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. 2021 Jun 2;16(6):e0251407. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251407

The first quantitative assessment of radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia supports multi-directional Neolithic dispersal

Ethan E Cochrane 1,*,#, Timothy M Rieth 2,#, Darby Filimoehala 2
Editor: Ron Pinhasi3
PMCID: PMC8171956  PMID: 34077445


Neolithization, or the Holocene demographic expansion of farming populations, accounts for significant changes in human and animal biology, artifacts, languages, and cultures across the earth. For Island Southeast Asia, the orthodox Out of Taiwan hypothesis proposes that Neolithic expansion originated from Taiwan with populations moving south into Island Southeast Asia, while the Western Route Migration hypothesis suggests the earliest farming populations entered from Mainland Southeast Asia in the west. These hypotheses are also linked to competing explanations of the Austronesian expansion, one of the most significant population dispersals in the ancient world that influenced human and environmental diversity from Madagascar to Easter Island and Hawai‘i to New Zealand. The fundamental archaeological test of the Out of Taiwan and Western Route Migration hypotheses is the geographic and chronological distribution of initial pottery assemblages, but these data have never been quantitatively analyzed. Using radiocarbon determinations from 20 archaeological sites, we present a Bayesian chronological analysis of initial pottery deposition in Island Southeast Asia and western Near Oceania. Both site-scale and island-scale Bayesian models were produced in Oxcal using radiocarbon determinations that are most confidently associated with selected target events. Our results indicate multi-directional Neolithic dispersal in Island Southeast Asia, with the earliest pottery contemporaneously deposited in western Borneo and the northern Philippines. This work supports emerging research that identifies separate processes of biological, linguistic, and material culture change in Island Southeast Asia.


The farming/language dispersal hypothesis [1] seeks to explain broad patterns of cultural, linguistic and genetic change as the result of expanding Neolithic farming populations and decades of research reveals that such expansions have occurred across different world regions [26]. In Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) (Fig 1) significant changes associated with putative Neolithic expansion include language family origins, material culture innovations, new genetic variants, increases in social complexity, and the later colonization of previously unsettled Pacific islands. The language family, Austronesian, is the pre-modern world’s most geographically expansive, and probably began on Taiwan about 5000 years ago before spreading throughout ISEA, west to Madagascar, and east to the islands of Oceania [7]. Material culture innovations in ISEA, in particular the origins of pottery and ground-stone tools, are explained as the intrusive tool-kit associated with expanding farming populations [8]. The movement of these populations also generated new genetic and phenotypic variation within human, animal, and plant populations [9]. The hierarchical social system associated with later Pacific island colonization may be an innovation carried by the Neolithic groups of ISEA [10].

Fig 1. Map of Island Southeast Asia and near Oceania.

Fig 1

Archaeological sites mentioned in the text and S1 File are shown. Arrows depict primary population movements associated with the OoT (dashed) and WRM hypotheses (solid). Basemap provided by Esri.

Considering this linguistic, biological and anthropological research, the orthodox Out of Taiwan (OoT) hypothesis formalizes Neolithic expansion in ISEA and proposes that the development of rice-based agriculture in southern China led expanding populations to disperse, with some moving to Taiwan and by approximately 4000 BP voyaging from there to the northern Philippines. In the northern Philippines, intricately decorated and red-slipped pottery was a local innovation derived from ancestral Taiwanese pottery and is “the first instance of Neolithic settlement in Island Southeast Asia outside Taiwan” [11:21]. Farming populations then spread from the northern Philippines to the south and east with pottery and other Neolithic material culture [8, 12], arriving in the Bismarck archipelago, Sulawesi, and the Mariana Islands approximately 3450–3300 BP [13:283, contra 14]. Related Neolithic populations arrived at approximately the same time in the Talauds, Sumatra, and Western Java [13:279], slightly later in the Central Moluccas by 2950 BP [13:279], and parts of Borneo by approximately 2750 BP [13:270–271].

The OoT hypothesis of Neolithic dispersal is, however, contested by archaeological, linguistic, and biological analyses. For example, after reviewing dated archaeological deposits with red-slipped pottery, Anderson [15] suggested two Neolithic dispersals. He proposed a first dispersal, Neolithic I, from southern China to Mainland Southeast Asia around 5000 BP, then to Borneo, Sulawesi, and the Moluccas via Java and Sumatra by 4000 BP (more generally referenced as the Western Route Migration [WRM] [16]). Neolithic II, a rapid, second dispersal associated with red-slipped ceramics, began from Taiwan approximately 5500 BP, to the northern Philippines, Borneo, Sulawesi, and the Moluccas all by 4000 BP. Five centuries later, this Neolithic II expansion continued to Oceania. Regarding language, Donohue and Denham argue that the previously defined hierarchical Austronesian subgroups in ISEA are not valid, nor is the geographically staged dispersal of languages those subgroups signified. Instead, current subgrouping indicates that “rapid, multi-directional, and multi-modal propagation” [17:229] of Austronesian languages better accounts for their distribution across ISEA [18]. Soares and colleagues’ [19] analysis of 157 human mtDNA genomes also questions the OoT hypothesis. They found that the clade assumed to indicate Taiwanese origin of Oceanic populations originated instead in the Bismarck Archipelago several thousand years prior to Neolithic expansion in ISEA.

The OoT and WRM hypotheses, and other proposals [20, 21] are substantially based on dated archaeological assemblages, particularly those that contain ceramics [22]. Bellwood contends that Neolithic dispersal in ISEA is mirrored in “the spread of red-slipped pottery, [and] with the later additions of distinctive incised and stamped forms of decoration, appears to mark a second millennium BCE dispersal of Neolithic populations southwards from the Philippines into central and eastern Indonesia, and rapidly onwards beyond the northern coastline of New Guinea into the distant islands of Oceania” [13:302]. Carson and colleagues similarly interpret the later decorated pottery, noting its “spread as a diagnostic tradition can be related to the spread of a cultural group” [11:17].

These and other pottery chronologies are built from individual radiocarbon determinations and while Spriggs [8, 23] has conducted chronometric hygiene analyses on individual ISEA radiocarbon determinations, the construction of chronologies from ISEA determinations (hygienically assessed or not) has never been quantitatively evaluated. Instead, to construct chronologies researchers have adopted a qualitative, and sometimes ad hoc, approach where particular determinations might be included based on a systematic hygiene protocol, but at the same time others are rejected without clear criteria (e.g., “rejected by the excavators” [8:60]). Additionally, qualitative interpretations of the length of periods in a chronology, or the onset of specific human activities [e.g., 2426], often lack a methodological justification considering the quantitative perspective that forms the foundation of dating analyses. As Bayliss et al. state, visual inspection of dates that interprets the start, end, or duration of activity “has no mechanism to allow for the statistical scatter on the radiocarbon dates…[and] [i]n effect, the scatter and uncertainties on the radiocarbon dates are being confused with longevity of ancient activity” [27:9]. The qualitative procedures of chronology construction, even with the use of chronometric hygiene protocols, may result in the favoring of preferred dispersal hypotheses [e.g., 28, 29].

To avoid this we present a model-based Bayesian chronological analysis of dated mid-Holocene pottery assemblages in ISEA and Mussau, Bismarck Archipelago, to determine if directional dispersal of pottery assemblages can be identified. This is largely the same dataset that others have used to develop extant regional dispersal chronologies. The model-based Bayesian approach to calibration and the construction of chronologies contrasts with visual inspection of individually calibrated dates, which assumes that a particular date or suite of dates is equivalent to an archaeological event of interest (a conflation of the radiocarbon and target events [30]). Setting aside depositional processes that potentially confound the association of radiocarbon dates and archaeological events, visual inspection of dates is also fallible in its assumption that the dates are a representative sample of the population of dates that could be obtained from a particular context.

