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. 2021 Jun 4;16(6):e0252568. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252568

Randomized controlled evaluation of the psychophysiological effects of social support stress management in healthy women

Nadja Heimgartner 1,*, Sibylle Meier 1, Stefanie Grolimund 1, Svetlana Ponti 1, Silvana Arpagaus 1, Flurina Kappeler 1, Jens Gaab 1
Editor: Johannes Fleckenstein2
PMCID: PMC8177426  PMID: 34086752


Considering the high and increasing prevalence of stress, approaches to mitigate stress-related biological processes become a matter of public health. Since supportive social interactions contribute substantially to mental and physical health, we set out to develop a social support stress management intervention and examined its effects on psychophysiological stress responses as well as self-reported stress in healthy women. In a parallel-group randomized controlled trial, registered in the DSRK (DRKS00017427), 53 healthy women were randomly assigned to a social support stress management or a waitlist control condition. All participants underwent a standardized psychosocial stress test where physiological and emotional stress responses were assessed by repeated measurements of cortisol, heart rate, heart rate variability and state anxiety. Also, all participants completed self-report questionnaires of perceived stress and social support at pre-intervention, post-intervention and follow-up four weeks later. Participants in the social support stress management showed a significantly attenuated integrated state anxiety response in comparison to those in the control condition, but conditions did not differ in any of the assessed physiological stress responses. The intervention significantly reduced perceived stress in comparison to the control condition, but perceived stress levels returned to baseline at follow-up. Our results indicated that the intervention had no effect on physiological responses to acute psychosocial stress, even though anxiety responses to stress were attenuated. However, the social support stress management intervention had a significant, albeit transient impact on perceived stress.


While the ability to respond both physiologically and psychologically in the face of adversity is functional, enduring exposure to stress has a negative impact on mental and somatic health, partly mediated through its effects on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis as well as on the sympathetic nervous system (SAM) [1]. Accordingly and for example, stress has been associated with the incident of upper respiratory infections [2], exacerbation in autoimmune diseases [3, 4], increased risk for coronary heart disease [5, 6], development of functional abdominal pain disorders [7], slower wound healing [8], and depressive symptoms [9]. Considering the high and increasing prevalence of stress–a survey in the United States in 2012 showed that 22% of respondents stated extreme stress in their daily lives and 44% that their stress had increased in the past 5 years [10]–approaches to mitigate stress-related biological processes become a matter of public health.

Here, a social perspective is warranted and of potential. In their seminal meta-analyis of 208 laboratory studies, Dickerson and Kemeny [11] identified uncontrollable social evaluation as the most potent stressor in terms of magnitude of the cortisol reaction and time to recovery. But while social interactions have the potential to be potent stressors when treathening one’s social esteem, acceptance or status [12], social interactions can also contribute substantially to mental and physical health when perceived supportive. For example, Holt-Lundstad et al. [13] reported an 50% increased likelihood of survival for elderly individuals with adequate socials relationships compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships over an average of 7.5 years. These protective effects of social support can be explained through both modeling or encouraging healthy behavioral and psychological processes [14] as well as buffering behavioral or physiological responses to acute or chronic stressors [e.g. 1518].

However, interventions intended to manage stress have yet to explicitly encorporate a social perspective as they are predomently based on a intraindividual understanding of stress, i.e. with a focus on individual stress-related cognitions and behaviors [1923]. To the contrary and to the best of our knowledge, only one study evaluated the effects of an intervention employing the buffering effect of social support, albeit with no effects on an array of psychological parameters and symptoms as well as cardiovascular reactivity to a psychosocial stressor [24].

Thus, considering its protective and buffering effects, it seems promising to make use of social support in stress management interventions. Therefore, we set out to conceptualize, implement and evaluate the effects of an intervention intended to employ and improve social support skills and to reinforce the stress buffering effect of social support on psychoneuroendocrine stress responses.

Materials and methods

A parallel-group randomized controlled trial with an intervention and a waitlist control condition was conducted between February 2015 (beginning of the recruitment of the first trial) and December 2015 (follow-up measurements of the second trial) at the University of Basel, Switzerland. The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki principles and the local ethic committee (Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz) approved the study protocol and informed consent (reference number EKNZ 2015–005) on 12. January 2015. It is registered in the DSRK (Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien) and listed in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform of the WHO (ID DRKS00017427). Registration of the study was delayed (14.6.2019) and performed after the termination of the study as the registration of trials on healthy subjects was not standard procedure in 2015, i.e. when the study was run. The authors confirm that all ongoing and related trials for this intervention are registered.


Eligible participants were German-speaking healthy women aged between 18 and 60. We included only women based on the assumption of gender differences in stress responses [25], i.e. that women predominantly engage in a tend and befriend response to stress. Thus, we expected women to readily accept the rational of our intervention, which would facilitate the implementation of our social support stress management. To minimize the interference of medical conditions and behaviors on stress reactivity and to ensure the safety of participants, women were excluded when they reported current or chronic mental or physical disease assessed on self-report, currently received any medication, were in psychological or psychiatric treatment, and when smoking more than five cigarettes a day. Also and to prevent habituation effects to the social stress protocol, women with previous experiences with the Trier Social Stress Test [26] were excluded. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.

We expected a medium effect size as previous randomized controlled studies on stress management interventions have demonstrated medium to large effect sizes for salivary cortisol stress reactivity [1921]. Thus, estimating an intermediate to large effect size of f = 0.35, G*Power 3.1 calculated a total of N = 48 participants needed to detect interaction effects between two conditions and three measurements at 85% power using the originally planned MANCOVA for repeated measures [27].


In February/March 2015 (trial 1) and September/October 2015 (trial 2) participants were recruited in lectures and via online advertisement at the University of Basel and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland. Interested women completed an online screening questionnaire. A total of 53 women fulfilled inclusion criteria and were randomly allocated by two graduate students (SG and FK) in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention or the waitlist control condition, with allocation concealment by opaque sequentially numbered sealed envelopes. As we planned to include more subjects in trial 1 than we could finally engage and opaque envelopes with allocation to condition were prepared in advance, not all prepared envelopes could be used, resulting in a uneven distribution of participants to the two conditions. Participants in the intervention condition received a two-week social support stress management (SSSM) in groups of 5–8 participants (week 2 and 3). In the waitlist control condition, participants received the intervention after study completion (after week 8). Self-report questionnaires were completed online at baseline (week 1), post-intervention (week 4) and follow-up (week 8). Between the post and the follow-up assessment (week 5 to 7) all participants underwent a psychosocial stress test with assessement of neuroendocrine, cardiovascular and psychological stress responses. The two confederates leading the psychosocial stress test and data analysts were blinded to condition assignment. Data collection was to 62% completed by study conductors blinded to condition assignment. Blinding of participants and intervention providers was not possible due to the study design.


The SSSM was conceptualized to address the importance of social support for health and wellbeing and to improve interpersonal skills to give and receive social support. Besides providing information on social support effects and its possible mechanisms, the SSSM focused on modeling supportive, non-judgemental communication between therapists and participants and on carrying out exercises in small groups to improve interpersonal communication skills. With this, the aim was to enhance the quality of interpersonal interactions and to allow personal and interpersonal exploration. Participants were encouraged to practise these skills in real life, i.e. between sessions, and to actively provide as well as ask for social support, since bi-directional support seems to be more effective in terms of well-being than just receiving support [28]. The intervention was based on a manual (for details, see below) and adherence to the manual was supervised by a certified psychotherapist (JG).

