Editorial Board members are the engines that make biomedical research journals run. They provide timely, expert manuscript reviews, ensuring the quality of papers published in the journal. They provide commentary in their areas of expertise, often associated with a manuscript they have reviewed. Editorial Board members also act as ambassadors for the journal, soliciting and contributing high-quality manuscripts. They provide ideas for review articles and recommend expert authors, they identify trends in the field and they provide suggestions to improve the journal. These observations are true for members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Perinatology. Collectively, the efforts of Journal of Perinatology Editorial Board members have resulted in a quadrupling of the number of new articles received annually over the past ten years, identified important manuscripts for publication, provided insightful commentary and reviews on important topics, and contributed to dramatic decreases in time to first decision of reviewed articles.
The Journal of Perinatology continues to evolve with the field of medical publishing. Following Springer/Nature, the Journal’s publisher, and many other medical biomedical journals, the Journal is moving to a term-based model of Editorial Board appointment. As of January 1, 2021, membership on the Journal of Perinatology Editorial Board will be via up to 5-year appointments, with previous board members rotating off and new members joining each year. An important goal going forward is increasing diversity of the Editorial Board, including gender, race, ethnic, and geographic diversity, while maintaining a board with a wide range of expertise.
As part of this change in Board membership, a fantastic group of new members are joining the Editorial Board this year. They include Sofia Aliaga, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Susan Aucott, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; Carl Backes, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA; Wanda Barfield, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta Georgia, USA; Catherine Buck, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; Shanna Cox, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA; Eugene Dempsey, University College Cork, Ireland; Annie Dude, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; Sarah Kunz, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; Afif El Khuffash, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland; Satyan Lakshmintusimha, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA; Philip Levy, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; Dror Mandel, Sackler University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Paolo Manzoni, University Hospital Degli Infermi, Biella, Italy; Mark Mercurio, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; Heidi Murphy, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA; David Paul, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at TJU, Newark, DE, USA; Ashish Premkumar, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; Renate Savich, University of Mississippi, Jackson, MI, USA; Arvind Sehgal, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Seetha Shankaran, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA; Gautham Suresh, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Sarah Taylor, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; John Zupancic, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. We look forward to their contributions to the Journal.
A number of long-serving members will be rotating off the Editorial Board this year. They include Keith Barrington, l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, CA; Jatinder Bhatia, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA; Aaron Caughey, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA; Gary Darmstadt, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; Arthur Eidelman, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Philip Gordon, Sacred Heart Women’s and Infant’s Hospital, Pensacola, FL, USA; Diane Holditch-Davis, Duke University, Durham, NC; Robert Kopotic, CAS Medical Systems, Jamul, CA, USA; Matthew Laughon, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Karen Morin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA: John Paris, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA; Joann Prause, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA; Jayant Shenai, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA; Joseph Spinnato, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA; Michele Walsh, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA. We would like to thank these members for their many years of service to the Journal of Perinatology as well as their many contributions to the care and support of mothers and their babies, their families, and their care givers. We look forward to their continued support of the Journal.
We also would like to acknowledge and thank our many reviewers who contributed their valuable time and expertise to the Journal of Perinatology in 2020 (Attached). A total of 1377 reviews were completed in 2020 by 635 reviewers. Their tireless and largely unseen work is always appreciated, but even more so during the many challenges of 2020.
The new year also brings a new program to the Journal of Perinatology, EDIT, the Editorial BoarD Mentoring InitiaTive, a program developed in conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine. In this program, together, a senior mentor and an early career faculty member or trainee, are appointed to the Journal’s Editorial Board. Manuscripts are assigned to both, who together produce a single review. In addition, during their time on the Editorial Board, trainees are provided with educational materials on peer review. The goal of EDIT is to combine mentoring with real-world experience in the peer review and publishing arenas. We are excited to announce our first three mentor-mentee EDIT pairs (Figure 1), Drs. John Zupancic and Sarah Kunz, Drs. Wanda Barfield and Shana Cox, and Drs. Sarah Taylor and Caty Buck.
Fig. 1.
Mentor and Mentee Pairs in the Journal of Perinatology, the Editorial Board Mentoring InitiaTive, EDIT. Left Panels. Harvard Medical School. Top. John Zupancic. Bottom. Sarah Kuhn. Center Panels. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Top. Wanda Barfield. Bottom. Shana Cox. Right Panels. Yale University. Top. Sarah Taylor. Bottom. Catherine Buck.