The results of our Bayesian chronological analyses of 20 archaeological sites across six island regions do not conform to the expectations of the orthodox OoT or the Western Route Migration hypotheses and instead indicate contemporaneous pottery deposition in Borneo and the northern Philippines, with the geographic pattern of subsequent ceramic deposits varying depending on site- or island-scale analyses. We conclude that quantitative analysis of the valid suite of earliest pottery radiocarbon determinations cannot differentiate uni-directional dispersal hypotheses and instead currently supports multi-directional Neolithic dispersal in ISEA. This requires a revision of our understanding of the Neolithic in ISEA, the ancestry of Oceanic populations, and the archaeological, linguistic and genetic research that underlie them.


Our results are presented at site- and island-scales depending on the distribution of radiocarbon determinations. All referenced models and radiocarbon determinations are in the S1 File and a summary of the model results is given in Table 1. We discuss the 95.4% highest posterior density (HPD) results, but also include the 68.2% HPD results in Table 1. All of the models exhibit stability in results over the course of five runs: convergence values remain >95% and the date ranges for the start dates remain consistent.

Table 1. Modeled dates.

Island/Region Sitea Ceramic characteristics No. of 14C Determinations per Modelb Start, cal BP (95.4%) Start, cal BP (68.2%)
Batan 12 3640–2890 3310–2990
Batan (no residue determinations) 9 3380–2590 2970–2730
Sunget red-slip, circle-stamp 5 4330–2890 3490–3000
Itabayat 11 5200–3990 4620–4150
Anaro Hilltop circle-stamp 9 3470–2760 3070–2790
Luzonc 24 5430–4290 5280–4370
Nagsabaran red-slip, circle-stamp, impressed, dentate 27 5440–4270 5100–4390
North Borneo 5 4560–2460 3360–2730
Borneo (all) 7 6680–3820 5230–4170
MAD1 red-slip, impressed 5 8580–2710 8530–2730
Sulawesi 9 4550–3590 4180–3740
Minango Sipakko red-slip, impressed, incised 6 4600–3510 4120–3640
Flores Pain Haka red-slip, incised, applique 10 3200–2600 3010–2750
Pulau Ay PA1 red-slip, incised 7 3740–3020 3510–3210
Eloaua 23 3470–3010 3350–3070
ECA red-slip, incised, circle-stamp, dentate 20 3460–3010 3330–3080

aSome islands are characterized by single sites. In these cases the island date range and site date range are the same.

bEarliest ceramic deposition calculated for islands and sites (HPD for start boundaries of basal ceramic-bearing deposits). For multi-phase models, the number of radiocarbon determinations includes those from pre- and/or post-ceramic phases.

cThe Luzon Island model comprises fewer determinations than the Nagsabaran site model as the 16 dates (out of 33) from the preferred Nagsabaran model were combined with 8 dates from other sites.

Batanes Islands

We calculated the initial appearance of pottery on Batan Island with two models (S1 Fig in S1 File). Based on a model that only includes determinations from unidentified charcoal this event occurred sometime between 3380–2590 cal BP (95.4%). When three determinations obtained from residue on sherds are included, the date is 3640–2890 cal BP (95.4%). The residue-derived determinations add about 250 years to the date (shifting the entire date range, though it still overlaps with the first model’s date), though the reason for this apparent inbuilt age is unclear (reported δ13C values are consistent with fully terrestrial samples as opposed to marine taxa). Both island-scale models provide younger and more precise dates than those from the single site on the island with a sufficient number of radiocarbon determinations for site-scale modelling, Sunget, where initial appearance of pottery occurred between 4330–2890 cal BP (95.4%). This is due to the increased number of determinations included in the single-phase island model. The dated Batan Island pottery assemblages include red-slip and circle-stamp surface treatments.

Itabayat Island pottery has older dates than Batan. Based on radiocarbon determinations from the Torongan site and different areas of the Anaro Hilltop site, pottery entered the archaeological record between 5200–3990 cal BP (95.4%). The radiocarbon determinations from the Torongan site, also on residue, influence the older range of this date. Red-slipped pottery is associated with these determinations at the base of the cultural layer. The Anaro Hilltop model with nine determinations dates the appearance of pottery there between 3470–2760 cal BP (95.4%). The pottery associated with the Anaro Hilltop date includes circle-stamp surface treatment.


Pottery is calculated to have entered the archaeological record of Luzon Island, northern Philippines, between 5430–4290 cal BP (95.4%) (S2 Fig in S1 File). This date derives from 24 radiocarbon determinations from five sites: Andarayan, Irigayen, Nagsabaran, Dalan Serkot, and Callo Cave. Only Nagsabaran has a sufficient number of determinations for site-scale modelling. Red-slip, punctate, incised, impressed and black-incised pottery is associated with the radiocarbon samples at Andarayan, Irigayen, Dalan Serkot and Callo caves.

The Nagsabaran shell midden site, across the river from Irigayen, has seen numerous excavation campaigns and a variety of materials from the site have been analyzed including ceramics and faunal remains. Nagsabaran contains a diverse early pottery assemblage in the lower silt layer with red-slip, impressed, circle-stamp, and dentate surface treatments. This stratum is capped by a shell midden layer. Because there is more published information for Nagsabaran compared to most Neolithic pottery sites in ISEA, we were able to construct eight models to evaluate the effects of systematically including or removing determinations: (1) a single-phase model including all determinations for the lower silt layer; (2) a single-phase model for the lower silt layer excluding the oldest determination; (3) a single-phase model including all determinations from the upper shell midden layer; (4) a single-phase model for the upper shell midden layer excluding the oldest determination; (5) a two-phase model including all determinations; (6) a two-phase model excluding the oldest determination from both the lower silt layer and the upper shell midden layer; (7) a two-phase model excluding the oldest silt layer determination and the five oldest shell midden determinations, all on a single shell species; and (8) a two-phase model using those determinations preferred by Hung et al. [31]. All model results and arguments for including and excluding particular radiocarbon determinations are in the S1 File. Here we present the model (7) results as this model has the greatest sample size, excludes the anomalous lower silt layer determination, and avoids the possibly confounding issue of whether a localized correction value is needed to calibrate the freshwater shell [32]. The larger sample size should improve the accuracy of the results. With this model, the beginning of ceramic deposition was sometime during 5440–4270 cal BP (95.4%).

Greater Sunda Islands

Six single- or multi-phase models were created for site deposits on Borneo and Sulawesi Islands. The radiocarbon determinations from these sites were combined with individual determinations at other sites or excavation areas to create island-scale models and, in the case of Borneo, a sub-island model (S3 Fig in S1 File).

The date for the initial appearance of pottery at the MAD1 site on Borneo is between 8580–2710 cal BP (95.4%). This date is based on a preferred non-shell model that produces negligibly different results from the model including a shell determination (both models are in the SI). The associated deposit has red-slip and impressed pottery.

The charcoal and rice husk radiocarbon determinations from the basal ceramic deposits at MAD1, Liang Abu, Bukit Tengkorak, and Gua Sireh were combined to produce a Borneo-wide model which dates the earliest appearance of ceramics at 6680–3820 cal BP (95.4%). Due to the size of Borneo and the possibility of spatial variation relevant to distinguishing dispersal hypotheses, a northern Borneo model using Liang Abu, Bukit Tengorak, and MAD1 determinations was produced and this dates the earliest appearance of ceramics to be sometime between 4560–2460 cal BP (95.4%).

The site of Minango Sipakko on Sulawesi Island has multiple excavation units and the model dating the initial appearance of ceramics includes determinations from four of these. The site-scale model date is 4600–3510 cal BP (95.4%) and is associated with red-slip, impressed, and incised ceramics. The determinations from Minango Sipakko were combined with two determinations from Malawa and a single determination from Mansiri to produce an island-wide date for the earliest appearance of ceramics on Sulawesi sometime during 4550–3590 cal BP (95.4%). The early Sulawesi ceramic deposits contain red-slip, impressed, incised, and circle-stamped sherds.