The intervention consisted of 16 training hours divided into 6 sessions with the first and the final session lasting 4 hours and the other four sessions 2 hours each. Each session focused on a different aspect of social support (see S1 Appendix). All sessions took place within a two-week period. Two graduate students in clinical psychology (SG, SP) and a PhD student (NH) with substantial training and experience in psychotherapy conducted the SSSM in the intervention condition. In the control condition, the intervention was conducted by four graduate students (SG, SP, SA, FK) and a PhD student (NH). Graduate students were constantly supervised by the PhD student and all therapists were supervised weekly by a certified psychotherapist (JG).

Manual of the social support stress management

The goal of the intervention is to impart interpersonal skills to deal with stress and give participants opportunities to train these skills. Most likely these skills are not completely new and at least partially already available. It is important to stress their importance, to implement and practise them out in a safe environment under professional supervision. Therefore, therapists should model social support by communicating openly and empathically and to validate each other and participants. Problems should be approached in a solution-focused way with emphasis on what was, is or could be helpful. Topics should be discussed first on the basis of personal experience and then in the context of scientific studies and models. At the end of each session, participants should be encouraged to share their experiences of the session, verbalize what they take home from the session and what they could try out in the next days.

The goal of the first session (4 hours) is to introduce and discuss the aim of the intervention and to train basic communication skills. In the first module (60 minutes), participants discuss what puts them under stress and what helps them to cope with stress. Therapists seek to put the results of the discussion in context of findings on social evaluative threat and the social dimension of stress [11], on social support [13] and the assumption of gender-specific coping [25]. In the second module (90 minutes), participants and therapists play a board game involving personal questions. The goal of the game is to create a relaxed atmosphere where participants and therapists can get to know each other. In the third module (90 minutes), participants are invited to discuss and practice determinants of good communication, such as empathy, authenticity and unconditional appreciation.

The goal of the second session (2 hours) is to improve the perception and communication of one’s own feelings [29] as a basis for supportive communication. For this purpose, participants are introduced to simple exercises to monitor somatic representations of emotional experiences, which are first demonstrated to the whole group under the guidance of a therapist and then exercised in small groups.

The goal of the third session (2 hours) is to focus on one’s own social network and the different forms of social support that are enacted in this network, especially when under stress [30]. Participants discuss different forms of support and draw an illustration of their social network. They discuss how their social ties are affected by stress and how and with whom they can increase beneficial social interactions when under stress.

The goal of the fourth session (2 hours) is to address self-disclosure and being vulnerable in social interactions in the delicate balance between feeling threatened by anticipated and real social rejection and the relieving experience to share problematic experience with others. These topics are discussed on the basis of personal experiences and with references to Leary’s sociometer theory [31].

The goal of the fifth session (2 hours) is to differentiate between different types and consequences of stress and how to utilize social support when under stress. In the first module (60 minutes), participants and therapists discuss differences between acute and chronic as well as functional and health-impacting stress. In the second module (60 minutes), the use of imagined persons as social support in times when no-one is directly available is discussed and experiences with this are shared with the group.

The goal of the sixth session (4 hours) is, beside the presentation of one new aspect of social support, the review and repetition of contents of the intervention. In the first module (60 minutes), the relevance and importance of physical contact as a form of social support is discussed on the basis of personal experience and scientific research [15]. In the second module (30 minutes), participants discuss what was important for them and possible changes they made during the intervention in small groups. In the closing module (90 minutes), the game from the first session is played again, this time with questions focused on experiences made during the intervention. A feedback round followed by a small reception with snacks and drinks concludes the intervention (60 minutes).

Stress test

The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST, [26]) was used to induce psychosocial stress. The TSST consists of a simulated job interview followed by a mental arithmetic task (5 minutes each) in front of an audience of two confederates. The TSST has repeatedly been found to induce profound endocrine and cardiovascular responses in 70–80% of the subjects tested [26]. Neuroendocrine, physiological and psychological data were collected before, during and after the test (for details see below). To account for circadian rhythm in cortisol secretion [32], all TSST took place between 1:55pm and 6:00pm (mean = 3:58pm; no differences between conditions: F(1,35) = 0.02, p = 0.91). The appointment was on average 23.55 days (SD = 6.99) after the last day of the intervention (range: 16–37 days, with 75% of appointments occurring within 26 days) in the intervention condition. After completion of data collection, participants were fully debriefed on the nature of the TSST and compensated with 50 CHF or study credits.


Demographic data including age and body mass index (BMI) were assessed online together with the inclusion criteria before condition randomization took place. At baseline (week 1), post-intervention (week 4) and at follow-up (week 8) the following questionnaires were administered online:

The German version of the Perceived Stress Scale [PSS; 33], consisting of 14 items rated on a 5-point scale, was used to assess the degree to which situations in the last few days have been appraised as stressful. PSS scores can be in the range between 0 and 56 with higher values indicating more perceived stress. In a probability sample of the United States, Cohen [34] found mean scores for women of 20.2 (SD 7.8).

The German version of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI; 35] was used to assess trait anxiety. The STAI trait form consists of 20 statements each to be rated on a 4-point scale with a total score of 20–37 interpreted as little or no anxiety, 38–44 as moderate anxiety and a score of 45–80 as extreme anxiety.

A German change-sensitive symptom list [ASS-SYM; 36] was employed to assess experience of relaxation, well-being, discomfort and preoccupation. The ASS-SYM has 6 subscales (physical and psychological exhaustion, nervousness and inner tension, psychophysiological deregulation, performance and behavioral problems, burden of pain, problems with self-determination and -control) with 8 items each, rated on a 4-point scale. Additionally a sum scale, which can have scores between 0 and 192, is calculated to reflect the general level of symptoms and problems. Norms for a heterogenous German sample showed values between 26 and 55 for the 34th to 66th percentile.

The availability of social resources was assessed with the short version of the German Social Support Questionnaire [FSozU K-22; 37]. The FSozU K-22 includes 22 statements about the perceived and anticipated availability of social resources to be rated on a 5-point likert scale. It covers the dimensions emotional and practical support and social integration. A score is calculated as mean of the sum of all items and can have values between 1 and 5. Norms for a representative German sample showed a mean of 4 (SD 0.66) and values from 3.69 to 4.41 for the 30th to 68th percentile.

At post-intervention assessment, two questionnaires were administered to the intervention condition to evaluate perceived group climate and therapeutic alliance:

The German version of the Group Climate Questionnaire—Short Form [GCQ-S; 38] was employed to assess perceived engagement (i.e. group cohesion, cognitive understanding, self-disclosure and empathy) and conflict (i.e. anger, detachment, confrontation and mistrust) with 4 items each. Both scales are calculated as mean values of the four corresponding items and can have values between 0 and 6.

The German version of the Working Alliance Inventory—short revised [WAI-SR; 39] was employed to asses the therapeutic alliance, i.e. agreement on tasks, agreement on goals and development of an affective bond. The 12 items of the WAI-SR were rated on a 5-point scale from 1 to 5. The score represents the mean of the 12 items and can have a value between 1 and 5. The wording of the questionnaire was adapted to fit our intervention [e.g. 40].

Furthermore, to assess physiological and emotional responses during and to the TSST, the following parameters were assessed:

To assess state anxiety before and after the TSST, the German version of the State Trait anxiety inventory [STAI; 35] was administered before the TSST (-45 minutes), after the introduction to the TSST (-20 minutes), immediately after the TSST (0 minutes) and in the recovery phase (50 minutes).

