Detailed analysis of the structural changes that follow human clinical spinal cord injury is limited by difficulties in achieving adequate tissue fixation. This study bypasses this obstacle by examining the spinal cord from paraplegic domestic animals, enabling us to document the ultrastructural changes at different times following injury. In all but one case, injury resulted from a combination of contusion and compression. There was infarction and hemorrhage, followed by gray matter destruction and the rapid development of a variety of white matter changes including axon swelling and myelin degeneration. Axons greater than 5 µm in diameter were more susceptible to degenerative changes, whereas smaller axons, particularly those in the subpial region, were relatively well preserved. Demyelinated axons were seen within 2 weeks after injury and, at later time points, both Schwann cell and oligodendrocyte remyelination was common. More subtle white matter abnormalities were identified by examining sagittal sections, including focal accumulation of organelles in the axoplasm and partial and paranodal myelin abnormalities. These observations serve to validate observations from experimental models of spinal contusion but also highlight the complexity of naturally occurring (ie, clinical) spinal injury. They also raise the possibility that focal abnormalities such as paranodal demyelination may contribute to early axonal dysfunction and possibly to progressive tissue damage.
Survival and recovery following spinal cord injury (SCI) have improved over recent years, yet many victims suffer persistent somatic and autonomic disabilities. Experimental models have permitted great strides to be made in elucidating the pathophysiology of SCI, leading to a sophisticated understanding of the nature and progression of the secondary autodestructive events that exacerbate the initial injury. As a result, new treatments have emerged that encourage tissue preservation following experimental SCI, promote axonal regeneration or stimulate plastic responses (35). The question now arises as to whether the interventions proven to work in experimental models can be translated into effective clinical therapies.
As a first step in this translation to the clinic it is imperative to understand the nature of the naturally occurring lesion and how well it is reflected in the available SCI models. SCI is generally modeled by acute contusion of the exposed dorsal aspect of the spinal cord 1, 10, 13, 31, 45). This differs from the most frequent causes of SCI—fracture/luxations—in which there is a mixture of contusion and persistent compression, often caused by structures lying ventral to the cord. Studies carried out by The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis over the last decade have revealed features of human SCI that are well recognized in experimental animals, including apoptosis soon after injury, a variety of myelin abnormalities and cavitation of the injured cord 14, 17, 22). However, histological analysis of the injured human spinal cord is limited because it is often only available many years after the injury and is rarely optimally preserved (by perfusion‐fixation) as is routine in experimental animals. Detailed ultrastructural studies have therefore not been possible, making it difficult to be certain of the precise pathological outcome of real‐life human SCI and how closely it is modeled by experimental injuries.
Here we introduce an analysis of perfusion‐fixed naturally occurring SCI that is available from veterinary patients. Domestic dogs and cats frequently suffer SCI as a result of road traffic accidents or through explosive intervertebral disc extrusion—a common problem in specific susceptible breeds 24, 32). The causes of SCI in this patient group are therefore similar to those encountered in the human population and comprise a mixture of contusion and compression. As animals that suffer severe SCI are frequently euthanized soon after the incident and can be perfusion‐fixed they provide a bridge between the pure experimental lesion in animals and naturally occurring SCI in humans. Our analysis provides a comparison between experimental and naturally occurring SCI and our focus on ultrastructural features of the injury to white matter highlights some additional important features that may aid in interpretation of the clinical signs after human SCI. Such information is invaluable in the future planning of novel therapeutic interventions, as it is essential to understand the lesion environment that any putative treatment is attempting to modify.
Tissue preparation.
