Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is required to restrict heart size through limiting the posterior boundary of the vertebrate cardiac progenitor field within the anterior lateral plate mesoderm (ALPM). However, we still do not fully understand how different cardiac progenitor populations that contribute to the developing heart, including earlier-differentiating first heart field (FHF), later-differentiating second heart field (SHF), and neural crest-derived progenitors, are each affected in RA-deficient embryos. Here, we quantified the number of cardiac progenitors and differentiating cardiomyocytes (CMs) in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos. While Nkx2.5+ cells were increased overall in the nascent hearts of RA-deficient embryos, unexpectedly, we found that the major effect within this population was a significant expansion in the number of differentiating FHF CMs. In contrast to the expansion of the FHF, there was a progressive decrease in SHF progenitors at the arterial pole as the heart tube elongated. Temporal differentiation assays and immunostaining in RA-deficient embryos showed that the outflow tracts (OFTs) of the hearts were significantly smaller, containing fewer differentiated SHF-derived ventricular CMs and a complete absence of SHF-derived smooth muscle at later stages. At the venous pole of the heart, pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node also failed to differentiate in RA-deficient embryos. Interestingly, genetic lineage tracing showed that the number of neural-crest derived CMs was not altered within the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient zebrafish embryos. Altogether, our data show that the enlarged hearts in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos are comprised of an expansion in earlier differentiating FHF-derived CMs coupled with a progressive depletion of the SHF, suggesting RA signaling determines the relative ratios of earlier- and later-differentiation cardiac progenitors within an expanded cardiac progenitor pool.
Graphical Abstract
Insufficient retinoic acid (RA) signaling results in congenital heart defects (CHDs) within all vertebrate embryos (Perl and Waxman, 2019; Stefanovic and Zaffran, 2017). Although numerous requirements for RA signaling in heart development have been defined, the earliest known role of RA signaling in vertebrate heart development is restriction of the cardiac progenitor pool within the anterior lateral plate mesoderm (ALPM) (Keegan et al., 2005; Ryckebusch et al., 2010; Sirbu et al., 2008; Waxman et al., 2008). Pharmacological inhibitors of RA signaling and neckless (nls) mutants (Begemann et al., 2001), which have a loss-of-function mutation in the major embryonic RA-producing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1a2 (Aldh1a2 - formerly called Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2)), have demonstrated that RA-deficiency in zebrafish embryos results in a posterior expansion of the cardiac progenitor field and enlarged hearts with a surplus number of differentiated atrial and ventricular CMs (Keegan et al., 2005; Waxman et al., 2008). Aldh1a2 knock-out (KO) mice also have a posterior expansion of heart field markers (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008), supporting the conserved early requirements of RA signaling in limiting the cardiac progenitor pool. Furthermore, fate maps of the ALPM in zebrafish have shown that the augmentation of the cardiac progenitor pool within the ALPM of RA signaling-deficient embryos predominantly results from a posterior expansion into territories that normally harbor pharyngeal vascular, muscle, and forelimb progenitors, consistent with its requirement in anterior-posterior patterning (Sorrell and Waxman, 2011; Waxman et al., 2008). While studies in mice and zebrafish have shown that RA signaling in vertebrates divides the cardiac and forelimb progenitor fields within the ALPM through repression of FGF signaling (Sorrell and Waxman, 2011; Zhao et al., 2009), how RA signaling affects different vertebrate cardiac progenitor populations is still not fully understood.
The vertebrate heart is generated through the progressive temporal differentiation of different progenitor populations (Zaffran and Kelly, 2012). Earlier differentiating cardiac progenitors from within the ALPM called the first heart field (FHF) contribute primarily to the left ventricle in chickens and mice and approximately half of the single ventricle in zebrafish. Later differentiating cardiac progenitors that lie adjacent to the FHF called the second heart field (SHF) grow the heart at its poles, contributing to the right ventricle, outflow tract (OFT), and atria in four-chambered hearts, but primarily the arterial pole of the ventricle in zebrafish (Buckingham et al., 2005; Liu and Stainier, 2012). Despite studies examining these populations in RA-deficient mice (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008), the requirements of RA signaling in these different progenitor cell populations remains unclear. The hearts of Aldh1a2 KO mice are severely dysmorphic and fail to loop, with defects in both the venous and arterial poles of the hearts proposed to be due exclusively to improper patterning and disorganization of the SHF (Niederreither et al., 1999; Ryckebusch et al., 2008). The posterior expansion of SHF markers within the ALPM of Aldh1a2 KO mice was associated with defects in differentiation markers at the venous pole (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008). At the arterial pole, the OFT does not develop in Aldh1a2 KO mice, with in vitro explant experiments showing that cultured SHF progenitors from the Aldh1a2 KO mice fail to differentiate (Ryckebusch et al., 2008). Although both RA-deficient zebrafish and mice show a posterior expansion of the cardiac progenitors within the ALPM, the cardiac defects observed in Aldh1a2 KO mice have remained difficult to reconcile with the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient zebrafish embryos (Waxman et al., 2008). Assuming the requirements of RA signaling in early cardiac patterning are conserved, an exclusive expansion of the SHF markers in mice would imply the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient zebrafish are potentially due to increased SHF progenitors. However, in RA-deficient zebrafish an expansion of cardiac differentiation markers is evident by cardiac fusion stages (Waxman et al., 2008), which contrasts with the model proposed from mice and implies there may be an increase in FHF-derived CMs. Thus, the origins of the surplus CMs within the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient zebrafish embryos and, consequently, the conservation of the effects of loss of RA signaling in early cardiac patterning remain unclear.
