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. 2021 Apr 9;66:103295. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103295

Erratum regarding previously published research papers

PMCID: PMC8058901  PMID: 33845237

The following Author Contribution statements were not included in the published versions of the Research Papers that appeared in previous volumes of EBioMedicine. The appropriate Author Contribution statements are included below.

Celastrol-induced degradation of FANCD2 sensitises pediatric high-grade gliomas to the DNA-crosslinking agent carboplatin. (EBioMedicine 50: 81–92)

Author contributions: D.S.M. and E.H. conceived and designed the project. D.S.M., M.H.M., P.W. developed and validated the in vitro and in vivo models used in the study. D.S.M., B.B., M.H.M., and P.W. performed the functional in vitro experiments. D.S.M., P.W., and H.M. performed the functional in vivo experiments. J.K. provided bioinformatical expertise and support. B.B. and M.H.M., provided material and logistical support and advised on the project. G.J.K. and E.H. acquired funding and supervised the study. All authors contributed to writing the manuscript.

Epigenetically upregulated GEFT-derived invasion and metastasis of rhabdomyosarcoma via epithelial mesenchymal transition promoted by the Rac1/Cdc42-PAK signaling pathway. (EBioMedicine 50: 122–134)

Author contributions: CL and FL designed the whole study and wrote the manuscript. LZ, WC, YP, JD, ZL, QL, HS, LM, WL, YW, YL, PW, YX, YW, LS, JH, and WZ contributed to experimental design and data collection. All authors have agreed with the manuscript and provide their consent for publication.

Combined identification of three miRNAs in serum as effective diagnostic biomarkers for HNSCC. (EBioMedicine 50: 135–143)

Author contributions: CL and QZ conceived the study. ZYY, SYH, and DSZ participated in the study design. QZ and YYJ conducted the study, including acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data. CL, ZZY, and ZWS drafted the manuscript. All authors critically reviewed, edited, and approved the manuscript and made the decision to submit for publication. All authors assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data and for the fidelity of the study to the protocol.

Phosphorylated Rasal2 facilitates breast cancer progression. (EBioMedicine 50: 144–55)

Author Contributions: X.W., Y.K. and Z.M.Q. conceived, organized and supervised the study; X.W., M.Y.L. and Y.L.Y.performed the experiments and data collection; Y.L.Y., X.W., C.Q.and K.Y. contributed to the analysis of data and double checking. X.W., C.Q., Y.K., and Z.M.Q. prepared, wrote and revised the manuscript.

Sprouty4 correlates with favorable prognosis in perihilar cholangiocarcinoma by blocking the FGFR-ERK signaling pathway and arresting the cell cycle. (EBioMedicine 50: 166–177)

Author contributions: Q.B, C. TL, S. RQ, L. ZL, Z. XM,and L. ZP carried out experiments. Z.ZL collected the samples. X. YF analysed data. X. YF conceived experiments and wrote the paper. All authors had final approval of the submitted and published versions.

Analysis of gene expression signatures identifies prognostic and functionally distinct ovarian clear cell carcinoma subtypes. (EBioMedicine 50: 203–210)

Author contributions: RYH, TZT, and DSPT, designed and conceptualised the study. DL processed and reviewed OCCC samples. JY performed sample collection and experiments. NYLN curated and reviewed the clinical data of NUH cohort. TZT performed bioinformatics analyses. RYH, TZT, CVY, NYLN and DSPT analysed the data, interpret the results, and wrote the manuscript.

Pro-inflammatory monocyte profile in patients with Major Depressive Disorder and suicide behavior and how ketamine induces anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages by NMDAR and mTOR. (EBioMedicine 50: 290–305)

Author contributions: W.N. designed and performed in vitro experiments, analysed and discussed results, and critically revised the manuscript. L.N.G. and D.E.R. recruited and followed up patients with MDD and performed sample collection. I.G.E. and N.E. performed in vitro experiments. A.R.A. processed samples of patients with MDD. M.P.A. and L.M.S. designed and performed in vivo murine experiments, analysed and discussed results, and critically revised the manuscript. F.M.D. conceived and designed the study, recruited and followed up patients with MDD, discussed results, and wrote the manuscript. E.A.C.S. and A.E.E. conceived and designed the study, designed and performed experiments, analysed and discussed results, and wrote the manuscript.

Radiomics analysis of placenta on T2WI facilitates prediction of postpartum hemorrhage: A multicentre study. (EBioMedicine 50: 355–365)

Author Contributions: Conception and design: Xiaoan Zhang, Jie Tian, Meiyun Wang. Collection and assembly of data: Qingxia Wu, Kuan Yao, Zhenyu Liu, Longfei Li, Xin Zhao, Shuo Wang, Honglei Shang, Yusong Lin, Zejun Wen. Development of methodology: Kuan Yao, Zhenyu Liu, Longfei Li, Shuo Wang, Yusong Lin, Jie Tian. Data analysis and interpretation: All authors. Manuscript writing: All authors. Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

TP63 Isoform Expression is Linked with Distinct Clinical Outcomes in Cancer. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,561)

Author contributions: A.B. designed experiments, analyzed data and wrote the manuscript. T.M. performed PCR and RT-PCR experiments. Y.W. performed western blot validation experiments. P.B. contributed to statistical design and analysis of data. P.P. supervised experimental design, analyzed data and prepared the manuscript. All authors read and approved of final manuscript.

