Fast and accurate evaluation of free energy has broad applications from drug design to material engineering. Computing the absolute free energy is of particular interest since it allows the assessment of the relative stability between states without intermediates. Here we introduce a general framework for calculating the absolute free energy of a state. A key step of the calculation is the definition of a reference state with tractable deep generative models using locally sampled configurations. The absolute free energy of this reference state is zero by design. The free energy for the state of interest can then be determined as the difference from the reference. We applied this approach to both discrete and continuous systems and demonstrated its effectiveness. It was found that the Bennett acceptance ratio method provides more accurate and efficient free energy estimations than approximate expressions based on work. We anticipate the method presented here to be a valuable strategy for computing free energy differences.
Graphical Abstract
Free energy is of central importance in both statistical physics and computational chemistry. It has important applications in rational drug design1 and material property prediction.2 Therefore, methodology development for efficient free energy calculations has attracted great research interest.3–14 Many existing algorithms have focused on estimating free energy differences between states and originate from the free energy perturbation (FEP) identity15
(1) |
Here, ΔF = FB − FA is the free energy difference between two equilibrium states A and B at temperature T and β = 1/kBT. UA(x) and UB(x) are the potential energies for a configuration x in states A and B, respectively, and ΔU (x) = UB(x)−UA(x). represents the expectation with respect to the Boltzmann distribution of x in state A,
(2) |
where the normalization constant . Computing ΔF with the FEP identity (Eq. 1) only uses samples from state A. It is more efficient to use samples from both states to compute ΔF by solving the Bennett acceptance ratio (BAR) equation 16
(3) |
where f(t) = 1/(1 + et) and M = ln(NB/NA). Here, and are samples from the two states. Both the FEP and the BAR method converge poorly when the overlap in the configuration space between state A and B is small. In that case, multiple intermediate states along a path with incremental changes in the configuration space can be introduced to bridge the two states.3 However, sampling from multiple intermediate states greatly increases the computational cost. It is, therefore, useful to develop techniques that can alleviate the convergence issue without the use of intermediate states.12,13
The requirement on a significant overlap between the two states’ configuration space can be circumvented if we compute their free energy difference from the absolute free energy as ΔF = FB − FA. The absolute free energy of a state A/B can be obtained from its difference from a reference state A±/B± as FA/B = FA±/B± − ΔFA/B→A±/B±. For this strategy to be efficient, however, the reference states must bear significant overlap in configuration space with the states of interest. Their absolute free energy should be available with minimal computational effort. For most systems, designing reference states that satisfy these constraints can be challenging and requires expertise and physical intuition.17–23 In this work, we demonstrate that reference states can be constructed with tractable generative models for efficient computation of the absolute free energy. 24,25
The workflow for calculating the absolute free energy is as follows. State A is used as an example for the discussion, but the same procedure applies to state B. We first draw samples, , from the Boltzmann distribution pA(x). We then learn a tractable generative model, qθ(x), that maximizes the likelihood of observing these samples by fine-tuning the set of parameters θ. Here tractable generative models refer to probabilistic models that have the following two properties: (i) the normalized probability (or probability density), qθ(x), can be directly evaluated for a given configuration x without the need of sampling or integration; (ii) independent configurations can be efficiently sampled from the probability distribution. The generative model defines a new equilibrium state A±, which serves as an excellent reference to state A. Because it is parameterized from samples of state A, most probable configurations from A± should resemble those from A by design, and the overlap between the two states is guaranteed as long as the generative model has enough flexibility for modeling pA(x). In addition, since qθ(x) is normalized, if we define the potential energy of state A± as UA± (x) = −(1/β) ln qθ(x), the partition function ZA± of state A± is equal to 1, i.e., . The absolute free energy of the reference state A± is FA± = −(1/β) ln ZA± = 0. (Strictly speaking, the free energy should be defined as to normalize the unit in the partition function. This technical detail does not affect any of the conclusions on free energy differences and is not considered for simplicity.) With the reference state defined, the absolute free energy for state A can be determined by solving a similar BAR equation as Eq. 3. Our use of tractable generative models ensures that sample configurations can be easily produced for the reference state to be combined with those from state A for solving the BAR equation. 26
We note that a closely related algorithm for computing the absolute free energy has been introduced in variational methods.27,28 In these prior studies, qθ(x) was optimized by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence29 from qθ(x) to pA(x)
(4) |
where . Because DKL(qθ‖pA) is non-negative, ⟨WA±→A⟩ is an upper bound of FA. As DKL(qθ‖pA) decreases along the optimization, ⟨WA±→A⟩ is assumed to approach closer to the true free energy and was used for its estimation.