Dr. John Zupancic is Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and Associate Chief of Neonatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Zupancic served as Chair of the Executive Committee, Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Executive Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics, from 2016 to 2018. He is a recognized expert in health sciences research. Dr. Zupancic’s mentee is Dr. Sarah Kunz. Dr. Kunz is an Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and a staff neonatologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Dr. Wanda Barfield is Director, Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD, and Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics at Emory University. She is a recognized expert in reproductive, maternal, perinatal, and infant health domestically and globally through the effective use of surveillance and research; evidence-based clinical and programmatic interventions; and policy at the population level. Dr. Barfield’s mentee is Dr. Shana Cox. Dr. Cox is Associate Director for Science in the Division of Reproductive Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
Dr. Sarah Taylor is Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, and Director of Neonatal Research at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital in New Haven. She is a recognized expert in infant nutrition and breastfeeding medicine. Dr. Taylor’s mentee is Dr. Catherine Buck. Dr. Buck is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, and a staff neonatologist at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital.
These are exciting times at the Journal. The Journal will be migrating to a new, modern web interface this year that will improve the experience for readers, authors, reviewers, and editorial staff. In September, the Journal will be celebrating its fortieth anniversary. An exciting and informative bundle of articles on diversity, equity, and inclusion in perinatal medicine was published in the first two editions this year. We will begin publishing a series of articles from the Organization of Neonatal Perinatal Training Program Directors (ONPTD) on neonatology fellowship training. Upcoming Review and Perspective article topics include the impact of maternal obesity on childhood neurodevelopment, recent advances in pathophysiology and management of transient tachypnea of the newborn, perinatal-neonatal perspectives on COVID-19, practical approaches to sedation and analgesia in the newborn, and an approach to critical decision-making in neonatology and pediatrics. Quality improvement (QI) will continue to be focal point for the Journal. We will publish QI articles each month, including an upcoming practical guide to publishing a quality improvement paper. We welcome suggestions for topics from readers. Visit the Journal’s website at https://www.nature.com/jp/ or contact us at jperinatol@us.nature.com.
Acknowledgement of Journal of Perinatology Manuscript Reviewers 2020
Abrams, Steven
Abu-Shaweesh, Jalal
Achten, Niek
Adamkin, David
Adolph, Vincent
Agarwal, Prashant
Aghai, Zubair
Agren, Johan
Akinboyo, Ibukunoluwa
Alexandre, Marra
Alkuraya, Fowzan
Aly, Hany
Ambalavanan, Namasivayam
Anderson Berry, Ann
Anderson, Diana
Anderson, Peter
Anumba, Dilly
Arellano-Galindo, José
Ariagno, Ronald
Armstrong, Erika
Arnon, Shmuel
Aschner, Judy
Attridge, Joshua
Auger, Nathalie
Backes, Carl
Bada, Henrietta
Bahr, Timothy
Bahtiyar, Mert
Balachander, Bharathi
Ballabh, Praveen
Balsan, Michael
Bamat, Nicolas
Bardanzellu, Flaminia
Barfield, Wanda
Barkemeyer, Brian M.
Baroni, Luciana
Bar-Oz, Benjamin
Barrero-Castillero, Alejandra
Barry, Leasha
Basir, Mir
Bassan, Haim
Bateman, David A.
Batton, Beau
Baumgart, Stephen
Bazacliu, Catalina
Beachy, Joanna
Beam, Kristyn
Beck, Jill
Bedrick, Alan
Beeram, Madhava R.
Bell, Katherine
Benavente-Fernández, Isa
Bendel, Catherine
Bender, Deborah
Benitz, William
Berenz, Andrew
Berman, Loren
Bhandari, Vineet
Bhombal, Shazia
Bhutani, Vinod
Bieleninik, Lucja
Birenbaum, Howard
Bizzarri, Mariano
Bizzarro, Matthew
Blair, Rachel
Blakely, Martin
Block, Steven M.
