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. 2021 Mar 24;16(3):e0246010. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246010

Prevalence of floating toe and its relationship with static postural stability in children: The Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS-Y)

Taro Fujimaki 1, Masanori Wako 1,*, Kensuke Koyama 1, Naoto Furuya 1, Ryoji Shinohara 2, Sanae Otawa 2, Anna Kobayashi 2, Sayaka Horiuchi 2, Megumi Kushima 2, Zentaro Yamagata 2, Hirotaka Haro 1; on behalf of The Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study Group
Editor: Tomoyoshi Komiyama3
PMCID: PMC7990192  PMID: 33760833


Floating toe (FT) is a frequently seen condition in which a toe is inadequately in contact with the ground. Although toes play an important role in stabilizing standing posture and walking, many aspects of the effects of FT on the body remain unclear. To our knowledge, there have been no reports about the relationship between FT and postural stability, especially in children. This study aimed to clarify the prevalence of FT and its relationship with static postural stability in children. Of the 400 children aged 8 years who participated in our cohort study, 396, who were examined for static postural stability, were included in this study. Postural stability and FT were assessed using a foot pressure plate. The sway path length of the center of pressure and the area of the ellipse defined as the size of the area marked by the center of pressure, were measured as an evaluation of static postural stability. We calculated the “floating toe score (FT score: small FT score indicates insufficient ground contact of the toes)” using the image of the plantar footprint obtained at the postural stability measurement. The rate of FT was elevated at more than 90%, and the FT score in the eyes-closed condition was significantly higher than that in the eyes-open condition in both sexes. The FT score significantly correlated with the center of pressure path and area. Our results suggest that ground contact of the toes is not directly related to static postural stability in children, but it may function to stabilize the body when the condition becomes unstable, such as when the eyes are closed.


Human feet support bodyweight, absorb impact, and push the body forward while walking, and the forefeet play an important role in standing firmly on the ground, stabilizing the body, and walking and running [1, 2]. The toes are in contact with the ground for approximately three-quarters of the stance phase during walking and they distribute the load [3]. Toes are also thought to play an important role in the ability to stand firmly on the ground by stabilizing the body [4]. Therefore, toe function is important for preserving healthy daily activities such as standing, moving, and walking.

Recently, “floating toe” (FT) has received attention as a possible cause of toe dysfunction [4, 5]. Originally, the condition reportedly occurred as a result of surgery, and is one of the most common complications of Weil osteotomy [6, 7]. Previous studies concluded that FT results from excessive dorsiflexion or a lack of plantarflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints [810]. Studies in Japan reported that FT influences dynamic balance, stride length, and walking speed [4, 11]. Fukuyama et al. defined FT as a condition in which the toes do not contact the ground in the standing position and the weight does not shift to the toe while walking.

Although there are many unclear aspects of the effects of FT on the body in children, it is speculated that FT has some relation to body stability if the condition is due to functional deterioration of the toes. However, there are no reports on the relationship between FT and postural stability, and it is not clear whether FT itself is an adverse condition in children.

Our institution has been conducting a cohort study of 8-year-old children since 2019, and we have been measuring the plantar pressure and static postural stability in the participants of this cohort study. Hence, we could meet the purpose of this study, which was to clarify the prevalence of FT and its relationship with static postural stability in 8-year-old children in this cohort.

Materials and methods

Study design

The Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS), which is a national project funded directly by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, is a birth cohort study undertaken to elucidate the influence of environmental factors during the fetal period and early childhood on children’s health, with follow-up until age 13. Details of the protocol and baseline data of the JECS are available elsewhere [12]. In our institution, additional survey is being performed for children who will be 8 years among JECS participants. This additional survey includes ophthalmologic or oral investigations and postural stability test using the foot pressure plate. The ethics committee of the School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi approved this additional survey (approval number: 2020). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants’ mothers or their partners in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.


