Animals and humans evolved sophisticated nervous systems which endowed them with the ability to form internal-models or beliefs, and make predictions about the future to survive and flourish in a world in which future outcomes are often uncertain. Crucial to this capacity is the ability to adjust behavioral and learning policies in response to the level of uncertainty. Until recently, the neuronal mechanisms that could underlie such uncertainty-guided control have been largely unknown. In this review, I discuss newly discovered neuronal circuits in primates that represent uncertainty about future rewards, and propose how they guide information-seeking, attention, decision-making, and learning to help us survive in an uncertain world. Lastly, I discuss the possible relevance of these findings to learning in artificial systems.
Keywords: information-seeking, cingulate, basal-forebrain, basal-ganglia, artificial intelligence
Slow reproduction, high capacity for prediction: the mammalian central nervous system evolved to negotiate uncertainty
Surviving and taking advantage of unpredictable events is a fundamental challenge for all organisms [1-6]. At the population level, unexpected events and variable environments or contexts may drive genetic variability, population abundance, spatial dispersal, and alter swarm or group behavior [3, 4, 6, 7]. For example, unexpected stressors may lead single cell organisms to increase their rates of mutation and division [7-9]. Many such population level adaptation mechanisms function on rapid time scales and across many generations.
In animals that possess sophisticated nervous systems, unexpected events and variable contexts also activate behavioral adaptation mechanisms such as changes in foraging, action planning, motivational drive, valuation strategy, and the rate of learning new information, including rules and higher order statistical models of the environment [1, 6, 10-12].
Also, in their everyday decision making, many animals will forego some immediate amount of reward (or pleasure) for advance information that will reduce their uncertainty about difficult to predict events of high importance (such as rewards), even if that information cannot be used to modify their future [13].
The capacity for uncertainty-related behavioral adjustments is particularly crucial for animals such as mammals, and particularly for primates, due to our slow rate of replication, maturation, and our relatively slow population-level responses to variability or challenge.
In this review, I outline some of the key behavioral changes that primates employ to survive in an uncertain world and propose biologically plausible mechanisms to support them. The article primarily reviews recent electrophysiological studies in behaving monkeys and concerns itself with how explicit representations of uncertainty in the primate brain guide cognitive processing. The intent is that it, alongside other reviews that outline how prediction errors mediate our beliefs under uncertainty and painstakingly define distinct forms of uncertainty that animals and humans face [1, 11, 14-17], will guide future experiments to reveal the mechanisms of learning and adaptation in an uncertain world.
Behavioral goals change as a function of outcome uncertainty: an overview
Uncertainty about future rewards arises from many sources. Some rewards are uncertain because they are fundamentally probabilistic or risky (e.g., coin toss). However, rewards can also become uncertain due to many additional factors, including uncertainty about incoming sensory percepts and outgoing motor commands, the values of objects and actions, and the states and dynamics of the environment [1].
When rewards are available and uncertainty about them is low, subjects may increase the rate and speed of reward-driven behaviors [18-20] and aim to reduce the mental cost of those behaviors [20-22] so that those resources could support other ongoing cognitive processes. Automatic behaviors, such as skills or habits [18, 19, 23-25] which are efficient and require little online evaluation [26], are well-suited to obtain rewards quickly in low uncertainty environments and allow subjects to engage in additional goal directed behaviors. Also, they can be learned through classical reinforcement learning (RL) mechanisms in which if a reward gained is better than expected, the learning mechanism assigns credit for the benefit to the action(s) that preceded it, facilitating them to increase their probability or magnitude [19]. Under low uncertainty, this learning rule work exceedingly well.
When uncertainty about future rewards is high, the goals of learning often change [1, 27-29]. For instance, once the agent has detected high outcome uncertainty, particularly because the values of its action are changing, the performance of RL learning rules can be improved by incorporating additional meta-learning parameters based on estimates of uncertainty [30]. Agents can learn much faster if they adapt their learning rates to match the environment [31] (but see [12]). They can use a fast rate in some novel and volatile environments where a single large prediction error warrants a large behavioral change, or a slow learning rate in stable environments that change gradually, and in noisy environments where large prediction errors are common but may not warrant changing behavior. The agent can accomplish these adjustments by using an internal estimate of reward uncertainty (Figure 1).