To assess salivary free cortisol levels, nine saliva samples were collected using Salivette collection devices (Sarstedt, Sevelen, Switzerland) at -45, -35, -25, -10, 0, 10, 20, 35 and 50 minutes. Sampling time lasted approximately 1 minute during which subjects chewed on the cotton swabs as regularly as possible. Salivettes were stored at −20°C until biochemical analysis took place. After thawing, biochemical analyses were conducted in the bio-chemical laboratory of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy department at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, by means of a highly sensitive liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method [41]. Since the use of oral contraceptives and the menstrual cycle phase has been shown to influence the activity of the HPA-axis and therefore the endocrine response to stress [42], participants reported the use of oral contraceptives, menstrual cycle length and the first day of their last menses. Based on these informations, menstrual cycle phase, i.e. follicular or luteal phase, on the day of the TSST was estimated. The follicular phase was defined as the period between the first day and 14 days before the end of the menstrual cycle, while the luteal phase was defined as the last 14 days of the cycle [43].

Electrocardiography (ECG) was recorded continuously at 1000 Hz during 1 hour and 40 minutes using the wireless physiological recording system BioNomadix® (Biopac Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA). Recorded ECG data were filtered using the software AcqKnowledge (Biopac Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA) with a FIR bandpass filter from 0.5 Hz to 35 Hz with 8000 coefficients. The resulting heart period series were visually examined for artifacts and corrected when necessary using the VivoSense® software (Vivonoetics, Inc., San Diego, CA). To assess changes in heart rate over the course of the experiment 7 mean heart rate slots of 5 minutes each were calculated. Slots represented the mean heart rate at baseline (-30 to -25 minutes), in the preparation phase of the TSST, during the free speech in the TSST, during the mental arithmetic task in the TSST and in the recovery phase with three slots starting 5, 15 and 25 minutes after the TSST ended. Furthermore, heart rate variability was calculated as RMSSD, the square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent normal-to-normal intervals. This parameter is one of the most commonly used measure derived from interval differences [44]. Shaffer and Ginsberg [45] presented norms for short-term measurements (around 5 minutes) of RMSSD with a range of 19 to 75 and a mean of 42 milliseconds (SD 15).

Deviating from the study protocol we did not perform assessments of alpha-amylase and electromyography. Data of electrodermal activity, skin temperature, and respiratory activity were not analyzed. Analysis of two questionnaires (PASA and BFW/E) were not reported.

Statistical analysis

All calculations were carried out using the statistic software IBM® SPSS® Statistics Version 27. Two sample t-tests were calculated to compare demographic characteristics and baseline values. Associations of age with psychometric or physiological measures were calculated as Pearson correlation coefficients.

For the comparision of psychological and physiological variables between the two conditions over the course of the study and the TSST (condition by time interaction), separate covariance pattern models were employed using the mixed procedure of SPSS. Covariance pattern models allow to deal with missing data and the correlation between repeated measures and were therefore used instead of the previous planned MANCOVA. Normal distribution and homoskedasticity of the residuals were visually inspected and tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the Levene’s test. When normality and homoskedasticity were not met, calculations were repeated with Box-cox transformed data. For better readability, the original values were used for tables and figures.

Covariance pattern models for each outcome were built in the following order: 1) A basic model (model 1) was built including time, condition (i.e. intervention and control), and the interaction of condition by time as fixed effects and time as a repeated effect on the level of the participant. 2) As participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions, identical baseline values were assumed for the psychological variables at pre-intervention (t0). Therefore, a model 2 was built for psychological variables including post(t1), follow-up time(t2), the interaction of condition and t1, and the interaction of condition and t2 as fixed effects (based on [46], p. 128 ff). As in model 1, time was defined as repeated effect. 3) Effects of the possible covariates age or BMI were tested by adding them to the model 1 or 2 as fixed effects and comparing model fit of the models including age or BMI to model fit without them. 4) To test the primary interest, i.e. differences of the two conditions over the course of the measurements, a simplified model including the same predictors as model 1 or 2 except the interaction of condition by time was built and model fit was compared to model 1 or 2. When there was a significant model fit improvement in the model with the interaction effect, estimations of unstandardized regression coefficients were reported. The effect size Cohen’s d was calculated by dividing the unstandardized regression coefficient with pooled within-group standard deviation of the outcome [47].

All models employed maximum likelihood estimation. Model fit differences were tested with the likelihood ratio test. To achieve optimal fit whilst reducing the parameters, the covariance structure of the repeated effect was set to compound symmetry in models for psychological variables measured pre-, post and follow-up and to first-order ante dependence for psychophysiological variables measured before, during and after the TSST. Due to bad ECG data quality ten subjects had artifact corrections between 3 and 10%. Heart rate and RMSSD analyses were repeated with these 10 subjects excluded, but results did not differ (data are not shown).

For cortisol and STAI state responses areas under the response curve were calculated with respect to increase (AUCi) using the trapezoidal method as an indicator for the integrated response in the TSST [48]. As we were interested in the reaction of cortisol to the TSST, the first three cortisol measurements which took place before the introduction of the TSST were simplified to one baseline measure by calculating their mean. There were two values missing in assessments of the STAI state due to data transfer interruptions which were replaced by multiple imputations (20 iterations). Pooled parameters for the testing of condition differences in AUCi STAI state were reported.

Distribution between conditions in use of hormonal contraceptives, menstrual cycle phase and frequency of non-responders were tested with Chi-square tests of independence. Descriptive statistics are presented for the GCQ and WAI measures.

For all analyses, significance level was set at α = 5%.


53 women were randomly assigned to the intervention (N = 28) and control condition (N = 25). Two women in the intervention and four women in the control condition withdraw their participation before the first assessment started, so they were not included in the analysis. Five women in the intervention condition did attend the intervention only six hours or less. To be able to test for effects of the intervention, these subjects were excluded from analysis. The mean intervention attendance of the 21 subjects with sufficient intervention attendance was 12.38 hours (SD = 2.58). The sample to analyze the pre/post and follow-up-questionnaires consisted of N = 21 subjects in the intervention condition and N = 21 subjects in the control condition (for details see Fig 1). N = 18 participants in the intervention and N = 16 participants in the control condition completed all assessments including the follow-up assessment. With four participants it was not possible to schedule a date for the TSST within the designated time (week 5 to 7). One participant did not continue assessments and did not respond to mails after the pre-intervention assessment. This resulted in N = 37 participants completing the TSST and N = 37 in the analyis of STAI state and cortisol. Two values in the assessment of STAI state were missing due to interruptions in data transfer. For two participants the recording of the ECG did not work, resulting in N = 35 in the analysis of heart rate parameters. Because of bad recording quality seven values were missing in heart rate and RMMSD data.

Fig 1. Recruitment and participants flow through the study.

