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. 2021 May 11;6(3):e00063-21. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00063-21

FIG 1.


Gram-negative bacteria found in the guts of social bees. (A) Bacteria are spatially organized in the bee gut. Parasaccharibacter apium (Pa; Alphaproteobacteria) and Bartonella apis (Ba; Alphaproteobacteria) are found sporadically in the honey bee crop (70). Frischella perrara (Fp; Gammaproteobacteria) is found in many honey bees and specifically colonizes the pylorus (71, 72). Gilliamella spp. (Ga; Gammaproteobacteria) and Snodgrassella alvi (Sa; Betaproteobacteria) cocolonize the ileum in Apis and Bombus spp. (22, 43). Apibacter spp. (Api; Flavobacteria) are found in Apis and Bombus spp. but are uncommon in Apis mellifera (21, 32). “Candidatus Schmidhempelia bombi” (Sb; Gammaproteobacteria) is found in Bombus spp. (73). The location of Apibacter spp. and “Candidatus Schmidhempelia bombi” within the gut is unknown. Gram-positive bacteria associated with the bee gut are not shown. (B) Bee gut symbionts have codiversified with their hosts for more than 80 million years.