Bloom, Barry
Blumenfeld, Yair
Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike
Bong, Choon
Bose, Carl
Boss, Renee
Boucoiran, Isabelle
Bowker, Rakhee
Boyar, Vita
Boyer, Olivia
Brewer, Mariana
Brion, Luc
Brook, Itzhak
Brown, Laura
Brozanski, Beverly
Brugnara, Carlo
Bruno, Christie
Buchiboyina, Ashok
Buck, Catherine
Buhimschi, Irina
Bull, Dale
Burch, Deborah
Burd, Larry
Burnsed, Jennifer
Burris, Heather
Cain, Mary
Calkins, Kara
Campbell, Deborah
Cao, Zheng
Carey, William
Caritis, Steve
Carlo, Waldemar
Carter, Brian
Casper, Regina
Çelebi, Solmaz
Ceroni, Dimitri
Chandrasekaran, Manigandan
Chandrasekharan, Praveen
Charlton, Jennifer
Chasnoff, Ira
Chauhan, Suneet
Chawla, Sanjay
Chawla, Sanjay
Chen, You
Cheng, Yvonne
Chernoguz, Artur
Chess, Patricia
Chiruvolu, Arpitha
Chouthai, Nitin
Christensen, Robert
Clark, David
Clark, Reese
Clarkson, Gina
Claud, Erika
Claure, Nelson
Clyman, Ronald
Cohen, Ronald
Colaizy, Tarah
Coombs, C. Andrew
Cortez, Josef
Cortezzo, Donna Maria
Courtney, Sherry
Cowles, Robert
Craig, Alexa
Cresi, Francesco
Crombleholme, Timothy
Crowley, Moira
Cummings, Christy
D’Angio, Carl
Dani, Carlo
D’Argaville, Peter
Darlow, Brian
Davidson, Jessica
Davis, Jonathan
Davis, Natalie
Day Richardson, Colby
Deierlein, Andrea
Dempsey, Eugene
Deorari, Ashok
Desiraju, Suneetha
Dhudasia, Miren
Dintaman, Jay
Dixon, Gabrina
Dobson, Craig
Dobson, Nicole
Donohue, Pamela
Douglas-Escobar, Martha
Drago, Matthew
Dukhovny, Dmitry
Dunn, Michael
Dupont, Tara
Durand, Manuel
Dysart, Kevin
Eaton, Simon
Eichenwald, Eric
Eigen, Howard
El Metwally, Dina
El Shahed, Amr
El-Dib, Mohamed
El-Naggar, Walid
El-Sayed, Yasser
Emonts, Marieke
Eppes, Stephen
Fanaroff, Jon
Fanaroff, Jonathan
Fawke, Joe
Fenton, Tanis
Finer, Neil
Flannery, Dustin
Fleming, Robert
Fogleman, April
Foglia, Elizabeth
Ford, Stephanie
Fortney, Christine
Fowler, Karen
Frank, David
Friedman, Hayley
Fuchs, Hans
Gadzinowski, Janusz
Gagliardi, Luigi
Gander, Jeffery
Gano, Dawn
Gautham, Kanekal
Gayen nee Betal, Suhita
Ge, Xudong
Gelineau-Morel, Rose
Gephart, Sheila
Gibson, Laura
Gilhus, Nils Erik
Gillam-Krakauer, Maria
Giordano, Vito
Glenn, Tara
Godambe, Sunit
Goggi, Silvia
Goldstein, Mitchell
Golombek, Sergio
Gong, Cynthia
Gong, MD, Alice
Good, Misty
Goodman, David
Gordon, Phillip
Gould, Jeffrey
Gray, Megan
Greenberg, James
Greenberg, Rachel
Greenough, Anne
Greenspan, Jay
Greisen, Gorm
Griffin, Ian
Griffith, Thao
Gritz, Emily
Grosse, Scott D.
Grossman, Matthew
Grover, Theresa
Gruen, Jeff
Grzeskowiak, Luke
Guillen, Ursula
Guillet, Ronnie
Guimaraes, Hercília
Gupta, Munish
Hackney, David
Hagadorn, James
Hair, Amy
Haley, Kristina
Hall, Sue
Harding, Jane
Harer, Matthew
Harmon, Heidi
Harper III, C.A.
Harrison, Wade
Harting, Matthew
Hatch, III, Leon
Hegyi, Thomas
Henry, Marion
Hensman, Angelita
Hibbs, Anna Maria
Hill, Jeanne
Hintz, Susan
Hirai, Ashley
Hittelman, Adam
Hlavacek, Anthony
Hoban, Rebecca
Hoffman, Matthew
Hofheimer, Julie
Holditch-Davis, Diane
Hollinger, Laura
Hook, Edward
Hoyt, Adrienne
Hubbard, Dena
Hudak, Mark
Hulsey, Thomas
Hundscheid, Tim
Hunt, Carl
Hunter, Stephen
Huntley, Benjamin
Hussain, Naveed
Hwang, Eileen
Hwang, Sunah
Hynan, Michael T.