In high uncertainty, instead of seeking immediate reinforcement, actors must try to learn the structure of the world and reduce their uncertainty - otherwise, proper credit assignment may not be achieved, and learning-related behavioral enhancements may not actually result in more reward. Indeed, humans and animals assign value to obtaining information to resolve uncertainty about future rewards, even when this information cannot be used to directly and immediately to influence the timing or amount of reward they will get [32-37]. This may ultimately be beneficial in natural environments where accurate estimation and reduction of uncertainty can accelerate learning of adaptive behaviors in order to succeed in the future [38], and during foraging under threat, predation, or competition [39, 40].
To support uncertainty-related behavioral adaptation, when uncertainty is high, it may be necessary to lengthen the time-scale of learning [29], such that entire sequences of behaviorally relevant events are considered, which may require episodic memory, to facilitate processes such as transfer and one-shot learning. Agents may place special emphasis on “learning-to-learn” [41], perhaps partly through synaptic changes that mediate how neural circuits respond to surprising events [31] or by changing their behavioral strategy, such as for example through the facilitation of distinct modes of “attention” [16, 25, 42].
On the surface, it may seem that these uncertainty-related modulations should only be implemented if the agent thinks they are in a volatile or ambiguous environment, because there learning from outcomes and tracking uncertainty could theoretically decrease uncertainty (and increase confidence). However, it is likely that the same or similar processes take place under risk. I return to this point later in Concluding Remarks.
In summary, under reward uncertainty, behavior must be mediated such that an individual agent can resolve it, learn uncertainty, and obtain an internal representation of possible outcomes. This may occur by adjusting risk attitude (to change the rate of surprises), learning strategies, and by sacrificing physical or “cognitive” reward to gain advance information about the future. Many cognitive functions such as episodic memory and attention must sub serve these goals, and support the ability of the agent to select appropriate automatic and goal-oriented behaviors (and learning strategies that support them).
Next, I will discuss the circuits that represent uncertainty about future rewards and discuss the possible advantages of explicitly representing uncertainty for behavioral and cognitive control.
Multiple neuronal representations of reward uncertainty in the primate brain
Does the brain encode reward uncertainty with a distributed population code? Or does it also contain a representation of uncertainty that can be read out from the activity of single neurons? Neuroscience has made strides in answering similar questions in the sensory domain. When it is due to variability in sensory inputs, or expressed in the form of uncertainty regarding action output, uncertainty is represented in the population dynamics of neuronal pools [43].
Differentially, recent work also showed that primate brain regions involved in value-based decision making and reinforcement learning contain single neurons that vary their discharge rates with quantitative levels of reward uncertainty. These single reward uncertainty selective neurons are located in two networks: in the septal and basal forebrain (BF) areas in the center of the forebrain, and in an interconnected network of cortico-basal ganglia regions that include the anterior cingulate cortex, the internal capsule bordering striatum, and the ventral regions of the anterior pallidum [33, 44-48], which I will refer to as the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network.
Also, one study found that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) contains neurons that scale with reward uncertainty [49]. There, as the standard deviation of rewards increased, the monkeys’ preference also increased. At the same time, the neuronal activity of some OFC neurons was correlated with the monkeys’ preferences for higher reward variance. Importantly, the same neurons’ activity did not scale with reward magnitude. This result demonstrates that embedded within the OFC value- decision related circuits there are a minority of neurons that process information about reward uncertainty.
Why does the brain contain multiple circuits and areas that signal reward uncertainty? To answer the question, I will discuss their differences and concentrate on the BF and ACC-icbDS-Pallidum networks, whose reward uncertainty neurons have been particularly well characterized. I will then go on to argue that the BF is particularly well-suited to play a global coordinative function, mediating cortical activity across many brain areas to facilitate learning and attention under uncertainty, whereas the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network particularly motivates behaviors aiming to obtain uncertainty-resolving information.
Both BF and ACC-icbDS-Pallidum uncertainty neurons on average have uncertainty related “ramp-like” activity: that is, following an uncertain prediction, the average activity of many single neurons increased (or decreased) as a function of time until the uncertainty was resolved [33, 44, 47, 50]. However, the ramping in the BF and ACC-icbDS-Pallidum differed in several important ways. BF reward uncertainty neurons’ ramping was not strongly dependent on the presence of the reward uncertainty predicting visual stimuli and was not highly sensitive to gaze parameters. They even displayed ramping activity when animals’ eyes were closed during blinking [45, 47] and during trace conditioning in which no stimuli were present on the display [44, 47]. In contrast, the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network was highly sensitive to the presence of objects associated with reward uncertainty. The network’s signals were greatly decreased when uncertain objects were removed [47], most crucially the network’s signals increased before monkeys made gaze shifts to uncertain visual objects that predicted advance information that resolved the uncertainty [33].