Lesser Sunda Islands

There is a single site in the Lesser Sundas with enough radiocarbon determinations to model initial pottery deposition. The initial appearance of ceramics at the Pain Haka site on Flores Island occurred sometime between 3200–2600 cal BP (95.4%) based on a model that applies mixed atmospheric-marine curves to calibrate dates from human bone (S4 Fig in S1 File). The Pain Haka ceramics are from burials and include red-slip, incised, and applique surface treatments. The Pain Haka site model is the same as the Flores Island model.

Molucca Islands

One site provides information on the appearance of pottery in the Moluccas (S3 Fig in S1 File). The initial appearance of ceramics at PA1 on Pulau Ay occurred sometime between 3740–3020 cal BP (95.4%). The assemblage contains red-slip and incised sherds, with circle-stamp appearing in more recent deposits. The PA1 model is also the island model for Pulau Ay.

Mussau Islands

Two single-phase models were created for site deposits on Eloaua Island (S4 Fig in S1 File). Twenty determinations from site ECA on Eloaua provide a date for the initial appearance of ceramics sometime between 3460–3010 cal BP (95.4%) An island-scale model that combines the ECA determinations and three determinations from site ECB provides a date for the appearance of ceramics on Eloaua sometime during 3470–3010 cal BP (95.4%).


Qualitative and Bayesian analysis comparisons

Summary chronologies based on qualitative analyses have been proposed for many sites and island-regions in ISEA. Comparing these chronologies with the Bayesian results generated from largely the same datasets suggests some of the qualitative analyses variably suffer from bias towards favored hypotheses, spurious precision, and few clear evaluative criteria.

All of our dates for the appearance of pottery on specific islands and sites of the Batanes Islands (e.g., Batan Island, 3380–2590 cal BP, and Anaro Hilltop Site, Itabayat Island, 3470–2760 cal BP) encompass Anderson’s [15] proposed date of around 3000 BP. In contrast, Bellwood and Dizon [33] argue that earliest pottery in the Batanes Islands appears about 4500 BP at the Torongan site on Itabayat. This date is associated with a radiocarbon determination on residue and seems to come from the oldest end of the calibrated range of the single date (OZH-711), despite a younger date (Wk-14642), also on residue, from the same depth and context. As we have noted, and echoing Anderson [15], radiocarbon determinations on residue from sherds are older than determinations on charcoal from the same contexts. For example, at the Savidug Dune site (not included in our results, but see S1 File), the conventional radiocarbon age (CRA) on residue (Wk-21810) is more than 700 years older than that on charcoal (Wk-21808) from the same deposit, while at the Sunget Main Terrace site, the two residue determinations (Wk-14640 and ANU-11817) are a little over 500 years older than the charcoal CRA (Wk-15649) from the same deposit. Bellwood and Dizon also use radiocarbon calibrations on shell from the Torongan Site with a ΔR value derived from the Paracel Islands in the middle of the South China Sea, not a locally derived value [33: Table 5.1] and this likely imparts additional unrecognized dating error.

An island-scale Bayesian calibration model for Batan Island that excludes the residue determinations provides a younger and less precise date at 95.4% HPD, 3380–2590 cal BP, but one similar to the only other site-scale, non-residue model, that for the Anaro Hilltop site on Itabayat Island at 3470–2760 cal BP (95.4% HPD). This raises the possibility that “residue” is a problematical dating material, as Bayliss and Marshall [34] have shown for England and residue dates may be too old, relative to archaeological target events. Overall, Bellwood and Dizon’s [33] chronology for the Batanes Islands appears biased towards a favored dispersal hypothesis as it uses questionable dating material, both residue and shell without a verified correction factor, and arbitrarily rejects or accepts particular samples and date ranges.

On Luzon Island, Philippines, the Nagsabaran site 95.4% probability for the earliest appearance of ceramics (5430–4290 cal BP) is earlier and less precise than published age ranges for earliest ceramics in the local area (Cagayan Valley): Hung et al.’s [35] 3950–3250 BP range and Carson and Hung’s [29] 4150–3950 BP range, published more recently. Unfortunately, this important site is dogged by chronological issues: date-depth inversions, contradictory descriptions of site formation, lack of isotopic or identification data for dating samples, and ad hoc dating analyses [see S1 File and 36: footnote 2]. The Nagsabaran 95.4% probability is based on the largest suite of potentially valid determinations, yet is still a wider date range than that proposed by previous analyses. Moreover, the best dated site in our analyses—ECA on Eloaua Island, with 20 samples, the majority of these identified to taxon, and relevant provenience information—has a modelled range of 450 years (95.4% HPD) for the onset of ceramic deposition. This, and our analysis of the Nagsabaran dating samples, suggests that the precision of Carson and Hung’s analyses (e.g., 200 years), and similarly precise dates across ISEA, is spurious.

Although this might also be said of more areas in ISEA, in the Greater Sunda Islands the widely varying CRAs and error ranges of individual determinations hamper the building of precise Bayesian dates and identification of any consistent relationship between these dates for the earliest pottery and chronologies derived from qualitative analyses. Simanjuntak [16: 203, 207], for example, proposes that the earliest pottery-using populations in Sulawesi may date to 4000 BP, within our date range for the island (4550–3590 cal BP), and that northern Borneo was settled by pottery-using groups from the northern Philippines a bit earlier, around 4500–4000 BP [16: 202, Figure 11.1], the opposite of our chronological order analysis (see next section). Anderson’s [15: Figure 5] graphic depiction of Neolithic I and II indicates the arrival of pottery-using populations in Borneo and Sulawesi between 4500–4000 BP, encompassed by the Borneo models with their large ranges (northern Borneo: 4560–2460 cal BP; Borneo: 6680–3820 cal BP) and the Sulawesi model. Finally, Bellwood [37:194] suggests a Neolithic expansion from the Philippines into northern (Malaysian) Borneo and Sulawesi beginning approximately 3450 BP. This fits within our northern Borneo island model, but is about a century more recent than the oldest range included in the Sulawesi model.

While the qualitative dates of initial pottery deposition for islands and regions in ISEA show little consistent relationship with our Bayesian models, in the Mussau islands previous dating proposals are generally consistent with our modeled date ranges for the first appearance of pottery. Kirch [38], for example, proposes that site ECA was occupied at least by 3300 cal BP and perhaps 150 years earlier, and both dates are encompassed by the 95.4% modeled date range (3460–3010 cal BP). It seems most likely that the agreement between qualitative chronologies and our dates is a product of the current focus on identified dating samples, valid correction factors, and greater attention to consistent evaluative criteria [39, 40] in Mussau compared to many areas of ISEA. Nagsabaran, with 33 published dates, suggests that the agreement between Kirch’s Mussau analyses and ours is not simply a function of the relatively large number of dated samples.

Comparing Neolithic dispersal hypotheses

In most instances, the dates for first appearance of pottery in ISEA and Near Oceania return large date ranges (see Table 1). This is a product of few radiocarbon determinations and simple model structures (due to a limited number of sites with multiple dated strata). Importantly, and despite the large date ranges, because our chronological calculations are generated with quantified uncertainty, we can use computational techniques to compare dates and assess current dispersal hypotheses in ISEA. Figs 2 and 3 illustrate the chronological ordering of the appearance of pottery at site- and island-scales, respectively (S1 and S2 Tables in S1 File).

Fig 2. Order of initial pottery appearance at archaeological sites.

Fig 2

Chronological ordering of the HPDs for the start of ceramic deposition at a site-scale. The first lines beneath each distribution delimit 68.2% HPD and the second lines delimit 95.4% HPD.

Fig 3. Order of initial pottery appearance on islands.

Fig 3

Chronological ordering of the HPDs for the start of ceramic deposition at an island-scale. The first lines beneath each distribution delimit 68.2% HPD and the second lines delimit 95.4% HPD.