Iyer, Narayan
Jadcherla, Sudarshan
Jain, Sunil
Jain, Viral
Jennifer, Johnson
Jobe, Alan
Johnson, Lise
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Tricia
Johnston, Celeste
Jones, Hendrée
Josefson, Jami
Juul, Sandra
Kaempf, Joseph
Kaiser, Jeffrey
Kalfa, Theodosia
Kalish, Brian
Kallapur, Shuhas
Kaplan, Michael
Katakam, Lakshmi
Katheria, Anup
Kaufman, David
Kavanaugh-McHugh, Ann
Keenan, William
Keiser, Amaris
Keller, Roberta
Kerecman, Jay
Keszler, Martin
Khurana, Sonia
Kim, Jae
Kim, Sohye
Kirpalani, Haresh
Kirsch, Roxanne
Kling, Pamela
Klingenberg, Claus
Knoop, Kathryn
Kocherlakota, Prabhakar
Konduri, Girija
Konnikova, Liza
Koo, Winston
Kooi, Elisabeth M.W.
Kopotic, Robert
Kraft, Walter
Kresch, Mitchell
Kukora, Stephanie
Kumar, Ajay
Kumar, Vasanth
Kunz, Sarah
Kuo, Sheree
Kuper-Sasse, Margaret
Lake, Eileen
Lakshminrusimha, Satyan
Lantos, John
Lapcharoensap, Wannasiri
Laptook, Abbot
Laron, Zvi
Lau, Chantal
Laughon, Matthew
Laventhal, Naomi
Lawrence, Shelly
Lazenby, Gweneth
Leach, Corinne
Lechner, Beatrice
Lee, Henry
Lefwich, Heidi
Leone, Tina
Lesher, Aaron
Leung, Jocelyn
Levin, Jonathan
Levit, Orly
Levy, Philip
Levy, Sharon
Lewandowski, Adam
Lewis, Tamorah
Li, De-Kun
Liang, Chun
Liechty, Edward
Lingappan, Krithika
Liotto, Nadia
Lister, George
Litt, Jonathan
Lodha, Abhay
Loewy, Joanne
Losty, Paul
Lou, Lily
Loughlin, Gerald
Luo, Xin
Luu, Thuy Mai
Machut, Kerri
MacMillan, Kathryn
Maheshwari, Akhil
Mahoney, L
Maitre, Nathalie
Malhotra, Yogangi
Mammel, Mark
Mandel, Dror
Manimtim, Winston
Mannan, Javeed
Manzoni, Paolo
Marconi, Anna Maria
Martin, Colin
Martin, Richard
Mathur, Amit
Mavunda, Kunjana
Mbuyi, Nadine
McAdams, Ryan
McAllister, Jennifer
McCallion, Naomi
McCulloch, Michael
McCurnin, Donald
McEvoy, Cindy
McGrath, Jacqueline
McIntyre, David
McKinlay, Christopher
McNair, Carol
McNamara, Patrick
McPadden, Jacob
Medoff Cooper, Barbara
Meier, Paula
Mendlovic, Joseph
Mercer, Judith
Mercurio, Mark
Merritt, Thurman
Meyer, Andrew
Miller, Steven
Mills, Luke
Milstone, Aaron
Mimouni, Francis
Mitra, Subhabrata
Monagle, Paul
Monk, Catherine
Montoya-Williams, Diana
Moon-Grady, Anita
Moore, Paul
Moradi, Behnaz
Moreira, Alvaro
Morgan, Cathy
Morin, Karen
Morris, Emily
Moxey-Mims, M
Mulkey, Sarah
Muraskas, Jonathan
Murphy, Heidi
Murray, Peter
Murray, Thomas
Nadkarni, Vinay
Nakanishi, Hidehiko
Narvey, Michael
Nemerofsky, Sheri
Neu, Josef
Newman, Thomas
Nghiem-Rao, T. Hang
Nguyen, Christina
Noble, Lawrence
Nock, Mary
Nogee, Lawrence
Noone, Damien
Noori, Shahab
Nopoulos, Peggy
Nosarti, Chiara
Oga, Emmanuel
Ohls, Robin
Oji-Mmuo, Christiana
O’Reilly, Deirdre
Özek, Eren
Pai, Vidya
Palma, Jonathan
Pammi, Mohan
Papaevangelou, Vassiliki
Parker, Margaret
Parker, Thomas
Parravicini, Elvira
Patel, Aloka
Patel, Ravi
Patra, Kousiki
Paul, David
Payton, Kerlen
Pearlman, Stephen
Pector, Elizabeth
Peeples, Eric
Peña, Michelle-Marie
Perlman, Max
Permar, Sallie
Peroni, Diego
Perrin, Maryanne
Perrone, Erin
Peterec, Steven
Phibbs, Ciaran
Phillips, Raylene
Picarillo, Alan
Pierelli, L
Pillers, De-Ann M
Pineda, Roberta
Pinheiro, Joaquim
Polglase, Graeme
Polin, Richard
Pomerance, Jeffrey
Porta, Nicolas
Poupolo, Karen
Pramanik, Arun
Prelipcean, Irina
Prendergast, Michael
Pridham, Karen
Puchalski, Mary
Puopolo, Karen
Quinn, Graham
Rabe, Heike
Radhakrishnan, Jayant
Raffay, Thomas
Raghavan, Aarti
Raghuveer, Talkad
Rahman, Amanda
Ramanathan, Rangasamy
Ramful, Duksha
Rao, Raghavendra
Rao, Rakesh
Rao, Rakesh
Reber, Kris
Reese, Jeff
Repa, Andreas
Repka, Michael
Reynolds, Eric
Richards, Rickelle
Rios, Danielle
Roberts, Kari
Robinson, Daniel
Ron-Kella, Yonina
Rosenfeld, Charles
Ross, Faith
Ross, Michael
Ross, Shannon
Rossman, Beverly
Rowan, Cherise
Rozance, Paul
Rozycki, Henry
Ruoss, Lauren
Ryan, C.