This study was performed under the jurisdiction and ethical guidance of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) and with the consent of the owners of the animals. Seven paraplegic animals (see Table 1) were euthanized at their owner’s request and immediately perfused with 4% glutaraldehyde (Cases 2–7) or 4% paraformaldehyde (Case 1) to ensure optimal tissue fixation. The section of spinal cord containing the injury site was then removed and immersed in fixative for a minimum of 24 h before being cut into both transverse and sagittal blocks. These were immersed in 2% osmium tetroxide overnight at 4°C, then dehydrated using sequential ethanol washes (70% ethanol for 15 minutes; 95% for 15 minutes; 100% for 15 minutes, repeated twice) and propylene oxide (twice for 15 minutes). Tissue was impregnated with TAAB resin (Taab Laboratories Equipment Ltd, Aldermaston, UK) by immersing first in propylene oxide/resin (equal measures, for 3 h) and then 100% resin (twice, for six hours each); the tissue blocks were then embedded in fresh resin and hardened at 60°C over 24 h. Semithin sections (1 µm) were cut and stained using toluidine blue (5% in a 1% Borax solution). Areas of the lesion that warranted more detailed examination were identified using light microscopy; 90 nm sections were then cut, collected onto a 400 mesh copper grid (3 mm diameter) and stained with uranyl acetate (14% in 50% ethanol) and lead citrate (Merck—1 g in 100 mL 0.1 M NaOH). Sections were viewed under a Hitachi Model H600 transmission electron microscope and photographs taken using Kodak electron microscope film 4489 (Kodak, Rochester, USA).
Table 1.
Animal | Species | Age | Duration of paraplegia | Cause of cord injury | Site of cord injury | Clinical state |
Case 1 | Dog | 5 years | 18 h | Disc extrusion | T13‐L1 | M−; S− |
Case 2 | Cat | 8 months | 36 h | Fracture | T12/T13 | M−; S− |
Case 3 | Dog | 8.2 years | 48 h | Fracture with subluxation | L1/L2 | M−; S− |
Case 4 | Cat | 7 months | 11 days | Fracture | T12/T13 | M−; S− |
Case 5 | Dog | 4.5 years | 17 days | Subluxation | T13/L1 | M−; S− |
Case 6 | Cat | 3 years | 9 weeks | Fracture | L3/L4 | M−; S− |
Case 7 | Dog | 9 years | 12 weeks | Chronic disc compression | Multi‐site. Centered L1/L2 | M−; S+ |
Measurement of cord area.
Transverse sections of the spinal cord were examined using a very low power objective lens and the images were digitized. The outline of the cord was traced on a computer screen and the area measured, after calibration, using an MCID analysis system (MCID, Model M4, Toronto, Canada). The region of the cord containing the lesion and an adjacent region of structurally normal tissue cranial to the lesion was measured.
Axon counting. To compare the effect of spinal injury on axons of different sizes, the diameter of intact axons was measured in four different regions of the spinal cord: the ventral, dorsal, lateral and dorsolateral funiculi. Axons were selected for measurement by drawing a straight line from the edge of the gray matter to the pial surface (see Figure 1) and the diameter of any morphologically normal axon touched by the line was recorded. Axons whose myelin sheath only was touched by the line were not counted and axons which appeared abnormal or whose myelin sheaths were abnormal were also excluded. Measurement was performed using a Nikon Eclipse E600 Microscope (Nikon, Kingston Upon Thames, UK) linked to an MCID analysis system: tissue sections were examined at an optical magnification of ×400 and the field of view was projected onto a 17″ computer screen for further magnification. Morphologically normal axons were defined as those that had an apparently normal distribution of organelles (axons with a glassy appearance or with unusually dense staining were excluded) and which had a myelin sheath of appropriate thickness for the size of axon, with no splitting of the myelin membrane and without a large increase in the space between the axon and myelin sheath.
Measurements were performed at the lesion epicenter in all cases. In addition, to provide an approximate comparison of the extent to which measurements differed from normal tissue, control axon measurements were taken from the same regions in undamaged tissue segments remote from the lesion. Distortion of the cord at the lesion site made consistent placement of the line difficult and a detailed comparison of measurements from lesion and control tissue was therefore impossible. For the same reason, figures obtained from different animals could not reliably be compared. (It is recognized that a line method inherently favors selection of larger axons, as it is more likely to transect a large object than a small object. In this study, this error was minimized by excluding axons if only the myelin sheath lay on the line: as larger axons have thicker myelin, they also have an increased chance of being rejected).