The chronological ordering of dates for earliest pottery deposition can be compared to the contrasting expectations of Neolithic dispersal hypotheses for ISEA. The OoT hypothesis proposes that pottery-using populations first entered ISEA from the north arriving on Luzon Island, northern Philippines, around 4000 cal BP. From there, groups moved southeast arriving in Sulawesi and the Bismarck Archipelago around 3450–3300 cal BP, at about the same time that related populations arrived in parts of the Lesser Sundas, Sumatra and Java, preceding the arrival of Neolithic groups in the Moluccas and areas of Borneo [11, 13, 29]. The Neolithic I/II [15] or Western Route Migration (WRM) [16] hypotheses suggest that earliest ceramic deposition in Borneo approximately 4500 cal BP, precedes Luzon. This represents the earliest ISEA Neolithic population, Neolithic I, and is distinct from the population that settled the northern Philippines, labeled Neolithic II. Both Neolithic streams, however, converged in the Greater and Lesser Sundas and Moluccas.

The chronological ordering of dates for first ceramic deposition does not clearly support either the WRM or OoT hypotheses. At island-scale, the first ceramic deposits are found on Luzon, then Borneo, Itabayat (Batanes Islands), then Sulawesi, while at site-scale, ceramic deposits are found at MAD1 (northern Borneo), then Nagsabaran (Luzon), and then Minango Sipakko (Sulawesi). As the chronological order of the Borneo and Northern Philippines ceramics depends on how we aggregate radiocarbon determinations (i.e., at site- or island-scale), the conservative interpretation of the model results is of contemporaneous deposition of ceramics in these areas, at least within radiocarbon dating precision. After this, ceramics appear in the Batanes Islands, Sulawesi, and the Moluccas in different possible orders depending on site- or island-scale analyses. The earliest Mussau and Lesser Sunda Islands ceramics are deposited near the end of the chronological order. The lack of consistent directionality across the site- and island-scale chronological orders, from west to east, or north to south supports proposals of multi-directional movement of Neolithic populations and ideas across ISEA [20, 41, 42], after the first Neolithic deposits in the northern Philippines and Borneo.

More specific dispersal hypotheses might also be assessed with the modeled date ranges. For example, Carson and colleagues [11] argue that the dentate, incised, and red-slip ceramic assemblage at the Nagsabaran site was deposited before similar Lapita assemblages in the Mussau Islands. Our chronological ordering of dates (Fig 2 and S2 Table in S1 File) indicates that this site-scale relative chronology is correct. Carson and colleagues further suggest that the relative chronology, ceramic surface-treatment similarities, and linguistic analyses indicate that a population from Luzon migrated to the Bismarck Archipelago where they or their direct descendants produced Lapita ceramics. However, the chronological ordering of site-scale dates suggests other possibilities: pottery at MAD1 is chronologically earlier than both Nagsabaran and the ECA (Mussau Island) dates (Fig 2 and S2 Table in S1 File) and the earlier MAD1 assemblage contains surface treatments—red-slip and impressed (or punctate)—found at the later Nagsabaran and ECA sites (and other Mussau sites). Thus, both the Nagsabaran and ECA ceramic assemblages may share derived homologous similarity [sensu 43] from Borneo, while post-ECA assemblages such as at Pain Haka on Flores, and possibly Mansiri on Sulawesi (see S1 File), may share ancestral or derived homologous similarity from Borneo, Mussau (or Near Oceania generally) and the northern Philippines. These proposed multi-directional phylogenetic homologous relationships between ceramic assemblages across ISEA and Near Oceania, are empirically testable with appropriate ceramic classifications [e.g., 44] and are supported by research on several dimensions of human variation. Linguistic [45, 46] analyses, for example, demonstrate that some Austronesian cognates and morphosyntactic structures are likely a product of the spatial proximity of language communities and a general east-west movement of people and ideas across ISEA and Near Oceania. Concomitantly, the lack of deep structure in ISEA Austronesian languages, as well as the lack of ancestor-descendant ordering of Austronesian languages in ISEA [47] (i.e., Malayo-Polynesian languages), can suggest, instead of a single expansion pulse [cf., 7, 11], multiple population movements and linguistic transmission over the millennium or more of initial ceramic deposition in the region [41, cf. 48]. Human and commensal biology can also be readily interpreted in light of frequent multi-directional movements. Lipson et al.’s aDNA analysis [49], for example, indicates multiple human movements from the north and west, although they favor the OoT hypothesis as a “primary movement” [49:5]. A later analysis of Y-chromosome and mtDNA by Soares et al. [50] is congruent with our results and concludes that instead of migration pulses or significant population movements, small-scale events, “a minor Neolithic input from MSEA [Mainland Southeast Asia], probably immediately preceding a Neolithic input from Taiwan”, account for contemporary genetic patterns. Genetic analyses of commensal animal species also suggest multi-directional movement across ISEA [51, 52], while those of paper mulberry [53] and rice [54] document movements southward from Taiwan and eastward from Mainland to Island Southeast Asia, respectively. Significantly, the recent analysis of rice genomes and ecologies indicates that in ISEA, including the Philippines, rice derives from MSEA, contradicting previous arguments [12] for a rice-agriculture fueled expansion from Taiwan south into ISEA. Finally, multi-directional movement during the period of initial ceramic deposition is also evidenced from analyses of obsidian artifacts and domesticated plant microfossils [55, 56].


Our results are the most accurate chronological calculations based on currently available data. The general lack of precision in the Bayesian model-derived dates for the initial deposition of ISEA ceramic assemblages suggests that the precision in many qualitative date estimates is likely spurious. This is particularly true for deposits with disturbed stratigraphy, a common occurrence that Swete Kelley [22:404] notes “has brought the contextual reliability and the selective use of dates within the associated radiocarbon chronology into question” across ISEA.

Considering the prominent OoT and WRM hypotheses for Neolithic dispersal in ISEA, our Bayesian calibration-derived dates support contemporaneous appearance of pottery in Borneo and the northern Philippines and do not reveal singular or primary routes of dispersal in the region. Importantly, our work highlights the current poor quality of the archaeological radiocarbon record in ISEA. Assessment of detailed dispersal hypotheses is hampered by this record. More radiocarbon determinations on suitable sample-types, with both clear links to archaeological events and valid correction factors, are required. And as we generate more accurate and precise dates we can begin to explore the implications of possible multi-directional Neolithic dispersals in ISEA [cf. 57]. This should include moving beyond the categorical framing of human history in ISEA and Oceania (e.g., fast-train versus slow-boat [58]; two-layer versus local evolution [59]; Austronesian versus Papuan [60]) to address complex processes that shaped continuous variation in past populations.

Materials and methods

No site deposit included in our analysis is considered to have a sufficient number or quality of radiocarbon determinations to provide highly precise dates for the onset of ceramics, though ECA on Eloaua Island and Pain Haka on Flores have relatively robust radiocarbon suites. Since models with a small number of radiocarbon determinations result in imprecise dates (and due to other factors [e.g., inbuilt age for unidentified charcoal], possibly inaccurate results), only the model results for deposits or islands with five or more radiocarbon determinations are considered in our analysis; models for deposits or islands with less than five radiocarbon determinations are, however, included in the S1 File for comparison. We present results at 95.4% and 68.2% highest posterior density (HPD) intervals. Our interpretations rely on the 95.4% HPDs as they provide greater accuracy.

Radiocarbon determinations were collated from an extensive search of the ISEA and Mussau (Near Oceania) archaeological literature (S3 Table in S1 File). We did not analyze radiocarbon determinations from mainland Southeast Asia, southern coastal China, or Taiwan as the OoT and WRM hypotheses, and other proposals, are based primarily on ISEA archaeological deposits. Dating samples include unidentified and identified charcoal, uncharred wood, charred residue on pottery, animal and human bone, and freshwater, estuarine, and marine shells. We did not apply strict chronometric hygiene [8, 23] or date classification [61] protocols as either would greatly diminish sample size; however, we do evaluate the effects of particular dating materials on dating results (see S1 File). The following criteria were applied to selecting radiocarbon determinations for analysis:

  1. The radiocarbon determination was associated with a distinct recovery unit (e.g., an excavation pit) that sampled a deposit including the earliest appearance of putative Neolithic ceramics at a site; determinations with ambiguous stratigraphic associations were excluded from analysis, but they are included in S3 Table in S1 File. We do not analyze determinations associated with Chinese porcelains or ceramics of well-documented Metal Age time frames.