Our methodology is different from the variational methods27,28,30 in two aspects. Firstly, instead of DKL(qθ‖pA), we used
(5) |
as the objective function for learning qθ(x). . We note that minimizing the KL divergence from pA(x) to qθ(x) is equivalent to learning the generative model by maximizing its likelihood on the training data. Moreover, because DKL(pA‖qθ) is also non-negative, ⟨−WA→A± ⟩ is a lower bound of FA. Therefore, minimizing DKL(pA‖qθ) is equivalent to maximizing the lower bound ⟨−WA→A± ⟩. At the face value, it may seem that DKL(qθ‖pA) is a better objective function than DKL(pA‖qθ) for model training since its optimization only requires samples from qθ(x). As aforementioned, sampling from qθ(x) can be made computationally efficient by the use of tractable generative models. On the other hand, training by DKL(pA‖qθ) requires samples from pA(x), the collection of which often requires costly long timescale simulations with Monte Carlo (MC) or molecular dynamics (MD) techniques. The caveat is that optimization with DKL(qθ‖pA) is more susceptible to traps from local minima due to its more complex dependence on qθ.31 When pA(x) is a high-dimensional distribution and the system exhibits multistability, optimizing DKL(qθ‖pA) often leads to solutions that cover only one of the metastable states.32,33 Noé and coworkers have recognized the above challenge,32 and they introduced the Boltzmann generator that uses a combination of both DKL(qθ‖pA) and DKL(pA‖qθ) for model training.
Another significant difference between our methodology and the variational methods27,28,34 or the Boltzmann generator is the expression used to estimate FA. In particular, ⟨WA±→A⟩ is an upper bound of the free energy and only becomes exact when the probability distributions from generative models and the state of interest are identical. On the other hand, our use of the BAR equation (Eq. 3) relaxes this requirement, and FA can be accurately determined even if the model training is not perfect and there are significant differences between the two distributions. In all but trivial examples, we anticipate that the learning process does not converge exactly to the true distribution pA(x) due to its high dimensionality and complexity. The BAR estimation, which is asymptotically unbiased, 35 will be crucial to ensure the accuracy of free energy calculations.
The advantage of the BAR estimation is evident when computing the absolute free energy of a two-dimensional system with the Müller potential.37 When the reference state qθ(x) was parameterized with a Gaussian distribution, which fails to capture the multistability inherent to the system, the two bounds based on work deviate significantly from the absolute free energy (Fig. 1). The free energy estimated using the BAR equation, on the other hand, is in excellent agreement with the exact value. The work-based bounds begin to approach the exact value when an optimized mixture model of two Gaussian distributions was used to parameterize the reference state. The BAR estimator again converges much faster than the bounds, highlighting its insensitivity to the quality of the reference state. More details about the model training and free energy computation for this simple test system are included in the Supporting Information. We note that an independent study reported similar advantages when using BAR to compute relative free energy with deep generative models. 13
Figure 1:
(Left) Contour plot of the Müller potential. Energy is shown in the units of kBT. (Right) Absolute free energy computed using various estimators with reference states defined as a Gaussian distribution (squares) or a mixture model of two Gaussian distributions (circles). The x-axis corresponds to the number of steps for training the Gaussian mixture model with the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. 36
Encouraged by the results from the above test system, we next computed the absolute free energy of a 20-spin classical Sherrington-Kerkpatrick (SK) model,38 the value of which can be determined from complete enumeration as well. The discrete configurations of the SK model will be represented using s instead of x. Though we introduced the methodology with continuous variables, all the equations can be trivially extended to s by replacing the integrals with summations over the spin configurations. The potential energy of a configuration s = (s1, s2, ..., sN ) is defined as
(6) |
where si ∈ {−1, +1} and N = 20. Jij were chosen randomly from the standard normal distribution. 5000 samples were drawn from the probability distribution with β = 2.0. These samples were used to train the reference state A± by minimizing DKL(pA‖qθ) (Eq. 5). The reference probability qθ(s) was defined with a neural autoregressive density estimator (NADE)24,39–42 as a product of conditional distributions
(7) |
qθ(si|s1, ..., si−1) were parameterized using a feed-forward neural network with one hidden layer of 20 hidden units.The neural network’s connections are specifically designed such that it maintains the autoregressive property, i.e., qθ(si|s1, ..., si−1) only depends on s1, ..., si (Fig. 2a). After training qθ(s) for some numbers of steps, 43,44 5000 configurations were independently drawn from qθ(s). These configurations, together with the training inputs sampled from pA(s), were used to determine the absolute free energy of the SK model. In Figs. 2b and 2c, we again compare results from the three estimators with the exact value.
