Rapidly developing approaches to acquiring and analyzing densely-sampled, single-subject fMRI data have opened new avenues for understanding the neurobiological basis of individual differences in behavior and could allow fMRI to become a more clinically useful tool. Here, we review briefly key insights from these precision functional mapping studies and a highlight significant barrier to their clinical translation. Specifically, that reliable delineation of functional brain networks in individual humans can require hours of resting-state fMRI data per-subject. We found recently that multi-echo fMRI improves the test-retest reliability of resting-state functional connectivity measurements, mitigating the need for acquiring large quantities of per -subject data. Because the benefits of multi-echo acquisitions are most pronounced in clinically important but artifact-prone brain regions, such as the subgenual cingulate and structures deep in the subcortex, this approach has the potential to increase the impact of precision functional mapping routines in both healthy and clinical populations.
Keywords: Precision functional mapping, functional brain networks, multi-echo fMRI, test-retest reliability
Over the last two decades, resting-state fMRI has become one of the most widely used tools in cognitive neuroscience and in efforts to understand neuropsychiatric pathophysiology. Functional brain networks can be mapped non-invasively in humans from correlations in resting-state fMRI BOLD signals (Biswal et al. 1995). These correlations, commonly known as resting-state functional connectivity (FC), are thought to reflect synaptic connectivity and other properties of the tissues producing those signals, as well as processes that serve to maintain the brain’s large-scale functional organization(Power, Schlaggar, and Petersen 2014; Buckner, Krienen, and Yeo 2013).
To date, FC analyses have most often been performed at the group-level by pooling relatively small quantities of resting-state data — typically 5–15 minutes — from many persons. The pioneering MyConnectome study (Poldrack et al. 2015; Laumann et al. 2015) was a sharp departure from this approach. In this study, a single individual was scanned twice a week for a year and half—an effort that resulted in an unprecedented amount of per -subject fMRI data and a variety of physiological and psychological measurements. This proof-of-concept study was a springboard for a series of others like it that prioritized sample depth over sample size. These “dense sampling” studies have already provided remarkable new insights regarding the functional brain organization of individual human brains.
Importantly, such efforts also have the potential to become clinically useful. The efficacy of existing therapeutic interventions could in principle be improved by tailoring them to the functional neuroanatomy of individual patients. For example, patient response to brain stimulation therapies, such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation or deep brain stimulation, might be related to individual idiosyncrasies in which functional networks are engaged by the stimulation target (Greene et al. 2019). Theoretically, even specific symptoms might be alleviated by selecting the appropriate functional network as a stimulation target in each patient (Horn and Fox 2020). A key barrier to realizing this level of clinical utility however is the limited reliability of single-subject fMRI data. There is a need for new approaches that can improve the reliability of FC measurements at the individual subject level. Here we review emerging insights from studies of densely-sampled individuals, as well as recent work from our group and others showing how multi-echo fMRI can be used to overcome challenges inherent to the analysis of single-subject fMRI data.
Insights gained from studying densely-sampled individual subjects
Studies of densely-sampled humans have revealed unexpected insights concerning how functional networks are organized across individuals and how they adapt to experience. Here, we highlight just a few examples. First, while many aspects of functional networks are shared across individuals, there are also focal features of an individual’s functional brain organization that deviate from central tendencies in large groups (Laumann et al. 2015; Gordon et al. 2017; Seitzman et al. 2019; Kraus et al. 2021). These deviations have been described as network variants. For example, a given anatomical area may be a node of network A in group-average data, but it may belong to network B in a given individual subject. Similarly, a brain network can appear as a single system in group-averaged data but may be fractionated into functionally distinct subnetworks in individuals (Braga and Buckner 2017; Gordon et al. 2020; DiNicola, Braga, and Buckner 2020). These findings have raised important questions regarding whether or not such individual differences are functionally relevant or epiphenomenon (D’Esposito 2019) and highlighted a significant limitation of group-average analyses. Specifically, when fMRI data from many individuals are co-registered and analyzed in a common atlas space, signals from different functional areas or networks will be artifactually mixed. In this way, individual differences in functional brain organization could obscure brain-behavior relationships traditionally measured at the group level (Bijsterbosch et al. 2018; Marek et al. 2020; Gordon and Nelson 2021).
