Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are an alternative protein source for animals, including dogs and cats. Dietary calcium source is an essential nutrient for BSFL development in the pupal stage. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) are common calcium sources but differ in solubility, acid-binding capacity, and calcium concentration. A high calcium concentration in BSFL may affect how well nitrogen and amino acids (AA) are digested by animals consuming them, thereby affecting feed conversion efficiency. Our objective was to determine the effects of dietary calcium form and concentration on nutrient composition, AA digestibility, and digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS)-like values of BSFL intended for use in animal feeds using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay. All BSFL tested in this study were harvested at 18 d after hatch. Industry standard rearing conditions were maintained and a commercial layer ration was fed to all BSFL until 11 d post-hatch. From day 11 to 18, BSFL were fed a combination of distiller’s dried grains with solubles from a distillery, bakery byproduct meal, and varied calcium sources. All BSFL diets contained 0.2% calcium in the basal diet plus additional calcium in the following amounts and forms: BSFLA: 1.2% CaCl2, BSFLB: 1.2% CaCO3, BSFLC: 0.75% CaCO3, and BSFLD: 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2. On day 18, BSFL were washed and frozen. Prior to the rooster assay, BSFL were lyophilized and ground. In total, 16 cecectomized roosters (4 roosters per substrate) were randomly assigned to test substrates. After 24 h of feed withdrawal, roosters were tube-fed 20 g of test substrates. Following crop intubation, excreta were collected for 48 h. Endogenous corrections for AA were made using five additional cecectomized roosters. All data were analyzed using a completely randomized design and the GLM procedure of SAS 9.4. Nutrient and AA digestibilities were not different among substrates. DIAAS-like values were calculated to determine protein quality according to the Association of American Feed Control Officials nutrient profiles and National Research Council recommended allowances for dogs and cats. Although AA digestibilities did not differ, those containing CaCO3 generally had higher DIAAS-like reference values than the diet containing CaCl2 alone (BSFLA). Aromatic AA (Phe + Tyr) and sulfur AA (Met + Cys) were often first-limiting AA. Our results suggest that calcium sources fed to BSFL did not affect AA digestibility and protein quality.
Keywords: amino acid digestion, canine nutrition, feline nutrition, insect protein, pet food
Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL; Hermetia illucens) have been shown to efficiently convert various organic materials such as livestock manure, fruits, and vegetable waste into alternative protein and fat sources for swine (Newton et al., 1977, 2005), poultry (Cullere et al., 2016; Marono et al., 2017; Mwaniki et al., 2018), and fish species (Kroeckel et al., 2012; Lock et al., 2015). The environmental factors and housing conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, and stocking density) used and dietary ingredient and nutrient composition fed to BSFL require consideration because they affect their growth rate, survival rate, and nutrient composition (Sheppard et al., 2002; Newton et al., 2005; Diener et al., 2009; Tomberlin et al., 2009; Holmes et al., 2012).
Chia et al. (2018), who tested nine temperatures (10 to 42 °C), demonstrated that housing temperature affected BSFL survival rate. Egg eclosion rate was highest at 30 °C (80%) and 35 °C (75%) and lowest at 15, 37, and 40 °C (below 11%). The survival rate of the larval and pupal stages was also highest at 30 °C (90% and 77%) and 35 °C (92% and 75%). Like temperature, relative humidity is also an essential factor affecting BSFL development and survival. Egg eclosion time (124.43 to 87.63 h) and mortality rate (62% to 3%) of the BSFL pupal stage decreased when the relative humidity increased from 25% to 70%. Also, adult longevity (5.17 to 7.94 d) and the emergence rate of BSF (16% to 93%) increased when they were reared on 40% and 70% of relative humidity compared with 25% (Holmes et al., 2012). Another aspect under consideration is stocking density. Barragan-Fonseca et al. (2018) placed 50, 100, 200, or 400 BSFL in plastic containers (15.5 × 10.5 × 6 cm), demonstrating that development time was shorter (13 vs. 15 d) at lower larval densities (50, 100, and 200) when raised on a diet with high nutrient concentrations (14.0% protein and 1.8% fat vs. 3.5% protein and 0.7% fat).