Another difference between BF and ACC-icbDS-Pallidum uncertainty neurons emerged when we tested whether and how uncertainty-selective neurons dynamically updated their representation of uncertainty as animals learned novel probabilistic object reward associations. At the start of learning, the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network strongly responded to all 3 visual cues. But, within the same session, as the monkeys learned the objects’ reward-predictions, the networks’ uncertainty signals decreased for the certain reward associated images (0 and 100%) [47]. In contrast, BF uncertainty ramping activity, as well as saccadic choice response times, changed gradually across multiple days [45], as the monkeys gained familiarity with the images and became fast and skillful at utilizing them to harness rewards [51]. Finally, almost all BF uncertainty sensitive neurons ramp to the time of certain noxious events and to the expected time of presentations of novel objects [44, 45]. So, relatively, BF ramping is a more general expectation mechanism.
With these differences in mind, next I will discuss how the less specific BF and the relatively more specific ACC-icbDS-Pallidal reward uncertainty signals could mediate attention, learning, and decision making under uncertainty.
Memory formation and credit assignment under reward uncertainty
Animals face a unique set of challenges in naturalistic environments in which many types of uncertainties co-occur. As a result, they are faced with a credit assignment problem: they must decide which previous cues and actions predicted or caused rewards or punishments. This is no easy feat, as in natural environments, the influences of sensory noise and ambiguity, uncertainty about the structure of the world, and outcome uncertainty are compounded, making it difficult to decide which events in the past led to which outcomes in the present. To aid us in solving this credit assignment problem, the brain may have adopted strategies that rely on memories and attentional control (e.g., to help us gain a model of the environment). In support of these processes, uncertainty could promote memory formation by explicitly changing the motivation to learn, by mediating plasticity [52, 53], and by influencing attention including overt and covert spatial attention [16, 33, 54].
A recent behavioral study in humans has shown that recognition memory enhancements in reward variable contexts may occur not only due to the reward prediction errors that generally occur after uncertainty or risk is resolved [55]. That is, when high reward variance was associated with a particular object, recognition memory reports about that object were more accurate. Such memory enhancements under reward uncertainty may be influenced by attentional and (meta)plastic mechanisms. Objects experienced under uncertainty may be preferentially processed due to covert or overt attention resulting in a richer or finer sensory representation leading to enhanced object or context memory. At the same time, uncertainty may also increase the capacity of synapses to learn and store information. Theoretical and behavioral work [15, 52] argues that meta plasticity could contribute to the estimation of uncertainty. But, whether neuronal circuits that represent uncertainty mediate meta plasticity remains an open question.
An adaptive way for the brain to regulate memory formation and attentional processes could be by encoding predictions about the expected time of upcoming surprising, important, rewarding, and noxious outcomes. That is because events that resolve uncertainty or that are proximal to behaviorally salient outcomes are particularly important to commit to memory. Such neural predictions could take the form of population ramping activity, in which case they would regulate the capacity to learn as a function of time – increasing learning and memory in anticipation of the time of the upcoming outcome, and peaking as the outcome itself arrives (and the need for learning and memory encoding is greatest).
Next, I will briefly describe the circuitry that could give rise to such a general surprise expectation signal, and then will argue that the BF uncertainty-related ramping neurons are a likely candidate to broadcast this signal to the cortical mantle.
The origin and functional role of the basal forebrain ramping activity
Recent evidence suggests several cortical and subcortical brain areas could support distinct aspects of such temporal predictions that could ultimately be integrated to give rise to ramping activity that anticipates a wide range of behaviorally salient events. For example, the basal ganglia contain neurons that could underlie population-level encoding of time through coordinated phasic activity [56]. Also, the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus [57, 58] possess context specific temporal codes. Finally, the ACC contains valence-specific neurons, distinctly predicting the timing of rewards or punishments [48] (see Box 1). In principle, this diversity could facilitate the prediction of many distinct events for the control of a diverse set of action plans, emotional states, and memories.
BOX 1 – Uncertainty about aversive events.
This review has concerned itself with uncertainty about rewards. However, recent evidence from our laboratory indicates that there may be distinct circuitry that processes uncertainty about the occurrence of aversive or noxious events, that we refer to as punishment uncertainty [48]. Despite the fact that punishment uncertainty is a crucial variable in the control of emotional states such as anxiety and depression, at the moment, little is known about the neural circuits of punishment uncertainty and about their impact on behavior.