  2. A deposit comprises a single depositional event and may be a stratum, lens, feature, or individual artifact (e.g. a sherd with charcoal residue). All radiocarbon determinations from a deposit with Neolithic ceramics were included in S3 Table in S1 File as we are interested in the population of radiocarbon determinations associated with an event, not simply those with the oldest CRA; that is, the determinations from a deposit are considered to be a sample of the population of determinations. We only analyze determinations that are reasonably associated with the deposit of interest and we disregard determinations for which a clear depositional-association cannot be made (e.g., due to unmistakable stratigraphic mixing), although we do provide these determinations in S3 Table.

  3. For recovery units with dated stratified deposits, determinations from stratigraphically inferior aceramic deposits (pre-dating the basal Neolithic ceramic-bearing stratum) or superior deposits (post-dating the basalt Neolithic ceramic-bearing stratum) were included. These older and younger radiocarbon ages were incorporated as terminus post quem and terminus ante quem constraints in our modeling, respectively.

  4. Dating materials were evaluated for calibration issues. These include potential inbuilt age (unidentified charcoal), the lack of localized correction values (marine shell and other marine-influenced samples, possibly freshwater shell), and the lack of isotopic data (e.g., for animal bone) for determining the use of a mixed atmospheric-marine calibration. Modeling parameters to address these factors of uncertainty are discussed below.

Additionally, as there are different pottery surface-treatments in the region that potentially have chronological and culture-group links [22], we described the pottery associated with particular radiocarbon determinations using the presence-absence of general surface treatments as identified by other researchers (see S1 File). These categories include red-slip, orange-slip, circle-stamped, incised, impressed, dentate, black, and cord-marked. We included presence-absence data because abundance measures are inconsistently reported; nor are abundance measures necessary for our analyses. We did not divide these ceramic categories more finely as some have (e.g. different kinds of circle-stamping). Like others, we assume that these categories track homologous relationships amongst pottery-using groups, but in the future a problem-oriented classification is needed to define homologous links [e.g., 62].

Oxcal 4.3.2 [63] was used for Bayesian model calibrations and the generation of datesfor the initial appearance of ceramics in the archaeological record at site- and island-scales. To re-state Bayes’ rule, the models structure radiocarbon determinations (standardized likelihoods in Bayesian statistics) by the relationships between contexts (prior beliefs) to provide the dates (posterior beliefs). Further, these models assume that the radiocarbon determinations are uniformly distributed (uninformative prior belief). Oxcal calculates the probability distributions of the individual dates and uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to calculate the best possible posterior values given the data and model structure. Thus, events that are not directly datable—the start and end of deposition, for example—and the duration of events can be quantified with statistical confidence. For this study, the date ranges of interest are the start for the oldest ceramic-bearing deposits for site-scale models and the start for the composite single ceramic phases for the island-scale models. These Bayesian calibration-derived date ranges (HPD) are italicized to distinguish them from simply calibrated results.

The Intcal20 calibration curve [64] was used for terrestrial and freshwater invertebrate samples since this region falls within the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) [following 65:1088]. The Marine20 curve [66] was used for the models including determinations from marine shell or human bone (Pain Haka, only). Marine20 is offset to Marine13 [67] by approximately 100 years. None of the ISEA determinations from marine shell or other marine-influenced samples (e.g., human bone) have associated ΔR values. The few published ΔR values for ISEA and neighboring portions of Australia and New Guinea document variability ( (e.g., Philippine values ranging from -215±50 for Janao Bay, Luzon Island, to -68±70 for Mindoro Straight). Therefore, we ran model iterations for sites with marine-influenced determinations with no correction value (ΔR 0±0); including the human bone-derived determinations from the Pain Haka, Flores, site (the authors provide isotopic data that is indicative of a marine component to diet). For Mussau, Petchey and Ulm’s [68] ΔR value was adjusted based on Marine20 to -434±179 (95%). Ages obtained from animal bone are excluded if isotopic data have not been published or could not be obtained from the dating laboratory; these data are necessary for determining whether a mixed atmospheric-marine calibration is required.

Analysis was iterative. Single- or multi-phase calibration models [63] were created based on the number of radiocarbon determinations and published contexts. The models use Oxcal’s Sequence, Phase, Boundary, Outlier_Model, Outlier, and Order commands (individual codes provided in SI). We used outlier commands in all of our models to down-weight the influence of potential outliers [see 69]. Two outlier commands were employed with the outlier distributions scaled between 0–200 years. The Charcoal Outlier command [63, 70] was applied to all radiocarbon determinations obtained from charcoal. The General Outlier command [63] was applied to determinations obtained from all other sample types. The convergence value for all models is ≥95%, indicative of stability [69:1043, 71]. To further assess the stability of the results, each model was run at least five times to ensure that consistent HPD were produced.

We used Oxcal’s Order command to evaluate the chronological sequence of pottery introductions across the study area, and compare our results with the expectations of the OoT and WRM hypotheses. The start HPD were extracted from the individual site- and island-scale models and aggregated in new models with the Order command. The command provides pair-wise comparisons of the dates with probabilities that one date (t1) is older than another (t2). The chronological sequences presented (Figs 2 and 3) arrange dates so that one date has a probability >0.5 that it is older than all subsequent dates in the order.

Supporting information

S1 File



Steve Athens, Robert DiNapoli, Tom Dye, Derek Hamilton, Tony Krus, Peter Lape, and Christian Reepmeyer provided valuable feedback on this research. Seven anonymous reviewers also provided helpful comments at various stages. Chris Filimoehala created Fig 1.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

Work by EEC was partially funded by The University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Performance Based Research Fund (no grant number or funder website). The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. There was no additional external funding received for this study. TMR and DF are employed by International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc. (IARII), a private non-profit company. IARII provided support in the form of salaries for authors TMR and DF, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section.


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Decision Letter 0

Ron Pinhasi

19 Oct 2020


Bayesian radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia support multi-directional Neolithic dispersal


Dear Dr. Cochrane

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As is evident from the reviewers' comments, the manuscript requires a major revision.  The main criticism that has been raised by several reviewers that the critical re-evaluation of the available data is in the subjective treatment of certain aspects of the Bayesian models. There are also issues with some of the 'early dates' e.g. from Borneo, and the way by which certain radiocarbon dates were included while other were rejected (so the specific  'chronometric hygiene' criteria applied).

Moreover, the above aspects also pertain to the interpretation and synthesis of the data, and the support/rejection of the relevant migration models.

It is certainly not an easy task to handle it in the most objective manner possible, given the fact that the data quality is often poor. However, it is best in such cases to test several scenarios to pay close attention to the extent to which the results are affected by subjective decisions on the exclusion and inclusion of dates, and also whether certain models, such as 'Out of Taiwan' can be rejected.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Partly

Reviewer #4: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes


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The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


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PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Overall, I thought this was a well-written and designed paper that provides some new insights into the oft-debated issue of Neolithic expansion in Island Southeast Asia, with implications for understanding the movement of groups into Near Oceania. I think this is a potentially publishable paper, though there are some (mostly minor) issues that the authors should consider prior to it being accepted for publication.

1. Abstract – says “with populations moving south into the islands” – but what “islands” are they referring to? They should specify here to give readers some context. Also, says “world that influenced human and environmental diversity from Madagascar to Easter Island”; true, but that’s only west-east; what about New Zealand and Hawaii (north-south)? Near bottom, should say “support” (not “supports”).