Serum IGFBP-1 as a potential biomarker for diagnosis of early-stage upper gastrointestinal tumor. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,566)

Author contributions: Y-WX designed the study, searched the literature, performed the experiments, analysed and interpreted the data, did the statistical analysis, and wrote the manuscript. HC designed the study, collected patient samples, performed the experiments, analysed, and interpreted the data. C-QH designed the study, collected patient samples, searched the literature, did the statistical analysis, analysed, and interpreted the data. l-YC collected patient samples, performed the experiments, analysed and interpreted the data. S-HY analysed and interpreted the data. l-SH, and HG collected patient samples and clinical data. l-YC, C-TL, X-YH l-HL and S-LC collected patient samples and clinical data. Z-YW, Y-HP, l-YX, and E-ML conceptualized and designed the study, supervised the project, and revised the paper. All authors vouch for the respective data and analysis, and agreed to publish the manuscript.

Diagnostic accuracy and easy applicability of intestinal auto-antibodies in the wide clinical spectrum of coeliac disease. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,567)

Author contributions: Study concept and design: Luigina De Leo, Tarcisio Not. Acquisition of data: Luigina De Leo, Stefano Martelossi, Grazie Di Leo, Matteo Bramuzzo. Analysis and interpretation of data: Luigina De Leo, Tarcisio Not, Stefano Martelossi, Grazia Di Leo, Matteo Bramuzzo, Vincenzo Villanacci, Chiara Zanchi. Drafting of the manuscript: Tarcisio Not, Luigina De Leo. Critical revision of the manuscript: Alessandro Ventura, Vincenzo Villanacci, Matteo Bramuzzo, Chiara Zanchi. Clinical decisions: Stefano Martelossi, Grazie Di Leo, Matteo Bramuzzo. Histological evaluation of biopsy samples: Vincenzo Villanacci. Intestinal antibodies immunoassays: Luigina De Leo, Michela Pandullo, Petra Riznik

Phage display antibody libraries: Fabiana Ziberna. Statistical analysis: Fabiola Giudici. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

MEF2C Repressor Variant Deregulation Leads To Cell Cycle Re-Entry and Development of Heart Failure. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,571)

Author contributions: AHMP, ACC designed and performed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the manuscript. SRC, RRO, AS an MLBV designed and performed experiments. JRMS performed the echocardiography in animals. MFC analyzed data. AG, JLF, GCAR and MML provided human samples. JDM discussed the manuscript. KGF designed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed and commented on the manuscript.

Developments in Zebrafish Avatars as radiotherapy sensitivity reporters – towards personalized medicine. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,578)

Author contributions: R.F. and M.G.F. conceptualized the research; R.F. and B.C. supervised the research; S.F., B.C., V.P and R.F. performed research, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data; P.F., R.R-T., N.F. provided primary tumor samples; M.J.C, S.V., J.S., performed calculations and set-up the accelerator, O.P., J.S. for fruitful discussions; R.F. and B.C. wrote the manuscript. S.F., C.G., O.P. and M.G.F. did critical reading and editing of the manuscript.

Multi-cancer V-ATPase molecular signatures: A distinctive balance of subunit C isoforms in esophageal carcinoma. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,581)

Author contributions: JCVCS performed most of the experiments and analysis. PNN participated in the analysis and acquisition of data. EPC performed the in silico structural models. ARF and LFRP coordinated the project. JCVCS and ARF wrote the manuscript. JCVCS, PNN, TAS, ARF and LFRP performed study design. TAS and PNN participated in the collection of samples. ALOF and FFF provided specialized scientific and technical support. All authors discussed the results and manuscript text. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 is a negative regulator of human breast cancer metastasis by maintaining the balance of multiple genes and pathways. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,583)

Author Contributions: The authors’ work in this study is listed as follows: In vitro and in vivo assays (YL, HL, FL, LBG, RH, CC and XD); RNA immunoprecipitation (YL); dual-luciferase reporter assay (YL and SL), signal pathways analysis (HL), proteomic analysis (YL), EMT markers test (HL, LBG and RH); real-time PCR (YL, SL, KL, LY, HMT, BBC and XL); and tissue microarray analysis (YL, DHX and XLD). SLS designed and supervised the study. YL and SLS analysed data and wrote manuscripts.

Genetic Risk for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Fever in Multiple Ancestries. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,584)

Author contributions: GP, ML, KH, IL contributed to the design; ML, SE, LG, GK, AB, IL, LP, CP, IF, RS, ED, FB, YR, PB, JN, LW, DS, SP, GP, AW, CR, LP acquisition of data; GP, ML, AB, LG, GK Interpretation of data; GP, ML, PS, IL drafted the manuscript; IF, LW, DS, SP, GP, AW, AB, ED, LG, GK, ML, RS, KH revised it for critical intellectual content; ML, SE, LG, GK, AB, IL, LP, CP, IF, RS, ED, FB, YR, PB, JN, LW, DS, SP, GP, AW, PS, GK, KH approved the final manuscript; PG, ML, PS, SE, IF, LW, DS, SP, GP, AW, JN, AB, ED, LG, GK, RS, KH agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

Cortical haemodynamic response measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy during a verbal fluency task in patients with major depression and borderline personality disorder. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,586)

Author contributions: Syeda F. Husain: Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing- review & editing. Tong-Boon Tang: Supervision, Writing - review & editing. Rongjun Yu: Supervision, Writing - review & editing. Wilson W. Tam: Supervision, Methodology, Writing - review & editing. Bach Tran: Supervision, Writing - review & editing. Travis T. Quek: Participant recruitment, Writing – review & editing. Shi-Hui Hwang: Participant recruitment, Writing – review & editing. Cheryl W. Chang: Participant recruitment, Writing – review & editing. Cyrus S. Ho: Supervision, Writing - review & editing. Roger C. Ho: Conceptualisation, Participant Recruitment, Methodology, Writing – review & editing.