Figure 2:
Performance of different free energy estimators on the SK model. Energy is shown in the units of kBT. (a) A schematic representation of the neural autoregressive model used to parameterize qθ. The black units illustrate the dependence of the conditional probability q(s3|s1, s2). (b) The absolute free energy of the SK model calculated with three estimators as a function of training steps compared with the exact result obtained from a complete enumeration. (c, d) Errors of the estimated absolute free energy versus the number of training steps and the number of samples used for training qθ. The coloring scheme is identical to that in part b. Error bars representing one standard deviation are estimated using five independent repeats.
Similar to the results observed for the Müller potential, at early stages of model parameterization with small training step numbers, the work-based estimations deviate significantly from the true value. This deviation is expected and is a direct result of the difference between the two probability distributions qθ(s) and pA(s). However, as the training proceeds, the agreement between the distributions improves and ⟨−WA→A± ⟩ and ⟨WA±→A⟩ gradually converge to the exact result after 5000 steps (Fig. 2b) because the autoregressive model is flexible enough to match the target distribution. On the other hand, the BAR estimator converges much faster to the exact value with a smaller error (Figs. 2b and 2c). In addition, varying the number of samples used for training qθ(s) has different effects on the accuracy of converged results for the three approaches (Fig. 2d). For both ⟨−WA→A± ⟩ and ⟨WA±→A⟩, increasing the number of training samples from 103 to 104 does not significantly change the accuracy of their results. In contrast, using more training samples significantly reduces the error of the BAR estimator. This is because solutions of the BAR equation are asymptotically unbiased for estimating FA, whereas ⟨−WA→A± ⟩ and ⟨WA±→A⟩ are not.35
Finally, we applied the methodology to two molecular systems, the di-alanine and the deca-alanine in implicit solvent. These two systems present features commonly encountered in biomolecular simulations with continuous phase space over a rugged energy landscape. Their high dimensionality renders a complete enumeration of the configurational space to compute the absolute free energy for benchmarking impractical. Instead, we calculated the free energy difference between two metastable states using their absolute free energy to compare against the value determined from umbrella sampling and temperature replica exchange (TRE) simulations. For di-alanine, the two metastable states were defined using the backbone dihedral angle ϕ (C-CA-N-C), with 0± < ϕ ≤ 120± for state A and ϕ ≤ 0± or ϕ > 120± for state B (Fig. 3a). For deca-alanine, states A and B were defined as the configurational ensembles at T = 300K and T = 500K, respectively (Fig. 4a).
Figure 3:
Performance of different free energy estimators on the di-alanine. Energy is shown in the units of kBT. (a) Contour plot of the di-alanine free energy surface as a function of the two torsion angles ϕ and ψ. (b, c) The absolute free energy of state A and B computed with different estimators. (d) The free energy difference between state A and B computed with different estimators. Error bars representing one standard deviation are estimated using five independent repeats.
Figure 4:
Performance of different free energy estimators on the deca-alanine. Energy is shown in the units of kBT, with T = 300 K. (a) Representative conformations from state A (the ensemble at T = 300K) and state B (the ensemble at T = 500K). (b, c) The absolute free energy of states A and B computed with different estimators. (d) The free energy difference between states A and B computed with different estimators. Error bars representing one standard deviation are estimated using five independent repeats.