Fig 1

The two conditions differed significantly in mean age with participants in the intervention condition significantly younger than in the control condition (intervention condition M = 24.57, SD = 7.44; control condition M = 34.95, SD = 13.87, t(30.64) = -3.02, p = .005, d = .93, 95% CI [0.29; 1.57]). This difference was caused by an accidental uneven distribution of older participants to the control condition: Nine participants of the whole sample were older than 40 and seven of them were allocated to the control condition. There were no differences between conditions in BMI (intervention condition M = 21.25, SD = 1.86; control condition M = 21.22, SD = 3.12, t(40) = .03, p = .98) and questionnaire scores at baseline (see Table 1). In the TSST, conditions did not differ in baseline cortisol (intervention condition M = 4.68, SD = 3.43; control condition M = 4.74, SD = 2.98, t(35) = -.06, p = .95), heart rate (intervention condition M = 74.92, SD = 10.13; control condition M = 72.93, SD = 12.71, t(32) = .51, p = .62), RMSSD (intervention condition M = 50.94, SD = 24.92; control condition M = 40.83, SD = 22.66, t(32) = 1.23, p = .23) and state anxiety level (STAI state; intervention condition M = 38.15, SD = 8.50; control condition M = 35.53, SD = 5.16, t(35) = 1.11, p = .28). Use of oral contraceptives (intervention condition N = 10/50%; control condition N = 4/24%, χ2 (1) = 2.74, p = .10) as well as number of participants in the follicular phase (intervention condition 8/40%; control condition N = 6/35%, χ2 (1) = .09, p = .77) did not differ significantly between conditions.

Table 1. Condition differences in psychological variables over the course of the study.

Intervention condition Control condition Intervention vs. Control at Baseline
BaselineN = 21 PostN = 20 Follow-upN = 18 BaselineN = 21 PostN = 19 Follow-upN = 17 Differenceof means 95% CI T-test
PSS 24.05 (6.35) 19.35 (5.51) 23.00 (7.93) 20.57 (8.94) 20.79 (9.53) 21.06 (8.65) N = 18 3.48 [-1.36; 8.31] t(40) = 1.54, p = .15
STAI trait 37.67 (7.46) 36.95 (8.07) 37.67 (9.62) 35.76 (9.10) 36.37 (10.47) 37.12 (9.16) 1.90 [-3.28; 7.09] t(40) = .74, p = .46
ASS-SYM 36.10 (17.56) 32.75 (16.40) 37.44 (21.76) 33.00 (20.23) 30.05 (21.21) 34.76 (20.35) 3.10 [-8.72; 14.91] t(40) = .53, p = .60
FSozU K-22 4.56 (0.32) 4.57 (0.33) 4.60 (0.23) 4.39 (0.49) 4.32 (0.55) 4.25 (0.58) .17 [-.08; .43] t(40) = 1.36, p = .18

Values are given as means ± SD. PSS, Perceived Stress Scale; STAI trait, State Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait Scale; ASS-SYM, Change-sensitive Symptom List; FSozU K-22, Social Support Questionnaire Short Version.

Psychophysiological stress responses

Cortisol responses over time did not differ significantly between conditions, shown by no significant improvement of model fit when the interaction condition by time was added to the model (model included BMI as covariate, χ2 (6) = 9.80, p = .13, Box-Cox transformed values χ2 (6) = 8.25, p = .22; see Fig 2) and no differences between conditions in the integrated cortisol response AuCi: intervention condition M = 35.50, SD = 199.81; control condition M = 40.39, SD = 169.81, F(1, 34) = .004, p = .95). Conditions did not differ in the prevalence of cortisol non-responders (cortisol increase to baseline < 1 nmol/l: control condition N = 7/41%; intervention condition N = 9/45%, χ2 (1) = .06, p = .82). Also, there was no significant condition by time interaction effect in the model for heart rate (model included BMI, χ2 (6) = 3.98, p = .68, Box-Cox transformed values χ2 (6) = 2.30, p = .89) or RMSSD responses to the TSST (model included age, χ2 (6) = 8.22, p = .22, Box-Cox transformed values χ2 (6) = 7.28, p = .30; see Fig 3). Regarding STAI state anxiety responses to the TSST, there was no significant improvement in model fit when the interaction condition by time was added (model included age, χ2 (3) = 4.03, p = .26; Box-Cox transformed values χ2 (3) = 3.89, p = .27;); see Fig 2). However, participants in the intervention condition showed a significant lower integrated response in state anxiety in comparison to controls (pooled results from multiple imputations for two missing values: AuCi intervention condition M = 191.71, SEM = 120.13; control condition M = 619.91, SEM = 217.81, F(1, 34) = 4.38, p = .045, partial η2 = .11; original data: AuCi intervention condition M = 153.21, SEM = 118.21; control condition M = 592.63, SEM = 227.55, F(1, 32) = 5.51, p = .025, partial η2 = .15). All variables measured over the course of the TSST showed significant changes over time (fixed effect of time: cortisol F(6, 78.56) = 4.41, p = .001; heart rate F(6, 62.11) = 24.32, p < .001; RMSSD F(6, 60.89) = 19.98, p < .001; STAI state F(3, 51.41) = 24.92, p < .001).

Fig 2. Salivary free cortisol and state anxiety responses in the Trier Social Stress Test between conditions.

Fig 2

Values are means and standard error means.

Fig 3. Heart rate and RMSSD responses in the Trier Social Stress Test between conditions.

Fig 3

Values are means and standard error means.

Effects on perceived stress

Comparing model 2 with and without interaction of condition by time showed a significant improvement of model fit for PSS when the interaction was included (model included age, χ2 (1) = 7.91, p = .005). The effect of condition by time was significant at post-intervention with the intervention condition showing a decline in PSS values (b = -4.70, 95%CI [-8.43; -.97], F(1, 95.97) = 6.26, p = .014, d = -.60) but not at follow-up (b = .90, 95%CI [-2.96; 4.76], F(1, 95.34) = .22, p = .64). The analysis was repeated with no restrictions regarding minimal attendance of the intervention and did show a less pronounced but still significant effect for model fit improvement when the interaction effect was added (N = 47, χ2 (1) = 4.66, p = .031, condition by time at post-intervention: b = -4.08, 95%CI [-7.94; .21], F(1, 100.03) = 4.38, p = .039; condition by time at follow-up: b = .46, 95%CI [-3.52; 4.45], F(1, 99.33) = .05, p = .82).

There was no indication for differences in conditions over the course of the study in any other psychological variables, as the inclusion of the condition by time interaction did not lead to a significant improvement in model fit (STAI trait: χ2 (1) = .66, p = .42; ASS-SYM: χ2 (1) = 1.32, p = .25; FSozU K-22, model with age: χ2 (1) = 2.94, p = .09; see Table 1).

Evaluation of the SSSM

Results of the GCQ-S indiated high levels of engagement (M = 4.93, SD = 0.62) and very little interpersonal conflict (M = 0.49, SD = 0.63). Furthermore, the overall alliance (WAI-SR) with therapists (M = 3.40, SD = 0.58) and participants in the SSSM condition (M = 3.41, SD = 0.54) was good and comparable. On the three subscales, development of an affective bond was rated high (M = 4.05, SD = 0.58 for therapists, M = 3.98, SD = 0.34 for participants), ratings for agreement on tasks and agreement on goals were one point lower on the likert scale (task M = 3.08, SD = 0.87 for therapists, M = 3.18, SD = 0.84 for participants, goal M = 3.09, SD = 0.70 for therapists, M = 3.08, SD = 0.81 for participants).


The goal of the study was to implement and evaluate a social support stress management intended to employ and improve social support skills and to reinforce the stress buffering effect of social support on psychological parameters and psychophysiological stress responses in healthy women. The intervention was favourably rated by participants and led to a significat–albeit transient–reduction in perceived stress. Although some improvements in the availability of social resources, levels of trait anxiety, relaxation and preoccupation were reported after the intervention, none of them were significant when compared to the control condition. Importantly, the intervention had no effects on cortisol, heart rate and heart rate variability responses to the standardized psychosocial stress test, although participants in the intervention condition showed a significantly attenuated state anxiety response in comparison to those in the control condition, but only when the integrated state anxiety response was compared.