Uncertainty about appetitive outcomes and about aversive punishments is associated with gains and losses. For example, following reward uncertainty, a gain could be a reward, and following punishment uncertainty, a gain could be an omission of a noxious event. However, these positive reward prediction errors are associated, not only with distinct outcomes, but also with distinct emotional states: relief when punishment is omitted and joy when reward is delivered [87]. Diverse responses while anticipating and receiving rewarding and aversive outcomes elicit different learning strategies [88], exert differential influences on choice related computations [5], and promote distinct action plans (e.g., fight or flight versus stay or leave) [87]. These observations suggest that the brain may contain distinct circuits for processing reward and punishment uncertainty.
Our laboratory recently discovered that the ACC contains distinct populations of reward and punishment uncertainty sensitive neurons [48]. Particularly, a small sub region of anterior ventral ACC, above the corpus callosum, is enriched in single neurons that respond to uncertain predictions of punishments, but not to uncertain predictions of rewards [48].
Interestingly, our experiments failed to identify punishment uncertainty signals in many brain regions that are involved in reward uncertainty related computations [45-47]). Hence, it is likely that the ACC sends punishment- and reward- uncertainty signals to distinct brain regions to support divergent processes, such as for example to separately control the desire to seek advance information about pleasant versus aversive outcomes, and to differentially impact choice behavior [5]. It will therefore be crucial to identify the brain regions to which the ACC sends punishment uncertainty signals, and assess how they utilize punishment uncertainty signals to mediate the distinct effects of reward and punishment on cognition and mood [5].
The context-dependent temporal codes in these brain areas may contribute to relatively non-specific ramping activity in the BF [56]. And, the resulting signal may be particularly well suited to signal temporal predictions for the purpose of enhancing memory formation and mediating a wide range of sensory and cognitive processes (Figure 2). First, BF ramping anticipates uncertain outcomes as well as many other kinds of behaviorally important events [44, 45, 50]. Second, BF ramping is relatively independent of sensory or motor state. Third, BF ramping is strongly linked to beliefs about the timing and structure of the behavioral context [44]. Fourth, BF is anatomically well-positioned to coordinate and simultaneously change the gain [59] of a wide range of neuronal circuits (Figure 2A-C) because it projects to the entire cortical mantle [60] – which would be crucial for mnemonic and attentional functions that rely on wide coordination across distinct functional regions of cortex.
One particularly salient anatomical observation is that in primates the BF strongly projects to the medial temporal lobe [45, 60]. This BF-temporal circuit, particularly the cholinergic input from the BF, is necessary for object memory formation [61]. As discussed earlier, BF uncertainty-sensitive ramping neurons’ activity changes slowly during new object value learning and may depend on object familiarity (and not purely on the explicit knowledge of object values [45]). Such slow learning rates are reflected in monkeys’ gaze behavior [18, 45, 51]. One possibility is that these slow changes in the saccadic behavior could be directly mediated by the BF-temporal cortex circuit. Under the influence of the BF, the temporal cortex would then mediate gaze through the posterior ventral basal ganglia, which learns object salience over long time scales, receives dense projections from most areas of the temporal cortex, and directly controls the generation of eye movements [62].
The BF is also well positioned to control cortical computations under uncertainty through a distinct population of phasically activated neurons that rapidly signal the occurrence of behaviorally salient external events (Figure 2B). These neurons are sensitive to the degree of statistical errors, for example in reward value or in sensory patterns like in object sequences, display strong bursting activations in responses to novel objects [44, 63, 64].
In summary, ramping BF neurons may coordinate learning, memory, and attention by mediating the gain and spike timing of many cortical regions (Figure 2C) relative to the agent’s predictions and expectations. And, in concert, the precise short latency BF phasic bursting activity could signal the occurrence of external behaviorally salient and uncertain events in a temporally precise manner. BF ramping activity may increase or decrease the effect of this widely broadcasted phasic salience signal, but how it would do so remains unknown. Broadly consistent with the proposed coordinative functions of the BF, inactivation of the BF changes the correlation structure of primate cortical brain areas that receive the densest BF inputs from the inactivated/disrupted BF region [65]. And, BF inputs to the cortical mantle directly impact global states [66] in manners that could facilitate learning and attention [67]. Finally, modelling and experimental data indicate that cholinergic manipulations directly impact attention-related computations in multiple brain areas, including the frontal eye field, a key region for the mediation of spatial selective attention [68-73].
