly-available title or abstract information. Despite the SMARCB1/INI1 gene being discovered in the mid-1990s, the majority of previous reports were excluded for not mentioning the tumor’s SMARCB1/INI1-deficiency status. Also, tumor occurrence in the pediatric patient population accounted for multiple exclusions.
Table 2. Excluded rare sarcomas in adults reported in single case reports, case series, or systematic reviews, 2000–2020.
Exclusion criteria were as follows: 1.) individual patient age could not be confirmed; 2.) pediatric study population (less than 18 years of age); 3.) absence of documentation noting the loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression by immunohistochemistry or genetic studies; 4.) intact SMARCB1/INI1 expression by immunochemistry or genetic studies; and 5.) non-sarcomatous histologic tumor type. PMID, PubMed Central © unique article identifier; GU, genitourinary; PNS, peripheral nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal.
Article | PMID | Cases,
no. |
site |
reason |
Article | PMID | Cases,
no. |
site |
reason |
Zhang et al., 2019 57 | 31933781 | 1 | scalp | 3 | Weisskopf et al., 2006 75 | 16474944 | 1 | spine | 2,3 |
Kubota et al., 2019 58 | 31034722 | 1 | GU | 2 | Onol et al., 2006 76 | 16343734 | 1 | GU | 3 |
Kolin et al., 2018 59 | 29700418 | 5 | GU | 4 | Zevallos-G.
et al.,
2005 77 |
16082246 | 2 | perineum | 3 |
Kim et al., 2018 60 | 30235775 | 1 | brain | 3 | Masunaga
et al.,
2004 78 |
15260853 | 1 | lung | 3 |
Strehl et al., 2015 61 | 25920939 | 25 | GU | 3 | Chang et al., 2004 79 | 14713833 | 1 | GI | 2 |
Santos et al., 2013 62 | 23793215 | 1 | pelvis | 3 | Altundag et al., 2004 80 | 15579921 | 1 | GU | 3 |
Patrizi et al., 2013 63 | 23886403 | 1 | GU | 3 | Lee et al., 2004 81 | 14675288 | 1 | pelvis | 3 |
Zhao et al., 2013 49 | 23761028 | 1 | renal | 3 | Peng et al., 2003 44 | 12946214 | 1 | renal | 3 |
Tocco et al., 2012 64 | 23359842 | 1 | scalp | 3 | Hanna et al., 2002 82 | 12107573 | 8 | multiple | 3 |
Rizzo et al., 2012 65 | 22614000 | 12 | PNS | 2 | Etienne-M.
et al.,
2002 83 |
12445750 | 12 | multiple | 3,5 |
Kuge et al., 2012 66 | 22218708 | 1 | brain | 2 | Moore et al., 2002 84 | 11925150 | 1 | GU | 3 |
et al.,
2011 67 |
21420628 | 1 | oral | 3 | Haidopoulos
et al.,
2002 |
12440823 | 1 | GU | 3 |
et al.,
2010 68 |
20479553 | 1 | GU | 3 | Tzilinis et al., 2002 86 | 16093195 | 1 | GU | 3 |
et al.,
2010 69 |
20881848 | 1 | GU | 2 | Amrikachi et al., 2002 87 | 12478486 | 4 | GI | 3 |
Chbani et al., 2009 55 | 19141382 | 106 | multiple | 1 | Hasegawa et al., 2001 88 | 11454997 | 20 | multiple | 3 |
et al.,
2009 70 |
19033866 | 127 | multiple | 1 | Kasamatsu
et al.,
2001 89 |
11520372 | 1 | GU | 3 |
Kim et al., 2008 71 | 19471567 | 1 | GU | 3 | Knapik et al., 2001 90 | 11521235 | 1 | GU | 4 |
Rekhi et al., 2008 72 | 18607629 | 40 | multiple | 3 | Biegal et al., 2000 91 | 10738300 | 1 | brain | 2 |
et al.,
2007 73 |
17692365 | 1 | GU | 3 | Spillane et al., 2000 92 | 10791853 | 37 | multiple | 3 |
et al., 2007 74 |
17152049 | 26 | multiple | 2 |
We located 25 cases of adult SMARCB1/INI1-deficient sarcomas that were described in 18 reports ( Table 3) 42, 50, 93– 108. Median age at the time of diagnosis was 36 years old. A male predominance was mildly observed (14 cases, 56%), which is consistent with other larger reviews. Presentation in the head and neck (e.g. brain, eye, nose, and scalp) occurred more frequently (6 cases, 24%). No descriptive data analysis was performed to determine if our observations were significant. The majority of reports were originally described as proximal epithelioid sarcoma, but overall these remained a morphologically diverse group of cases that also included rhabdoid and mixed phenotypes.