Dietary factors not only influence BSFL performance but also their nutrient composition. Oonincx et al. (2015) observed that when BSFL were fed a chicken feed diet (control diet), they had a shorter development time (20 d) than larvae fed animal manures (chicken: 144 d, pig: 144 d, and cow: 214 d). According to Nguyen et al. (2015), protein and fat concentrations of BSFL fed rendered fish (protein: 50% and fat: 36.2%) or pig liver (protein: 76.7% and fat: 12.8%) were higher than BSFL fed chicken feed (protein: 18% and fat: 2.52%). However, Bosch et al. (2014) reported that BSFL fed a broiler starter diet had protein (56.1%) and fat (12.8%) concentrations that were much higher than those fed a similar diet in the Nguyen et al. (2015) study. The mineral content of BSFL also depends on the diet fed. For instance, phosphorus and calcium concentrations of BSFL reared on poultry manure (1.5% and 7.8%) were higher than BSFL reared on swine manure (0.88% and 5.36%) or chicken feed (1.28% and 3.14%) (Newton et al., 2005; Dierenfeld and King, 2008; Finke, 2013).
BSFL contain high calcium concentrations and greater calcium, magnesium, and potassium concentrations than other insects, such as tebo worms, Turkestan cockroaches, and house flies (Finke, 2013). The reason that BSFL contain high calcium content is because their exoskeleton layer is rich in CaCO3 (Johannsen, 1922). Dietary calcium sources for BSFL may impact the development of their epidermis in the prepupal to pupal stages. There are many dietary calcium options when it comes to feeding BSFL, with variance in acid-binding capacity, water solubility, and calcium concentration. To our knowledge, no scientific research has been conducted to test how dietary calcium form and concentration affect the growth rate of BSFL and their protein quality for use in animal feed. For this reason, our objective was to determine the effects of dietary calcium form and concentration on nutrient composition, amino acid (AA) digestibility, and digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS)-like values of BSFL intended for use in animal feeds using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay. We hypothesized that the different forms and concentrations of dietary calcium sources used in this study would affect the nutrient composition of BSFL. However, we hypothesized that the protein quality of BSFL would not be changed.
Materials and Methods
All BSFL tested in this study were harvested at 18 d after hatch. Industry standard rearing conditions were maintained (Sheppard et al., 2002) and a commercial layer ration was fed to all BSFL until 11 d post-hatch. From day 11 to 18, they were fed a combination of distiller’s dried grains with solubles from a distillery, bakery byproduct meal, and calcium sources (CaCl2 and CaCO3). Treatment groups included the following:
BSFLA (0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% Ca from CaCl2)
BSFLB (0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% Ca from CaCO3)
BSFLC (0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% Ca from CaCO3)
BSFLD (0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% Ca from CaCO3 + 0.6 % Ca from CaCl2)
Although CaCl2 is the typical calcium source used to raise BSFL in production, it is expensive, so a more economical option was tested at various inclusion levels. Because calcium sources differ in solubility, calcium content, and acid-binding capacities, numerous options exist. In this initial study, it was of interest to test whether 50% or total replacement of the 1.2% CaCl2 was possible without detrimental effects. On day 18, larvae were washed and frozen. All BSFL were then lyophilized and ground through a 2-mm screen with dry ice prior to chemical analysis and feeding to cecectomized roosters.
Cecectomized rooster assay
The protocol for the cecectomized rooster assay, including all animal housing, handling, and surgical procedures, was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prior to experimentation. A precision-fed rooster assay using cecectomized Single Comb White Leghorn roosters was conducted as described by Parsons (1985) to determine the dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), acid-hydrolyzed fat (AHF), and AA digestibility of the substrates listed above. Prior to the study, the cecectomy surgery was performed on roosters under general anesthesia according to the procedures of Parsons (1985).