Second, the topology (the size, shape, spatial arrangement) of functional brain networks in an individual are largely stable across time (Gratton et al. 2018) and cognitive states (Kraus et al. 2021). At the same time, there is also evidence that changes in experience and external inputs can change FC strength between network nodes (without necessarily altering topology per se). In one remarkable example, three healthy young adults casted their dominant arm for 2 weeks and underwent daily resting-state fMRI scanning (Newbold et al. 2020). The authors observed large decreases in FC between cortical regions controlling the disused arm and the rest of the somatomotor network that were restored to baseline levels after cast removal in all three individuals. Whether FC measured at the individual level can be used to track changes in functional brain networks associated with a disease trajectory, treatment response, or other more subtle forms of experimental manipulation is an open question.
There is however a major caveat concerning the stability of an individual’s functional brain organization measured using resting-state FC. Achieving highly reliable individual-specific FC measurements typically requires large amounts of data per -subject: on average, when using standard imaging approaches, 45 minutes may be required in cortex (Gordon et al. 2017) and more than 90 minutes may be required in the cerebellum and subcortex(Marek et al. 2018; Greene et al. 2019)). These requirements for large amounts of data are thought to be at least in part due to random sampling variability and the confounding influence of various image artifacts, including but not limited to head movement (Laumann et al. 2017). Collecting such large quantities of data per-subject is costly and inconvenient under normal conditions and may be an insurmountable obstacle in some clinical contexts. Thus, a major barrier to precision mapping of single subjects realizing its full potential is the limited reliability of FC measurements that can be achieved using quantities of data that can be easily obtained from a single scan.
Multi-echo fMRI
Here we briefly introduce multi-echo fMRI and review advantages and disadvantages of this approach compared to single-echo fMRI, particularly with respect to denoising and improving test-retest reliability. In a typical single-echo fMRI sequence, images are acquired once per tissue excitation after a single fixed delay (“echo time”; usually near 30 ms at 3T). Multi-echo acquisitions collect three or more images per volume at echo times spanning tens of milliseconds (ranging approximately from 10 to 90 ms at 3T). In general, having multiple echoes affords at least two advantages. First, echoes can be combined into a single time-series with improved BOLD contrast and less susceptibility artifact by weighting echoes near the estimated average rate of T2* at each voxel more heavily than those that are not(Posse et al. 1999; Poser et al. 2006). Second, how signals decay across echoes can be used during denoising to separate signals of interest (T2*-dependent or “BOLD-like”) from various forms of noise (S0-dependent or not “not-BOLD-like”). In principle, the rate of T2* decay could be modeled voxel-wise at each time point. However, this approach is sensitive to noise. Multi-echo ICA (ME-ICA) is a commonly used alternative that can classify (without training) spatially structured signals in the optimally-combined time-series as T2*-dependent and S0-dependent, primarily according to their signal decay properties (Kundu et al. 2012, 2013). Readers interested in the details of multi-echo acquisition and denoising are encouraged to refer to an excellent review by (Kundu et al. 2017).
Multiple recent investigations have demonstrated clear advantages of multi-echo acquisitions and denoising. For example,(Power et al. 2018) found that ME-ICA can remove the effects of head motion on resting-state FC, including the tendency for nearby brain regions to exhibit stronger FC than those that are further apart. This investigation also revealed however that ME-ICA is unable to remove spatially diffuse signals induced by changes in respiration (e.g., “deep breaths”), in part because they arise from alterations in pCO2 and are thus T2*-dependent(Power, Lynch, et al. 2019). Additional denoising steps, such as global signal regression or something approximating it (e.g., mean gray matter time-series regression, GODEC) may be necessary after ME-ICA is performed to remove these respiration-induced signals. Another investigation(Dipasquale et al. 2017) directly compared the performance of ME-ICA to other ICA-based algorithms commonly used to denoise single-echo data with respect to their ability to separate motion artifacts from BOLD-like signals of interest in individuals with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (a clinical population that exhibits higher levels of head movement). Multi-echo data denoised using ME-ICA had better temporal signal-to-noise, exhibited less contamination from head movement, and better preserved FC between cortico-subcortical nodes of the default mode network when compared to the other denoising approaches. Similar effects have been reported in task-based fMRI studies, where task-related head movement artifacts can be difficult to disentangle from signals of interest. The simulations performed in(Lombardo et al. 2016) revealed that effect size estimates for a mentalizing fMRI task increased by an average of 24% when multi-echo data was denoised using ME-ICA, compared to other denoising approaches that do not leverage signal-decay information. Interestingly, effect size estimates increased by more than 50% in brain regions prone to signal dropout, such as the temporal pole and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, suggesting that the benefits of the multi-echo data and ME-ICA procedures can be somewhat region-specific.(Moia et al., n.d.) demonstrated that ME-ICA was the most effective way to remove motion artifacts and enhance the test-retest reliability of cerebrovascular reactivity and hemodynamic lag estimates in ten densely-sampled individuals.