Spinal injury occurred through either intervertebral disc extrusion or following spinal trauma subsequent to a road traffic accident (Table 1) and therefore resulted from a combination of contusion and a variable degree of compression (Figure 2). Only in Case 4 was there no apparent residual compression.
Histology of the lesion epicenter. In Case 1 (18 h post‐injury; mild compression), small areas of edema and hemorrhage were scattered throughout the cord parenchyma and there were lucent areas in the white matter, particularly in the ventral part of the cord (Figure 3A,B). In the gray matter, many of the neurons showed condensation of chromatin and had irregular nuclear membranes; astrocytes in the gray matter were commonly swollen and had pale staining nuclei with peripheral clumping of chromatin (Figure 3C). Many of the myelin sheaths in the ventral and lateral funiculi were split or vacuolated and there was frequently an increase in the peri‐axonal space. The axons were commonly darker staining than normal and appeared to have lost intra‐axoplasmic organelles; some axons were swollen and a proportion had completely lost their myelin sheath (Figure 3D).
At later time points (Case 2: 36 h post‐injury, mild compression; Case 3: 48 h post‐injury, marked compression), there was extensive hemorrhage and edema throughout the white matter and the gray matter was necrotic and partially cystic (Figure 4A). There was also perivascular cuffing of blood vessels and infiltration of the meninges with leucocytes (Figure 4B). In the white matter, there were few normal axons, although in the periphery of the cord and the dorsal funiculus a few well‐preserved axons persisted (Figure 4C–F). There were large numbers of swollen axonal spheroids, interspersed with loops of degenerating myelin membrane and occasional debris‐laden macrophages (Figure 4B,D). Ultrastructural examination revealed that these spheroids comprised accumulations of axonal organelles, especially mitochondria (Figure 5A,B). Some axons were a normal size and had intact myelin sheaths but contained mitochondria that were slightly swollen and had lost their cristae (Figure 5C,D).
In Case 4 (11 days following injury, no apparent compression) there was edema throughout the cord parenchyma and cystic dilatation of the ventral part of the spinal cord. Large swollen axons were interspersed among loops of degenerating myelin and there were large numbers of debris‐filled macrophages. Case 5 (17 days) was similar, though there was moderate compression of the ventral cord on one side and there was no cyst present. Axon and myelin degeneration were widespread and there were clusters of demyelinated axons in the ventral part of the cord adjacent to the site of compression (Figure 6A,B). Although no remyelination was visible using light microscopy, ultrastructural examination revealed occasional axons which had thin myelin sheaths typical of oligodendrocyte remyelination (Figure 6C,D).
The lesions in the two remaining cases were different from one another, with the cord from Case 6 (9 weeks following injury) both cystic and compressed whereas that from Case 7 (12 weeks following injury) was markedly compressed without a cyst. The cystic center of the lesion in Case 6 was filled with a network of interconnecting cell processes and large numbers of macrophages. Axons in the cyst were frequently remyelinated by Schwann cells but many had thin myelin sheaths typical of oligodendrocyte remyelination (Figure 7A,B). A small proportion appeared to have oligodendrocyte myelin of normal thickness and there were a few demyelinated axons. Surrounding this cystic region, more densely packed axons were present, interspersed among macrophages and groups of fibroblast/meningeal cells. A high proportion of these axons were remyelinated by Schwann cells (Figure 7C,D), though occasional demyelinated axons were also seen. In Case 7, there was dramatic compression of the spinal cord and the cross‐sectional area at the lesion epicenter was markedly reduced compared with adjacent sections (Figure 2). Nonetheless, there were numerous surviving axons, a large number of which had thin myelin sheaths typical of oligodendrocyte remyelination (Figure 8A,B). There was also marked gliosis, particularly towards the periphery of the cord (Figure 8C,D).
Variation in axon damage. Axon damage was most severe in the ventral funiculus of all cases, immediately overlying the site of compression, whereas axons in the dorsal funiculus were relatively well preserved. Axons were also relatively well preserved in the periphery of the cord, immediately beneath the pia (Figure 4). There were few morphologically normal large diameter axons in any region; random counts revealed that intact axons greater than 5 µm in diameter were very rare, whereas those less than 5 µm in diameter were numerous, particularly in the dorsal funiculus (Figure 9). In the ventral funiculus, there were few normal axons of any size in any of the animals (Figure 9).