The newly conceptualized social support stress management intervention was perceived as practicable in terms of length and effort as well as generally rated very positive, with high engagement and low conflict ratings, at least when compared with group psychotherapy [49, 50]. Also, ratings of bond with psychologists and participants in the intervention condition were high and comparable to those found in other studies [51]. However, ratings of agreement on tasks and goals are rather low, possibly due to the focus of the intervention laying on supportive interaction and not on defining individual tasks and goals.

The intervention led to increased levels of perceived social support whereas participants of the control condition showed a decrease in this measure, but this observation was rather moderate and not significant. This differs from trials testing other interventions to strengthen social support, which found trends [24] or significant improvements in social support measures [52, 53]. However, although these studies shared some similarities with our study, such as inclusion of healthy participants and the aim to improve and practise social skills, these studies only included individuals scoring low on social support measures and also included male participants. In contrast, our sample had already high baseline ratings in perceived social support, with scores 12% above those reported in a normative sample of healthy subjects [37]. Thus, the lack of any effect on social support measures in our participants could be seen as a consequence of already high social support levels at baseline. However, it is also possible to question whether social support as such is amenable to training. This is further substantiated by the transient nature of the observed effects on perceived stress. Thus it is possible that the effects were caused by the perceived social support during the intervention, but not through increased abilities to obtain social support. Further studies are needed to examine possible and sustainable training effects of similar trainings on social support skills.

With regard to perceived stress, the social support stress management led to a significant reduction of perceived stress of medium effect size, but which also returned to baseline levels at follow-up. These findings partly correspond to previous evaluations of stress management trainings, which similarly reported reduced levels of perceived stress after the training, but were based on different theoretical premises [19, 21]. However, not all interventions based on intraindividual stress management could find an effect of the intervention on perceived stress [23] and also trainings intended to improve social support so far failed to show an effect on daily stress or perceived work stress [24, 54]. Assumably, our intervention helped participants to reduce stress by giving the opportunity to interact with each other in a supportive way during the intervention, but this did not lead to lasting changes in behavior and transfer into daily life. A comparision with other interventions improving social support skills is difficult, as most testing did not inlcude a follow-up. Of the 13 studies reviewed [55] on social support skills group trainings, only 4 of 13 studies inlcuded a follow-up, of which three reported effects to be maintained at follow-up three or six months later [5658]. It has to be taken into account that the studies showing long-term effects were conducted on a population with psychiatric disorders and having considerable deficits in social skills. To the best of our knowledge, only one study found positive effects of a social support training maintained at the follow-up 10 weeks later in non-clinical subjects, which, however, scored low on social support measures [53]. It is possible that individuals with considerable deficits in social skills and social support would profit from similar trainings and be able to transfer trained skills into their everyday life.

The TSST elicited an increase in cortisol, heart rate and state anxiety and a decrease in RMSSD. But while heart rate responses to the TSST were comparable to those found in other studies [15, 59], cortisol responses have to be considered as lower than norm [i.e. with increases of 50% to 150%; 60] as 16 subjects of our sample were cortisol non-responders. This is possibly due to the inclusion of women on oral contraceptives and in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle [42] and that our participants, of which more than half were students, were used to hold presentations or speak in public [61].

When comparing the intervention to the control condition, there were no differences in their physiological reaction to the TSST, indicating no effect of the intervention on acute stress response. While some of previous stress management trainings with a clear intra-individual focus found effects on the cortisol response to acute stress [1921], others did not [23] as well as trainings based on social support failed to find effects on the cardiovascular stress response [24, 54]. With regard to our intervention, this finding is possibly due to the protocol of the TSST, which clearly prevents any possibility to use or obtain social support from present persons, as the audience of confederates is instructed to interact in a neutral way with the participants and not to give any positive verbal or non-verbal feedback or signs of communication other than that specified in the manual [26]. All efforts of participants to interact with members of the audience in possible supportive ways were therefore unsucessful and otherwise stress-reducing social skills could not be applied. To test the potential of similar social support stress managements to reduce psychophysiological responses in stressful situations, the latter should strive for ecological validity and thus offer opportunities for positive interactions, as many studies indicate that positive social interactions before or during a psychosocial stress test can reduce cardiovascular and endocrine reactivity to the stressor [15, 6266]. Besides receiving social support from present persons, the possiblity to access internalized social support should be addressed. In session five of the intervention, participants were instructed to think of a imagined person to receive social support from in times when no one is directly available. Jakubiak and Feeney [67] found lower stress ratings in the TSST for participants who imagined touch support from a romantic partner than participants imagining verbal support or a control imagination task. In our study we did not assess if participants used the support of a imagined person during the stress task. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn if the application of imagined support was not helpful enough to buffer the physiological stress response or if participants simply did not think of the possibility to imagine a supportive person.

Also, as participants were not blind with regard to their allocation, it is possible that the observed intervention effects on perceived stress are caused or influenced by the knowledge that there are receiving an intervention and that this intervention is thought to be effective. Response expectancy is a known mediator of treatment responses in both pharmacologial as well as psychological interventions [68, 69] and thus, the knowledge to be allocated to an intervention might have triggered the observes effects on perceived stress. However, as expectancy is part of psychological interventions per se and blinding is methodologically near impossible [70], the same could be said about any psychological intervention.

The following limitations have to be considered when interpreting the results of our study. Unintendedly, there was a significant difference in age between the two conditions, which was accounted for by controlling for effects of age in all calculations. The sample size was rather small, limiting the statistical power to detect small condition differences. Because of drop out after randomization we did not reach our intended N of 48 participants and therefore can’t exclude that the study was underpowered to detect a significant effect of the intervention on the physiological stress reaction. However, our data do not indicate an attenuated stress reaction after the intervention in any of the physiological variables and we do not expect that there would have been completely different results with a bigger sample size. To measure social support we used a questionnaire with limited ability to differentiate between people with high values in social support. Also, the central assumption of women being more likely to mobilize social support in times of stress and investing more in their social relationships than men [71] has recently been challenged as there is evidence for men also showing an increase in prosocial behavior during stress [72]. It would thus be interesting to investigate the effects of similar interventions in men and to compare them with effects in women.

In summary, our social support stress management in healthy women was successful in terms of feasibility and applicability and had short-term effects on subjectively reported perceived stress. Further evaluation on subjects reporting low levels of supportive social interactions could elucidate if the intervention can sustainably improve social support. Although research has clearly shown that social support has a notable impact on morbidity and mortality, it rests fairly unclear if these effects can be harnessed in a more systematic way.

Supporting information

S1 Checklist. CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial*.


S1 Appendix



We thank David Bürgin, Felicitas Forrer, Edward Grey, Sebastian Hasler, Stefanie Urech, and Christoph Werner for helping to implement the stress test and collect data.