In addition to the cardiac progenitors that originate from the ALPM, RA signaling is required for the proper addition of neural crest cells to the developing heart (El Robrini et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2002; Niederreither et al., 2001). It has long been recognized that neural crest cells contribute to the mesenchyme within the OFT that is required for proper septation in four-chambered hearts (Kirby et al., 1983; Waldo et al., 1998). Neural crest cells in Aldh1a2 KO mice do not migrate properly and fail to populate the more proximal locations within the OFT leading to septation defects (El Robrini et al., 2016). Furthermore, conditional KOs of RA receptors (RARs) in the neural crest indicate that RA signaling non-cell autonomously influences neural crest function within the OFT (Jiang et al., 2002). Importantly, in addition to contributing to the OFT, more recent studies in zebrafish, chickens, and mice have demonstrated that cardiac neural crest cells also have conserved requirements contributing to CMs within the chambers (Abdul-Wajid et al., 2018; Cavanaugh et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2019). In zebrafish, an initial wave of neural crest cells contribute to the CMs in both chambers of the heart, while a later posterior wave of neural crest cells contribute to smooth muscle within the OFT (Cavanaugh et al., 2015), reminiscent with what has predominantly been studied in mice (Jiang et al., 2002; Waldo et al., 1998). However, we currently do not understand how the neural crest-derived CM progenitors are affected by loss of RA and if their expansion contributes to the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient embryos.
Here, we examined the effects of RA deficiency on the different CM progenitor sources in zebrafish embryos. Unexpectedly, we find that the primary contribution to the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient embryos are FHF-derived CMs. While the number of SHF progenitors is not initially affected in RA-deficient embryos, there is a subsequent reduction in the number of SHF progenitors at the arterial pole as the tube elongates, supporting that there is a progressive expansion of the FHF, which occurs in part at the expense of these SHF progenitors. Photoconversion-mediated lineage tracing showed that fewer SHF-derived CMs differentiate at the arterial pole and that there is a complete lack of SHF-derived smooth muscle within the OFT at later stages within the enlarged hearts of RA-deficient embryos, consistent with a failure of anterior SHF progenitors to differentiate in RA-deficient mice. Furthermore, at the venous pole of the heart in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos, pacemaker CMs of the sinoatrial node (SAN) fail to differentiate, which is similar to differentiation defects in the posterior SHF found in RA-deficient mice. By examining neural crest-derived CMs with genetic lineage tracing, we also found that there was not an effect on the number of neural crest-derived CMs in RA deficient embryos, indicating that neural crest cells do not contribute to enlargement of the hearts. Altogether, our data show that early RA signaling predominantly restricts the size of the FHF within the enlarged progenitor field and has conserved requirements promoting SHF differentiation in OFT and SAN differentiation at the venous pole, which provides new insights into the mechanisms underlying CHDs in RA-deficient vertebrates.
RA promotes posterior nkx2.5+ progenitor specification within the ALPM
Despite previous studies in mice and zebrafish showing that RA signaling has a conserved requirement restricting the size of the cardiac progenitor field within the ALPM (Keegan et al., 2005; Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008; Waxman et al., 2008), how RA signaling affects the populations of earlier-differentiating FHF and later-differentiating SHF progenitors remains poorly understood. Furthermore, while previous work demonstrated RA-deficient zebrafish embryos have an expanded pool of progenitors expressing nkx2.5 during somitogenesis (Keegan et al., 2005), how RA signaling affects this progenitor population has not been examined in light of the studies showing the broader contributions of nkx2.5+ progenitors to the pharyngeal vasculature and muscles (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017; Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2013). Employing the nkx2.5:Kaede transgenic line, which recapitulates nkx2.5 expression and permits photoconversion-mediated lineage tracing that was used in subsequent experiments, we first examined its expression during mid- to late-somitogenesis stages (14 through 20 somite (s) stages; 16–19 hours post-fertilization (hpf)). During these developmental stages, the bilateral CM progenitors migrate to the midline, fuse to generate the cardiac cone, and the first aggregates of the posterior-lateral pharyngeal arch artery (PAA) progenitors form (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017; Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2013). In situ hybridization (ISH) of embryos treated with DMSO (control) and diethyl-aminobenzoic acid (DEAB), which inhibits the RA-producing retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (Aldh1as), beginning at the shield stage showed an enlargement in the nkx2.5 expression domain at the 14s stage (16 hpf; Fig. 1A,B), consistent with previous results (Keegan et al., 2005). However, in addition to corroborating previous observations, we found that at the 18s and 20s stages (18 and 19 hpf), the posterior nkx2.5 PAA populations failed to segregate in the RA-deficient embryos (Fig. 1D,F). The loss of these more posterior nkx2.5+ aggregates is consistent with the loss of pharyngeal arches observed at later stages (Begemann et al., 2001) and is reminiscent of previous examination of tbx5+ progenitor cells that fail to segregate into more anterior cardiac and posterior forelimb populations in RA-deficient embryos (Waxman et al., 2008).
