(A) Strategy to optogenetically inhibit arch-expressing PMd-cck axons terminating in the dlPAG (scale bar: 100μm)
(B) Optogenetic inhibition of the PMd-cck→dlPAG projection with green light (532 nm) decreased escape in all assays. (rat: YFP n=15, arch n=11; heated floor: YFP n=12, arch n=11; CO2: YFP n=14, arch n=11, Two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon test, ***p < 0.001)
(C) Similar to (A), but with fiber optic cannula implanted over the amv. (scale bar: 150μm)
(D) Optogenetic inhibition of the PMd-cck→amv-syn projection with green light decreased escape count during rat (left), heated floor (middle) but not CO2 (right) exposure. (rat: YFP n=9, arch n=12; heated floor: YFP n=9, arch n=12; CO2: YFP n=9, arch n=12, Two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon test, ***p < 0.001) Mean ± SEM.