Figure 2.
Overview of the genetic structure of ancient and modern Isthmian groups
(A) ADMIXTURE plot for K = 14; each bar shows the average ancestry proportion of individuals within the same group considering the rWD1560 dataset plus the American and Siberian ancient individuals.
(B) Indigenous American (IA) PCA analysis including the mIA417 dataset and ancient genomes projected onto uIA217 variability. The inset shows a specific Isthmo-Colombian PCA.
(C) f4 statistics in the form f4 (W/Isthmo-Colombia/Anzick, X/Isthmo-Colombia/SpiritCave; Y/Isthmo-Colombia, Mbuti) considering the uIA89 and mIA417 datasets plus ancient Isthmian individuals (all SNPs). The f4 values are reported in abscissa. Each tested population (Y) is shown (with triangles pointing to X or W population) only when the initial conformation of the tree is rejected (p value ∼ 0.001, for Z scores > |3.3|), thus visually pointing to the closer population (X or W) in each comparison. A legend for symbols used in the paper is reported on the top left.