Impact of sitagliptin on endometrial mesenchymal stem-like progenitor cells: A randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled feasibility trial. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,597)

Author contributions: Study concept, design, and overall supervision: J.J.B, S.Q. Prepared manuscript: J.J.B., S.Te., E.S.L., S.Q. Edited manuscript: L.L., L.J.E., M.J.M.D.C., K.J.F., J.M., P.J.B., A.P., P.K.K., R.F. Obtained funding: S.Q., J.J.B, S.Ta. Regulatory approvals: S.Q., S.Te. Patient enrolment, consenting, ultrasound and clinical assessments: S.Q., S.Te., A.P., L.J.E., L.L. CFU assays and analysis: E.S.L., P.J.B. Exploratory investigations: E.S.L., R.F., P.J.B, J.M., K.J.F., M.J.M.D.C., J.J.B. Data analysis: P.K.K., E.S.L., S.Te., J.J.B., S.Q.

The CD24+ Cell Subset Promotes Invasion and Metastasis in Human Osteosarcoma. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,598)

Author contributions: Zhenhua Zhou wrote the manuscript. Zhenhua Zhou, Yan Li and Muyu Kuang performed cell culture, real-time PCR, flow cytometry and animal experiments. Xudong Wang carried out cell migration, invasion, proliferation assays, Western blot and protein mass spectrometry. Jingjing Hu and Jiashi Cao carried out the histological analysis and scores evaluation. Qi Jia and Sujia Wu carried out prognosis statistical analysis of clinical cases. Zhiwei Wang and Jianru Xiao conceived of the study and participated in its designation and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

The Transferability and Evolution of NDM-1 and KPC-2 co-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from Clinical Settings. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,599)

Author contributions: HW conceived the project and designed the experiments. QW collected samples and performed microbial identification. YL collected the medical records. RW, YL and LJ performed the microbiological experiments. HG performed the computational analyses. YL, HG, RW and HW wrote the manuscript. All authors read and commented on successive drafts and all approved the content of the final version. tumor immune cell infiltration and survival after platinum-based chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer subtypes: A gene expression-based computational study. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,602)

Author contributions: RL, WZ and HHZ contributed to the study design. YZ and RH contributed to data collection. RL performed statistical analysis, interpretation and drafted the manuscript. All authors contributed to critical revision of the final manuscript. RL approved the final version of the manuscript.

Mucosal microbial load in Crohn's disease: a potential predictor of response to fecal microbiota transplantation. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,611)

Author contributions: C.M. and G.S. conceived and supervised the study. G.S., E.V., D.C., A.S, J.W. performed the experiments and data analysis. M.P. and C.M. performed the 16S rRNA data analysis and interpretation. S.L., M.M. and E.E. provided the explant tissues and reviewed the manuscript. C.E. provided the patients’ clinical data. K.M. and S.V. provided the mucosal biopsies from CD patients and reviewed the manuscript. G.S. and C.M. wrote and reviewed the manuscript. A.C. revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate β cell dysfunction of human type 2 diabetic islets by reversing β cell dedifferentiation. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,615)

Author contributions: Conceptualization, Z.S., S.W.; Funding acquisition, Z.S., S.W.; Study design, L.W., T.L., R.L.; Investigation, L.W., T.L., R.L.; Data analysis, L.W., T.L., R.L.; Methodology, L.W., T.L., G.W., R.L., N.L., B.Z., Y.J.L., X.D., X.C., Y.L.; Data interpretation, S.W., Z.S., Z.W., X.X.; Supervision, S.W., Z.S., C.R.; Writing – original draft, R.L., L.W; Writing – review & editing, Z.S., S.W., X.X., C.R..

A practical model for the identification of congenital cataracts using machine learning. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,621)

Author Contributions: HL, DL, WC, and YL contributed to the concept of the study and critically reviewed the manuscript. HL, DL, JC, ZL, YX, and XL designed the study and performed the literature search. HL, DL, JC, ZL, XL, XW, ZL, and WC collected the data. KZ, JH, LZ, and CG contributed to the design of the statistical analysis plan. DL, KZ, and JLH performed the data analysis and data interpretation. DL and HL drafted the manuscript. HL, DL, CC, YX, LW, and YZ critically revised the manuscript. HL, DL, WC, and YL provided research funding, coordinated the research and oversaw the project. All authors reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content and approved the final manuscript.

MiR-765 functions as a tumor suppressor and eliminates lipids in clear cell renal cell carcinoma by downregulating PLP2. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,622)

Author contributions: WX, CW and XPZ designed and performed the experiments. WX, JCX and CW wrote the manuscript. WX, KC and TW analyzed and performed the experiments. XGW and XPZ directed the experiments and analyzed and assembled the data. All authors read and approved the submitted manuscript.

Breast cancer induces systemic immune changes on cytokine signaling in peripheral blood monocytes and lymphocytes. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,631)

Author contributions: LW and PPL designed experiments; LW, DLS, TYT and CA conducted experiments; LW and XL analyzed experimental data; AYC, FMD, JY, JW identified and recruited patients into this study; LW and PPL wrote manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy Targeting DLL3 For Small Cell Lung Cancer. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,632)

Author contributions: The all authors checked and approved the final version of the manuscript. Y.I. and K.S. mainly conducted all experiments, performed analysis and wrote the manuscript; K.T., S.T., H.Y., Y.N., R.E., M.S., C.K., N.K., H.Y., Y.B., and Y.H. conducted analysis; S.N., T.F., K.K. and T.F.C.Y. conducted surgical operation to gather the specimens; K.S. supervised and conducted the project.

Gut microbiota composition during infancy and subsequent behavioural outcomes. (EBioMedicine 51: 102,640)

Author contributions: AL and PV proposed the analysis. AL, MOH, ALP, and FC contributed to the statistical analysis. AL, PV, ALP, MOH, CS, FC, and MT contributed to data interpretation. FC contributed to biobanking. AL, PV, and MOH drafted the manuscript. All authors provided feedback and edits to the manuscript. Relevant grant funding applications were prepared by and awarded to: PV, ALP, JC, CS, FC, MT, SR, KA, RS, LH, PS, and the BIS Investigator Group.

