Data and interface |
run_animalcules() |
Initiates a local instance of the animalcules Shiny application |
Data summary and manipulation |
filter_summary_bar_density() |
Visualize sample/microbe data with a bar plot (categorical) or density plot (continuous) |
filter_summary_pie_box() |
Visualize sample/microbe data with a pie chart (categorical) or box plot (continuous) |
filter_categorize() |
Convert continuous variables into a various number of factors |
counts_to_logcpm() |
Covert counts table to a log counts per million table |
counts_to_relabu() |
Covert counts table to a relative abundances table |
upsample_counts() |
Up-sample counts table to a higher taxon level |
find_taxonomy() |
Find taxonomy for unlimited ids |
find_taxon_mat() |
Find taxonomy information matrix for unlimited ids |
mae_pick_samples() |
Isolate or discard samples from a multi-assay experiment object |
mae_pick_organisms() |
Isolate or discard microbes from a multi-assay experiment object |
Sample level visualization |
relabu_barplot() |
Generate stacked bar plots of sample and group level microbe relative abundances |
relabu_boxplot() |
Generate box plots comparing organism prevalence across groups of samples |
relabu_heatmap() |
Generate a sample by microbe heatmap of counts |
dimred_pca() |
Return a 2D/3D scatter plot for dimensionality reduction through PCA |
dimred_pcoa() |
Return a 2D/3D scatter plot for dimensionality reduction through PCoA |
dimred_umap() |
Return a 2D/3D scatter plot for dimensionality reduction through UMAP |
dimred_tsne() |
Return a 2D/3D scatter plot for dimensionality reduction through t-SNE |
Alpha and beta diversity |
diversities() |
Return alpha diversity |
do_alpha_div_test() |
Compute various statistical tests for alpha diversity |
alpha_div_boxplot() |
Generate box plots comparing alpha diversity across groups of samples |
diversity_beta_test() |
Compute various statistical tests for beta diversity |
diversity_beta_boxplot() |
Generate box plots comparing beta diversity across groups of samples |
diversity_beta_heatmap() |
Generate a heatmap comparing beta diversity across groups of samples |
Differential abundance analysis |
differential_abundance() |
Performs differential abundance analysis across groups of samples |
Biomarker discovery |
find_biomarker() |
Identifies microbes as potential biomarkers for groups of samples |