There is an error in the Funding Statement. The correct funder and grant should be "National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 81602063)".
In the original article, there was a mistake in Figures 3B and 5A as published. For would-healing assay in Figure 3B , the “DDP group” image of K180 cell line was misused. We re-checked the raw data and found these mislabeled images during the picture layout. For apoptosis assay in Figure 5A , after we examined the original data, we found that we were setting the parameter conditions and setting the gate incorrectly, which led to this misunderstanding. In order to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstanding, we found the original file and re-exported the experiment images. And we apply to replace these experimental results together. The corrected Figures 3 and 5 appear below.
Figure 3.
Tan IIA and DDP suppressed migration and invasion ability of ESCC cells. Representative images of wound healing and transwell assay in HK (A, C) and K180 (B, D) cells following 24 h treatment with 6 µM Tan IIA, 3 µM DDP alone and 1 µM DDP and 2 µM Tan IIA in combination. Histograms depict the average migrated distance and the number of invasive cells in HK (E, F) and K180 (G, H) cells, respectively. The 3D crystal structure of human Fibronectin with an endogenous ligand (PDB-ID: 2cg6) (I). Ten random poses of Tan IIA docked into the active site of 2cg6 (J). The binding modes of Tan IIA in Fibronectin: at least five residue involved in the interactions in ten random poses, TRP 146, CYS 148 (H-bonds) and LEU 134, CYS 148, PRO 150 (π-π interaction) (K). Ten random poses of DDP docked into the same active site of 2cg6 (L). The binding modes of DDP in Fibronectin: at least one residue involved in the interactions in ten random poses, CYS 148 (H-bonds) (M). Protein expression levels of E-cadherin, b-catenin, Fibronectin, Vimentin and GAPDH of HK and K180 cells following a 48 h treatment with 6 µM Tan IIA, 3 µM DDP alone and 1 µM DDP and 2 µM Tan IIA in combination (N, O). Histograms depict the relative gray value of the related proteins measured using Image J (P–S). All data are shown as the mean SD of three independent experiments. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, or ****P < 0.0001 versus the control group (magnification, 100, Scale bars, 100 µm).
Figure 5.
Effect of Tan IIA, DDP alone and in combination on apoptosis. Representative profiles showing apoptosis in HK (A) or K180 cells (C) treated with 6 μM Tan IIA, 3 μM DDP alone and 1 μM DDP and 2 μM Tan IIA in combination for 48 h. Data represent the cell population of cell cycle arrest of HK (B) and K180 (D) cells. The 3D crystal structure of human Bcl-2 with an endogenous ligand (PDB-ID: 4lvt) (E). Ten random poses of Tan IIA docked into the active site of 4lvt (F). The binding modes of Tan IIA in Bcl-2: at least four residues involved in the interactions in ten random poses, TYR 199 (H-bonds) and TYR 105, LEU 134, ALA 146 (π-π interaction) (G). Ten random poses of DDP docked into the same active site of 4lvt (H). The binding modes of DDP in Bcl-2: at least five residues involved in the interactions in ten random poses, ASN 142, TYR 199 (H-bonds) and TYR 105, LEU 134, ALA 146 (π-π interaction) (I). Protein expression levels of Cleaved casp9, Bcl-2, Bax, and GAPDH of HK (J) and K180 (K) cells following 48 h treatment with 6 µM Tan IIA, 3 µM DDP alone and 1 µM DDP and 2 µM Tan IIA in combination. Histograms depict the relative gray value of the related proteins measured using Image J (L, M). All data are shown as the mean SD of three independent experiments. **P < 0.01 or ****P < 0.0001 versus the control group.
The following authors did not fulfil the authorship criteria and need to be removed from the author list: Jun Xie, Yueyu Gu and Taoli Liu. English revisions are not considered an authorship criterion and therefore the authors stated above must be removed from the author list, and author contributions and included in the Acknowledgments section.
In the original article, there was an error. We incorrectly wrote the FCM instrument name ACEA as ACEC.
A correction has been made to the Material and Method, sections Flow Cytometric Cell Cycle Analysis and Apoptosis Assay and Acknowledgment.
ACEA NovoCyte flow cytometer equipped with Novoexpress (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA) was applied to detect the cell cycle.
ACEA NovoCyte flow cytometer equipped with Novoexpress (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA) was applied to detect cell apoptosis.
The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 81602063).