Collectively, the studies reviewed above demonstrated empirically that ME-ICA can be used to separate various kinds of noise (spatially structured S0-dependent signals), including but not limited to head motion artifacts, from T2*-dependent signals of interest in fMRI data. Distinguishing variance in fMRI signals related to neurobiological and non-neurobiological factors is critical for valid and reliable inferences regarding FC measurements. This is in part what motivated us to ask in a recent study whether multi-echo fMRI could be used to improve test-retest reliability of FC measurements at the single-subject level.
Improved test-retest reliability of resting-state FC using multi-echo fMRI
In Lynch et al.(Lynch et al. 2020), we predicted that multi-echo fMRI could improve the test-retest reliability of FC measurements in at least two ways. First, we reasoned that an OC-ME time-series has better BOLD signal sensitivity and less signal dropout (compared to typical single-echo acquisition) in short T2* regions and deep subcortical structures known to exhibit especially unreliable FC in single-echo datasets(Noble et al. 2017; Noble, Scheinost, and Constable 2019). Second, as reviewed above, ME-ICA is highly effective at removing the confounding effects of head motion (while also retaining signals of interest (Dipasquale et al. 2017)) and other spatially structured S0-dependent artifacts (Kundu et al. 2012, 2013) that along with thermal noise compromise a large proportion of variance in the raw fMRI signal(Bianciardi et al. 2009) and are a major source of FC variability within a person over time(Laumann et al. 2017).
To test our hypothesis, we recruited 4 healthy adults to undergo repeated imaging (12 to 24 × 14.4 minute scans) using a multi-band multi-echo fMRI sequence. FC reliability was then quantified at each point in the brain of these individuals and compared to 14 highly-sampled individuals from three independent single-echo resting-state fMRI datasets. Time × reliability curves were used to summarize the average FC reliability value (calculated separately in cortex, subcortical structures, and cerebellum) given different amounts of data from single scans. Consistent with our prediction, these curves revealed that smaller quantities of OC-ME data were needed to achieve the same level of FC reliability in the independent single-echo fMRI datasets or in pseudo single-echo data, in which the same FC measures were derived from the second echo (TE2 = 31.11 ms) of the multi-echo scans. This effect was most pronounced when combined with ME-ICA denoising: 10 minutes of ME-ICA denoised OC-ME data yielded FC reliability values comparable to 30 minutes of single-echo fMRI. This suggests that discarding S0-dependent artifacts is important for increasing FC reliability. Interestingly, some previous studies had found that denoising procedures other than ME-ICA tend to decrease FC reliability, which has been interpreted as the removal of reliable artifacts(Noble, Scheinost, and Constable 2019). An alternative interpretation is that generic denoising methods (regression of head motion parameters or signals from nuisance compartments, frequency restricting bandpass filters) could decrease FC reliability by inadvertently removing signals of interest, given that they have no ground truth to precisely separate BOLD and non-BOLD variance in fMRI signals (Kundu et al. 2017).
Two points related to the findings of (Lynch et al. 2020) above are worth emphasizing further. First, given a relatively modest amount of data per -subject (approximately 15–30 minutes), many cortical regions (e.g., lateral prefrontal, posterior parietal, and a subset of midline cortical areas) can exhibit reliable FC in single-echo datasets. In other words, our findings should not be interpreted to mean that single-echo data, which forms the backbone of the human neuroimaging literature, is inherently unreliable. Instead, in agreement with multiple previously published reports, they indicate that some cortical and subcortical brain regions have a tendency to yield noisy, unreliable FC measurements, especially in shorter duration scans, and multi-echo fMRI can mitigate this problem. Second, obtaining reliable FC estimates that are neurobiological meaningful from short T2* brain regions where fMRI signals decay rapidly or in deep subcortical structures susceptible to certain kinds of physiological artifacts can be difficult even if large quantities of single-echo data are available for a given subject. This is an important point because the need for high quantities of data per -subject is sometimes thought of as the only barrier to achieving high quality FC measurements. Figure 1 helps illustrate this point (data shown are from (Lynch et al. 2020)). A seed (green sphere) placed in the left subgenual cingulate and substantia nigra of an individual scanned repeatedly (6 hrs. total) using both a multi-echo and single-echo multi-band sequence reveals two entirely different patterns of FC (with FC maps derived from the multi-echo dataset appearing more functionally meaningful). However, this effect is highly region specific — nearly identical FC measurements can be produced in both datasets when seeds are placed elsewhere in cortex or subcortex (see the lateral prefrontal and lateral geniculate nucleus seeds in green box). Investigators that are especially interested in the FC of these and other artifact prone brain regions at the single-subject level could consider using a multi-echo acquisition.