Of the 400 children aged 8 years who participated in this additional survey conducted at our institution between July 2019 and February 2020, 396 children who were examined for static postural stability were included in the study. Four cases were excluded because it was impossible to measure static postural stability according to the protocol due to restlessness.

Test procedure and protocol

Body height was measured and recorded in centimeters to the nearest millimeter; body weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using an electronic weighing scale, with the participant wearing shorts and a T-shirt. The Rohrer index was calculated using the following formula: Rohrer index = 10×height (m)/weight (kg)3.

Static postural stability and FT were assessed using a foot pressure plate (Win-Pod, Medicapteurs, France). All participants were instructed to maintain an upright standing position on the platform, barefoot, with their arms hanging by their sides and their feet parallel to each other. They were tested two times with their eyes open and two times with their eyes closed, each test lasting 20 s. The inspection was performed using the postural mode. Of the several parameters for static postural stability that can be measured with the foot pressure plate, we evaluated the following two measurements, which are more common: the total sway path length of the center of pressure (COP-path) and the area of the ellipse (COP-area):

  • COP-path [mm]–defines the total length of the path marked by the COP; the sum of distances between the locations of the COP constitutes the path length.

  • COP-area [mm2]–defines the size of the area marked by the COP; ellipse area includes 95% of the COP measurement points; this parameter makes it possible to assess the size of the area of the COP movement on the support surface.

Of the two measurements, one with the smaller COP-path was used for the analysis.

Based on a previous report [4], we calculated the floating toe score (FT score) using the image of the plantar footprint obtained at the postural stability measurement. As with postural stability, the footprint with the smaller COP-path was used. For the 10 toes of both feet, if a toe appeared clearly on the image (shown in red to green in the plantar pressure chart), 2 points were given; if it appeared unclearly (shown in blue in the plantar pressure chart), 1 point was given; and if it did not appear, no points were given. The points were summed to realize the FT score (Fig 1 shows an example of a plantar pressure chart). If FT score was ≥18 points and the big toe of both feet had gained 2 points, the participants were placed in the “contact toe” group; those with 11 to 17 points were placed in the “incomplete contact toe” group, and those with ≤10 points were placed in the FT group.

Fig 1. Example of plantar pressure chart.

Fig 1

One yellow and one green toe on the right foot and one yellow and one blue toe on the left foot resulted in an FT score of 7 points in this case.

Statistical analyses

To evaluate the intraobserver agreement for FT score, the measurements of 20 randomly selected plantar footprints were repeated by the same reader (T.F.) during the course of two sessions at least 1 month apart. For interobserver agreement, a second reader (M.W.) repeated the measurements for the same 20 participants. Interobserver and intraobserver reliabilities for FT score were assessed by estimating intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using an ICC (2,1) modeling scheme.

The unpaired t-test was used for investigating the sex differences of each parameter. The paired t-test was used to examine the differences in FT score, COP-path, and COP-area between the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to investigate the correlations between each measurement. Statistical significance was set at p <0.05.


The interobserver and intraobserver reliabilities of FT score of the 20 randomly selected participants were 0.969 (95% CI, 0.924–0.988) and 0.989 (95% CI, 0.973–0.996), respectively. These values indicated substantial agreement (ICC, >0.9).

Table 1 shows the summary of height, weight, and Rohrer index of all participants. There were no significant gender differences in height, weight, and Rohrer index, and none of these participants had an extreme body posture.

Table 1. Height, weight, and Rohrer index of all participants (mean ± SD).

total (n = 396) female (n = 216) male (n = 180)
height (cm) 124.8±5.0 125.0±4.8 124.6±5.1
weight (Kg) 24.7±4.3 24.8±4.2 24.5±4.5
Rohrer index 126.2±14.2 126.4±14.8 126.0±13.6

Table 2 shows the results of postural static stability. COP-path and COP-area of the total, female, and male participants in the eyes-closed condition were significantly larger than those in the eyes-open condition. Significant differences between boys and girls were observed in the COP-path and COP-area in eyes-closed conditions.