Data Availability

Due to the Swiss regulation on human research we are not allowed to publish data from a clinical trial on a public repository. The Department of Clinical Research of the University of Basel set up a data access committee, which publishes data in form of metadata on a public repository and answers to requests from researchers to get access to the original data. The data set consists of the data required to replicate all study findings reported in the article, as well as related metadata and methods, and it will be available to researchers who meet the criteria for access to confidential data upon request to the data access committee of the Department of Clinical Research of the University of Basel. Access requests for the data underlying this study can be sent to Constantin Sluka ( of the Department of Clinical Research.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Johannes Fleckenstein

15 May 2020


Randomized controlled evaluation of the psychophysiological effects of social support stress management in healthy women


Dear Prof. Dr. Gaab,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Johannes Fleckenstein

Academic Editor


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[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: No


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: N/A


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: There are minor errors in citation, typography and grammar that need to be addressed:

- page 3: "a survey in 2012 showed that ... (American Psychological Association, 2012)" the source is not listed in the References. Besides it would be helpful for the reader to know, in which country this survey has been conducted. Please check all references for accuracy and completeness.

- page 3: please change "psychoscial stressor" into "psychosocial stressor"

- page 4: please change "effects of a intervention" into "effects of an intervention"

- page 10: please change "Qui-square tests" into "Chi-square tests"

- page 14: please change "although this studies" into "although these studies"

- page 15: please change "... indicating no effect of the intervention on acute stress responses." into "indicating no effect of the intervention on acute physiological stress response."

other comments:

In the discussion section the following is stated: (page 15) "With regard to our intervention, this finding [i.e. intervention based on social support failed to elicit effects on the cardiovascular stress response] is possible due to the protocol of the TSST, which clearly prevents any possibility to use or obtain social support, as the audience of confederates is instructed to interact in a neutral way with the participants and not to give any positive verbal or non-verbal feedback or signs of communication other than that specified in the manual (Kirschbaum et al., 1993)."

Is this really so? What about accessing internalized social support? In fact, in the Appendix A (page 26) the authors themselves declare that "the use of imagined persons as social support in times when no-one is directly available" was a key topic in the 5th session of their social support mangangement intervention. I suggest the authors to discuss the relevance of further investigations regarding the stress buffering potential of social support in the absence of a support giver and/or receiver, e.g. imagined, internalized or even embodied social support, or even "inner child" work.

Figure 1: Recruitment and participants flow through the study.

- If possible, please specify the reasons for declined participation after randomization.

- If possible, please specify the reasons for insufficient training attendance.

Reviewer #2: This is a well-presented paper that reported a randomised controlled trial of 53 healthy women who were randomly allocated to receive a two-week social support stress management intervention or a waitlist control condition. Assessments were conducted at baseline, post-intervention and follow-up four weeks later.

As the authors pointed out in the discussion, the total sample size was rather small which limited the statistical power to detect small but clinically relevant differences between two conditions. The assumptions used for sample size calculation as reported in the paper, were also different from those stated in the original study protocol. Was this a post-hoc power calculation? Without a clear definition of the primary outcome, which is compulsory for a randomised controlled trial, it is hard to judge whether the calculated sample size was indeed adequate.

The principle of ITT is to include all randomised participants (i.e. 28 intervention and 25 control condition), regardless of the treatment they actually received during the trial. The authors did not define the ITT population used for the trial, and only included 20 participants in each condition (Figure 1 and Table 1). As reported in the literature, the last value carried forward approach is simple to administer but can give a biased estimate of the treatment effect and underestimate the variability of the estimated result. A more robust approach is to use multiple imputations that account for imputation uncertainty, or advanced mixed models with repeated measures. Regardless, the amount of missing data reported in the study is of concern and the results based on a further reduced sample size must be interpreted with caution.

Baseline imbalance was tested between two conditions, although any observed differences between groups should only have occurred by chance if the randomisation was implemented properly. Please provide more details on how the randomisation list was generated and by whom.

How was the effect size quantified and for which time point? What was the rationale to measure the outcomes at both post-intervention and follow-up? For repeated measures analysis, the time point should be fitted in the model as well as its interaction with the randomised condition so that the group difference could be tested at each time point. Alternatively, the authors could run separate regression analysis at each of the two visits post randomisation and report the estimated effect sizes with associated 95% confidence intervals. Note that F-statistics and p-values alone provide no information on the size of intervention effect. For all outcome measures, please explain the range of each calculated scale and how it is interpreted. Table 1 should report the mean and standard deviation (SD) rather than SEM. Please also follow the suggested table templates in the CONSORT 2010 statements and report all outcome measures in the table with descriptive statistics and estimated group differences with 95% CIs.

Reviewer #3: General comments

The objective of the article is to assess the effect of an intervention focused on training interpersonal skills under

different dimensions of the stress response. In terms of the experimental design, the study has issues that must be

clarified. Among others, it would have been good to implement a pre-post design and thus rule out individual

differences in the stress response. With respect to the impact of the study, the scope and novelty of the (only)

positive result report is not completely clear. Indeed, the authors of the article recognize existing evidence in this

direction (e.g., Gaab et al., 2003; Storch et al., 2007; Martín et al., 2011).

Ultimately, the experiment does not present results in the physiological dimension, but rather in a self-reporting measurement, which is to be expected and not entirely relevant (e.g., Reyes et al. 2005). In fact, reporting the belief of a “stress reduction” does not seem to be connected to physiological changes, which is why it does not seem correct to conclude the article in terms of stress as such. To sum up and considering all the aspects indicated, I believe it is an initial

investigation, a first experimental approach that needs to be redesigned. I recommend that the article be re-

submitted after correcting the experimental design.

Specific points

1/ present Appendix 1 in the main text.

2/ I do not fully understand if the knowledge of the participants regarding the intervention could explain the

effect evidenced (on stress perception, PSS).

3/ If the study tries to insist on the importance of training in interpersonal skills, the results are not in line with

this objective. At least this point must be addressed in more detail in the discussion. 

4/ The authors maintain: “The TSST elicited an increase in cortisol, heart rate and state anxiety and a decrease

in RMSSD”. Indeed, the authors of the article recognize existing evidence in this direction (e.g., Gaab et al.,

2003; Storch et al., 2007; Martín et al., 2011).However, this statement is not statistically justified in the text.

5/ It is recommended that the writing and format be revised in detail.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Marko Nedeljkovic

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]

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PLoS One. 2021 Jun 4;16(6):e0252568. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252568.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

12 Mar 2021

Response to Reviewers

Responses to the academic editor

Thank you very much for your feedback. Please excuse the very late resubmission of the manuscript, which was caused by the impact of the Covid pandemic. Our lab was strongly affected and the workflow was less than optimal. Please find our responses and actions to your comments in the following:

1. The manuscript is now formatted to meet PLOS ONE style requirements.

2. Your comment: The information in the registry entry suggests that your trial was registered after patient recruitment began. PLOS ONE strongly encourages authors to register all trials before recruiting the first participant in a study. As per the journal’s editorial policy, please include in the Methods section of your paper:

i) your reasons for your delay in registering this study (after enrolment of participants started)

ii) confirmation that all related trials are registered by stating: “The authors confirm that all ongoing and related trials for this drug/intervention are registered”.Please also ensure you report the date at which the ethics committee approved the study as well as the complete date range for patient recruitment and follow-up in the Methods section of your manuscript.

At the time we started the recruitment for the study, it was not common use in Switzerland to register trials with non-clinical populations. However, due to experiences with PLOS One (Tondorf et al. 2017, Employing open/hidden administration in psychotherapy research: A randomized-controlled trial of expressive writing), we registered the study. A confirmation that all related trials are registered, the date of the ethics approval and the complete data range (recruitment to follow-up) are added.