Table 3. Included rare sarcomas reported in single case reports, case series, or systematic reviews, 2000–2020.
Inclusion criteria were as follows: ability to confirm an individual case patient was greater than 18 years of age; documentation of a loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression by immunohistochemistry or genetic studies; and confirmed sarcomatous histologic tumor type. “ - “ denotes complete, reduced, or mosaic loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression (exp.). M, male; F, female.
Article | PMID | Cases,
no. |
Sex |
site |
INI1 exp. |
Sarcoma morphology |
Parker et al., 2020 42 | 32467817 | 1 | 56 M | inguinal | - | epithelioid, rhabdoid |
Ahmad et al., 2019 93 | 31737506 | 1 | 27 M | pleura | - | epithelioid |
Bodi et al., 2018 94 | 29541486 | 1 | 22 F | brain | - | epithelioid, spindle-shaped |
Gurwale et al., 2017 95 | - | 1 | 18 F | scalp | - | epithelioid |
Saha D et al., 2016 96 | 27045049 | 1 | 41 M | lung | - | epithelioid |
Rego et al., 2015 97 | 25737787 | 1 | 34 F | vulva | - | epithelioid, spindle-shaped |
Wetzel et al., 2014 98 | 24997629 | 1 | 51 F | oral | - | rhabdoid |
Agaimy et al., 2014 99 | 24503755 | 1 | 66 M | stomach | - | rhabdoid |
Madsen et al., 2013 100 | 24457248 | 1 | 45 M | pleura | - | epithelioid |
Frank et al., 2013 101 | 24308011 | 1 | 43 M | eye | - | epithelioid, spindle-shaped |
2 | 71 F | nasal | - | epithelioid | ||
Kim et al. 2012 102 | 21724432 | 1 | 41 F | vulva | - | epithelioid |
Mannan et al., 2010 103 | 19757197 | 1 | 47 M | inguinal | - | epithelioid |
Takei et al., 2010 104 | 19911885 | 1 | 33 F | brain | - | rhabdoid |
2 | 79 M | cecum | - | rhabdoid | ||
Raoux et al., 2009 105 | 19342946 | 1 | 31 F | bone | - | epithelioid, spindle-shaped |
Robbens et al., 2006 106 | 16602014 | 1 | 19 M | vertebra | - | epithelioid |
Sigauke et al., 2006 107 | 16528370 | 1 | 26 M | wrist | - | epithelioid |
2 | 26 M | lymph | - | epithelioid | ||
Perry et al., 2005 108 | 15761491 | 1 | 29 M | soft tissue | - | spindle-shaped |
Modena et al., 2005 50 | 15899790 | 1 | 31 F | thigh | - | epithelioid |
2 | 47 F | perineum | - | rhabdoid | ||
3 | 30 M | spine | - | epithelioid | ||
4 | 36 M | spine | - | epithelioid, spindle-shaped | ||
5 | 66 F | inguinal | - | epithelioid, rhabdoid |
Prior to, and still after, the discovery that SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors contribute to the large majority of soft tissue sarcomas, systemic cytotoxic agents have been used to treat this diverse group of neoplasms. Doxorubicin and ifosfamide have remained the mainstay of first-line treatment for advanced disease for the last few decades. Currently, the most widely used regimen for soft tissue sarcomas is termed AIM, which includes Adriamycin (doxorubicin) plus ifosfamide and mesna 109– 111. Therapies such as these, and other cytotoxic agents, exhibit intermediate to improved anti-cancer activity, and prolong survival in metastatic soft tissue sarcoma ( Table 4). However, refractory or progressive disease can occur. With the hopes of improving outcomes in patients who develop aggressive sarcomas, multiple new therapies are being introduced. Olaratumab, a monoclonal antibody that targets platelet-derived growth factor alpha and beta (PDGFRA/B), has been approved for first-line therapy in combination with doxorubicin due to improved progression and overall survival in sarcoma patients 112. The use of tyrosine kinase-inhibitors (TKIs) has transformed the treatment of advanced GIST. Imatinib, a TKI, as monotherapy is now approved for upfront treatment of metastatic GIST due to improved side effect profiles and outcomes in these patients 113– 115. Given its mechanism of action, imatinib is also approved for first-line treatment of the fibrosarcomatous variant of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 116, 117.
