Table 3.
Comparison of plant morphological characteristics of Sinocarum.
Characteristics | S. coloratum | S. cruciatum | S. filicinum | S. schizopetalum | S. vaginatum |
Root | taproot elongate, thickened at apex, branched | rootstock short, thick; roots torulose | taproot elongate, stout, often branched | taproot conic | taproot elongate, thick, often branched |
Stems | characteristically purplish | green | green | green | green |
Basal petioles | 2–10 cm | 5–7 cm | 8–15 cm, sparsely pubescent | 5–8 cm | 5–18 cm |
Sheath | oblong-ovate | oblong-ovate | broadly ovate | broadly lanceolate | ovate |
Basal leaves | blade ovate-lanceolate in outline, 1–2-pinnate; pinnae 4–5 pairs | triangular in outline, ternate-1–2-pinnate; pinnae 3–5 pairs | triangular in outline, 2-pinnate; pinnae 3–7 pairs | triangular in outline, ternate to 1- or 2-pinnate | triangular in outline, ternate-2–3-pinnate; pinnae 4–6 pairs |
Ultimate segments of blade | linear-lanceolate | linear-lanceolate | oblong-ovate, margins serrate, abaxially sparsely pubescent along veins | oblong-lanceolate | elongate-linear |
Cauline leaves | similar to the basal leaves | elongate-linear, reduced upwards becoming 1-pinnate or 3-lobed | similar to the basal leaves; upper leaves 1-pinnate | similar to the basal leaves | elongate-linear, 1–2-pinnate, reduced upwards |
Bracts | absent or occasionally 1–2, linear | absent, occasionally 1 | 1–4, linear-lanceolate | absent, occasionally 1, linear-lanceolate | absent or occasionally 1 |
Bracteoles | absent, rarely 1, linear | absent, occasionally 1 | 5–8, linear-lanceolate | 3–5, linear-lanceolate | absent |
Rays | 5–8(–12), unequal | 4–7(–10), subequal | 2–8, 1–3 cm, unequal | (3–)5–6(–8), unequal | 10–12, unequal |
Petals | ovate or broadly obovate, apex usually entire, occasionally 2–3-lobed, white | oblong-ovate or broadly obovate, apex obtuse to subacute, greenish-white | ovate or broadly obovate, apex subacute, white | apex palmately 3–4-lobed, lobes lanceolate or oblanceolate, white or violet | oblong-ovate or broadly obovate, apex subacute, white |