Intracavernous injection of size-specific stem cell spheroids for neurogenic erectile dysfunction: efficacy and risk versus single cells. (EBioMedicine 52: 102,656)

Author contributions: ZQL and YT designed the whole experiments and guided the entire experiments, and are responsible for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis; YDX and ZQL contributed to performance the animal experiments, data analysis and manuscript drafting. HZ, CH, XMZ, YCZ, and RLG contributed to the performance of the experiments. ZCX and ZQL analyzed and interpreted the data, and critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.

Identification and external validation of IgA nephropathy patients benefiting from immunosuppression therapy. (EBioMedicine 52: 102,657)

Authors contributions: Research idea and study design: Z-HL, G-TX, C-HZ, T-YC, E-YX, T-GC; data acquisition: Z-HL, C-HZ, T-YC, E-YX,T-GC, XL; data analysis/interpretation: Z-HL, C-HZ, T-YC, E-YX, T-GC, XL, YZ; statistical analysis: T-YC, E-YX,T-GC,YZ; supervision or mentorship: Z-HL, C-HZ, YQ, S-SL, FX, d-DL. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Classification of Primary Liver Cancer with Immunosuppression Mechanisms and Correlation with Genomic Alterations. .(EBioMedicine 52: 102,659)

Authors contributions: H.N. conceived the study. M.F., R.Y., T.H, S.H., and K.K. performed the analysis. K.M., K.N., A.F., M.U., S.H., H.A., H.Y., K.C., and S.I. contributed materials and data. K.A. performed immunohistochemical analysis. S.S. and S.T. performed cell line experiments and expression analysis. H.T. and S.M. contributed to the supercomputer environment. M.F. and H.N. wrote the manuscript.

Silencing of circular RNA HIPK2 in neural stem cells enhances functional recovery following ischaemic stroke. (EBioMedicine 52: 102,660)

Author contributions: H.Y. conceived and supervised this project. H.Y and G.W. designed the experiments. G.W., B.H., L.S., S.W., L.Y., J.L., F.W., M.L., S.L., F.Z., Y.Z., Y.B., Y.M. and B.C. conducted experiments and acquired, analysed and interpreted the data. H.Y. and G.W. wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Genome-wide identification of FHL1 as a powerful prognostic candidate and potential therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukaemia. (EBioMedicine 52: 102,664)

Author contributions: CC and YF designed the study. YF, MX, ZC performed the experiments. YF, ZY, ZZ, XY and XH analyzed the data. CC, MZ and XW obtained the funding. YF, MX, MZ and XW prepared the figures. YF, MX, ZC and CC wrote the manuscript. CC supervised the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Longitudinal Serum Autoantibody Repertoire Profiling Identifies Surgery-Associated Biomarkers in Lung Adenocarcinoma. (EBioMedicine 52: 102,674)

Author contributions: S-C. T. and H-C. L. developed the conceptual ideas and designed the study. Y. L, S-J. G., H-W. J. performed the experiments, C-Q. L. and W. G. collected the sera samples. S-C.T., H-C. L., Y. L. and C-Q. L. wrote the manuscript with suggestions from the other authors.

A comprehensive analysis of candidate genes in familial pancreatic cancer families reveals a high frequency of potentially pathogenic germline variants. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,675)

Author contributions: Study design: JE, NM and AC. Data collection: JE, MEC, VP, RF, MRG, TRA, LRD, ICG, MR, EMC and MM. Experimental work: JE, CG, JE2, EB, SGM, DG, GM. Data Analysis: JE, JE2, EB, DG, GM and JR. Interpretation of the data: JE, VP, RF, TRA, LRD, ICG, MR, EMC, NM and AC. Preparation of the manuscript: all authors

CircRNA-CIDN mitigated compression loading-induced damage in human nucleus pulposus cells via miR-34a-5p/SIRT1 axis. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,679)

Author Contributions: Q.X. and L.K. designed the study protocol and wrote the manuscript; Q.X., L.K. and J.W. conducted the experiments; Z.L. and Y.S. established the ex vivo IVD cultured model; K.Z. and K.W. collected and analysed data; C.Y. collected the NP tissues and supervised the study; Y.Z. supported and supervised the study.

FGFR1 and FGFR4 oncogenicity depends on N-Cadherin and their co-expression may predict FGFR-targeted therapy efficacy. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,683)

Author contributions: Conceptualization: A.Q., I.F., S.M.P., A.C., and L.P.A.; Methodology: A.Q., A.C., S.V.C, I.F., and S.M.P.; Investigation: A.Q., A.C., I.F., S.V.C., L.P.A. and S.M.P.; Validation: A.Q.,A.M., L.O., E.G., S.V.C, S.M.G, L.M, S.G. and F.L.R.; Formal Analysis: A.Q., I.F., J.Z., S.M.P; Writing – Original Draft: A.Q., I.F., A.C., S.M.P. and L.P.A., Writing – Review & Editing: A.Q., I.F., S.V.C, A.C., S.M.P. and L.P.A., Supervision: A.C., I.F., S.M.P., and L.P.A.; Funding Acquisition: S.M.P., I.F. and L.P.A. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

BAP18 is involved in upregulation of CCND1/2 transcription to promote cell growth in oral squamous cell carcinoma. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,685)

Author contributions: Xue Wang, Chunyu Wang, and Guangqi Yan designed the study and wrote the manuscript, Xue Wang, Ge Sun, Yuanyuan Kang, Shengli Wang, Renlong Zou, Hongmiao Sun and Kai Zeng performed experiments and analyzed the data, Huijuan Song, Wei Liu, Ning Sun, and Wensu Liu conducted bioinformatic analyses and statistical analyses, Yue Zhao wrote and revised manuscript. All authors read the approved the final manuscript.