To date, how BF inputs accomplish this remains unclear, particularly in primates. Therefore, to test the mechanisms proposed in Figure 2C, future work must assess the relative contribution of the phasic and ramping cell types to cortical computations by (1) specifically understanding which cortical neurons receive their inputs and (2) which neurotransmitter(s) they release.
Reward uncertainty mediates information seeking gaze behavior: the role of the ACC-icbDS-Pallidal network
Visual objects that predict uncertain outcomes are often associated with a chance to learn and update our beliefs because they are followed by prediction errors. Therefore, many theories predict that uncertain objects ought to attract gaze because gaze is the chief instrument of primate information seeking.
However, thus far most experiments showed that the speed and probability of saccadic gaze shifts to visual objects are strongly driven by their absolute values or behavioral salience [51, 74]: objects associated with highly probable big rewards or with noxious, aversive, or intense outcomes preferentially attract gaze [48, 74]. This is particularly the case immediately after object presentation [48, 74].
In recent years a considerable effort has been undertaken to also understand how uncertainty impacts primate gaze behavior. One study showed that when information was available and could be obtained with saccades, saccadic choices and response times reflected the motivational value of information to resolve reward uncertainty [32]. A later study replicated and extended this important observation to visual search, showing that animals examined more search targets, and did so faster or for longer durations, to gather uncertainty-resolving information [75]. Moreover, we subsequently found that even at times when information was not yet available and was not contingent on gaze, animals still preferentially gazed at objects associated with uncertain rewards, anticipating the moment when information would arrive [48]. These results show that primates are motivated to resolve uncertainty and assign high motivational value to objects that predict information gain (uncertainty reduction). Their desire to seek information is robustly reflected in gaze patterns.
Information seeking may be in part supported by reward circuitry in manners that overlap with reward seeking. The phasic bursting of dopamine neurons signaled the possibility to resolve uncertainty earlier in time similarly to how they signaled fluid rewards [34]. However, a key question remained: Through what mechanism might the motivational drive to seek advance information be implemented? While phasic dopamine neuron responses could be used during learning to endow informative cues with value, it was unknown how neural circuits translated those values into motivation to guide online information seeking behavior.
To answer this question, we designed an information viewing procedure that studied whether monkeys naturally exhibit gaze behavior that reflects their anticipation of uncertainty-resolving information. In this procedure, there was no way for the monkeys to use information or their gaze patterns to influence reward magnitude. We then studied the relationship of the monkeys’ uninstructed gaze behavior and the neural activity in the ACC-icbDS-pallidal network (Figure 3).
Behaviorally, we found that the monkeys’ gaze was strongly attracted to objects based on their uncertainty, especially in the moments before receiving information to resolve it. This attraction was specifically related to anticipating information (Figure 3B), not reward value or uncertainty per se [33].
Because spatial attention can influence both gaze and visual processing, and gaze behavior reflects attentional biases, it is possible that this object importance signal influences visual processing itself. So, when primates first encounter a visual object (perhaps during the initial low-level feature analyses of that object), its relative importance (based on stored memory) has a great impact on gaze. This importance is directly related to many factors such as reward, punishment, uncertainty, and information. Next, after the gaze is on the object or after it has been recognized, reward uncertainty of the object has a particularly powerful effect on gaze, especially before the time of uncertainty resolution (Figure 3B).
Our work suggested that this attraction may be directly related to, and serve, information seeking, and that information seeking is regulated by the ACC-icbDS-pallidal network [33]. The data indicate that single neurons in the ACC-icbDS-pallidal network (A) monitor the level of uncertainty about future events (B) anticipate the timing of information, and (C) anticipate information-seeking actions, such as gaze shifts to inspect the source of uncertainty. The uncertainty sensitive neurons in the network predicted when information will become available in information viewing procedure (Figure 3C). Their activity was most prominent during uncertain trials and ramped up to times when the monkeys expected information: when they were anticipating an informative visual cue or when they had not received an informative cue and were instead anticipating being informed of the outcome by reward delivery or omission itself at the end of the trial. Furthermore, this information-anticipatory activity was coupled to gaze behavior on a moment-by-moment basis: increases in this activity were followed by gaze shifts to uncertainty-resolving objects, and decreases in this activity were followed by gaze shifts away from uncertainty-resolving objects (Figure 3D).