Table 2. COP-path and COP-area (mean ± SD).

condition total (n = 396) female (n = 216) male (n = 180)
COP-path EO 200.1±97.5 191.7±81.5 210.3±113.2
EC 291.3±147.2* 274.1±135.4* 312.0±158.2*
COP-area EO 192.5±162.7 182.4±142.1 204.8±184.1
EC 320.7±278.0* 285.1±223.5* 363.3±327.3*

EO = eye open, EC = eye closed, COP-path = the total displacement of center of pressure. COP area = the area of the mean center of pressure.

*: significantly different with EO (p < 0.05, paired t-test).

†: significantly different with female (p < 0.05, unpaired t-test).

Table 3 shows the results of FT score. According to Fukuyama et al.’s criteria [4], the rate of FT was very high at more than 90% under all conditions. FT score in the eyes-closed condition was significantly higher than that in the eyes-open condition in both sexes. There were no significant gender differences in the FT score.

Table 3. Floating toe score (mean ± SD) and classification.

female (n = 216) male (n = 180)
EO EC p-value EO EC p-value
FT score 3.6±2.4 4.4±3.1* 0.000 3.7±3.3 4.9±3.7* 0.000
classification n (%) FT 211 (97.7) 205 (94.9) 172 (95.6) 165 (91.7)
incomplete 5 (2.3) 10 (4.6) 6 (3.3) 13 (7.2)
contact toe 0 (0) 1 (0.5) 2 (1.1) 2 (1.1)

EO = eye open, EC = eye closed, FT = floating toe.

Table 4 shows the correlations between static postural stability and FT score in the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. FT score had a significantly moderate correlation with COP-path and COP-area in both eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions in boys and significant but weak correlation in girls.

Table 4. Pearson’s correlation coefficient of the measurements.

FT score
female p-value male p-value
a: eyes-open condition
COP-path 0.275 0.000 0.495 0.000
COP-area 0.220 0.001 0.480 0.000
b: eyes-closed condition
COP-path 0.411 0.000 0.545 0.000
COP-area 0.352 0.000 0.578 0.000

EO = eye open, EC = eye closed, FT = floating toe.

COP-path = the total displacement of center of pressure. COP-area = the area of the mean center of pressure.


We assessed 396 participants who were 8-year-old children for FT and static postural stability. COP-path and COP-area in the eyes-closed condition were significantly larger than those in the eyes-open condition, and the postural stability in girls was higher than that in boys in the eyes-closed condition. We found a fairly high rate of FT in all participants and a higher FT score in the eyes-closed condition than in the eyes-open condition. Moreover, there were significant correlations between the FT score and COP-path and COP-area. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the relationship between FT and postural stability.

The result suggesting higher static postural stability in females is similar to that in previous reports. A majority of previous studies have found that the balancing ability of girls is better than that of boys and that the sex differences in postural stability among children may explain maturational differences in the central nervous structures [1318]. de Sá et al. reported that in children, the visual system matures before the vestibular system; therefore, the open-eyes postural stability is first achieved at 5 to 7 years of age before the closed-eyes postural stability [13]. The vestibular system is believed to mature faster in girls. Hirabayashi et al. showed that girls were superior to boys with respect to vestibular function at the age of 7–8 years [14]. Lenroot et al. reported that girls reached peak values of brain volumes earlier than boys [15]. The current study revealed that the static postural stability of girls is better than that of boys only in the eyes-closed condition. These results may be due to the dominance of the vestibular system in using vestibular cues under the condition of no visual cues and inaccurate somatosensory input. Thus, the results of static postural stability are almost the same as those in previous reports.