Systematic identification of CDC34 that functions to stabilize EGFR and promote lung carcinogenesis. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,689)

Author Contributions: The project was conceived and designed by G.B.Z. The experiments were conducted by X.C.Z, G.Z.W., Q.H., L.W.Q., S.H.G., J.L., L.M., Y.F.Z., C.Z., H.Y., D.L.Z., and M.W.. Biospecimens were harvested/provided by Z.S.W., Y.C.Z., Y.C.H., B.Z., C.L.W., and Z.L.. The EGFR transgenic mice were provided by L.C.. Data were analyzed by G.B.Z., Y.Z., Z.L., L.C., and X.C.Z.. The manuscript was written by G.B.Z.. The study sponsor had no role in the design of the study; the data collection, analysis, or interpretation; the writing of the article; or the decision to submit for publication.

CBX4 transcriptionally suppresses KLF6 via interaction with HDAC1 to exert oncogenic activities in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,692)

Author contributions: Conception and design of the study: Jiang N, Zhang CZ, Shen HM; Generation, collection, assembly, analysis of data: Jiang N, Niu G, Pan YH, Pan WW, Zhang MF; Drafting and revision of the manuscript: Jiang N, Zhang CZ, Shen HM; Approval of the final version of the manuscript: all authors.

Enhanced O-linked GlcNAcylation in Crohn's disease promotes intestinal inflammation. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,693)

Author contributions: Q.H.S. wrote the manuscript. Z.X.X. contributed to the conception and writing. W.Y.S., Y.L.L., and Z.X.X. designed research; Q.H.S., Y.P.J., M.D.L., D.Z., R.X.Z., J.C., and Y.L., performed research; C.S.Q., Y.S.W., G.L., H.L.Z., Q.D., J.L., Y.L.L., and Z.X.X. analyzed the data. Q.H.S., G.L., H.L.Z., Q.D., and Z.X.X. revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Elevated myocardial SORBS2 and the underlying implications in left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy. (EBioMedicine 53: 102,695)

Author contributions: Yingjie Wei. supervised the work; Yingjie Wei, Chunyan Li. designed the experiments with help from Fan Liu, Shenghua Liu, Haizhou Pan, Haiwei Du, Jian Huang, Yuanyuan Xie, Yanfen Li and Ranxu Zhao. Yingjie Wei, Chunyan Li and Fan Liu analyzed the data; Chunyan Li and Yingjie Wei cowrote the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.

Artificial intelligence-assisted prediction of preeclampsia: development and external validation of a nationwide health insurance dataset of the BPJS Kesehatan in Indonesia. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,710)

Author contributions: HS and ECYS developed the concept and design of this study. Dataset access was requested by HS. This author and YWW, and ECYS had full access to all data in the study. HS extracted and processed the data, performed training and validation of machine learning algorithms, conducted the literature search and wrote the draft of the manuscript. HS, YWW, and ECYS independently assessed the eligibility criteria of reviewed studies. YWW and ECYS critically revised the drafted manuscript. HS and ECYS take responsibility for data integrity and the accuracy of the analysis. All authors reviewed the final manuscript.

Plantar temperatures in stance position: A comparative study with healthy volunteers and diabetes patients diagnosed with sensoric neuropathy. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,712)

Author Contributions: UN, MS, JM, AM and PRM contributed equally to this study. PRM and SK conceived and designed the study. ED, JK, SK, JM, AM, and IW recruited participants and performed the experiments. UN, MS, JM, AM and PRM analyzed the data. UN, MS, JM, and PRM drafted the manuscript. TS and PRM were responsible for the design and performance of the sensor-equipped insoles and for data retrieval.

TRAF4 acts as a fate checkpoint to regulate the adipogenic differentiation of MSCs by activating PKM2. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,722)

Author contributions: SC, JL, ZC and YP designed the study and performed the experiments. ZS, ZL and GY performed the statistical analyses. GZ, ML, WL, WY and SW contributed study material and reagents. SC, ZX, PW and HS wrote the manuscript. ZX, PW and HS are the corresponding authors. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Identification, clinical manifestation and structural mechanisms of mutations in AMPK associated cardiac glycogen storage disease. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,723)

Author Contributions: Dan.H, and Dong.H. designed the study. Dong.H., H.B.M, L.W.L., N.B.S., Y.L., B.W., F.Z., B.L.S., A.A., L.M., Y.X., S.W., C.A., M.H.G., P.M.E., Dan.H performed clinical and pathological phenotyping of study subjects. Dan.H, H.B.M, and Dong.H. coordinated the clinical evaluations. Dan.H, H.B.M, M.H.G., P.M.E., and Dong.H. supervised and coordinated the genetic laboratory work. Y.L., Y.X., S.W., Dan.H, and D.B., performed history analysis. H.M., K.M., K.L., Dan.H, and D.B., performed computational modeling calculations and transfer entropy analysis. Dan.H, H.B.M, and Dong.H. organized and summarized the database. Dan.H, H.B.M, L.W.L., D,B. and Dong.H. analyzed the data. Dan.H, D,B. C.A., M.H.G., P.M.E., and Dong.H. developed the conceptual approaches to data analysis. Dan.H, Dong.H. D,B. and H.B.M, wrote the manuscript. All co-authors contributed to critical editing of manuscript.