Surprisingly, fluctuations in ACC information signals were the earliest predictor of future behavior. ACC information signals began to change hundreds of milliseconds before these gaze shifts, while the icbDS-pallidal regions of the network changed their activity more proximally to behavior. So, the ACC may be more directly linked to the cognitive processes surrounding the drive to seek advance information to resolve uncertainty, while the basal ganglia may be more directly related to the implementation of this drive to control action. Also, consistent with the role of the basal ganglia in action control, temporary chemical disruptions of icbDS-Pal activity disrupted monkeys’ information seeking (Figure 3E). This finding not only provides direct evidence that the information predicting signals in the basal ganglia mediate information seeking, but also show that the anterior basal ganglia loops have functions beyond those predicted by classical reinforcement learning.
How would the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network control gaze? One candidate mechanism is through the basal ganglia which influence saccades and attention by mediating the activity of the superior colliculus [76]. Though the anterior pallidal regions in the information seeking network may not send strong direct projections to the superior colliculus, the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network is well-suite to directly impact other basal ganglia loops. For example, the dorsal caudate nucleus has been shown to carry an oculomotor signal that combines information about the spatial location and the reward uncertainty of upcoming saccadic targets [77]. Control of gaze by uncertainty may also take place through a cortical route. For example, LIP, a parietal area that contributes to saccadic behavior and attention, displays modulations of its gaze-related spatially selective activity by the subjects’ motivation to resolve uncertainty [54]. Also, the frontal eye fields (FEF), another cortical area that directly impacts attention and gaze [71-73] and directly projects to dorsal caudate [78] and LIP, receives inputs from the ACC and could be another possible candidate site through which uncertainty signals impact information seeking related gaze behavior.
Based on these observations and our previous studies, Figure 3F proposes a circuit/anatomy constrained mechanism for information seeking. The motivation to seek uncertainty resolving information is mediated by the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network. Anatomically, pallidum projects directly to dopamine neurons and also mediates dopamine through the lateral habenula – brainstem circuitry [79, 80]. Because the ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network anticipates the timing of uncertainty resolving prediction errors (Figure 3C), through this pathway, ramping activity can regulate dopaminergic prediction error related learning. Also, dopamine neurons project to ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network, particularly strongly to the striatum. Because dopamine neurons signal prediction errors that result from uncertainty resolution by reward-predicting information [32], for example following the time of the info cue in Figure 3C, dopaminergic signaling is perfectly suited to endow information with value through shaping of cortico-striatal interactions. Finally, to obtain information primates rely on gaze. Both dopamine and ACC-icbDS-Pallidum network can mediate information seeking directly by controlling gaze either through the basal ganglia oculomotor circuit (comprising of the striatum and substantia nigra pars reticulata) or through cortical pathways to the superior colliculus. The information obtained by observing the world, can then guide reinforcement learning and information seeking. The BF (Figure 2) projects to all cortical sites in Figure 3F. And though it is not shown there, it may play a crucial coordinative role in mediating information seeking across this wide range of circuits.
It is also worth mentioning that in situations in which economic (or subjective value driven-) decision making guides behavior, uncertainty reduction and information seeking may also be impacted by changes in risk attitude that coincide with probability distortions, leading to optimistic or pessimistic evaluations of the future. We previously proposed this idea based on observations of single neurons’ activity in the primate ventromedial prefrontal (vmPF) cortex [81]. In this brain region, anatomically segregated populations of single neurons reflected the optimistic and pessimistic integration of uncertainty and expected value, for example leading to what we termed as a hopeful or overly-positive weighting of possible future rewards [81]. This may promote or suppress risky choices, changing the frequency of encountering prediction errors and thus potentially leading to adaptations in learning processes and uncertainty reduction. More recently, similar proposals have been made based on observations of single dopamine neuron activity [82]. Dopamine neurons appear to be heterogenous in their activations: some evaluating predictions optimistically or pessimistically, in a spectrum. Through this heterogeneity they appear to signal prediction errors based on the distribution of expected rewards rather than the mean of expected rewards. Importantly, depending on how optimistic or pessimistic dopamine neurons interact with other brain regions (e.g., via their anatomical projection patterns to different striatal areas that receive inputs from vmPF cortex), they may differentially and flexibly impact valuation of risky options by changing responses to offers or reward feedback, to subsequently mediate risk attitudes and impact uncertainty reduction and learning.
Concluding remarks
The study of how agents learn from outcomes under uncertainty remains a crucial and growing field in neuroscience. I have outlined how explicit representations of uncertainty could be utilized to control attention, memory, and learning. Next, I outline some important future directions for advancing our understanding of behavioral control under uncertainty and provide their summary in the Outstanding Questions.