3. Captions for figures are added.

4. The table is now included as part of the manuscript. As reviewer 2 asked to report all outcome measures in the table with descriptive statistics and estimated group differences with 95% CIs, these are added to table 1 and saved in the document “Table 1 supporting information”. Due to the bigger format, this table could not be included in the manuscript.

Your comment: We note that you have indicated that data from this study are available upon request. PLOS only allows data to be available upon request if there are legal or ethical restrictions on sharing data publicly. For more information on unacceptable data access restrictions, please see

According to the Swiss regulation on human research we are not allowed to publish data from a clinical trial on a public repository. The department of clinical research at the university of Basel set up a data access committee, which publishes data in form of meta data on a public repository and answers to requests from researchers to get access to the original data. We will provide you with the information regarding the access of our metadata within the next two weeks.

Responses to reviewer #1

Thank you very much for your thorough and most helpful feedback. Please excuse the very late resubmission of the manuscript, which was caused by the impact of the Covid pandemic. Our lab was strongly affected and the workflow was less than optimal. Please find our responses and actions to your comments in the following:

• Your comment: There are minor errors in citation, typography and grammar that need to be addressed:
- page 3: "a survey in 2012 showed that ... (American Psychological Association, 2012)" the source is not listed in the References. Besides it would be helpful for the reader to know, in which country this survey has been conducted. Please check all references for accuracy and completeness.
- page 3: please change "psychoscial stressor" into "psychosocial stressor"
- page 4: please change "effects of a intervention" into "effects of an intervention"
- page 10: please change "Qui-square tests" into "Chi-square tests"
- page 14: please change "although this studies" into "although these studies"
- page 15: please change "... indicating no effect of the intervention on acute stress responses." into "indicating no effect of the intervention on acute physiological stress response."

The errors in citation, typography, and grammar have been addressed in the revisited manuscript.

• Your comment: In the discussion section the following is stated: (page 15) "With regard to our intervention, this finding [i.e. intervention based on social support failed to elicit effects on the cardiovascular stress response] is possible due to the protocol of the TSST, which clearly prevents any possibility to use or obtain social support, as the audience of confederates is instructed to interact in a neutral way with the participants and not to give any positive verbal or non-verbal feedback or signs of communication other than that specified in the manual (Kirschbaum et al., 1993)."

Is this really so? What about accessing internalized social support? In fact, in the Appendix A (page 26) the authors themselves declare that "the use of imagined persons as social support in times when no-one is directly available" was a key topic in the 5th session of their social support mangangement intervention. I suggest the authors to discuss the relevance of further investigations regarding the stress buffering potential of social support in the absence of a support giver and/or receiver, e.g. imagined, internalized or even embodied social support, or even "inner child" work.

We also addressed your thoughts on the role of internalized social support during the TSST in the discussion.

• Your comment: Figure 1: Recruitment and participants flow through the study.
- If possible, please specify the reasons for declined participation after randomization.
- If possible, please specify the reasons for insufficient training attendance.

Of the six participants withdrawing after allocations, only two cancelled their participation via email due to lack of interest to continue any further. Reasons for insufficient intervention attendance were not asked for. For the revised manuscript, we repeated the analysis of the perceived stress data including the five subjects with insufficient intervention attendance, which still led to a significant difference between conditions at post-intervention.

Responses to reviewer #2

Thank you very much for your thoughtful and most helpful feedback, especially on the handling of missing data and choice of statistical models to test for intervention effects. Please excuse the very late resubmission of the manuscript, which was caused by the impact of the Covid pandemic. Our lab was strongly affected and the workflow was less than optimal. Please find our responses and actions to your comments in the following:

• Your comment: As the authors pointed out in the discussion, the total sample size was rather small which limited the statistical power to detect small but clinically relevant differences between two conditions. The assumptions used for sample size calculation as reported in the paper, were also different from those stated in the original study protocol. Was this a post-hoc power calculation? Without a clear definition of the primary outcome, which is compulsory for a randomised controlled trial, it is hard to judge whether the calculated sample size was indeed adequate.

Regarding the sample size calculations, we used the same approach as in our previous papers on this matter (Gaab et al. 2003, Randomized controlled evaluation of the effects of cognitive–behavioral stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects; Hammerfald et al. 2006, Persistent effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects—a randomized controlled trial, Storch et al. 2007, Psychoneuroendocrine effects of resource-activating stress management training). The primary outome was the cortisdol stress reactivity and in the aforementioned publications, this sample size was well-suited to detect differences in cortisol stress reactivity between two groups. However, we had a drop-out of N=6 after randomization and another drop out of N=5 for the Trier Social Stress Test, resulting in a N=37 in the cortisol sample. Thus, we can’t exclude that detecting a difference between conditions was not possible due to underpowering. However, examining the results of the cortisol stress response (Figure 2) does not indicate that more participants would have changed results in physiological stress reactions significantly. We adressed his also in the discussion section.

• Your comment: The principle of ITT is to include all randomised participants (i.e. 28 intervention and 25 control condition), regardless of the treatment they actually received during the trial. The authors did not define the ITT population used for the trial, and only included 20 participants in each condition (Figure 1 and Table 1). As reported in the literature, the last value carried forward approach is simple to administer but can give a biased estimate of the treatment effect and underestimate the variability of the estimated result. A more robust approach is to use multiple imputations that account for imputation uncertainty, or advanced mixed models with repeated measures. Regardless, the amount of missing data reported in the study is of concern and the results based on a further reduced sample size must be interpreted with caution.

Based on your comments, we re-analyzed all data using covariance pattern models with repeated measures (MIXED procedure in SPSS) so we could include all the subjects with at least on measurement in the repeatedly measured variable. To avoid underestimation of standard errors and also the loss of the relationship between variables, we choose to not impute data sets when all measurements of the interested parameter were missing. Please find the new analysis with adapted sample sizes in the results section. Additionally, to be able to test if the intervention had an effect, subjects of the intervention sample had to attend at least eight hours of the intervention. Perceived stress was the only outcome where we could find a difference between conditions over the assessments. We repeated the analysis for all subjects including the ones with six and less hours of training attendance and could still find the difference at post-intervention.

• Your comment: Baseline imbalance was tested between two conditions, although any observed differences between groups should only have occurred by chance if the randomisation was implemented properly. Please provide more details on how the randomisation list was generated and by whom.

Regarding the randomization method, please find more detailed information in the methods section.

• Your comment: How was the effect size quantified and for which time point? What was the rationale to measure the outcomes at both post-intervention and follow-up? For repeated measures analysis, the time point should be fitted in the model as well as its interaction with the randomised condition so that the group difference could be tested at each time point. Alternatively, the authors could run separate regression analysis at each of the two visits post randomisation and report the estimated effect sizes with associated 95% confidence intervals. Note that F-statistics and p-values alone provide no information on the size of intervention effect. For all outcome measures, please explain the range of each calculated scale and how it is interpreted. Table 1 should report the mean and standard deviation (SD) rather than SEM. Please also follow the suggested table templates in the CONSORT 2010 statements and report all outcome measures in the table with descriptive statistics and estimated group differences with 95% CIs.

For models where the interaction of condition by time was significant, we included unstandardized regression coefficients with confidence intervals to show the effects of condition at post-intervention and follow-up. Assessments four-weeks later were included in the models to test if the possible effect of the intervention was sustainable over a longer period of time or just a direct short effect of the intervention. Please find descriptive statistics and estimated group differences with 95% CIs in the additional “table 1 supporting information.

