FIG. 5.
The stable transgenic line Tg(ubb:TAEL-N) enables light-induced expression at multiple developmental stages. (A) Schematic depicting experimental design. Tg(ubb:TAEL-N) and Tg(C120F:GFP) adult zebrafish were crossed together to produce double transgenic embryos. GFP expression was activated at multiple time points by illuminating embryos for 12 h with blue light pulsed at a frequency of 1 h on/1 h off. (B–G) Representative images of Tg(ubb:TAEL-N);Tg(C120F:GFP) embryos or larvae exposed to blue light (B–D) or kept in the dark (E–G). Images were acquired at the indicated stages between 18 and 20 h postactivation. Arrows in (D, G) point to ectopic liver expression of GFP. Scale bars, 200 μm.