The toe plays an important role in stabilizing the standing posture and walking by increasing the ground contact area [2, 3], and FT is a condition in which the toes do not contact the ground in the standing position. In recent years, some reports have shown that the frequency of FT in children ranges from 40% to 98%. Araki et al. assessed 198 children aged 3 to 5 years using footprint images and reported that FT was found in 87.7% to 98.7% of them [5]. Tasaka et al. studied 635 children aged 9 to 11 years and reported that 40.3% of all feet had no toe contact with the floor at all, and they were concerned about the trend of declining foot function in children [10]. Despite differences in the methods used by each author to assess FT, the rate of FT was similarly high in the current study. Although there are some reports that FT is due to toe dysfunction and it is a pathological condition [4, 11], we believe that FT in children has little pathological significance because it is very common at least at 8 years of age.

Although there have been some reports on postural stability and foot posture, there has been no English report on the relationship between postural stability and FT. The current study showed that the body was more unstable in cases with more ground contact toes. If toe contact is directly important for postural stability, the greater the FT score, the more stable will be the center of gravity. The results of the current study indicate that the larger the FT score, the greater the COP-path and COP-area, suggesting that toes stabilize the body that becomes unstable when eyes are closed. In other words, ground contact of the toes is not directly related to static postural stability in children, but it may function to stabilize the body when the condition becomes unstable. Moreover, the current study revealed that the FT score of the total, female, and male cases in the eyes-closed condition was greater than that in the eyes-open condition (FT is more frequent in eye-closed condition), and there is no similar report in the past. This is probably the result of grounding the toes in an attempt to control the unstable body caused by eyes closure and may support the theory described above. In the future, the evaluation of FT in unstable or dynamic situations will clarify the significance of FT.

Our study had several limitations. First, we evaluated FT using the plantar pressure diagram obtained from the foot pressure plate. As there is no standard method to evaluate FT, it is not exactly possible to compare the results of the current study with previous reports on the frequency of FT. However, the number of cases is sufficient in our study, and we think there is no doubt about the results of the high frequency of FT. Second, in the present study, only the interrelationship between FT and static postural stability was examined. Based on our results indicating lesser static postural stability in cases with higher FT scores, we found no direct relationship between FT and static postural stability. However, we were not able to prove it directly. We speculate that various other factors are involved among these factors in a complex manner. Furthermore, it has been reported that static postural stability reflects several physical factors other than nervous system maturation. Angin et al. reported that postural sway velocity increases with pronation of the foot [19]. Likewise, Cote et al. reported that postural stability was greater in pronators than in supinators [20]. In the current research series, we have measured and saved data on plantar footprints, physical exercise habits of individuals and their parents, blood investigations, body composition such as body fat and muscle mass, and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory–Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) to assess their mental development. In the future, we plan to investigate FT and postural stability in children using these data in a more multifaceted way. Moreover, we also plan to follow-up with the same participants in this cohort and perform similar tests, which will allow us to assess changes in FT and postural stability over time.

As a side note, this study was conducted as an additional study to the Ministry of the Environment’s JECS. The views expressed in this paper are the authors’ own and not those of the Ministry of the Environment.

In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the frequency of FT in healthy 8-year-old children was very high. Our results suggested that FT is not directly related to retention of the standing posture in children; however, the toes do play a role by making ground contact in conditions when static postural stability is compromised and the standing posture becomes unstable. At least at 8 years of age, although FT is very common, it is not directly related to postural control and considered to have minor pathological significance.

Supporting information

S1 Data



We are grateful to all the participants of the JECS-Y and to all individuals involved in data collection. We also thank the following members of the JECS-Y as of 2020: Zentaro Yamagata (Principal investigator, e-mail:, Ryoji Shinohara, Sanae Otawa, Anna Kobayashi, Sayaka Horiuchi, and Megumi Kushima (Center for Birth Cohort Studies, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Takeshi Inukai and Emi Sawanobori (Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Kyoichiro Tsuchiya (Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Takahiko Mitsui (Department of Urology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Kenji Kashiwagi (Department of Ophthalmology, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Daijyu Sakurai and Hiroyuki Watanabe (Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); Koichiro Ueki and Naana Baba, (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan); and Hiroshi Yokomichi, Kunio Miyake, Yuka Akiyama, Tadao Ooka, and Reiji Kojima (Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan).