The enlargement of the nkx2.5+ progenitor field and loss of the posterior nkx2.5+ PAA cell population is consistent with anteriorization shown previously for RA-deficient embryos (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Waxman et al., 2008). Moreover, previous caged-fluorescein-mediated lineage tracing showed that in RA-deficient embryos cardiac progenitors extend more posteriorly within the ALPM into regions that normally harbor pharyngeal muscle, arch arteries, and forelimb progenitors (Waxman et al., 2008). Given that nkx2.5+ cells can contribute to multiple lineages (Guner-Ataman et al., 2013; Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017), we wanted to confirm nkx2.5+ CM progenitors are expanded posteriorly within the ALPM of RA-deficient embryos. To assess fates of nkx2.5+ progenitors within the ALPM, we used the nkx2.5:Kaede transgenic line to perform lineage tracing via photoconversion in DMSO-treated (control) and DEAB-treated embryos. Small groups of nkx2.5:Kaede+ cells were photoconverted from green to red in anterior and posterior regions of the lateral expression domain at the 20s stage (19 hpf) and examined for their contribution to heart, OFT, ventral aorta, and PAAs at 48 hpf (Holowiecki et al., 2020; Rydeen and Waxman, 2016). Converting nkx2.5:Kaede+ cells more anterior and lateral to the forming cardiac cone in control embryos at the 20s stage (19 hpf) resulted in labeled cells that predominantly contribute to the OFT and ventral aorta (Fig. 2A–C). However, in RA signaling-deficient embryos, nkx2.5:Kaede+ cells that were converted in a similar region also contributed to CMs (Fig. 2D–F). Converting lateral nkx2.5:Kaede+ cells more posteriorly in control embryos showed that these cells predominantly contributed to the 3rd PAA (Fig. 2G–I), consistent with previous studies (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2013). However, the posterior nkx2.5:Kaede+ progenitors in RA-deficient embryos contributed to the OFT, ventral aorta, and CMs in the arterial pole of the heart (Fig. 2J–L), similar to labeling cells more anteriorly. Therefore, our lineage tracing shows that within the enlarged nkx2.5+ field of RA-deficient embryos progenitors, nkx2.5+ progenitors that give rise to CMs are expanded posteriorly.
RA-deficient zebrafish embryos have an increase in FHF-derived CMs and a reduction in SHF-derived CMs
The enlarged hearts of RA signaling-deficient zebrafish embryos are comprised of an increase in both atrial and ventricular CMs (Waxman et al., 2008). However, the origin of the progenitors that give rise to the surplus CMs has not been determined. Nkx2.5+ progenitors contribute to both the FHF and SHF (Guner-Ataman et al., 2013; Holowiecki et al., 2020; Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017). Therefore, the expansion of Nkx2.5+ progenitors in the ALPM of RA-deficient embryos did not itself reveal the origin of the surplus CMs. Furthermore, although an expansion of CM differentiation markers can be seen as early as the 18–20s stages (18–19 hpf) in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos (Waxman et al., 2008), implying that their increase in CMs may in part be due to increased FHF progenitors, studies in mice have concluded there is only an expansion of the posterior SHF (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008). To determine how loss of RA signaling affects these different cardiac progenitor populations, we quantified the number of earlier differentiating CMs (FHF) and cardiac progenitors (presumptive later-differentiating SHF) in WT and aldh1a2/nls zebrafish mutant embryos at the 20s stage (19 hpf) and 24 hpf. To distinguish between these fields, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed for Nkx2.5, which marks cardiac progenitors and differentiating CMs, and sarcomeric myosin (Mhc), which marks differentiating/differentiated CMs (Fig. 3A,B,E,F). Quantification of FHF, defined as Nkx2.5+/Mhc+ cells, and SHF, defined as Nkx2.5+/Mhc− cells, showed that the overall number of Nkx2.5+ cells was increased (Fig. 3C,G), consistent with the ISH (Fig. 1) and previous analysis (Keegan et al., 2005). However, within this cell population, the number of FHF cells and their proportion of the total Nkx2.5+ population was increased at both the 20s stage (19 hpf) and 24 hpf (Fig. 3C,D,G,H). In contrast to the earlier differentiating CMs, the number of SHF cells was not affected at the 20s stage (19 hpf) in RA-deficient embryos (Fig. 3C,D), but subsequently decreased at 24 hpf in nls embryos relative to WT embryos (Fig. 3G,H), implying that Nkx2.5+/Mhc− progenitors may be precociously differentiating and not maintaining the size of the SHF progenitor pool. Virtually equivalent results were found examining DEAB-treated embryos with the myl7:GFP transgene, which also marks differentiating CMs, although there was a more dramatic loss of SHF progenitors at 24 hpf (Fig. 4A–H). Together, these results show that the enlarged progenitor field of RA-deficient embryos within the ALPM is primarily the result of an expansion in FHF progenitors, along with a progressive loss of SHF progenitors.