To negotiate complex and uncertain environments agents must be willing to put forth mental effort, patience, and persistence in the face of failures and setbacks. Also, they must be willing to take risks to generate prediction errors in order to learn, and go on to estimate and/or reduce their uncertainty. While a large body of literature exists on risk-attitude in economics and behavioral neuroscience, very little research has been conducted on how neural representations of uncertainty mediate the drive to gain information to resolve it [13, 32, 33, 54], and on the relationship between information seeking, risk attitude, and mental effort. Future work should carefully assess the interaction of these factors within individual subjects, and derive the mental algorithms that govern them. This effort may also facilitate the improvement of artificial neural networks, which at present tend to perform poorly under uncertainty (Box 2).
BOX 2 – Learning by artificial learners.
Here I review several observations from the studies of neurobiology and behavior under uncertainty that may be relevant in the context of designing artificial intelligence systems.
Beyond the fact that biological agents explicitly represent uncertainty, they are in fact intrinsically motivated to spend time and effort exploring their environment. In many regimes, their cost functions bias them towards information acquisition and uncertainty reduction through surprise and novelty seeking. Particularly, mammals prior to sexual maturity, when their learning rates are high and their brains exceptionally plastic, tend to explore their environment extensively, often under the guidance of adults. This relatively long training-period in which novelty and surprise have a profound effect on behavior may give them an advantage later in life or in situations where accurate predictions of action values are crucial for survival.
Exploration or “play” based learning may be particularly enhanced in mammals that display sophisticated social structures and hierarchies, including primates. Living in groups imposes not only additional sources of uncertainty and opportunities for learning (because you don’t know what the other group members will do) but also the need to cooperate. As in the case of children at the playground under the watchful eyes of adults, multi-agent cooperation can support curiosity / information seeking behaviors in younger agents as they explore the world within the constraints of others’ more value-based policies.
Another way in which exploration and behavioral variability can arise in biological agents is through noise or variability in neuronal computations across a wide range of circuits. The basal ganglia for example produces variability in action selection [89] to enhance exploration and learning of new or arbitrary associations [90]. Since animals have distributed systems for sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, exploration could result from noise and/or errors at many levels of information processing [91, 92] in a context-dependent manner.
Also, an important feature of biological systems to consider for artificial learning under uncertainty is that the brain contains many neuronal circuits that have distinct learning rates and learn from distinct teaching signals [93-95]. These circuits changed through evolution (or development), sometimes together, sometimes at different time scales to cooperate or oppose each other. This heterogeneity can allow animals to learn flexibly, in a context-dependent manner (and itself can be a function of a higher-level objective). For example, a child may explore language fluidly to maximize surprise and learning, while still maintaining strong and stable aversion to certain foods she tried only once. Multiple teaching signals such as prediction errors signaled by global neuromodulators (or errors computed more locally during sensory processing [96]) can support such flexibility and diversity in learning, on different time scales [95].
There is appreciable work to implement the motivation to explore and to seek information in artificial neural networks [97-99]. Thus far, most of the efforts are based on designing cost functions that heavily weight novelty and surprise to help agents learn the structure of the world [98]. Designing networks that represent multiple agents having different goals may be important for this effort. For example, in adversarial learning one agent is trained by challenges from another agent whose goal is to “fool” the first agent and maximize its error rate. Another way for implementing multi-agent processes in artificial neural networks could be for an agent to maximize others’ novelty and surprise, rather than error. Moreover, just as artificial-learners can be designed to be curious about the reward-seeking strategies of other agents and learn by observing their examples, it may be beneficial to also learn by observing others’ information-seeking strategies.
If artificial-agents are to gain qualities of “intelligent” behavior they will likely need to comprise many networks learning at different rates, for distinct goals. And, to coordinate them, one future avenue may be to add controllers of global network states. This would allow neural networks to follow the examples of biological agents that intelligently switch between different modes of network coordination and function based on what is most efficient for their current situation. For instance, responding to a lull in their opportunities to gain reward, agents may sustain adaptive learning by temporarily suppressing action, and enhancing memory replay and other deliberative functions to continue learning from past experiences.
Another important question to study is whether and how uncertainty mediates automatic versus controlled actions, and more broadly whether and how it participates in action selection. Under high uncertainty, humans may maintain a high level of automaticity for many behaviors that are or have been immediately rewarding. We rely on this capacity to support us as we learn, perform difficult tasks, ruminate, explore our memories, and seek a better understanding of the world. Recent work indicates that distinct circuits within the ventral basal ganglia influence “automatic” gaze shifts that are based on the long-term memory versus goal-directed gaze shifts that are based on dynamic estimates of object values [18]. Future research should ask whether and how uncertainty controls different regions of the basal ganglia to mediate automatic and goal-directed actions.