Table 4. Approved first-line treatments for sarcomas.
ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression free survival; OS, overall survival; STS, soft tissue sarcoma; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; D, doxorubicine; I, ifosfamide; P, palifosfamide; E, Evofosfamide; T, trabectedin; O, Olaratumab; G, gemcitabine; Doc, docetaxel; NA, data not available.
Tumor | Drugs | Schedules | ORR
(%) |
(months) |
(months) |
Reference |
STS | Doxorubicin
Ifosfamide Evofosfamide Trabectedin Olaratumab |
D + I | 26 | 7.4 | 14.3 | 128 |
D + P | 28.3 | 6 | 15.9 | 129 | ||
D + E | 28.4 | 6.3 | 18.4 | 130 | ||
D + T | 17 | 5.7 | 13.3 | 131 | ||
D + O | 18.2 | 6.6 | 26.5 | 112 | ||
Trabectedin | monotherapy | 14.8 | 2.8 | NA | 132 | |
Aldoxorubicin | monotherapy | 25 | 5.6 | 15.8 | 133 | |
Amrubicin | monotherapy | 13 | 5.8 | 26 | 134 | |
Docetaxel |
G + Doc | 58.6 | 5.6 | 14.7 | 135 | |
Brostacillin | monotherapy | 3.9 | 1.6 | NA | 136 | |
GIST | Imatinib | monotherapy | 68.1 | 18 | 55 | 113– 115 |
Angiosarcoma | Paclitaxel | monotherapy | NA | 4 | 8 | 137 |
Additional TKIs have recently been introduced, with clinical trial data showing promise for their use in sarcomas. Sunitinib and regorafenib significantly improve overall survival in imatinib-resistant GIST patients 118. Pazopanib, a TKI that targets angiogenesis by inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, PDGFRA/B, and KIT proto-oncogene, has been shown to improve progression free survival in certain histologic types of sarcoma. This led to its approval for advanced, refractory non-lipomatous sarcoma 119, 120. Alveolar sarcomas appear to respond well to anti-angiogenetic sorafenib and cediranib 121, 122. In phase II studies tivozanib, which mechanism of action mimics pazopanib, exhibits promising anti-cancer activity in metastatic or nonresectable soft tissue sarcomas 123.
Recently, much work studying the complex mechanisms involved in sarcoma tumorigenesis has revealed the potential for numerous new drug targets. Targeting the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway by serine/threonine kinase inhibition has been widely studied. However, thus far either only equivocal or minor benefits have been shown with the administration of these agents 124. In contrast, phase II trial data is reassuring for the future use of palbociclib, a cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 inhibitor approved in breast cancer, for liposarcoma 125, 126.
Preliminary data from pre-clinical and phase I/II trials is encouraging for small molecule inhibitors, such as with Murine double minute 2 (MDM2)–antagonists, histone deacetylase inhibitors, and histone methylation inhibitors 124. A possible breakthrough in small molecular inhibition is represented by the recent discovery of a specific methyltransferase termed Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is upregulated in SMARCB1/INI1-deficient tumors 127. Given the defining characteristic of SMARCB1/INI1 deficiency in the nearly all soft tissue sarcomas, tazemetostat has emerged as an intriguing compound for its direct inhibition of histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EZH2 127, 138. Another new agent that hopes to improve outcomes for patients with these rare and aggressive SMARCB1/INI1-deficient rhabdoid sarcomas comes from the proteasome inhibitor drug class. Ixazomib selectively targets proteasomes involved in protein anabolism and cellular apoptosis, whose activity is directly enhanced by the transcription factor MYC in SMARCB1/INI1-deficient states. Currently, ixazomib plus gemcitabine and doxorubicin is being studied in the phase II trial setting for renal medullary carcinoma 139, 140.
Data availability
Underlying data
No data are associated with this article.
Funding Statement
The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
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