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Tomoyoshi Komiyama

2 Feb 2021


Prevalence of floating toe and its relationship with static postural stability in children: The Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS-Y)


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Tomoyoshi Komiyama, Ph.D

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments:

Dear Authors,

The authors results showed that FT is not directly related to retention of the standing posture in 396, 8-year-old children. The authors found a fairly high rate of FT in all participants and a higher FT score in the eyes-closed condition than in the eyes-open condition. Moreover, there were significant correlations between the FT score and the COP-path and COP-area. This is the first report on the relationship between FT and postural stability.

If these results become clear, I think your research is important for the future of clinicians and clinical researchers who aim to better understand FT.

However, I think that it is necessary to strengthen the reliability of the result by adding as much information as possible.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: This paper aims to clarify the prevalence of floating toe and its relationship with static postural stability in children. An objective evaluation is attempted by using a foot pressure plate. In conclusion, it was shown that the finger's contact with the ground is not directly related to postural stability but is more stable when the eyes are closed.

The following items are raised as questions in this paper's peer review, and the authors should clarify these questions.

For "Study design," why did the authors target only at the age of 8 in this study?

For "Test procedure and protocol", why did you compare COP-path and COP-area and use the measured value with the smaller COP-path for the analysis?

The authors cite J Phys Ther Sci, but the subject used here is an adult, and if it is adapted to children, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the parameters.

As for the FT score, the visual part is large, and it is necessary to show the definition when counting points.

Regarding the results, the values of men and women summed in Table 3 and Table 4, but what is the meaning of adding the significance of different qualities in the first place? If the total value is to be compared, it may be limited to the case of comparing all ages or comparing over time.

Regarding the discussion, the authors mentioned the difference in the central nervous system structure regarding the difference between men and women (line170-173). Still, it was explicitly caused by the difference between men and women in this study's central nervous system. It should be clarified whether or not it matches the data.

Line 173-182 suggests that the visual system precedes the vestibular system. The optical system is blocked when the eyes are closed, suggesting that the vestibular system's superiority over boys affects girls.

Neurologically, the static postural stability is controlled by the sensory nerve tract, the sensorimotor integration center, and the motor nerve tract. In this respect, if it results only in the visual system and vestibular system pointed out by the authors, some scientific verification is necessary.

As mentioned above, at least the subjects should be targeted at a wider age group, and the research method should be reviewed, and the data should be interpreted again, such as improving the objectivity of the FT score and adding neuroscience experts to the research organization.

Reviewer #2: In this study, the relationship between floating toe and static postural stability in children is investigated through experiments.

Although it can be evaluated as a valuable achievement for many subjects, there are some parts that are difficult to understand and some parts that require additional explanation, so they are listed below.

I would like you to answer them appropriately.

If there are any misunderstandings or mistakes due to my lack of knowledge, please forgive me and report it as an answer to me.

1. At the end of the Abstract and in the Discussion section, the following are concluded: The results of this study show that contact between the toes and the ground is not directly related to static postural stability, but contributes to body stability during postural instability.

How will this result be used for future research and medical care?

2. Please correct the explanation of COP-path and COP-area so that the reader can understand it intuitively by using the example.

Also, please add the reason why the measurement time of 20 seconds was decided.

The reason why the shorter COP-path was used for the analysis in the two experiments is also unclear as it is.

Furthermore, I don't know if two experiments are enough.

Please add descriptions.

3. I can understand the definition of the explanation of FT score used in this study, but I do not understand its specific meaning, for example, why the thumb touches the ground at 2 points.

Please indicate the reason for deriving this definition.

In addition, it is said that there are other FT evaluation indexes, so please explain the relationship with them and the original points that are significantly different.

In the text, there are some descriptions such as FT rate and FTS.

Make sure it's different or that it's the same thing with a different name.