Figure 1.
Comparing the FC of brain regions with different levels of artifact susceptibility in a highly-sampled individual. This individual underwent repeated scanning using both multi -echo and single-echo fMRI sequences for a total of six hours. The FC of four seed regions are shown using the concatenated multi-echo (left) and single-echo (right) datasets. The red box contains seeds in noise prone brain regions (subgenual cingulate cortex, brain stem nuclei) where the benefits of multi-echo fMRI appear to be more pronounced. The green box contains example seeds exhibiting FC that are similar in both multi-echo and single-echo datasets.
Future Directions: Increasing the availability and use of multi-echo fMRI
The studies reviewed above highlight the considerable advantages of multi-echo fMRI and suggest that it may be an underused technology. Less than 1% of the more than 12K resting-state studies published in the last 10 years have used a multi-echo sequence despite a number of studies reporting significant advantages associated with this technique. In this section, we describe two barriers that could have contributed to this situation and describe recent progress towards overcoming them. First, until recently there has been a relative lack of software available for preprocessing and denoising multi-echo fMRI data. To our knowledge, fMRIPrep(Esteban et al. 2019) and AFNI(Cox 1996) are the only software packages capable of preprocessing multi-echo data in an automated fashion. Multi-echo denoising is itself an active area of research and development (Caballero-Gaudes et al. 2019; DuPre et al. 2020). Tedana (TE-Dependent ANAlysis; (DuPre et al. 2020)) is a python based implementation of ME-ICA that is maintained by an open community of scientists. Second, there is a large parameter space for multi-echo data acquisition (e.g. the number and range of echo times, spatial resolution, acceleration, and repetition time, to name just a few), and there is no consensus regarding which parameter set is best. This may leave investigators that are interested in collecting multi-echo fMRI uncertain where to begin. In practice, there are trade-offs associated with any parameter set selected that need be considered in the context of the scientific goals at hand. For example, collecting more echoes could be desirable for parameter fitting but the requisite increase in repetition rate or voxel size might quickly become prohibitive for investigators that prioritize spatiotemporal resolution (Harms et al. 2018). Helpful guidelines for setting up a multi-echo acquisition can be found online (https://tedana.readthedocs.io/en/stable/acquisition.html) and in the appendix of(Dipasquale et al. 2017).
Precise and reliable analysis of single-subject fMRI data will open new avenues for understanding individual differences in behavior (Kong et al. 2019; Seitzman et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2020), highly-powered within-subject experimental designs (Newbold et al. 2020; Pritschet et al. 2020), and opportunities for fMRI to become more useful clinically (Gratton et al. 2019). The dependence of FC reliability on data quantity is a significant bottleneck to realizing this level of clinical utility. Considered alongside other recent investigations, the findings of (Lynch et al. 2020) indicate that multi-echo fMRI can improve the reliability of resting-state FC, in part by discarding image artifacts and increasing BOLD signal sensitivity. At the same time, it is important to be mindful that obtaining accurate and reliable descriptions of an individual’s functional brain organization is a difficult enterprise that requires a multipronged approach. For example, while multi-echo denoising is attractive because it can be highly effective at discarding the effects of head motion post hoc, investigators can also take steps to minimize head movement in the first place – for example, either through real-time motion feedback (Dosenbach et al. 2017; Greene et al. 2018) or custom headcases (Power, Silver, et al. 2019).
Studies of densely-sampled humans have provided new insights regarding functional brain organization at the level of individuals.
Precise delineation of functional networks in individuals has the potential to be clinically useful.
Barriers to clinical translation include the large amount of clean data per -subject that is needed for reliable measurements.
Multi-echo fMRI improves test-rest reliability and reduces the need for long or multiple scans.
The advantages of multi-echo fMRI are especially pronounced in artifact-prone brain regions that are clinically important.
C.L. was supported by grants from NIMH, NIDA, the Rita Allen Foundation, and the Hope for Depression Research Foundation. C.J.L. was supported by an NIMH F32 National Research Service Award (F32MH120989).
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Declaration of interests: C.L. is listed as an inventor for Cornell University patent applications on neuroimaging biomarkers for depression that are pending or in preparation. The authors report no biomedical financial interests or other potential conflicts of interest.
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