Fig. 2.
Examples of the percent change in the total monthly frequency of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases that were reported for March, April, May and June 2020, respectively, when compared to the averaged corresponding totals for previous two years. The colored horizontal lines, scaled on left y-axis, represent the overall averaged percent increase for each of the entire respective months. The overlay of the concurrent number of daily new COVID-19 cases (vertical black lines, scaled on right y-axis) helps to illustrate how the month by month increases or decreases in the numbers of OHCA cases in 2020 paralleled the prevalence of COVID-19 cases using four sample cities; two with a high prevalence of COVID-19 in March and April (New York City, Detroit) accompanied by a corresponding increase in OHCA that later diminished as the local prevalence of COVID-19 dissipated; and two other cities with late surges in OHCA that occurred along with corresponding increases in COVID-19 cases in late June 2020 (Charleston, Madison).