4. In the discussion, you said that the greater correlation between the FT score and the COP-path or COP-area when the eyes are closed is a result of the toes performing a function to stabilize the body.

But can't we interpret that instability is the cause of the toes' contact with the ground?

I think this is an important point, so please add a description.

5. "prevalence of floating toe" is included in the title.

Did you get any new insights into this?

In the discussion, it was written as the same as the previous reports, and I could not find a description of what was newly discovered.

6. It is very interesting that you are planning multifaceted research in the future, so please tell us specifically what kind of research results you can expect.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2021 Mar 24;16(3):e0246010. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246010.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

25 Feb 2021

Response to Editor:

Comment 1:

I think your research is good, but your methods are not clear enough for most readers to understand.

I strongly recommend the authors check and correct their manuscript.


Thank you for your suggestion. The methods section has been revised based on the reviewers’ comments.

Comment 2:

I would like you to clearly describe how the clarification of this research will be useful in clinical practice.


Due to the importance of the toes in locomotion, floating toe that is not grounded is considered a bad condition for the human body. In the past, it has been reported that the dynamic balance of adults with floating toe is reduced, but the true significance of floating toe in children is not well understood (reference No 4, 11).

The results of the current study showed that floating toe is very common in children. This would imply that floating toe in 8-year-old children is not a morbid condition to worry about.

And in this study, it was found that grounding of the toes can compensate for standing instability. But FT in a dynamic condition is still not well understood. In the future, the evaluation of FT in unstable or dynamic situations will clarify the significance of FT.

I have added these points to the manuscript. (Line 199-201, 210-215)

Response to Journal Requirements:

Comment 1:

Please amend your current ethics statement to include the full name of the ethics committee/institutional review board(s) that approved your specific study.


I have revised the study design section according to your comment. (Lines 73-75)

Comment 2:

Please include your actual numerical p-values in Tables 3 and 4.


Thank you for your suggestion. I have revised Tables 3 and 4 based on the comments of you and reviewer #1.

Comment 3:

In your Methods section, please provide additional information about the participant recruitment method and the demographic details of your participants. Please ensure you have provided sufficient details to replicate the analyses such as:

a) a table of relevant demographic details,

b) a statement as to whether your sample can be considered representative of a larger population, and

c) a description of how participants were recruited.


Thank you for your suggestion. I have revised the manuscript regarding the registration process for participants.

Comment 4:

Please provide a citation for The Japan Environment and Children’s Study.


 We agree with the importance of the citation. However, we already have cited it as reference No 12.

Comment 5:

One of the noted authors is a group or consortium [Japan Environment and Children’s Study Group]. In addition to naming the author group, and listing the individual authors and affiliations within this group in the acknowledgments section of your manuscript, please also indicate clearly a lead author for this group along with a contact email address.


This study was conducted by the Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS-Y) group. The principal investigator of the group is Zentaro Yamagata. I have added this information at acknowledgments. (Lines 247-248)

Response to Reviewer #1:

Comment 1:

For "Study design," why did the authors target only at the age of 8 in this study?


Thank you for your comment. Among the JECS participants, the volunteers who will be 8 years old in 2019 were surveyed with a variety of additional surveys unique to our university, including ophthalmologic or oral surveys or postural stability tests in addition to the nationally standardized survey. Therefore, although the study was conducted on 8-year-olds, our study participants were not recruited only for the tests of postural stability and foot condition. Please see the study design section, which has been revised. (Lines 71-75)

Comment 2:

For "Test procedure and protocol", why did you compare COP-path and COP-area and use the measured value with the smaller COP-path for the analysis? The authors cite J Phys Ther Sci, but the subject used here is an adult, and if it is adapted to children, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the parameters.


Thank you for your question. In general, there are several parameters for evaluating postural stability. Also, the foot pressure plate used in this study can measure multiple parameters such as the velocity of the center of gravity or the trajectory length per unit area in addition to the total sway path or the area of the ellipse. We believe that the detailed significance of each parameter and the differences between them have not yet been clarified. Therefore, we selected two of the more common parameters.