2. P. 4 – says that farming populations arrived in the Bismarck archipelago, Sulawesi, and Mariana Islands around 3450-3300 BP. Do the Marianas dates go back that far? What about Palau, which I believe has some coeval dates, though they would need to check the literature. In regards to this, it would be useful to have all major geographical locations referred to in the study also present in the map (e.g., Mariana Islands), especially for readers who may be unfamiliar with the region.

3. One issue for me is that the authors include potentially problematic dates such as residues from ceramics, freshwater shell, etc. They certainly don’t hide the fact they do so they’re not trying to be coy, and note that (in the case of residue dates) that their Bayesian analysis…(that include these dates) does not change their conclusions, although they would be, of course, less comprehensive.” They note too (p. 21) that they evaluate potentially problematic dates (e.g., unidentified charcoal, those with lack of localized correction values, etc.), but the parameters used to address these seem to focus primarily on whether there was a relatively secure stratigraphic context or that they were incorporated within the statistical models to help address various issues.

Much of the reasoning for including the problematic dates is that the sample numbers are low to begin with, at least in terms of having to examine such a geographically widespread series of events. I’m not saying that what they are doing is wrong per se, but it’s not overtly clear in the main text of the paper which of the dates were deemed more useful than others and what the comparisons might be between using the whole data set versus different variations of the analyses that use everything but pot residue dates, or everything but pot residues, freshwater shell, and unidentified charcoal, or….?

I guess my main concern is how the dataset might intrinsically change their interpretation of these population movements if certain dates (or sites that only have problematic dates) were removed from the analysis. This harks back to using a chronometric hygiene approach that Spriggs (1989) used to model Neolithic expansion in Island Southeast Asia more than 30 years ago (and that curiously, is not cited in the paper), and that Spriggs and others in the Pacific and elsewhere have used to examine the temporal efficacy of major migratory movements and colonization processes. If what they are doing is essentially chronometric hygiene, even if on a basic level, why don’t they simply call it what it is?

Overall, I would like to see some more effort on showing what would happen if certain problematic dates were excluded, and perhaps variations of these (e.g., what would the model look like if certain (or all) dates did not fit the criteria imposed?

Figure 1 – It would be helpful if this map also showed the general directions of the population movements they discuss, particularly since this is a major focus of the paper

Reviewer #2: This article is an attempt to use radiocarbon chronologies on Island Southeast Asian assemblages with the end result of supporting what they call a “Western Migration Route” out of mainland SE Asia as opposed to an expansion into Eastern island SE Asia which originated from Taiwan. By creating such a straw man hypothesis they believe their attempt at number crunching the dates will make a contribution to archaeological knowledge. Unfortunately, it does not. Neither of the authors is an authority of Asian Archaeology, and their ignorance of East Asian Archaeology comes through in what they attempted to do. Their approach is very clinical being void of assessment. It is more like a student exercise. The authors argue that an examination by archaeologists up until now have used “adoptive qualitative, and sometimes as hoc approach to interpreting radiocarbon determinations …where individual decisions to reject or accept particular dates are made by visually inspecting date distributions, often using inconsistently applied criteria, with the possible result of favouring preferred dispersal hypotheses”. Yet the reference given for this assertion has no bearing on who these errant archaeologists are that force dates to make their models look better. By taking 146 radiocarbon dates from 28 archaeological sites and using Bayesian model without any attempt at assessing the integrity of the assemblages they came from is a mistake. Matthew Spriggs pointed out over 30 years ago the need for what he termed “Chronometric Hygiene” – that is, assessing each date against a selected criteria including the lab it came from, material dated, sound archaeological knowledge of its context and the manner it was examined. That is what archaeologist do. To not do so is a mistake. By not doing so the old adage “Garbage in then garbage out” will be the result. To push all the dates into a machine and then come out and say the earliest occupation in the west without any detailed discussion of the archaeological record is reckless. Only a summary presentation of the record is presented in this manuscript. Having said that, even if the earliest Neolithic dates came from western island SE Asia, then how does that impact on an out of Taiwan model? On top of this there seems to also be mistakes in their dating. I note that they have dates for Lapita pottery from Emirau at 4088-3030 cal BP. I haven’t checked the article for this site but surely this is a mistake?

Since their exercise on dating there are new calibrations available, and also new Delta R must be assessed. This makes the radiocarbon calibrations here out of date.

Reviewer #3: This paper discussed the modelling of Bayesian radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia. The authors argue that their analysis supports multi-directional Neolithic dispersal.

Although there is value to this work, I have reservations about the conclusions. The authors have included the term Bayesian in the title to inform the reader and imply a level of robusticity to their model building that belies the poor quality of the underlying data. Moreover, the paper title implies a much more definite conclusion about the directional nature of Neolithic dispersal than possible, even though the authors reiterate many times throughout the text that the information is flawed and that the numbers of dates are too few to make any firm conclusions. I would suggest modifying the title.

Specific comments

Lines 98-101: The authors state “…researchers have adopted a qualitative, and sometimes ad hoc, approach to interpreting radiocarbon determinations and associated pottery assemblages, where individual decisions to reject or accept particular dates are made by visually inspecting date distributions”. Similarly, lines 259-262 “…the Bayesian results generated from largely the same datasets suggest some of the qualitative analyses variably suffer from bias towards favoured hypotheses, spurious precision, and few clear evaluative criteria”. I am less convinced than the authors that their work doesn’t do the same as these earlier ‘chronometric hygiene’ methodologies, just with newer Bayesian modelling methods. For example,

• They repeatedly mention that freshwater shells are excluded because of uncertain reservoir offsets – yet, they provide no evidence of any site with a demonstrated freshwater offset. Freshwater and terrestrial shells have been used in many situations successfully (i.e., Higham and Higham 2009; Brook 2000). Tests on modern freshwater shells have also been undertaken by ANU at the site of Nagsabaran. These indicated minimal offset (Hung et al. 2011), and there is no firm reason to suspect that this is not so for the archaeological material.

• The authors also build models with unidentified wood charcoal with potentially 100’s of years of inbuilt age. The use of the charcoal outlier has limited value where additional constraints have not been placed on the date, such as stratigraphic sequence, short-lived dates from the same context, or other reliable date constraints. Four charcoal dates with inbuilt age constrained in a single-phase model using the charcoal outlier will always date too old.

• Some bone dates are excluded because of uncertain diet, while other samples have mixed marine corrections applied without justification for the values used (e.g. Wk-36556 – note this sample, and the other human bone dates from Pain Haka, don’t appear in Table S3 even though they are used in the OxCal code). In reality, few of the bone dates referenced by Cochrane et al. conform to rigorous standards of quality control. Where this information isn’t published, the authors should contact the labs concerned. It is unlikely that any bone dates measured in the last 20 years do not have some kind of quality assurance data associated with the results. Waikato dates do. Given many will refer to a synthesis paper, such as that written by Cochrane et al., the date information they report must be complete and correct.

• The authors are inconsistent with their treatment of residues. They consider residues to be too old for some sites but accept a younger residue date (Wk-14642) over an older residue date OZH-771 (lines 268-9).

Line 31, 116: The use of the term “Bayesian chronological analysis” is a broad description that gives the reader little idea about what Cochrane et al. have done. This paper discusses the highest probability distributions for start and end dates of ceramics in each site/region. The authors fail to mention, though they are aware of the sample number limitations, that this type of analysis is most effective when dealing with hundreds of dates of mixed material types (cf., Schmid et al. 2018), but can work with fewer dates. Sites with zero to four 14C dates, however, do not enhance the accuracy and precision of highest probability distributions and add little value to the discussion beyond that already provided by eyeballing the results. There are few sites presented in Table 1 with more than 4 dates, and typically, as is the case with many multi-date evaluations across the Pacific, these more extensive dating programs have been undertaken because of ongoing issues with the site chronology (e.g., Nagsabaran). This raises doubts about the integrity of the deposits, and even about our ability to correctly interpret some dates (e.g, residues, and freshwater shells – despite my comments above), both of which require additional investigation before they can be used in regional chronologies.

