Functional category comparisons among the differentially regulated genes in the four transcriptome comparisons using Parametric Analysis of Gene Expression.
Yellow-to-red and cyan-to-blue color scale in CM (color mode) indicate whether the representation of the genes encompassed in that term is up- or downregulated as a group. The Gene Groups comprising each analysis are provided in the first column. No (number) represents the number of genes included in each GO term. Ont refers to the Ontology group represented (P = biological process, F = molecular function, C = cellular component). The CM comparison categories are as follows: 1 is FWt : GWt, 2 is FArg : GArg, 3 is GArg : GWt, and 4 is FArg : FWt, and the numerical values supporting the color rendering are provided to the right of the CM columns. The blank rows represent the null results obtained from individual analyses of the two components of the Gene Group “78 + 102 = 180 Important to WT spaceflight adaptation” (78: Independent, Dependent, Partially Dependent) and (102: Corrected). Individual comparisons did not display a coordinated pattern of expression according to ontological categories.