Retraction Note to: British Journal of Cancer (2005) 92, 1899–1905; 10.1038/sj.bjc.6602595, published online 3 May 2005
The authors have retracted this article because there are anomalies in the data presented in Figures 2, 3 and 6, namely:
Figure 2: apparent splicing between the KAT4 and K18 lanes, and lack of a background in the p85 row.
Figure 3 left panel: two apparently duplicated bands (lanes 2 and 6 and lanes 4 and 7) in the pAktS473 row.
Figure 6B: one apparently duplicated band (3 Days+KP372-1/WRO and 1 Day+KP372-1/NPA187).
As the original data are no longer available, the authors have requested that the article is retracted. S. Kim, M.N. Younes, S.A. Jasser, A.K. El-Naggar, G.B. Mills and J.N. Myers agree with this retraction. M. Mandal has not explicitly stated whether they agree with this retraction.