Bronk Ramsey (2009) similarly cautions against models that have small datasets;

"The more complex scaled models do, however, come with the risk of confounding effects, where 1 parameter is played off against another and this is particularly true if for small models. It is possible for the user to check for model misbehavior by looking at 3 aspects of the model output: the convergence (see Bronk Ramsey 1995), the posterior distribution for the scaling parameter u, and the posterior outlier probabilities for �i. A number of situations can arise:

• The convergence can be very slow. This is often associated with the scale of the offsets being hard to determine; in OxCal the model may never finish running at all if a satisfactory convergence is not achieved. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to use a simpler model.

• The distribution for u may be poorly constrained and extend right up to the upper limit. This is normally the consequence of using the scaled model for a data set that is too small to support it; the results will still provide a model average over the specified scales, but it would usually be better to use a simpler model in such circumstances".

The authors do not mention or evaluate any of the parameters mentioned by Bronk Ramsey. Instead, they mention (line 497) the agreement index (a parameter not used with outlier analysis) and make no mention of the convergence value (which should be >95%). Similarly, I tested some of their models and u was poorly constrained.

My suggestion, given the limited number of dates per site, is:

1. To remove the modelled date results/codes for each site and evaluate only on a island/region basis. This would require modification to Table 1.

2. Reduce the discussion to a regional evaluation, only mentioning individual sites when the dates are outliers (a definition of what the outlier values mean is also required , i.e., minor, major, or complete removal from the model outcomes).

3. The authors may find more value in a Bayesian approach that evaluates stratigraphy sequence and multiple phases. This should help constrain the dates. This will require collation of dates beyond that for first appearance of pottery.

Table 1: The start and end estimates are given at single year resolution. This is spurious accuracy given the nature of the dates involved. Suggest rounding to 10 years.

Throughout the text, when referring to their result compared to previous assessments, could the authors please add the result values in brackets to save the reader from having to refer to Table 1 continuously (e.g., lines 263-265, also 313-4).

I realise that the author (EC) has already commented about the dating of Nagsabaran. I do think the paper would benefit from more detail about the problems with this site. This is because Nagsabaran has the greatest number of dates available for comparison, and those responsible for the excavation of this site may be dismissive of informed interpretations that differ from their own.

The authors also mention biological, cultural and linguistic evidence that supports their model. Given the chronology by necessity relies on this additional data these should be elaborated on.

Lines 383-5: Statements should be modified to reflect confirmation of the age-estimates, not just to increase the precision, or outline that their interpretation is the most accurate (e.g, line 392).

Define terms – TAQ, TPQ, deltaR.


Brook, F., 2000. Prehistoric predation of the landsnail Placostylus ambagiosus Suter (Stylommatophora: Bulimulidae), and evidence for the timing of establishment of rats in northernmost New Zealand. Journal- Royal Society of New Zealand 30(3):227-241

HIGHAM, C. & T. HIGHAM. 2009. A new chronological framework for prehistoric Southeast Asia, based on a Bayesian model from Ban Non Wat. Antiquity 83: 125–44.

Hung H-C, Carson MT, Bellwood P, Campos FZ, Piper PJ, Dizon E, et al. The first settlement of Remote Oceania: the Philippines to the Marianas. Antiquity. 2011;85:909-26.

Schmid M, Dugmore A, Forest L, Newton A, Vésteinsson O, Wood R. How 14C dates on wood charcoal increase precision when dating colonization: The examples of Iceland and Polynesia. Quaternary Geochronology. 2018(48): 64–71.

Reviewer #4: The authors review chronostratigraphic sequences for 12 islands of ISEA and present a model built in a Bayesian framework in order to provide a better and more objective representation of a given chrono-cultural framework while expressly avoiding cherry-picking. Bayesian methods are now widely used by archaeologists but the authors provide the first formal review of the literature for dates of ceramics in ISEA. Well-dated contexts are crucial to understanding the timing and nature of the cultural shift to Neolithic in ISEA, and this phenomenon has to be characterized in terms of biological, linguistic and material evidence.

As such, this paper is an important contribution to the field and the prehistory of the region.

Assessing initial waves of migration is a difficult task, especially when dealing with complex chrono-cultural sequences, unclear associations between stratigraphic units and artefacts, and unidentified dated samples. The authors’ review and modelling of published dates is therefore valuable and will surely be used as a foundation to identify/discuss problems of cherry-picking or transparent report of contexts, and hopefully move forward with new dates. Data and code availability are exemplary here, and this makes it quite easy to reproduce the analysis on Oxcal.

The main downside of this critical re-evaluation of the available data is in the subjective treatment of certain aspects of the Bayesian models. In challenging the orthodox ‘Out of Taiwan’ model, the authors chose to validate the hypotheses of the ‘Western migration route’ (defined in lines 74 to 76) over the orthodox scenario. Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible to favour a migration route over the other. In that sense, the data and models do not support the conclusion. A more accurate conclusion is that there is a high probability that both (out-of-MSEA) Borneo and (out-of-Taiwan) Itbayat have both been settled by people carrying/making ceramics before 4000 BP, but given the available data it is difficult to assess if these events are synchronic or not.

The authors use ‘early dates’ from Borneo to argue in favour of the WRM hypothesis, but I have reservations about the interpretations of the Bayesian models. Here are a few examples:

For MAD-1, the authors confuse the reader by including pre-ceramic dates in the date range distributions (but they don’t forget to remove the preceramic date from the Dalan Serkot cave in Luzon). Additionally, I strongly disagree with the authors that the boundary transition between layer 12 and ceramic layer 11a can be used to assess the appearance of ceramics in MAD-1: the gap between layer 12 (non-ceramic) and layer 11a (effectively associated with ceramics) is such that the boundary transition is not meaningful (8497-2725 BP at 2 sigma). The modelled date for this early ceramic layer 11a is 3058-2503 BP at 2s, and that is what should be used to assess the appearance of pottery on this site.

For Gua Sireh, the use of the start boundary to assess the beginning of ceramic period is also misleading. The two first dates in the sequence (CA725 and ANU7049) were performed a long time ago and are associated with CRA error > 220 years, which is reflected in the wide calibrated and modelled intervals. This artificially pulls back the start boundary of this sequence to 9678-3879 BP while the modelled dates within the single phase have the following HPD intervals: 4881-3637 and 4987-3644.

Following the migratory paths in the north and in the south, I would also argue that Luzon and Timor were first settled by ceramic makers around the same time, which also goes against the idea of an earlier southern migration route. Unfortunately, only two dates are available for Timor with the following HPD intervals: 4075-2809 and 3990-3590 at 2s, 3868-3268 and 3885-3690 at 1s. On the other hand, many dates are available for Luzon. Leaving aside potentially problematic ones, the earliest solid dates provided for Luzon are Wk-15648 (modelled date: 3920-2529BP at 2s, 3876-3436 at 1s), ANU-13016 (modelled date: 3885-2458BP at 2s, 3842-3390 at 1s), and NTU-3799 (modelled date: 3831-3580BP at 2s, 3822-3638 at 1s). I interpret the arrival of ceramic on both Luzon and Timor around the same time, between 3900 and 3600 BP.

The outlier model used to account for the difference of sample quality is appropriate. But because most samples are unidentified woods, the prior outlier probability of 1 (versus 0.05 for non-charcoal) dominates every model. Overall, this creates more uncertainty when assigning dates for each region, which adds to the difficulty of interpreting the results in terms of regional migratory patterns. This is particularly true for the samples from Borneo, Java and Sulawesi, with 93.9 % of the dates obtained from non-identified charcoals and therefore evaluated with the maximum outlier probability (only 67.3% in Batanes and Luzon; 63.2% for Timor, Flores, and Maluku; 52.2% for Mussau).