Fewer SHF-derived cells differentiate at the OFT of RA-deficient zebrafish embryos
Given the progressive decrease in SHF (Nkx2.5+/Mhc−) cells in the absence of RA signaling at early stages of heart development, we were next interested to see if this trend resulted in decreased SHF-derived CMs at later stages. To examine the effect of RA-deficiency on the SHF-derived CMs in zebrafish embryos, we used a temporal differentiation assay with myl7:nls-KikGR transgenic embryos whereby earlier differentiating KikGR-expressing CMs are converted from green to red at 24 hpf and the number of later-differentiating green-only CMs are quantified at 48 hpf (Lazic and Scott, 2011). Consistent with the reduced number of SHF progenitors observed at 24 hpf, we found that there was a decrease in the number of green-only, later-differentiating SHF-derived ventricular CMs in the OFT of DEAB-treated embryos (Fig. 5A–C). To examine the effect of RA deficiency on differentiating SHF progenitors within the arterial pole of the developing heart tube, we performed ISH for mef2cb (Lazic and Scott, 2011) and ltbp3 (Zhou et al., 2011) in control and DEAB-treated embryos at 30 hpf. Similar to the appearance of SHF-derived KikGR-expressing ventricular CMs, both these markers were restricted to thin lines of cells at the arterial pole in DEAB-treated embryos, while in control embryos their expression covered a significant portion of the arterial pole (Fig. 6A–D). Since the SHF can also give rise to smooth muscle cells in the OFT, we performed IHC for Elastin b (Elnb) at 72 hpf, when these smooth muscle cells in the OFT starts to differentiate. Unlike WT sibling and DMSO-treated control embryos (Fig. 7A,C), nls mutant and DEAB-treated embryos lacked detectable Elnb in their OFTs (Fig. 7B,D). Thus, our results support that ventricular and smooth muscle-derived SHF-derived cells of the OFT are significantly reduced or absent in RA-signaling deficient embryos.
The sinoatrial node (SAN) fails to differentiate in RA-deficient embryos
In mice, the posterior expansion of the SHF is accompanied by defects at the venous pole, including a loss of multiple BMPs and Tbx5 in the SAN, which harbors the specialized pacemaker CMs of the heart (Christoffels et al., 2010; Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008). Therefore, we wanted to determine if loss of RA signaling also affects the differentiation of the SAN at the venous pole in zebrafish. IHC for Isl1, a conserved marker of the SAN (de Pater et al., 2009; Tessadori et al., 2012), showed that Isl1+ cells are missing in DEAB-treated embryos (Fig. 8A,B). Moreover, using the enhancer trap line sqet33-mi59B, which reports fgf13a expression and marks the SAN with the atrium as well as additional cells adjacent to the venous pole of the heart (Poon et al., 2010), corroborated that the SAN is lost in RA-deficient embryos (Fig. 8C,D). Therefore, our results show that there are also conserved defects in the differentiation of cells at the venous pole in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos.