The test procedure and protocol section for postural stability evaluation has been revised to make it easier to understand.

Some of the literature that measured postural stability using force plate discuss the results using the average of the two-times measurements, but most of the literature uses the one with the better results (the smaller value of postural stability). In particular, in the case of children, I think it makes more sense to use the one with less sway because the variation of postural stability in each measurement is larger due to the effects of concentration and other factors.

Comment 3:

As for the FT score, the visual part is large, and it is necessary to show the definition when counting points.


Thank you for your suggestion. I had a similar comment from the other reviewer.

I have revised the test procedure and protocol section. (Line 100-110)

Comment 4:

Regarding the results, the values of men and women summed in Table 3 and Table 4, but what is the meaning of adding the significance of different qualities in the first place? If the total value is to be compared, it may be limited to the case of comparing all ages or comparing over time.


I agree with your assessment. I think that the total value is unnecessary. Therefore, I have revised the tables.

Comment 5:

Regarding the discussion, the authors mentioned the difference in the central nervous system structure regarding the difference between men and women (line170-173). Still, it was explicitly caused by the difference between men and women in this study's central nervous system. It should be clarified whether or not it matches the data.


Thank you for your suggestion. I agree with your opinion, but this is clearly stated in lines 186-190.

Comment 6:

Line 173-182 suggests that the visual system precedes the vestibular system. The optical system is blocked when the eyes are closed, suggesting that the vestibular system's superiority over boys affects girls.

Neurologically, the static postural stability is controlled by the sensory nerve tract, the sensorimotor integration center, and the motor nerve tract. In this respect, if it results only in the visual system and vestibular system pointed out by the authors, some scientific verification is necessary.

As mentioned above, at least the subjects should be targeted at a wider age group, and the research method should be reviewed, and the data should be interpreted again, such as improving the objectivity of the FT score and adding neuroscience experts to the research organization.


Thank you for your comment. The main outcome showed in this study is that when the standing position becomes unstable due to closed eyes, the toes become more functional and grounded.

Since the result that 8-year-old girls have higher postural stability with closed eyes is not the main outcome of this study, I have only discussed that this result is as same as the previous reports that girls have higher postural stability with closed eyes at the age of 7 to 10 years because girls’ vestibular system matures earlier than that of boys.

As you pointed out, various factors other than the visual and vestibular systems are involved in the postural control. I agree with the necessity to investigate a wider range of age groups from various perspectives to estimate the detailed mechanism of postural control. I believe that this is one of our future tasks. We are also planning to conduct an additional survey for a similar cohort in the future, so we would like to perform the same tests and compare the results with those of this study. I have revised the discussion section based on these points.

Response to Reviewer #2

Comment 1:

At the end of the Abstract and in the Discussion section, the following are concluded: The results of this study show that contact between the toes and the ground is not directly related to static postural stability, but contributes to body stability during postural instability.

How will this result be used for future research and medical care?


Due to the importance of the toes in locomotion, floating toe that is not grounded is considered a bad condition for the human body. In the past, it has been reported that the dynamic balance of adults with floating toe is reduced, but the true significance of floating toe in children is not well understood.

The results of the current study showed that floating toe is very common in children. This would imply that floating toe in 8-year-old children is not a morbid condition to worry about.

Furthermore, in this study, it was found that grounding of the toes can compensate for standing instability. But if the toes cannot be grounded even in an unstable condition, it may lead to falls. Therefore, we would like to conduct further research on the grounding of the toes in unstable states.

Comment 2:

Please correct the explanation of COP-path and COP-area so that the reader can understand it intuitively by using the example.

Also, please add the reason why the measurement time of 20 seconds was decided.

The reason why the shorter COP-path was used for the analysis in the two experiments is also unclear as it is.

Furthermore, I don't know if two experiments are enough.

Please add descriptions.


