Dynamics of Flag amount ratios after Flag expression (shifted by 0.25 h lag time) of different sites for repressed (left column) and activated state (right column), calculated for all models with satisfactory likelihood after stage 2. Green lines represent the satisfactory models of stage 3. The dashed lines show the steady state ratio that eventually all models should reach closely. (
A) Ratio of N-1 over N-2 in repressed state with available experimental data. The three groups of green lines match the three model groups of the main text and
Figure 4: almost constant lines (group 3), slightly rising lines (group 1), and quickly rising lines (group 2). (
B) As panel A but for the ratio of N-3 over N-2 and without experimental data. (
C) As panel B, but N-3 over N-1. (
D, E, F) All three ratios now for the activated promoter state.