Anterior pharyngeal muscles are not affected in RA-deficient embryos
Previous lineage tracing suggested that the SHF progenitors that contribute to the OFT in zebrafish embryos are located more anterior and medial to the FHF ventricular progenitors within the ALPM (Hami et al., 2011). Furthermore, nkx2.5+ progenitors that are located anterior and lateral to the forming heart tube in the 2nd arch will also give rise to later-differentiating cells in the OFT as well as dorsal-anterior pharyngeal muscles that are immediately posterior to the eye (Nagelberg et al., 2015; Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017). The anterior pharyngeal muscles (dorsal mandibular and hyoid) are dysmorphic in nls mutants (Begemann et al., 2001). Therefore, we sought to understand if the contribution of anterior nkx2.5+ progenitors to the pharyngeal muscles was affected in RA-deficient embryos. To examine the contributions of nkx2.5+ cells to these pharyngeal muscles we used the nkx2.5:ZsYellow transgenic line. Although endogenous Nkx2.5 expression is not maintained in these cells, the nkx2.5:ZsYellow transgene labels the anterior pharyngeal muscles that are in part derived from the nkx2.5+ cells due to the perdurance of ZsYellow (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2017). We found that while the anterior pharyngeal muscle had morphological defects, as has been previously reported (Begemann et al., 2001), the contribution of nkx2.5-derived cells was not overtly affected in DEAB-treated embryos (Fig. 9A–B”). As with DMSO-treated controls, the contribution of nkx2.5:ZsYellow+ cells increased from the anterior levator arcus palatini (lap) to the posterior adductor opercula (ao) muscles. Thus, our data suggest that despite a failure of the adjacent anterior SHF-derived cells to differentiate in RA-deficient embryos, loss of RA does not overtly affect the differentiation of anterior 2nd-arch derived pharyngeal muscle.
Neural crest derived CMs are not increased in RA signaling-deficient embryos
In mammals, RA-deficiency affects the migration of neural crest cells that contribute to smooth muscle within the OFT (El Robrini et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2002). However, recent lineage-tracing studies in zebrafish have highlighted that distinct waves of neural crest contribute to CMs and smooth muscle: an earlier wave of anterior neural crest cells contribute to CMs within the heart, while a later posterior wave contributes to smooth muscle in the OFT and ventral aorta (Cavanaugh et al., 2015). Given the known effects of RA signaling on neural crest cells that contribute to the developing heart (El Robrini et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2002; Niederreither et al., 2001), we sought to understand if the anterior neural crest-derived CMs were affected in RA-deficient embryos. To examine neural crest-derived CMs, we used the established neural crest lineage transgenic reporters sox10:gal4, UAS:Cre; ubb:loxP-EGFP-loxP-mCherry (referred to as NC:mCherry) (Cavanaugh et al., 2015). We found that there was not an effect on the number of neural crest-derived CMs in DEAB-treated embryos compared to control embryos (Fig. 10A–C). Thus, the surplus CMs in RA-deficient embryos appear to be solely due to an increase in FHF-derived CMs.
Here, we have bridged gaps in our understanding of the requirements of RA signaling in patterning the vertebrate cardiac progenitor fields. Importantly, our data employing lineage tracing and cell quantification in zebrafish embryos support a model whereby early RA deficiency causes an expansion of FHF cardiac progenitors and not the SHF or neural-crest derived CMs (Fig. 11). Instead, SHF progenitors that generate the OFT at the arterial pole of the heart are progressively reduced and fail to differentiate, while pacemaker CMs at the venous pole of the atria also fail to differentiate. Hence, the consequences of early RA loss on the hearts of zebrafish embryos mirror defects in the anterior and posterior SHF-derived populations found in RA-deficient mice (Ryckebusch et al., 2008). An expansion in FHF-derived CMs shown here is consistent with the increase in early atrial and ventricular CM differentiation markers and differentiated CMs at later stages in RA-deficient zebrafish reported previously (Waxman et al., 2008). However, an increase in FHF-derived CMs from RA depletion contrasts with interpretations from work in Aldh1a2 KO mice, which concluded that the FHF was either not affected or possibly diminished relative to the SHF (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008). While there could be species-specific differences with respect to the allocation of these progenitor populations in mice and zebrafish, we suspect one reason for the differences could be technical and due to the manner of CM quantification, which were determined from imaged whole hearts in zebrafish versus sections in mice (Ryckebusch et al., 2008). Given that our data further demonstrate highly conserved cardiac defects that result from early RA deficiency in zebrafish and mouse embryos, we anticipate that future analysis will show that an expansion of FHF-derived CMs occurs in the hearts of RA-deficient mice.