Responses to reviewer #3

Thank you for your thoughtful and most helpful feedback to our study. Please excuse the very late resubmission of the manuscript, which was caused by the impact of the Covid pandemic. Our lab was strongly affected and the workflow was less than optimal. Please find our responses and actions to your comments in the following:

• Your comment: The objective of the article is to assess the effect of an intervention focused on training interpersonal skills under
different dimensions of the stress response. In terms of the experimental design, the study has issues that must be
clarified. Among others, it would have been good to implement a pre-post design and thus rule out individual
differences in the stress response. With respect to the impact of the study, the scope and novelty of the (only)
positive result report is not completely clear. Indeed, the authors of the article recognize existing evidence in this
direction (e.g., Gaab et al., 2003; Storch et al., 2007; Martín et al., 2011).

You argued for an implementation of a pre-post design to test for effects of the intervention on the acute stress reaction. Unfortunately, it is explicitly recommended to apply the Trier Social Stress Test only once to the same participants as studies showed a high degree of habituation of the HPA axis response to the TSST with repeated exposures (see Pruessner, Gaab, Hellhammer, Lintz, Schommer & Kirschbaum, 1997; Schommer, Hellhammer & Kirschbaum, 2003). To our knowledge, there exists no other well evaluated psychosocial stress test today which is not susceptible to such effects of adaptation. Therefore, we measured the reaction to acute psychosocial stress only once, after the intervention took place, and tried to control for known factors that influence the stress reaction by randomizing the participants to the two conditions and evaluating known factors that can influence the stress reaction (smoking, age, BMI, hormonal contraceptives, menstruation phase).

Regarding the novelty of our approach, we set out to use an established methodological approach to test a novel intervention. Thus, in order to examine possible effects of a novel stress management training, i. e. based on the principles of social support, we used the the same approach as in a number of published publications of our group (Gaab, Blättler, Menzi, Pabst, Stoyer, Ehlert. Randomized controlled evaluation of the effects of cognitive–behavioral stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2003;28(6):767-79; Hammerfald, Eberle, Grau, Kinsperger, Zimmermann, Ehlert, et al. Persistent effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects—a randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006;31(3):333-9; Storch, Gaab, Küttel, Stüssi, Fend. Psychoneuroendocrine effects of resource-activating stress management training. Health Psychol. 2007;26(4):456-63). With this approach, we were able to have a valid and reliable test of our intervention and also, allow comparability to these published studies. With regard to our intervention, the only comparable pulication (Anthony and O’Brien, 2003) also used an intervention based on social support. However, the intervention of Anthony and O’Brien was very brief and thus very unlikely to result in any effect. In fact, the intervention was only for one hour and they also did not assess endocrine responses to acute stress.

• Your comment: Ultimately, the experiment does not present results in the physiological dimension, but rather in a self-reporting measurement, which is to be expected and not entirely relevant (e.g., Reyes et al. 2005). In fact, reporting the belief of a “stress reduction” does not seem to be connected to physiological changes, which is why it does not seem correct to conclude the article in terms of stress as such. To sum up and considering all the aspects indicated, I believe it is an initial
investigation, a first experimental approach that needs to be redesigned. I recommend that the article be re-
submitted after correcting the experimental design.

Stress is a multidimensional phenomenon and thus, it is not possible to play out one dimension against another. We assessed both physiological and psychological dimensions of stress and our findings indicate that the training had no effects on acute physiological and emotional stress responses, but that perceived stress in general was reduced. The methodological design and experimental setup were used in a number of published studies on this matter (see above) and thus, we are convinced that our approach is valid and established.

1) Your comment: present Appendix 1 in the main text.

We included the appendix in the method section

2) Your comment: I do not fully understand if the knowledge of the participants regarding the intervention could explain the
effect evidenced (on stress perception, PSS).

We agree that it might be possible that participants knowledge about the intervention could be an explanation of the observed effect. As with most psychological interventions, participants in our training were not blind to their allocation and thus were fully aware that they are receiving a possibly effective treatment. This knowledge might have triggered a response expectancy, which in turn is known to be related to treatment outcome. We have included this in the discussion section.

3) Your comment: If the study tries to insist on the importance of training in interpersonal skills, the results are not in line with
this objective. At least this point must be addressed in more detail in the discussion.

We agree that the question if social support is amenable to training is a valid one and we included a paragraph on this in the discussion section.

4) Your comment: The authors maintain: “The TSST elicited an increase in cortisol, heart rate and state anxiety and a decrease
in RMSSD”. Indeed, the authors of the article recognize existing evidence in this direction (e.g., Gaab et al.,
2003; Storch et al., 2007; Martín et al., 2011). However, this statement is not statistically justified in the text.

We included the statistics for the time effects of the variables measured before, during and after the TSST in the result section.

5) Your comment: It is recommended that the writing and format be revised in detail.

We thoroughly checked and changed the text in format and writing.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Johannes Fleckenstein

19 May 2021

Randomized controlled evaluation of the psychophysiological effects of social support stress management in healthy women


Dear Dr. Gaab,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Johannes Fleckenstein

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

As you will see below, Reviewer 3 has outstanding concerns with the manuscript. However, having evaluated the manuscript myself I do not consider any further revisions to be necessary.

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Partly


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Thank you for thoroughly addressing all my previous comments. From my point of view, there are no further ammendments pending.

Reviewer #3: The aim of the article is to examine the effect of a social support stress management intervention on psychophysiological stress responses as well as self-reported stress in healthy women. Results suggest that he intervention had no effect on the physiological (stress) measure across groups (HRV, Cortisol concentration), but only a small effect on self-reported stress.

In general terms, it seems to be a well-developed clinical trial with an adequate control of the psychological and physiological indicators. However, unfortunately, I do not recommend the publication, mainly due to the lack of clarity regarding the stress effect reported. Ultimately, the authors should clarify / justify / argue why the null results in physiology might not be relevant for the type of intervention implemented. And from there, why the small effect on the self-report of stress could be relevant, when it does not seem to persist in the follow-up stage. Even if it could be the case that the intervention effect is presented exclusively at the self-report level, the authors should explain if such effect is not simply due to their knowledge of the experimental protocol (i.e., the “discuss of the intervention” explicit on the first session).

Our suggestion is that the team of authors carry out a new and detailed review of the experimental protocol. If the reported stress effect is consistent, then a replication of this effect is desirable, experimentally controlling the knowledge that the participants have of the intervention. Associated with the above, the authors should better argue why the stress effect is (and should be in this type of intervention) independent of the expected effect on physiology.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Gabriel Reyes M

Acceptance letter

Johannes Fleckenstein

26 May 2021


Randomized controlled evaluation of the psychophysiological effects of social support stress management in healthy women

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    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Checklist. CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial*.


    S1 Appendix



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    Due to the Swiss regulation on human research we are not allowed to publish data from a clinical trial on a public repository. The Department of Clinical Research of the University of Basel set up a data access committee, which publishes data in form of metadata on a public repository and answers to requests from researchers to get access to the original data. The data set consists of the data required to replicate all study findings reported in the article, as well as related metadata and methods, and it will be available to researchers who meet the criteria for access to confidential data upon request to the data access committee of the Department of Clinical Research of the University of Basel. Access requests for the data underlying this study can be sent to Constantin Sluka ( of the Department of Clinical Research.

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