Ultrastructural studies
The cyst cavity in Case 6. Within the cyst described in Case 6 (9 weeks) there was a fine interlacing network of cell processes (Figure 10A). In some areas, moderate numbers of cells were interspersed among the cell processes and there were occasional demyelinated and myelinated axons (Figure 7B). Some of the myelinated axons were closely associated with a cell nucleus and had a relatively thick myelin sheath typical of Schwann cell myelin; others had thinner myelin sheaths than might be expected for their diameter, a finding suggestive of either partial demyelination or of oligodendrocyte‐mediated remyelination (Figure 7B). Ultrastructural examination confirmed the presence of Schwann cell and oligodendrocyte myelin and revealed that the interconnecting cell processes within the cyst contained intermediate filaments, indicating that they were astrocytes (Figure 10B,C). In addition, there were a large number of structures that comprised closely packed clusters of cell processes. These had appeared as ill‐defined cellular material using light microscopy but electron microscopic examination revealed two types of process in cross section, dark‐stained astrocyte processes containing densely packed intermediate filaments and small diameter processes which contained microtubules (Figure 10D).
Focal axonal and myelin abnormalities. In sagittal tissue sections, some axons were identified having partial loss of their myelin sheath (Figure 11A). Nodes of Ranvier were occasionally seen in larger axons as a region of slightly reduced axon diameter adjacent to terminal loops of internodal myelin; some of these nodes appeared structurally abnormal, with apparent breaks in the continuity of the axon, while others appeared to have paranodal myelin disruption (Figure 11B,C). Under electron microscopy, long portions of individual axons were visible in sagittal sections and nodes and paranodes could be examined more closely. Although many axons were normal we also identified axons with focal accumulations of organelles within their axoplasm (Figure 11D,E) and a variety of paranodal myelin abnormalities (Figure 11D–I), often in axons that appeared morphologically normal over the remainder of their length. Paranodal abnormalities included increased nodal length, loss of the terminal loops of myelin on one or both sides of the node and splitting or detachment of the terminal loops from outer lamellae of the sheath. Although lesion variability prevented a systematic comparison of paranodal abnormalities in different cases, we counted the number of normal and abnormal paranodes in Cases 3–7 to examine whether there was variation in the frequency of nodal and paranodal abnormalities with time. In Case 3, only 3/12 nodes were considered normal, with the remainder showing some of the features illustrated in Figure 11. Cases 5 and 7 contained respectively 9/11 and 6/8 nodes that appeared normal and in Cases 4 and 6, there were relatively few intact axons and no complete paranodes were identified. Hemi‐nodes, in which only one side of the node of Ranvier was evident as the axon dipped out of the plane of the section, were seen almost as commonly as complete nodes in most sections and were not counted in this analysis.
This study details the pathological changes that occur following severe naturally occurring spinal injury, allowing comparison with those that occur following injuries in experimental animals. An important difference from the majority of experimental lesions is that most of the lesions examined here resulted from mixed contusive/compressive injuries, and therefore can be regarded as facsimiles of the most prevalent form of human SCI. In this study myelin and axonal abnormalities were common and severe at early time points and included segmental and paranodal myelin disruption that is easily overlooked if only transverse tissue sections are examined. Although remyelination was apparent at later time points, and in one case was extensive, persistently demyelinated axons were also seen. Our observations broadly support findings from experimental animal lesions in the period shortly after SCI but show differences at later times, when different lesion patterns were observed in different animals. Such heterogeneity is inevitable in any clinical group and highlights the extra dimension in understanding of human SCI that can be gained by study of this group of naturally occurring SCI patients.