Vertebrate hearts are generated from the continuous differentiation of progenitors from the FHF and SHF. While progenitors can be designated FHF and SHF based on gene expression and developmental requirements in specific structures (Black, 2007; Kelly, 2012; Zaffran and Kelly, 2012), these designations are fundamentally defined by the timing of progenitor differentiation as they integrate into the heart. Our results indicate that the anterior-posterior patterning of the ALPM by RA signaling also effectively controls the differentiation rate of cardiac progenitors. The expansion of the anterior FHF progenitors at the expense of more posterior fates is reflected in increased number of early differentiating CMs. Moreover, one interpretation of the progressive loss of anterior SHF progenitors from the 20s stage (19 hpf) through 24 hpf, due to their premature differentiation, is effectively that there is a conversion of SHF to FHF in RA-deficient embryos. Our interpretation that premature differentiation is the most likely cause for the depletion of SHF progenitors is based on similar observations in RAR KO mice (Li et al., 2010). However, we recognize that we have not formally ruled out that decreases in proliferation rate or cell death could underlie the diminished SHF population at the arterial pole. Importantly, the increased number of earlier differentiating CMs is within an overall expansion in the size of the heart field, which occurs predominantly at the expense of the adjacent posterior progenitors and not more anterior non-cardiac fates, such as the pharyngeal muscle, or neural crest cells, as shown here. However, despite the lack of effect on these adjacent cell types in the anterior, our lineage-tracing shows that more posterior Nkx2.5+ cells in RA-deficient embryos contribute to the arterial pole of the heart, suggesting that SHF progenitors may also be expanded posteriorly within the ALPM despite their subsequent reduction. Thus, while restricting the overall progenitor field within the ALPM, RA also concurrently determines the rate of CM differentiation and consequently the relative ratio of FHF and SHF progenitors.
In comparing our data to previous studies of RA signaling in heart development at different developmental stages, we propose that defects in the inflow and outflow tracts of RA-deficient embryos from these different studies reflect progressive requirements in anterior-posterior patterning of the cardiac field. Mutations in RARs, their heterodimeric partners RXRs, or Vitamin-A deficient mouse embryos result in a spectrum of OFT and ventricular septal defects that are less severe than the profoundly dysmorphic hearts in Aldha1a2 KO mice (Kastner et al., 1994; Kastner et al., 1997; Li et al., 2010; Mendelsohn et al., 1994; Niederreither et al., 1999; Niederreither et al., 2001; Ryckebusch et al., 2008). Moreover, detailed work with RARα KOs in combination with RARβ or RXRα KOs showed that the OFT defects in these mice are due to a depletion of SHF progenitor cells after the early patterning of the progenitor field (Li et al., 2010). The precocious differentiation of SHF progenitors leading to a depletion of this cell population and loss of the OFT shown here from early RA deficiency in zebrafish embryos supports that there is a conserved requirement for RA signaling over multiple developmental stages to maintain the anterior SHF progenitor population in vertebrates. Furthermore, in addition to OFT defects, it is interesting that precocious differentiation of ventricular CMs was one of the first cellular defects reported in the hearts of RXRα, RXRβ, RARα KO and Vitamin-A deficient mice (Kastner et al., 1997) and is found in Aldh1a2 KO mice (Niederreither et al., 2001). While the genetic studies from mice, including tissue-specific KOs (Li et al., 2010), suggest there is a direct role for these receptors in these cardiac progenitors, it is not yet clear if these receptors are required specifically in the SHF progenitors of zebrafish at early stages. Assessing the tissue-specific requirements of RARs in zebrafish with engineered mutants may be tedious due to their broad expression and gene duplications (Waxman and Yelon, 2007). Taken together, these data suggest RA signaling is required over a prolonged period of heart development to maintain the anterior SHF progenitor population that generates the arterial pole of the heart through preventing their premature differentiation.
Early RA-deficiency in all vertebrates results in a posterior expansion of the cardiac progenitor field within the ALPM (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008; Sorrell and Waxman, 2011; Waxman et al., 2008), which has been proposed to underlie defects in the posterior SHF and the venous pole of the heart (Ryckebusch et al., 2008). Within the ALPM, RA signaling initially promotes forelimb, posterior arch and muscle specification more posteriorly and represses the extent of the more anterior cardiac progenitor fields (Begemann et al., 2001; Waxman et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2009). In mice, the transgenic RARE-lacZ reporter has shown that RA signaling overlaps with and occurs caudal to the posterior SHF within the ALPM (Sirbu et al., 2008). Early loss of RA signaling results in a concurrent posterior expansion of SHF markers and loss of posterior Tbx5 expression within the ALPM, as well as a subsequent reduction in Tbx5 at the venous pole in the dysmorphic heart tubes (Ryckebusch et al., 2008; Sirbu et al., 2008). While the specific effects on SAN differentiation have not been examined in RA-deficient mouse embryos, Tbx5 is required for SAN differentiation in mice and it has been inferred that RA signaling may lie upstream of Tbx5 in promoting the differentiation of pacemaker CMs (Christoffels et al., 2010).