Precise pulmonary scanning and reducing medical radiation exposure by developing a clinically applicable intelligent CT system: Toward improving patient care. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,724)

Author contributions: Conceptualization: Yang Wang and Bing Zhang; Experimental and data studies: Yang Wang, Xiaofan Lu, Yingwei Zhang, Xin Zhang, Kun Wang, Jiani Liu, and Xin Li; Technical Support: Renfang Hu, Xiaolin Meng, Shidan Dou, Huayin Hao, Xiaofen Zhao, Wei Hu, Cheng Li, and Yaozong Gao; Statistical analysis: Xiaofan Lu and Fangrong Yan; Construction of artificial intelligence network: Renfang Hu, Xiaolin Meng, Shidan Dou, Huayin Hao, Xiaofen Zhao, Wei Hu, Cheng Li, and Yaozong Gao; Manuscript editing: Yang Wang, Xiaofan Lu, Zhishun Wang, Guangming Lu, Fangrong Yan, and Bing Zhang; Funding acquistion: Fangrong Yan and Bing Zhang; Resources: Fangrong Yan and Bing Zhang; Supervision: Fangrong Yan and Bing Zhang. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Clinical and genomic insights into circulating tumor DNA-based alterations across the spectrum of metastatic hormone-sensitive and castrate-resistant prostate cancer. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,728)

Author Contributions: Conception of idea, MK; Acquisition of data, MK, WT, LH, KM, HF, EK, AA, SY; Data generation, AW, CM, CW; Analysis and interpretation of data, TZ, JY, MK, AW, CM, CW, PD, HF, EK, AA; Drafting of the manuscript, MK, AA, TZ, JY, WT; Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual data, WT, LH, SJ, KM, JY, TZ, SJ, HF, SY, EK, AA; Obtaining funding, MK, LH, AA, EK, KM.

Lifetime risk of autosomal recessive mitochondrial disorders calculated from genetic databases. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,730)

Author contributions: MW and TK conceived the study. JT and MW defined a comprehensive list of mitochondrial disease genes and set up a list of pathogenic variants in these genes, supported by SLS, TMS, and SBW. JT and MW queried two databases (gnomAD and in house) to assess the allele frequencies of disease-causing variants in the general population and calculated the lifetime risks, supported by HP, TM, KO and TK. JT and MW drafted the manuscript which was then refined by all other authors and finalized by MW and TK.

Transcriptional and clonal characterization of B cell plasmablast diversity following primary and secondary natural DENV infection. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,733)

Author contributions: A.T.W conceived of the project, designed and executed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. G.G. and W.R. designed and executed experiments, analyzed data, and provided subject matter expertise. M.K.M. and B.G. analyzed data. T.L., H.S., K.V., C.K., A.G., M.E.F., and J.L. generated data. A.M, A.S., E.D., S.F. provided subject matter expertise and supervised data generation. B.J.D. secured funding. T.E., S.T., and A.L.R. secured funding and provided subject matter expertise. R.G.J. provided project oversight, secured funding, and provided subject matter expertise. D.E. provided project oversight and subject matter expertise. J.R.C and H.F. conceived of the project, designed and executed experiments and analyzed data.

Zika Virus Envelope Nanoparticle Antibodies Protect Mice without Risk of Disease Enhancement. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,738)

Author contributions: Literature search: SS; Figures: RS, RKS, SS, NK; Study design: SS, NK, JKL, FK; Data collection: RS, RKS, VR, UA, GB, JAA; Data analysis and interpretation: SS, NK, JKL, FK; Writing: SS and NK; Approval of final manuscript: all authors.

Bio responsive self-assembly of Au-miRNAs for targeted cancer theranostics. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,740)

Author contributions: The authors’ responsibilities were as follows: WC, LY, YW and XW devised the experiments and wrote the manuscript. WC conducted the synthesis of materials, purification, and materials/biological characterizations etc. HF contributed to the mouse model experiment. All other authors contributed to materials synthesis, purification/characterization, and/or discussion of the results.

Large-scale network dysfunction in the acute state compared to the remitted state of bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity. (EBioMedicine 54: 102,742)

Author Contributions: Yanlin Wang and Xiaoqi Huang designed the study, Yanlin Wang and Shi Tang collected data and performed analyses; Lu Lu, Lianqing Zhang, Xinyu Hu, Xuan Bu, Hailong Li, Xiaoxiao Hu, Xinyu Hu, Ping Jiang, and Zhiyun Jia provided helpful suggestions; Yanlin Wang, Yingxue Gao and Shi Tang drafted the main article; John A. Sweeney, Qiyong Gong and Xiaoqi Huang critically reviewed the manuscript.

Dynamics of within-host Mycobacterium tuberculosis diversity and heteroresistance during treatment. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,747)

Author contributions: Study design: CN, JB, FB; Data collection: CN, KB, JM, AG, NP, MO; Data analysis: CN, FB; Data interpretation: CN, JM, MO, FB; Writing: CN, FB; Review and approval of manuscript: CN, KB, JM, AG, NP, MO, JB, FB; All authors have read and approved the final version of this manuscript.

Host transcriptomic signature as alternative test-of-cure in visceral leishmaniasis patients coinfected with HIV. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,748)

Author contributions: All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript. Wim Adriaensen: Conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, visualization, writing & editing Bart Cuypers: Formal analysis, methodology, writing, review & editing Carlota F. Cordero: Formal analysis Bewketu Mengasha: Data collection and curation Séverine Blesson: Data curation, project coordination Lieselotte Cnops: Formal analysis, writing, review & editing Paul M. Kaye: Methodology, supervision, review & editing Fabiana Alves: Data curation, funding acquisition, project administration, review & editing Ermias Diro: Data curation, project coordination, funding acquisition, review & editing Johan van Griensven: Conceptualization, methodology, funding acquisition, project administration, supervision, review & editing

Motor transmission defects with sex differences in a new mouse model of mild spinal muscular atrophy. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,750)

Author Contributions: Marc-Olivier Deguise: Generated the mouse model, designed study, produced and analyzed data for all figures, and wrote the manuscript. Yves De Repentigny: Data acquisition, data analysis and method description. Alexandra Tierney: Data acquisition and data analysis

Ariane Beauvais: Assistance with experiments. Jean Michaud: Assessment of histology of the skeletal muscle. Lucia Chehade: Data acquisition and data analysis. Mohamed Thabet: Assistance with electrophysiology. Brittany Paul: Data acquisition and data analysis. Aoife Reilly: Assistance with experiments. Sabrina Gagnon: Maintenance of mouse models and genotyping. Jean-Marc Renaud: Electrophysiology and data analysis. Rashmi Kothary: Designed study and wrote manuscript.