Thank you for your suggestion. The other reviewer raised a similar comment. The Method section has been revised to make it easier to understand COP. (Line 91-99)

Some of the literature that measured postural stability using force plate discuss the results using the average of the two-times measurements, but most of the literature uses the one with the better results (the smaller value of postural stability). In particular, in the case of children, I think it makes more sense to use the one with less sway because the variation of postural stability in each measurement is larger due to the effects of concentration and other factors. In addition, although reports on postural stability in adults typically use a 30-second test, we thought that a 30-second test is too difficult for 8-year-old children, and we adopted a 20-second test. There was a significant trend in the current study data, and we believe that the 20-second test is reasonable for 8-year-old children.

Comment 3:

I can understand the definition of the explanation of FT score used in this study, but I do not understand its specific meaning, for example, why the thumb touches the ground at 2 points.

Please indicate the reason for deriving this definition.

In addition, it is said that there are other FT evaluation indexes, so please explain the relationship with them and the original points that are significantly different.

In the text, there are some descriptions such as FT rate and FTS.

Make sure it's different or that it's the same thing with a different name.


Thank you for your suggestion. I had a similar comment from the other reviewer.

I have revised the test procedure and protocol section. (Line 101-110)

FTS is a mistake for the FT score and has been corrected.

FT rate has been corrected to rate of FT.

Comment 4:

In the discussion, you said that the greater correlation between the FT score and the COP-path or COP-area when the eyes are closed is a result of the toes performing a function to stabilize the body.

But can't we interpret that instability is the cause of the toes' contact with the ground?

I think this is an important point, so please add a description.


Thank you for your comment. Although it is very difficult to prove the point, adults generally have less floating toe and more stable postural stability than children. Therefore, it is unlikely that the toes' contact with the ground is the cause of postural instability, and it is more reasonable to think that the toes are grounded to compensate for instability.

Comment 5:

"prevalence of floating toe" is included in the title.

Did you get any new insights into this?

In the discussion, it was written as the same as the previous reports, and I could not find a description of what was newly discovered.


Thank you for your comment. Although the result of the high frequency of floating toe in children is similar to previous reports, there are very few reports on floating toe in children. Our results confirmed the high frequency of floating toe in children. In addition, the result that the frequency of floating toe decreases in eye closed condition is a new finding. Thus, we chose this title based on these points.

Comment 6:

It is very interesting that you are planning multifaceted research in the future, so please tell us specifically what kind of research results you can expect.


Thank you for your comment. We cannot discuss the future plan here, but we are considering investigating the relationship of postural stability and floating toe with several motor functions and exercise habits, and mental development. We also have plans to follow up with the same participants in the future to examine changes in floating toe and postural stability with age in the same cases. Although these points are described in the discussion section, I have slightly modified them as a future plan. (Lines 209-215)


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Tomoyoshi Komiyama

12 Mar 2021

Prevalence of floating toe and its relationship with static postural stability in children: The Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS-Y)


Dear Dr. Wako,

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Kind regards,

Tomoyoshi Komiyama, Ph.D

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Dear author,

Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript.

I think it was much easier to understand than the original manuscript.

I am satisfied with the responses and the edits, I am happy to accept this manuscript.

The authors have replied to my remaining comments satisfactorily from two reviewers.

Therefore, I have no further comments to make, all of my previous concerns were adequately addressed.

This manuscript will be satiating the reader's interest.

Tomoyoshi Komiyama

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors properly reflect the findings. By classifying men and women in Tables 3 and 4, the gender difference can be shown more clearly. Initially, the consideration of this difference was "difference in brain structure between men and women", but it has been corrected by appropriately.

Reviewer #2: I think you have responded appropriately to my comments in the previous peer review. Thank you very much.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: NORIO TAGAWA

Acceptance letter

Tomoyoshi Komiyama

16 Mar 2021


Prevalence of floating toe and its relationship with static postural stability in children: The Yamanashi adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS-Y)

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