KAR-EPSCs were recorded from CA3 pyramidal cells loaded with 2 mM MK-801 in the presence of 15 µM
LY303070 and 100 µM picrotoxin. (
A) Bath application of MK-801 (50 µM) significantly reduced burst-induced facilitation elicited by 5 pulses, 25 Hz (baseline 450 ± 67%, MK-801 366 ± 63%, n = 6 cells, four animals; baseline vs MK-801, p=0.036, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). In (
A) and (
B) of this figure: representative traces (
left), representative experiment (
middle), and summary plot (
right). (
B) Burst-induced facilitation was stable in interleaved, naïve slices (baseline 462 ± 63%, naïve 481 ± 71%, n = 5 cells, four animals; p=0.281, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. *p<0.05.