In zebrafish, RA signaling determines the border between more anterior and posterior Tbx5+ progenitors that will contribute to the heart and forelimbs, respectively (Waxman et al., 2008). Furthermore, as shown here, early RA signaling also establishes the specification of anterior and posterior Nkx2.5+ progenitor populations. Whether or not RA signaling occurs directly in posterior CM progenitors in zebrafish embryos is less clear. RA signaling reporters have not shown expression in the ALPM (Mandal et al., 2013; Waxman and Yelon, 2011). While the lack of reporter expression does not rule out RA signaling occurs in these cells, RA responsive genes largely seem to be adjacent to CM specification markers (Dohn et al., 2019; Waxman et al., 2008). Nevertheless, our data demonstrate that early loss of RA signaling in zebrafish embryos results in a failure of the SAN to differentiate at the venous pole. However, it is not clear if the loss of the SAN in RA-deficient zebrafish embryos is due to diminished tbx5 expression. Previous studies examining tbx5 expression in RA-deficient embryos have not shown it is lost in CM progenitors or the nascent heart (Grandel and Brand, 2010; Waxman et al., 2008). Moreover, the posterior SHF in mammals contributes comparatively more cells to the atria than in zebrafish, where lineage-tracing has shown the contributions are minimal (de Pater et al., 2009; Lazic and Scott, 2011). In addition to the consequences of early loss of RA signaling, more recent data in mice has also shown that at comparatively later stages of cardiogenesis when the heart tube is elongating, RA signaling is still necessary to promote Tbx5 expression within the posterior SHF and limit the posterior expression domain of Tbx1 (De Bono et al., 2018). A failure to promote posterior Tbx5 and the maintenance of anterior Tbx1 expression results in improper specification of the posterior SHF and venous pole, and consequently atrioventricular septal defects in these mice that are similar to those found in patients with TBX5 mutations that cause Holt-Oram syndrome (De Bono et al., 2018). Thus, RA signaling has progressive requirements that first define the border between anterior and posterior progenitors within the ALPM and then between anterior and posterior cardiac progenitor fields as the venous pole is added. The proper delineation of these fields is necessary for normal SAN and atrial CM differentiation at the venous pole of the heart.
Overall, we have shown the early loss of RA signaling in zebrafish embryos results in enlarged hearts through an expansion of earlier differentiating FHF-derived CMs. Moreover, we show that early loss of RA signaling results in conserved defects at the arterial and venous poles of vertebrate hearts. At the arterial pole of the heart, OFT defects in RA-deficient embryos are due to the premature differentiation and depletion of anterior SHF progenitors, while at the venous pole of the heart the SAN fails to differentiate. Our work helps to resolve discrepancies in our understanding of the requirements of RA signaling within vertebrate heart development and provides new insights into the etiology of CHDs associated with RA deficiency in vertebrates. Future work will be dedicated to understanding the precise RA-dependent gene regulatory networks that pattern these cardiac progenitors within the ALPM and control the timing of their differentiation.
Material and Methods
Ethics statement
All zebrafish husbandry and experiments reported in the manuscript were done as outlined in approved IACUC protocols at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Zebrafish lines used and developmental stages
The following zebrafish transgenic lines were used in described experiments: TgBAC(−36nkx2.5:ZsYellow)fb7 (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2013), TgBAC(−36nkx2.5:Kaede)fb9 (Paffett-Lugassy et al., 2013), Tg(myl7:nls-KikGR)hsc6 (Lazic and Scott, 2011), Tg(myl7:EGFP)twu (Huang et al., 2003), Tg(−5sox10:GAL4, UAS:Cre)la2326, Tg(−3.5ubb:loxP-EGFP-loxP-mCherry)cz1701 (Cavanaugh et al., 2015), and sqet33-mi59B (Poon et al., 2010). The aldh1a2/nlsi26 allele was used (Begemann et al., 2001). Nls mutants were genotyped with PstI digest, which cuts the mutant allele, as reported previously (Begemann et al., 2001), following PCR using primers Nls-long F1 (5’- tgagtgggaggtacacttgaaagac) and nls-R (5’- gatcagagcgccgaggta). All embryos were raised at 28.5°C. Hpf indicated reflects developmental stages post-fertilization for embryos raised at 28.5°C.
DEAB treatments
DEAB (Sigma) treatments were performed as previously described (Waxman et al., 2008). Pools of ~30 zebrafish myl7:EGFP embryos were treated in 2 mls of embryo water in glass vials beginning at shield stage with DEAB (2.5 μM). An equivalent volume (0.25 μl) of DMSO (vehicle) was added for controls. Vials with embryos were placed on a nutator in the dark until the desired stage. Treated embryos show overt heart, hindbrain, and forelimb defects that are similar to the nls mutants (Begemann et al., 2001). Unless embryos were harvested for analysis at earlier stages, the DEAB was washed out at 24 hpf by transferring embryos to petri dishes with embryo water and the embryos were raised until the indicated stage for analysis.