Ileo-colonic delivery of conjugated bile acids improves glucose homeostasis via colonic GLP-1-producing enteroendocrine cells in human obesity and diabetes. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,759)

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, AA, MC, FMG, and AV; Methodology, AM, AA, JR, BG, MC, FMG, and AV; Formal Analysis, GC, AM, JR, AA, FMG, and AV; Investigation, GC, AM, AA, JR, JD, IZ, GF, DB, GR, BG, SN, AA. Resources, FR, BG, AV, NFL, FMG, MC, AA. Writing – Original Draft: GC, AM, JR. Writing – Review & Editing, GC, AM, AA, JR, JD, GF, DB, GR, FR, BG, AV, NFL, FMG, MC, AA. Visualization, GC, AM, JR, Supervision FR, BG, AV, NFL, FMG, MC, AA Funding Acquisition, FMG, AA.

Longitudinal characteristics of lymphocyte responses and cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,763)

Authors contributions: Conceptualization: JL, SML, JL, YH, DLY, XZ. Acquisition of data: BYL, XBW, HW, WL, QXT, JHY, LZ, LJX, CXG, JT, JZL, JHY, RP, HS, CP, TL, QZ, JW, LX, SHL, BJW, ZHW, CRH, HBZ, RZ, HLZ, XC, PY, BZ, LW,WQZ SSH,YWH, SHJ, PW, JAZ, YPL, WXW, LZ, LL, FQZ. Analysis and interpretation of data: JL, SML, JW. Writing-original draft Preparation: JL. Writing-review and editing: UD, MJL, JL, DLY, XZ. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.

A dysregulated bile acid-gut microbiota axis contributes to obesity susceptibility. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,766)

Author contributions: Wei Jia was principal investigator of this study. Zhaoxiang Bian provided valuable support for C. scindens gavage animal experiment. Wei Jia, Aaihua Zhao, Xiaojiao Zheng, and Guoxiang Xie designed the study. Meilin Wei conducted key experiments of the study and perform the data analysis and drafted the manuscript. Fengjie Huang, Yunjing Zhang, Wei Yang, and Ling Zhao conducted the animal experiments. Kun Ge, Chun Qu, Mengci Li, Shouli Wang, and Xiaolong Han helped to perform the experiments and collected the data. Wei Jia and Cynthia Rajani revised the manuscript.

Prognostic and predictive value of a five-molecule panel in resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A multicentre study. (EBioMedicine 55: 102,767)

Author Contributions: Conception and design: JCG, SL, TPZ. Provision of study material and patients: JCG, SL, TPZ, ZGZ, BS, QL, MHD. Financial and administrative support: JCG, SL. Data analysis and interpretation: PZ, LZ, LY, QFL, ZYL, JL, DY, ADT, JS. Experimental support: PZ, LZ, LY, GGX. Manuscript writing: PZ, LZ, QFL. Final approval of the manuscript: All the authors.

CD24-targeted intraoperative fluorescence image-guided surgery leads to improved cytoreduction of ovarian cancer in a preclinical orthotopic surgical model. (EBioMedicine 56: 102,783)

Author contributions: Literature search: E. McCormack, L. Bjørge, K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse; Study design: E. McCormack, L. Bjørge, K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse;

Development of methodology: E. McCormack, L. Bjørge, K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse; Data collection (in vitro data, animal experiments, patient data): K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse, B. Davidson, O. Tenstad, E. García de Jalón; Data analysis and interpretation of data (statistical analysis): K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse, B. Davidson, O. Tenstad, E. García de Jalón; Writing, review and/or revision of the manuscript: K. Kleinmanns, V. Fosse, E. McCormack, L. Bjørge; Study supervision: E. McCormack, L. Bjørge. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Low oxygen saturation during sleep reduces CD1D and RAB20 expressions that are reversed by CPAP therapy. (EBioMedicine 56: 102,803)

Author contributions: TS, DJG, and SAG conceptualized the association study. TS, RL, RJ, HL, ACG, NK, BEC, JL, and SW performed statistical analysis and data harmonization. All authors critically reviewed the manuscript. YL, JR, and SR collected data and designed components of MESA and its gene expression study. DL collected data and designed components of FOS and the SABRe CVD initiative which collected genes expression data for FOS. RM, SRP, SFQ, SR, and DJG designed and executed the HeartBEAT study, and DJG and AS designed its gene expression study.

Clinical implications of serum neurofilament in newly diagnosed MS patients: A longitudinal multicentre cohort study. (EBioMedicine 56: 102,807)

Author Contributions: FS, VF, TU, M Muthuraman, SGM, SG: Analysis and interpretation of data and drafting the manuscript. AS, RG: Study protocol, design and ethics implementation of the KKNMS cohort study. CL, AS, FL, TK, M Mühlau, LK, TR, A Bayas, A Berthele, FP, HPH, RL, CH, MS, BW, FTB, BT, TK, FW, UZ, UZ, HT, BH, HW, RG: Contributing data and revising the manuscript. SB, FZ: Design and conceptualisation of the study, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the manuscript.

