The factors that contribute to reliabilities of hybrid data and the effect of preprocessing steps for different states. (A, C) The correlations between the reliability of hybrid data and the average ICC of states used in 2-states hybrid (A) and 4-states hybrid (C). (B, D) The correlations between the reliability of hybrid data and the similarity of FC across states used in 2-states hybrid (B) and 4-states hybrid (D). (E) Averaged within-individual similarity (Pearson’s r) of functional connectivity patterns for rest, task, and hybrid data (5.6 min in total) with different preprocessing options. Working memory (WM) and social (SOC) state was shown as an example of the task condition and concatenation from GAM and LAN for the hybrid condition. The group averaged functional connectivity matrices with different preprocessing options are shown in Fig S6. (F) Proportion of connections with moderate, good, and excellent ICC for concatenated resting-state data preprocessed with and without both GSR and ICA-FIX.