To compute the absolute free energy, we learned the reference states using normalizing flow based generative models.39,45 Specifically, qθ(x) was parameterized with multiple bijective transformations, T1, ..., TK, to convert a random variable u to a peptide configuration, i.e.,
(8) |
u shares the same dimension as x and is from a simple base distribution pu(u). Based on the formula of variable change in probability density functions, we have
(9) |
where uk = Tk ± · · ·T1(u0) and is the Jacobian matrix of the transformation Tk, and | · | denotes the absolute value of the determinant. For both molecules, we first transformed u into the internal coordinates z based on moleculear topology (Fig. S1) and then transformed z into the Cartesian coordinates x using the neural spline flows46,47 with coupling layers (Figs. S2 and S3).25
The reference models were separately trained using configurations collected for each state from molecular dynamics simulations with the Amber ff99SB force field48 and the OBC implicit solvent model.49 As shown in Figs. S4–S7, they succeed in generating peptide conformations with reasonable geometry and energy. With the learned reference states, we computed the absolute free energy for states A and B using the three estimators. As shown in Figs. 3b, 3c, 4b and 4c, the BAR estimator converges much faster than the upper and lower bounds. The results calculated using the upper bound are not shown here because they are much larger than that of the lower bound and the BAR estimator (Figs. S8 and S9). Unlike the results for the SK model, the two bounds no longer converge to the same value or the BAR estimator, and their difference can be as large as 6 kBT for di-alanine (Fig. S8) and 60 kBT for deca-alanine (Fig. S9). The large gaps between the two bounds suggest that the generative models are still quite different from the true distributions even after the learning has converged. We expect the numbers from the BAR estimator to be correct, because the BAR estimator does not require the generative models to precisely match the original distributions to reproduce the free energy, as shown in both the Müller system and the SK model. Furthermore, the BAR estimations lie in between the two bounds in all four cases (Figs. S8 and S9), as expected for the exact values. Therefore, for these two molecular systems, the two bounds cannot be used for reliable estimation of the absolute free energy.
We further evaluated the accuracy of the three estimators in computing the free energy differences between states A and B. For comparison, we also determined the free energy difference using umbrella sampling3 for di-alanine and TRE simulations for deca-alanine. Results of estimated free energy differences are shown in Figs. 3d and 4d. The BAR estimator converges much faster to the results from umbrella sampling or TRE simulations than the two bounds. For di-alanine, the free energy difference estimated using BAR is −3.86 ± 0.01 kBT, which agrees with the result from umbrella sampling (−3.82 ± 0.04 kBT). To our surprise, the difference computed using the lower bound, −3.74 ± 0.10 kBT, is close to the correct result as well. Because the lower bound is biased, we believe its good performance on the free energy difference is due to error cancellation. For deca-alanine, the free energy difference from TRE is −65.37 ± 0.02 kBT, which deviates from the result obtained from the lower bound (−62.91 ± 0.52 kBT) but agrees well the BAR estimation (−65.13 ± 0.23 kBT).
In summary, we demonstrated that the framework based on deep generative models succeeds at computing the absolute free energy using sample configurations from the state of interest and is applicable for both discrete and continuous systems. Compared with harmonic approximations18 or histograms21 used in previous methods to construct reference systems, deep generative models are more flexible and can capture the complex correlation among various degrees of freedom. Their flexibility is crucial for improving the overlap between the learned reference system and the state of interest and for ensuring the convergence of free energy estimations using the BAR method. Although the examples tested here are relatively small in size, the free energy calculation method can be readily applied to larger lattice models and more complex biomolecular systems in gas phase or implicit solvent.
Additional challenges must be addressed, however, before applying the proposed method to systems with explicit solvation. Similar to other techniques, 50–56 the accuracy of computed free energy relies on the statistical convergence of conformational sampling, which can become more challenging with the presence of solvent molecules. Instead of collecting training data from unbiased molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, enhanced sampling methods such as solute tempering57 may be necessary to improve the efficiency of configurational space exploration. In addition, including solvent molecules significantly increases the system size and introduces additional symmetry requirements for the generative models. While the issues with a larger system size can in principle be overcome with more powerful computers, efficiently encoding the permutational symmetry of solvent molecules into generative models’ architectures is less straightforward. It is worth noting that multiple studies13,58,59 have introduced approaches for designing deep generative models that are invariant to permutations. Combining these approaches with our framework to compute the absolute free energy of biomolecular systems with explicit solvent would be an exciting direction for future studies. It could greatly facilitate the evaluation of protein-ligand binding affinity and protein conformational stability while accounting for entropic contributions.
Supplementary Material
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant 1R35GM133580–01).
Supporting Information
Architectures of neural autoregressive density estimator and normalizing flow models, Müller potential system, di-alanine system, deca-alanine system, and figures S1–S9.
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