An important distinction should be made between the concepts of risk and ambiguity. Under risk, uncertain outcomes are drawn from a known probability distribution, about which theoretically nothing more can be learned. By contrast, under ambiguity, uncertain outcomes are drawn from an unknown probability distribution which may be learnable through new experiences [12, 47, 83, 84]. Adaptive behavior may differ, in principle between risky and ambiguous situations. But in natural environments, range, entropy, or variance of rewards may change at any time. So, even under risk, following outcomes, agents ought to update their state because otherwise they would not know when these changes occur. In general, risk without volatility and ambiguity is extremely rare in nature. Therefore, the distinction between risk and ambiguity may not be categorical. There are rarely totally stationary or stable probability distributions, and even when they exist, it is hard for agents to know that with certainty. Given these considerations, I would argue that rather than pursuing the dissociation of risk and ambiguity at the level of neuronal circuits, effort ought to be dedicated to understanding how learning strategies change with the agent’s beliefs about how stable or volatile the environment is, and/or how much of the variability in outcomes is due to an inherent variance or measurement noise. For example, recent work indicates that the ACC contains outcome-related neurons that signal feedback in a manner that is sensitive to the sources of uncertainty [85, 86]. Hence, along this line, an important direction for future work is find out how these uncertainty-resolution / post-decisional signals differentiate distinct sources of reward uncertainty that preceded them to adaptively mediate learning and attention.
Outstanding questions.
How do agents use their internal models about how volatile the environment is and about how much of the variability in outcomes is due to inherent variance or measurement noise to mediate learning?
Are there distinct circuits that selectively signal reward uncertainty under risk versus ambiguity? If not, how might the brain use representations of reward uncertainty differentially in different contexts?
Does uncertainty influence episodic memory distinctly from prediction errors?
Uncertainty is followed by surprise. Both reward uncertainty and surprise influence learning, particularly the learning of action values. But to date, little is known about how uncertainty and surprise influence other types of learning, such as of the encoding and retrieval of episodic memory.
What is the relationship among risk attitude, information seeking, and willingness to endure mental effort? What are the neural circuits that mediate their interactions during value-based decision making? What quantitative measures of uncertainty affect risk attitude and information seeking?
How does uncertainty promote or suppress automatic and controlled behaviors?
What is the cellular identity of phasic and ramping basal forebrain neurons and what is their connectivity with, and effect on, different cortical computational subunits?
The anterior cingulate (ACC) – basal ganglia network has been linked to driving information seeking to resolve uncertainty. What is the source of uncertainty signals in this network? The ACC displays correlations with information seeking-related gaze behavior earlier than the basal ganglia. But, within this network, uncertainty signals first emerge as a rapid suppression of pallidal neurons deep within the basal ganglia circuitry. Given this observation, future research should identify the sources of uncertainty signals in the basal ganglia.
Are information seeking strategies and mechanisms effector specific, for instance among arm reaches versus gaze shifts? Given that in cortex and in the basal ganglia, hand/reach control regions are somewhat separated from oculomotor control regions, inputs from the ACC-basal ganglia network could impact effectors differentially, which may be helpful to flexibly control behavior depending on goal, context, the physical parameters, and costs of individual actions.
Uncertainty about future outcomes mediates attention, learning, memory and decision making. Uncertainty can modulate, for example, choices on whether to make risky decisions or to prioritize actions aimed at gaining uncertainty-reducing information
The basal forebrain broadcasts information about uncertainty and surprise to guide learning, memory, and attention
A cotrico-basal ganglia loop originating in the anterior cingulate guides information seeking about uncertain rewards
Ongoing work is assessing how neural circuits generate, support, and implement the mental algorithms that govern uncertainty-related behaviors
I am grateful to Bruno Averbeck, Todd Braver, Ethan Bromberg-Martin, ShiNung Ching, Yang-Yang Feng, Ahmad Jezzini, Alireza Soltani, Kaining Zhang for their insightful and critical comments, to Kim Kocher for providing the animal care to make our discoveries possible, and to all past and present members of our team for inspiring research. Also, I would like to thank Yael Niv for updating me on recent progress her lab has made in assessing the role of uncertainty and prediction errors in learning. This review has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health under Award Numbers R01MH110594 and R01MH116937, the McKnight Memory and Cognitive Disorders Award, and the Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation.
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