Axonal lesions. Our observations show that axonal damage is not uniform across transverse sections of the lesion: larger axons were preferentially damaged and axons around the periphery of the cord better preserved. Previous experimental studies have recorded similar observations: although all spinal axons are destroyed by severe injuries 4, 10), milder contusion leaves subpial axons intact, with a decrease in axon density of approximately tenfold over the 500 µm beneath the pia (10). A similar pattern has been described following human SCI (14). One explanation for this selective damage is that the peracute displacement of tissue during contusion leads to longitudinal displacement of the spinal cord—the cord behaves like a viscous liquid with the central region undergoing the most marked displacement caused by laminar flow of the compressed tissue, while subpial tissue is distorted relatively little (10). We also found that axons larger than 5 µm in diameter were more likely to be morphologically abnormal, a finding that agrees with previous observations in experimental models 10, 37, 38). The reason for these differences is not wholly clear but might relate in part to the interdependency of oligodendrocytes and axons. Oligodendrocytes that provide internodes on large axons are calculated to support more myelin than those supporting several smaller internodes and this extra metabolic demand may render them more susceptible to energy deprivation following SCI (9).
Subcellular axonal abnormalities. Morphologically abnormal axons and degenerating myelin sheaths were readily identifiable using light microscopy; ultrastructural analysis confirmed these findings but also revealed that many of the axons that might be considered morphologically normal using light microscopy contained abnormal organelles. In particular, some mitochondria had lost the cristae from their inner membrane. Although similar changes can arise through poor tissue fixation, the presence of adjacent structurally normal organelles makes this an unlikely explanation and suggests that the mitochondrial abnormalities are genuine. Similar changes in axonal mitochondria have also been reported following experimental spinal contusion 2, 37) and this might have important implications for ongoing cell death following SCI. Mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to failure of the sodium/potassium pump and loss of calcium buffering, is one mechanism by which axons can become overloaded with calcium and degenerate 27, 44).
Axon regeneration. We identified small diameter neural processes intermeshed with astrocyte processes in the cystic lesion center of Case 6 (9 weeks post‐injury). These could be axons that survived the injury—they were small diameter and therefore more likely to survive—or they could be new axon sprouts beginning to extend across the lesion. Spontaneous sprouting at the site of injury has been identified in experimental models—both in segmental dorsal root fibres (30) and in ascending and descending white matter tracts 23, 25, 33). Such short distance sprouting might have beneficial effects on functional outcome, for instance by recruiting surviving axon tracts to perform new functions (3). However, uncontrolled sprouting of afferent fibres can be associated with the development of aberrant pain states (26) and may be detrimental in some circumstances.
Myelin lesions. Myelin abnormalities were common and observed at early post‐injury time points, frequently in association with degenerating axons [similar to findings in experimental injury 2, 25, 36, 37)]. At later time points (from 17 days onwards—Case 5), after myelin debris has been cleared by invading macrophages, morphologically normal, but demyelinated, axons became apparent. A few remyelinated axons were identified ultrastructurally at this time and at later time points but remyelination was not found in all regions of all cases. An interesting finding in Case 7 was the very extensive oligodendrocyte‐mediated remyelination that occurred in the face of persistent and marked cord compression (Figure 7A,B). Oligodendrocyte remyelination was also identified in the Cases 5 and 6, though less extensively, and in Case 6 Schwann cell myelin was present, both within the cyst cavity and in the surrounding rim of sub‐pial axons. In contrast to Case 7, in which there was no identifiable Schwann cell remyelination, Case 6 had suffered a severe injury that had disrupted the meninges, potentially allowing meningeal Schwann cells greater access to spinal axons.
Oligodendrocyte remyelination occurs through the proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitors, which then differentiate into mature myelinating cells (46). The extensive remyelination seen in Case 7 (12 weeks post‐injury) indicates that a significant number of progenitor cells survived and proliferated following injury and that the environment of the compressed spinal cord was permissive for progenitor differentiation. By the same token, the absence of such extensive oligodendrocyte remyelination in Case 6 suggests few oligodendrocyte progenitor cells survived—perhaps because the injury was more severe—or that the environment was unsuitable for oligodendrocyte myelination. However, an alternative explanation is that the oligodendrocyte response is simply less vigorous than that of the invading Schwann cells: in experimental models of demyelination in which astrocytes are also damaged, Schwann cell predominates over oligodendrocyte remyelination (8). In addition to damaging the meninges, the severe injury experienced by Case 6 may have destroyed a large number of astrocytes, removing an intrinsic constraint on the formation of Schwann cell myelin in the central nervous system (CNS).