Beyond the debate between two restricted hypotheses of WMR and OoT, I strongly agree with the interpretation that the patterns of initial migrations associated with ceramics in ISEA are multi-directional. I think the discussion and conclusion should actually be bolder in emphasizing this aspect, and they could go beyond the two main models to assess the complexity of Neolithic dispersals in terms of people, languages, and material culture. As a consequence, I also suggest that the authors address more directly how their results fit with language history (1) and genetic history (2).

1- The linguistic tree of the Austronesian family published by Gray et al in 2009 shows little deep structure in ISEA, suggesting either a very rapid expansion or a series of multiple expansions. Because the chronological framework presented here correspond to spread of Neolithic populations in ISEA over more than 1 millennium, this could also be used to privilege the hypothesis of multiple expansions. Nonetheless, linguistic trees (based on classical comparative approaches or on Bayesian phylogenetic methods) generally show that Taiwanese languages is the first branch, and that contradicts the hypothesis of a primary southern China route.

2- The authors should address more directly how their results fit with aDNA data. Lipson et al 2014 argued in favour of the OoT model, but Soares et al. 2016 have challenged their conclusion on the basis of limited source material and recent admixture time for the Taiwan ancestry in ISEA, but both Soares et al and Brandão et al 2016 emphasize that both expansions, through Taiwan and MSEA, were due to small-scale migrations and do not privilege one hypothesis over the other.

Other comments:

- The manuscript is intelligible and written in standard English. As a non-native English speaker, it is hard to assess the quality of writing.

- The name of islands and islands group should be consistent across the manuscript and SI (example: Molucca Islands / Maluku, etc.)

- As stated above, I advise that the HPD for Um Kapat Papo / Gebe Island be removed from Fig 2 and 3 as these dates “were excluded from the analysis” (line 1913 of Supp Info).

- Table S1 and S2 are useful but it is unclear which dates were used in the statistics. It would be valuable to have more details on this probability test and the underlying data.

- In table 1, change the number of samples dated from ECB (Mussau): n=3 instead of 23.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

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Submitted filename: Cochrane_etal_ceramics_SI_Plos1 comments.docx

PLoS One. 2021 Jun 2;16(6):e0251407. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251407.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

23 Jan 2021

Almost all reviewer comments have been accepted and addressed. Full details are in the Response to Reviewers document.


Submitted filename: Cochrane_et_al_Response_to_reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Ron Pinhasi

18 Feb 2021


Bayesian radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia support multi-directional Neolithic dispersal


Dear Dr.  Cochrane,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. As indicated in the attached comments, two of the reviewers provide additional comments and suggested minor edits.

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Kind regards,

Ron Pinhasi

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Partly

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: I think the authors have done a really nice job in responding to my and all of the other reviewers’ comments. I’m satisfied with the current draft pending a few other minor revisions.

Keywords: these should not replicate what is seen in the paper title since they are both queried separately and will allow the paper to gain greater exposure when people search for different terms.

Figure 1 caption – “Esri” should be capitalized, no? And maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see this Figure anywhere in the document. It’s not embedded in the generated PDF that they submitted nor as a link to other material.

While I cannot assess the map, it should make sure to include the directional arrows that were requested earlier and might be also helpful to show date ranges that were gleaned from their study which would be helpful to readers.

There seems to be extra spaces added after most colons throughout manuscript

Line 180 – extra space after “assemblage”

Line 192 – extra period at end of sentence

Reviewer #3: I welcome the comments in this paper that force a reconsideration of supposed orthodox views of Neolithic dispersal through ISEA. The authors have demonstrated clearly the inherent biases in the majority of previous chronological evaluations and, therefore a need to reconsider the evidence and reinvestigate the regions chronology with an open mind.

Lines 315-317: I absolutely agree with the statement “Comparing these chronologies with the Bayesian results generated from largely the same datasets suggests some of the qualitative analyses variably suffer from bias towards favored hypotheses, spurious precision, and few clear evaluative criteria”.

I especially welcome the assessment of Nagsabaran using this quantitative method (see comment on line 399-401) and the authors provide a useful comparison with the Mussau date set.

This paper appears to negate both the OoT and the WRM hypotheses and opens up the ability to have a new discussion about the chronology. As I outlined in my previous review, I think this is important to highlight in the title, more so than the Bayesian analysis aspect which is overused as a catch phrase which gives the reader little information about what makes this paper special. Suggestion: “The first quantitative assessment of radiocarbon chronologies for ISA support multi-directional Neolithic dispersal”.

General comments about revised document:

Replace the term “estimate” throughout both the main text and the supplementary. Estimate definition = “roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of”. A radiocarbon date is not an estimate, it is a measured value with an error term, e.g., line 294…instead of estimate “The initial appearance of ceramics at PA1 on Pulau Ay dates to between 3740-3020 cal BP (95.4%).

Similarly, a certain level of negativity about the dates beyond fact creeps into the text. For example, the use of “sometimes” in Line 237. Suggest instead “dates to between 5440-4270”. Suggest careful evaluation of comments about age ranges.

Table 1. Highlight the regional/Island results

Note: in table the number of samples from Luzon is 24, but Nagsabaran is 27. The reason for this is discussed in the text, but a footnote to the table would clarify this to the reader.

Line 175: The residue-derived determinations do not add 250 years to the dates. The range shifts by ~250years but the new range overlaps include part of the old range.

Line 175: delta13C should be superscript (throughout text and tables).

Throughout the paper: The use of a deltaR of 0 with Marine20 is problematic. Marine20 is offset relative to Marine13 (Reimer et al. 2013) by at least 100 years (Heaton et al. 2020), so a correction of at least this is required to keep the calibrations compatible with evaluations that have previously used Marine13. Evidence gathered from across the South Pacific suggests a minimum -150yr offset between the old and new curves for the late Holocene. Modern shell values ( indicate an average of -106+/-50 for as an average for the ISWP region. If the authors are concerned about a temporal variability in the deltaR value as suggested by Petchey (2019), one option would be to use a variable deltaR command in OxCal, eg.



Delta_R("Local offset",U(-400,400));

Supplementary files

Lines 3463 onwards: The model for Lena Hara uses Marine13 and a deltaR of 0. This is not compatible with the use of Marine20 elsewhere (see comment above). Also, Um Kaput Papo, Uatlandi and ECB.

SI figures: Colour the regional plots a different shade or colour from the site distributions.

S2 figure: Specify as footnote which model result for Nagsabaran has been used.

S3 Table:

delta13C should be superscript

Lab codes need to be standardized, e.g., ANU-001 or ANU001, not both

Bone material should be specified, i.e., dentine vs enamel, gelatin vs ultrafiltered.

Stable isotope data for the bone dates should be included (they are discussed, but I cannot find the specific data anywhere in the table. These have an impact on the reliability of the result. References to bone interpretation should be given.

Molaccus – estuarine spelt wrong.

Specify in Table S3 which deltaR values have been used. The references given in the table for the deltaR values used were all calculated pre-Marine20, therefore an updated value using the base data from those references should be given to ensure clarity.

Line 2153: Please define what poor convergence means. You cannot assume that the reader is familiar with these definitions.

Reviewer #4: I am pleased to see that most of my comments were taken into account. In particular the authors have 1) elaborated on linguistic and genetic literature using general comments and references that I provided, and 2) have highlighted the need for better dates. Most importantly, the authors have agreed to rerun their models and to change their conclusion, which better fits the data at hand.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

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Decision Letter 2

Ron Pinhasi

27 Apr 2021

The first quantitative assessment of radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia supports multi-directional Neolithic dispersal


Dear Dr. Cohrane,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Ron Pinhasi

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

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Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: All of my previous comments have been addressed. Note that there is a space needed between “datesfor” on Line 495


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Reviewer #1: No

Acceptance letter

Ron Pinhasi

10 May 2021


The first quantitative assessment of radiocarbon chronologies for initial pottery in Island Southeast Asia supports multi-directional Neolithic dispersal

Dear Dr. Cochrane:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Academic Editor


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