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. 2021 Mar 16;1024:157–196. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1024.56927
1 Elytra orange or yellow without spots B. bipartita Mulsant
Elytra with spots or some marks 2
2 Dorsal color mainly black or dark brown 3
Dorsal color mainly yellow, orange, or pale gray 17
3 Elytra with apex of elytral suture dentiform B. mimica sp. nov.
Apex of elytral suture not dentiform 4
4 Elytra black with lateral and apical borders yellow B. guatemalensis (Gorham)
Each elytron with one to five spots 5
5 Pronotum with two convergent discal spots, each elytron with five pale spots B. fenestrata Gorham
Pronotum without discal convergent spots, elytral maculation variable 6
6 Each elytron with five pale spots B. octostigma Mulsant
Elytra with different maculation 7
7 Elytra black with a large orange macula covering lateral margin B. aurantiapleura sp. nov.
Elytra with different maculation 8
8 Each elytron with three pale spots: one near the scutellar shield and two near the elytral apex B. tica sp. nov.
Elytra with different maculation 9
9 Males with setal tuft on center of first ventrite, male genitalia symmetrical B. isthmena sp. nov.
Males without setal tuft on center of first ventrite, male genitalia asymmetrical 10
10 Males without humeral spot and without cusps on third ventrite, male genitalia asymmetrical B. indubitabilis Crotch
Males with humeral spot. Third ventrite of male with two cusps, male genitalia asymmetrical. 11
11 Fourth ventrite with cusps B. barberi Gordon
Fourth ventrite without cusps 12
12 Penis guide of male genitalia with apical hook 13
Penis guide of male genitalia without apical hook 15
13 Apical hook of the penis guide curved and robust B. robustihamata Nestor-Arriola and Toledo-Hernández
Apical hook not curved or robust 14
14 Cusps on third ventrite very conspicuous parameres of male genitalia robust and with a tooth on superior margin B. dentipes (Fabricius)
Cusps moderately conspicuous, parameres without tooth B. bistripustulata (Fabricius)
15 Elytron black without spots, apical margin of elytron red or orange B. erythrura Mulsant
Elytron spotted 16
16 Cusps medium sized B. subfasciata Mulsant
Cusps large B. truncata Nestor-Arriola and Toledo-Hernández
17 Elytra yellow with pale brown lines B. aperta Weise
Elytra with black spots 18
18 Each elytron with a large basal macula B. papiliona sp. nov.
Elytra without a large basal macula 19
19 Protibia, mesotibia and metatibia toothed, two spots on each elytron B. hexaspina sp. nov.
Mesotibia and metatibia without tooth, maculation variable 20
20 Elytra pale with several elongated black spots, tibial tooth small B. gorhami (Weise)
Elytral spots rounded, not elongated 21
21 Pronotum mainly black with only lateral borders, anterior border and middle line until center of the disc pale colored. Each elytron with five black spots B. nubes sp. nov.
Pronotum variable, if mainly black with several pale colored projections into the basal black macula. Elytra variable 22
22 Elytra yellow with five black spots on each elytron, pronotum with several black small spots B. invertita sp. nov.
Each elytron with two black or brown spots, elytral suture black or with a large dark macula 23
23 Male abdomen with central part of ventrites depressed and with dense, long pubescence B. cachensis Gorham
Male abdomen without long pubescence 24
24 Dorsal color mainly yellow, orange or pink, sometimes dark with 12 pale spots; male abdomen without modifications B. lepida Mulsant
Dorsal color yellow. Male abdomen with acute tooth in middle of first and second ventrites B. dentata sp. nov.