The extent to which demyelination persists after SCI has long been a matter of controversy. Some authors report that axons become demyelinated at early stages after experimental injury but then undergo spontaneous remyelination 5, 11, 20, 38); long standing demyelination 4, 11) and even chronic progressive demyelination have also been reported (41). The role that persistent demyelination plays in the clinical signs observed after human clinical SCI is similarly controversial: although it is a frequently cited cause of post‐traumatic dysfunction (e.g. 43) it has been detected in human material only infrequently (14). Our findings provide some support for both points of view, demonstrating that remyelination occurs and can be widespread but that a proportion of axons may be persistently demyelinated. It is well established that demyelinated axons do not conduct normally (29) and that remyelination restores conduction and functional parameters to normal limits 11, 28, 39). However, recent advances in understanding multiple sclerosis have further highlighted the importance of myelination status: in multiple sclerosis, axonal loss is now recognized as a prominent feature of both acute and chronic lesions 18, 42) thought to result, at least in part, from the loss of myelin ensheathment 6, 19). Much current research is directed at understanding the interaction between an axon and its myelinating cell and at promoting axonal survival through preservation of oligodendrocytes. Such advances in understanding clearly also have important implications in promoting axonal survival after SCI.
Paranodal abnormalities. We identified paranodal and segmental myelin abnormalities commonly in Case 2 (48 h post‐injury)—frequently in axons which had otherwise intact myelin sheaths—and less commonly in other cases. Paranodal abnormalities are potentially a highly important component of the injury, as such myelin disruption, and the associated aberrant exposure of paranodal and juxtaparanodal ion channels, is likely to have a major impact on impulse conduction. Indeed, experimental modeling of myelinated fibres suggests that paranodal demyelination in vivo will reduce excitability and conduction velocity (40). Furthermore, mice with null mutations in contactin, caspr or ceramide galactosyltransferase (cgt), all of which have structurally abnormal paranodes, have dramatically reduced nerve conduction velocity 7, 12, 15, 16).
Paranodal abnormalities were less commonly seen in animals at later time points following injury. Because of lesion variability, we were not able to examine analogous regions of the lesion from each case, so a direct comparison of different animals was not possible and interpretation of this observation must be cautious. Nonetheless, our observations suggest that paranodal myelin defects do not persist. In the peripheral nervous system, paranodal demyelination is followed by Schwann cell proliferation at the damaged paranode and by eventual re‐attachment of the outermost terminal myelin loops at their original site (21). This suggests that paranodal myelin injury can be repaired, though whether injury‐induced defects in paranodal CNS myelin are repaired so easily is not currently clear. Another possibility is that affected axons die, perhaps by the development of abnormal ion fluxes and the elevation of axoplasmic calcium as postulated in axons that completely lose their myelin sheath (6). Further investigations using experimental animals are necessary to identify the prevalence of paranodal demyelination under different circumstances and to establish to the fate of affected axons.
Our observations suggest that the structural changes in the experimentally injured spinal cord are an accurate reflection of real‐life injury. However, the complexity of spontaneous injury means that the precise nature of the lesion varies from one case to another and suggests that any future treatment will need to be tailored to each individual. We have shown that paranodal and segmental abnormalities appear to be relatively commonplace in the aftermath of the injury, which is likely to contribute to functional impairment and may exacerbate progressive tissue damage. Because it forms a “translational model” between experimental rodent injuries and human clinical SCI, naturally occurring SCI in dogs has great value in assessing putative therapeutic interventions.
The authors would like to thank Pet Plan Charitable Trust for funding much of the work carried out in this study and Mike Peacock for preparing tissue sections for electron microscopy. PS is part‐funded by Pfizer.
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