Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-81321-5, published online 19 January 2021
The original version of this Article contained errors in Figure 4, where panel (b) was duplicated from panel (a). As a result, the red value dots in panel (b) and the y-axis labels were displayed incorrectly. The original Figure 4 and accompanying legend appear below.
Figure 4.
Relationship between κ and λ serum free light chains and the κ/λ ratio and clinical parameters in the IgG4-related disease patients (n = 45). (A) Correlation between the number of involved organs and the levels of κ and λ serum free light chains and the κ/λ ratio. (B) Correlation between the IgG4-RD RI and the levels of κ and λ serum free light chains and the κ/λ ratio. All correlations were determined using Spearman’s test. IgG4-RD RI IgG4-related disease responder index.
The original Article has been corrected.