Extended Data Fig. 4. Pan-specific duplications and bonobo-specific deletions.
a, Pan-specific duplication of the CLN3 locus and bonobo-specific deletion of IGFL1. HiFi read depth and whole-genome shotgun detection of bonobo, chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla and human individuals relative to GRCh38 detect these events (top), which are validated by interphase FISH of each species using fosmid clones spanning the region (bottom). b, Pan-specific duplication of the EIF3C locus and bonobo-specific deletion of SAMD9. HiFi read depth and whole-genome shotgun detection of bonobo, chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla and human individuals relative to GRCh38 detect these events (top), which are validated by interphase FISH of each species using fosmid clones spanning the region (bottom). Genomes were included from the following individuals (from top to bottom): bonobo (Pan_paniscus_A915_Kosana, A927_Salonga, A922_Catherine, A917_Dzeeta, A918_Hermien, A924_Chipita, A926_Natalie, A928_Kumbuka, A914_Hortense, A919_Desmond, A925_Bono); chimpanzee (Pan_troglodytes_troglodytes_A958_Doris, A957_Vaillant, A960_Clara, Pan_troglodytes_verus_Clint); orangutan (Pongo_abelii_A950_Babu, Pongo_pygmaeus_A944_Napoleon); gorilla (Gorilla_gorilla_gorilla_KB4986_Katie); human (AFR_Aari_ETAR005_F, AMR_Nahua_Mex20_M, EA_Mongola_HGDP01228_M, SA_Kalash_HGDP00328_M, WEA_FinlandFIN_HG00360_M).