Molecular analysis of Chinese oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma identifies novel subtypes associated with distinct clinical outcomes. (EBioMedicine 57: 102,831)

Author contributions: Lin Feng and Xiyan Wang designed the study. Meng Liu performed the data collection and data analysis. Wei Sun and Yuan Zhang collected Chinese ESCC samples. Haiyin An and Meng Liu extracted and quantified RNA and DNA. Shujun Cheng provided constructive feedback. Lin Feng and Ruozheng Wang supervised research and provided data interpretation. Meng Liu wrote and reviewed the manuscript.

Using Recombination-Dependent Lethal Mutations to Stabilize Reporter Flaviviruses for Rapid Serodiagnosis and Drug Discovery. (EBioMedicine 57: 102,838)

Author contributions: C.B., X.X, and A.M. performed experiments. K.F. provided critical reagents. C.B., X.X., J.Z., and A.M. analyzed the data. C.B., X.X., J.Z., K.F., and P-Y.S. interpreted results. C.B., X.X., and P-Y.S. wrote the manuscript.

Broadly neutralizing antibodies potently inhibit cell-to-cell transmission of semen leukocyte-derived SHIV162P3. (EBioMedicine 57: 102,842)

Author contributions: Study conception and design: RLG and MC. Acquisition of data: KS, MT, and SH. Management of animals: DD. VL, HM and GS contributed with key reagents and expertise. Analysis and interpretation of the data: KS, NDB, and MC. Draft of the manuscript: KS and MC. Critical revisions: HM, GS, RLG, and MC. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

GSTM3 variant is a novel genetic modifier in Brugada syndrome, a disease with risk of sudden cardiac death. (EBioMedicine 57: 102,843)

Author Contributions: JMJJ, TPL, and CA performed literature search, conceived and designed the study and the experiments. JMJJ, TPL, AB, IR, SJL, CYJC, LCL, SFSY, EYC, and LPL conducted experiments and analysed the data. JMJJ, JJH, WCC, YBL, LYL, CCY, LTH, and HCH enrolled patients, collected and interpreted data. JMJJ, AB, IR, TPL, and CA wrote the paper.

Tumor budding, poorly differentiated clusters, and T-cell response in colorectal cancer. (EBioMedicine 57: 102,860)

Author contributions: All authors contributed to review and revision. M.G., J.A.N., and S.O.: developed the main concept and designed the study. A.T.C., C.S.F., M.G., and S.O.: wrote grant applications. K.F., J.P.V., J.B., D.J.P., J.A.M., A.T.C., C.S.F., J.K.L., J.A.N., and S.O.: were responsible for collection of tumor tissue, and acquisition of epidemiologic, clinical and tumor tissue data, including histopathological, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescent characteristics. K.F., J.P.V., J.B., D.J.P., K.H., J.A.M., C.S.F., J.A.N., and S.O.: performed data analysis and interpretation. K.F., J.P.V., J.B., D.J.P., and S.O.: drafted the manuscript. K.A., K.H., J.K., N.A., T.U., M.C.L., S.G., S.S., M.Z., A.F.L.D.S., T.S.T, H.N., J.A.M., X.Z., K.W., M.G., J.A.N., and S.O.: contributed to editing and critical revision for important intellectual contents.

A surrogate of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (the enterogastro anastomosis surgery) regulates multiple beta-cell pathways during resolution of diabetes in ob/ob mice. (EBioMedicine 58: 102,895)

Author contributions: F.A., C.A. and C.M. designed the experiments. C.A.; J.C.; C.G.; A.L.; F.M., C.R., J.D.; E.G.; S.M.L., O.T. conducted the experiments. C.A.; F.A.; C.M.; O.T.; C.G. G.R. and R.R. analyzed data. K.C. contributed to patient recruitment and coordinated clinical investigation, patient phenotyping, and sample collection. F.A. and C.A. wrote the manuscript and C.A.; F.A.; C.M.; O.T.; T.S.; C.G.; R.R.; S.L.; R.S.; H.L.S.; E.G. and G.R. contributed to data presentation and the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript. F.A. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Protection Against Mycobacterial Infection: a case-control study of mycobacterial immune responses in pairs of Gambian children with discordant infection status despite matched TB exposure. (EBioMedicine 59: 102,891)

Author contributions: RB and BK conceived and designed the work. RB, MS, AS and UE conducted the clinical recruitment. RB and BS conducted and interpreted the BCG-GFP-LuxFO whole blood assays. BS and MG conducted the in-house interferon gamma release assays. BH conducted and interpreted the cytokine multiplex assays. RB and AK conducted the statistical analyses. RB and BK drafted the work. All authors revised the work for important intellectual content.

Brain Delivery of Supplemental Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA): A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. (EBioMedicine 59: 102,883)

Author contributions: IC, NC, BK, DB participated in recruitment and study visits. HNY and MGH did lumbar punctures. XH, NK, and WJM conducted data analysis. NH, NK and MNB did imaging analysis. LD, CM, and HCC planned cognitive testing. AM, AS, BZ assisted with biomarkers. IC, VS, HH, MH, HCC, WJM, MNB, LSS and HNY wrote the manuscript. HNY and LSS designed the study.

Obesity-related hypoxia via miR-128 decreases insulin-receptor expression in human and mouse adipose tissue promoting systemic insulin resistance. (EBioMedicine 59: 102,912)

Author contributions: B.A. and F.L.A. performed experiments in vitro and in vivo, in mouse systems; B.A. performed human tissue culture studies and analyzed data with the contribution of E.C., M.M., D.M.C., D.P.F and A.B; G.C. and G.N. provided tissues from surgery and clinical information; D.B., V.M. and UK contributed to the analysis of data from mouse experiments; B.A. and E.C. contributed to manuscript draft; F.S.B. helped collecting clinical data and drafted figures; I.D.G. edited the final version of the manuscript and contributed to data interpretation; A.B. conceived and supervised the study and wrote the manuscript.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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