Immunohistochemistry was performed similar to what was described previously (Waxman et al., 2008). Briefly, zebrafish embryos at the designated stages were fixed for 1 hr in 1% formaldehyde/1x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The fixed embryos were then repeatedly washed in 0.1% or 0.2% Saponin (Sigma) in 1X PBS. For earlier stages (20s through 24 hpf), 0.1% Saponin was used. For stages >24 hpf, 0.2% Saponin was used. Embryos were blocked for 1 hr with 1X PBS/10% sheep serum/2 mg/ml bovine serum albumin/0.1% or 0.2% Saponin. The embryos were incubated with primary antibodies diluted in the blocking solution overnight at 4°C. Following incubation, embryos were washed 3X in 0.1% or 0.2% Saponin/1xPBS and incubated for 2 hrs with secondary antibodies diluted in the blocking solution. Embryos were then washed multiple times in 0.1% or 0.2% Saponin/1xPBS. Following staining, embryos were post-fixed with 2% formaldehyde for 1 hr followed by additional washes with Saponin/1xPBS prior to mounting and imaging. All steps were performed at room temperature unless indicated. Primary antibodies used were: rabbit anti-Nkx2.5 (Gene Tex), chicken anti-GFP (Invitrogen), mouse anti-Mhc (DHSB), mouse anti-Amhc (DHSB), rabbit anti-Elnb (custom – reported in (Song et al., 2019)), rabbit anti-RCFP (Takara), rabbit anti-mCherry (Biovision), and rabbit anti-Isl1 (Gene Tex). Concentrations and secondary antibodies used are indicated in Supplemental Table 1. For imaging myl7:EGFP+, Mhc+ and Nkx2.5+ cells, embryos were flat-mounted between two coverslips ventral side down. For imaging Mhc, Elnb, ZsYellow, and mCherry, embryos were mounted on a coverslip with 0.6% low-melt agarose with the heart facing down or on their side. For imaging Isl1 and GFP (sqet33-mi59B), embryos were mounted on a coverslip with 1XPBS immediately prior to imaging with the heart facing down. All embryos were imaged using a Nikon A1 confocal microscope. Imaris software (Bitplane) was used to assist in the quantification of cells.
In situ hybridization
In situ hybridization was performed essentially as previously described (Oxtoby and Jowett, 1993). Probes for kaede (ZDB-EFG-080131-2), mef2cb (ZDB-GENE-040901-7), and ltbp3 (ZDB-GENE-060526-130) were used. Embryos were imaged using a Zeiss M2BioV12 stereomicroscope.
Lineage tracing and Temporal Differentiation Assays
Lineage tracing was performed on DEAB-treated embryos with the nkx2.5:Kaede transgene similar to what has been previously reported (Holowiecki et al., 2020; Rydeen and Waxman, 2016). Briefly, 2-well Ibidi μ-slides (cat# 80286) were covered in a thin layer of 2% agarose and wells for embryos were created by puncturing the agarose with a capillary tube. Embryos were then mounted with their dorsal side up and small clusters of nkx2.5:Kaede+ cells were photoconverted from green to red using the 20X objective with 10X zoom and the DAPI filter on a Nikon A1 confocal microscope. Following photoconversion, embryos were raised until 48 hpf when they were mounted on their side in embryo water, and imaged using a Nikon A1 confocal microscope. Contributions of converted red cells to the ventricle, ventral aorta, and pharyngeal arch arteries were scored following imaging.
To assess the temporal differentiation of CMs the myl7:nls-KikGR transgene was used similar to what has been previously reported (Rydeen and Waxman, 2016). DMSO (control) and DEAB-treated embryos were exposed to light from a DAPI filter for ~20 minutes at 24 hpf with a Zeiss M2BioV12 fluorescent stereomicroscope. At 48 hpf, embryos were sorted, anesthetized with Tricaine, mounted on a coverslip with a small spot of 3% methylcellulose in embryo water, and imaged with a Nikon A1 confocal microscope. Green-only cells were counted from images in Imaris (Bitplane).
Statistical analysis
Statistical significance for two conditions was determined using a two-tailed Student’s t-test. Statistical tests were performed using Graphpad Prism software. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Asterisks in all graphs indicate p<0.05. Error bars in all graphs indicate standard error of the mean (s.e.m).
Supplementary Material
Cell quantification reveals retinoic acid is required to restrict the amount of earlier-differentiating cardiac progenitors.
Temporal differentiation assays indicate retinoic acid is required to promote the differentiation of later-differentiation cells in the outflow tract.
Retinoic acid signaling is required to promote the differentiation of pacemaker cardiomyocytes at the venous pole of the heart.
Loss of retinoic acid does not affect the number of neural crest-derived cardiomyocytes that contribute to the heart.
Retinoic acid concurrently restricts the size of the heart field and proportion of earlier and later-differentiating cardiomyocytes.
We thank Jennifer Schumacher for reading and comments of the manuscript.
Work in the manuscript was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01 HL141186 and R01 HL137766 to J.S.W and by National Institutes of Health grant T32 HL125204 and American Heart Association grant 18POST34050034 to A.H.
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Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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