Ryan, Feargal
Ryan, Rita
Rysavy, Matthew
Salas, Ariel
Salley, Brenda
Sallmon, Hannes
Sanchez, Pablo
Sandhu, Hitesh
Sankar, Meera
Sant’Anna, Guiherme
Sarkar, Subrata
Saugstad, Ola
Saxton, Sage
Schanler, Richard
Schulman, Joseph
Schutzman, David
Sectish, Theodore C.
Segre, Lisa
Sehgal, Arvind
Seidner, Steven
Sekar, Kris C.
Shah, Malika
Shah, Prakesh
Shah, Prakesh
Shah, Sanket
Shankaran, Seetha
Shany, Eilon
Shapiro-Mendoza, CK
Shellhaas, Renee
Shepherd, Edward
Shoemark, Helen
Shukla, Vivek
Siassakos, Dimitrios
Silva, Camila
Simmons, Rebecca
Skarsgard, Erik
Skotko, Brian
Smets, Koenraad
Smith, Vincent
Snowden, Jonathan
Sobotka, Sarah
Soghier, Lamia
Sola-Visner, Martha
Soll, Roger
Song, Clara
Sood, Beena
South, Andrew
Spatz, Diane
Speer, Michael
Spiller, Brad
Spinnato, Joseph
Steiner, Laurie
Stevenson, David
Stewart, Dan
Stitelman, David
Stokes, Theophil
Stone, Joanne
Stout, Molly
Strauss, Tzipora
Stritzke, Amelie
Stronati, Mauro
Subramanian, K.N. Siva
Sullivan, Brynne
Sun, Lena
Suresh, Gautham
Sutner, Denise
Swanson, Jonathan
Talati, Ajay
Taylor, Sarah
Thomas, Sumesh
Thornton, Paul
Tibboel, Dick
Ting, Yuk Joseph
Tipple, Trent
Tolia, Veeral
Tormey, Chris
Tovar, Juan
Tsuguhiko, Kato
Ulrike, Mietz
Um-Bergstrom, Petra
Unger, Sharon
Uquillas, Kirsten
Valentine, Christina
Valentino, Pamela
Vali, Payam
Van Bel, Frank
Van Den Hoogen, Ages
Van Vliet, Guy
Venkatesh, Kartik
Vergales, Brooke
Verma, Sourabh
Vidyasagar, Dharmapuri
Viscardi, Rose
Viswanathan, Sreekanth
Vohr, Betty
Vreman, Henk
Wachman, Elisha
Wagner, Carol
Walsh, Michele
Walters, Jennifer
Wang, Xiaobin
Warejko, Jillian
Warner, Barbara
Watchko, Jon
Watterberg, Kristi
Weiss, Elliott
Weitkamp, Hendrik
Weitkamp, Joern-Hendrik
Welty, Stephen
Whalen, Bonny
White, Ann
White, Robert
Widness, John
Wight, Nancy
Wong, Ronald
Wright, Clyde
Wu, Yvonne
Wusthoff, Courtney
Wynn, James
Yamada, Nicole
Yanowitz, Toby
Yee, Jennifer
Yeh, Jay
Yieh, Leah
Yoder, Bradley
Young, Andrew
Zaenglein, Andrea
Zanelli, Santina
Zhang, Yuanzhen
Zhao, Hong-Bo
Zupancic, John
Zyblewski, Sinai