Briefly, 16 cecectomized roosters were randomly assigned to the test substrates (4 roosters per test substrate evaluated). After 24 h of feed withdrawal, roosters were tube-fed 20 g of test substrates. Following crop intubation, excreta (urine and feces) were collected for 48 h on plastic trays placed under each individual cage. Excreta samples then were lyophilized, weighed, and ground through a 0.25-mm screen prior to analysis. Endogenous corrections for AA were made using five additional cecectomized roosters that had been fasted for 48 h. Nutrient and AA digestibilities were calculated using the method described by Sibbald (1979).
Chemical analyses
The substrates and rooster excreta were analyzed for DM (105 °C) and ash (OM was calculated based on ash) according to AOAC (2006; DM: method 934.01; OM: method 942.05). Nitrogen and crude protein (CP) were determined using a Leco Nitrogen/Protein Determinator (Model FP-2000, Leco Corporation, St. Joseph, MI) according to AOAC (2006; method 982.30E). Fat concentrations were measured by acid hydrolysis according to AACC (1983) followed by diethyl ether extraction (Budde, 1952). Gross energy (GE) was measured using a bomb calorimeter (Model 1261; Parr Instrument Co., Moline, IL). AA and calcium were measured at the University of Missouri Experiment Station Chemical Laboratories (Columbia, MO) according to the AOAC (2006) method 982.30 E [a, b, c] and method 968.08.
DIAAS-like calculations
The calculation of DIAAS-like values was followed according to Mathai et al. (2017) and Oba et al. (2019). The digestible indispensable AA reference ratios were calculated for each ingredient using the following equation (FAO, 2011): Digestible indispensable AA reference ratio = digestible indispensable AA content in 1 g protein of food (mg)/mg of the same dietary indispensable AA in 1 g of the reference protein.
The references used were the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO, 2019) nutrient profiles for adults at maintenance (dogs and cats) and growth and reproduction (dogs and cats) and National Research Council (NRC, 2006) recommended allowances for adults (dogs and cats), growing puppies (4 to 14 wk of age), and growing kittens.
The DIAAS-like values were then calculated using the following equation adapted from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2011): DIAAS-like % = 100 × [(mg of digestible dietary indispensable AA in 1 g of the dietary protein)/(mg of the minimum recommendation of the same dietary indispensable AA in 1 g of the minimum protein recommendation)].
Statistical analysis
All rooster data were analyzed as a completely randomized design using the GLM procedure of Statistical Analysis Systems 9.4 (SAS Inst., Cary, NC). Substrates were considered to be a fixed effect. Tukey’s multiple comparison analysis was used to compare least squares means and control for experiment-wise error. Differences were considered significant with P < 0.05.
Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the tested BSFL is presented in Table 1. The chemical composition of all four BSFL treatments was similar, containing 87.8% to 89.5% OM, 40.0% to 41.7% CP, 31.1% to 33.5% AHF, and 2.87% to 3.47% calcium, and GE content between 5.61 and 5.85 kcal/g. Concentrations of indispensable and dispensable AA are presented in Table 2. AA concentrations and patterns of all BSFL were similar.
Table 1.
Chemical composition and nutrient digestibility of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay
Item | BSFLA1 | BSFLB2 | BSFLC3 | BSFLD4 | SEM | P-value |
Chemical composition | ||||||
DM, % | 93.34 | 94.09 | 93.16 | 93.56 | — | — |
OM, % DM | 88.07 | 88.06 | 89.49 | 87.84 | — | — |
CP, % DM | 41.68 | 40.15 | 41.58 | 41.04 | — | — |
AHF, % DM | 31.15 | 33.45 | 33.05 | 32.73 | — | — |
GE, kcal/g DM | 5.63 | 5.84 | 5.85 | 5.61 | — | — |
Ca, % DM | 3.20 | 3.42 | 2.87 | 3.47 | — | — |
Nutrient digestibility | ||||||
DM, % | 62.30 | 60.39 | 62.55 | 59.77 | 1.403 | 0.8926 |
OM, % | 74.19 | 71.02 | 74.19 | 68.63 | 1.173 | 0.3548 |
AHF, % | 85.30 | 82.94 | 85.91 | 83.21 | 0.929 | 0.6373 |
1BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2.
2BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3.
3BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3.
4BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
Table 2.
Indispensable and dispensable AA concentrations (% DM) of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium
Item | BSFLA1 | BSFLB2 | BSFLC3 | BSFLD4 |
Indispensable AA | ||||
Arginine | 1.92 | 1.99 | 2.02 | 2.00 |
Histidine | 1.24 | 1.27 | 1.31 | 1.29 |
Isoleucine | 1.71 | 1.85 | 1.90 | 1.78 |
Leucine | 2.60 | 2.76 | 2.81 | 2.69 |
Lysine | 2.78 | 2.91 | 2.89 | 2.89 |
Methionine | 0.69 | 0.72 | 0.73 | 0.73 |
Phenylalanine | 1.71 | 1.81 | 1.83 | 1.78 |
Threonine | 1.52 | 1.61 | 1.63 | 1.58 |
Tryptophan | 0.58 | 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.58 |
Valine | 2.60 | 2.91 | 3.01 | 2.81 |
Selected dispensable AA | ||||
Alanine | 2.45 | 2.76 | 2.74 | 2.63 |
Aspartic acid | 3.54 | 3.69 | 3.74 | 3.65 |
Cysteine | 0.33 | 0.36 | 0.34 | 0.35 |
Glutamic acid | 3.79 | 3.95 | 3.89 | 3.88 |
Glycine | 1.97 | 2.14 | 2.19 | 2.06 |
Proline | 2.27 | 2.41 | 2.47 | 2.36 |
Serine | 1.43 | 1.55 | 1.56 | 1.48 |
Tyrosine | 2.58 | 2.69 | 2.57 | 2.73 |
Taurine | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.06 | 0.07 |
1BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2.
2BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3.
3BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3.
4BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
Cecectomized rooster assay
The digestibilities of DM, OM, and AHF were not different among BSFL tested (Table 1). There were no differences in indispensable and dispensable AA digestibilities for all BSFL tested (Table 3). All indispensable AA digestibilities were higher than 90%, with the exception of valine (81.29% to 84.03%). For most of the dispensable AA, digestibilities were greater than 90%. The exceptions were for cysteine (76.88% to 81.95%), glycine (79.1% to 86.38%), and serine (87.92% to 91.18%).
Table 3.
AA digestibilities (%) of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay
Item | BSFLA1 | BSFLB2 | BSFLC3 | BSFLD4 | SEM | P-value |
Indispensable AA | ||||||
Arginine | 95.05 | 93.54 | 94.58 | 95.77 | 0.600 | 0.6539 |
Histidine | 91.85 | 90.79 | 91.43 | 91.32 | 0.409 | 0.8653 |
Isoleucine | 92.53 | 91.48 | 92.25 | 92.75 | 0.531 | 0.8740 |
Leucine | 93.06 | 92.42 | 92.52 | 93.47 | 0.576 | 0.9271 |
Lysine | 92.28 | 91.15 | 91.15 | 92.25 | 0.570 | 0.8438 |
Methionine | 93.71 | 92.50 | 93.25 | 93.52 | 0.500 | 0.8515 |
Phenylalanine | 92.80 | 91.91 | 92.00 | 92.47 | 0.523 | 0.9397 |
Threonine | 91.62 | 90.56 | 90.76 | 92.11 | 0.738 | 0.8910 |
Tryptophan | 95.50 | 94.40 | 94.44 | 95.48 | 0.411 | 0.6832 |
Valine | 81.29 | 83.22 | 82.00 | 84.03 | 1.165 | 0.8704 |
Selected dispensable AA | ||||||
Alanine | 92.69 | 91.73 | 92.62 | 93.29 | 0.530 | 0.8137 |
Aspartic acid | 93.68 | 92.49 | 93.37 | 93.57 | 0.459 | 0.8278 |
Cysteine | 80.38 | 76.88 | 78.08 | 81.95 | 1.914 | 0.8220 |
Glutamic acid | 91.60 | 89.51 | 91.44 | 91.57 | 0.615 | 0.6088 |
Glycine | 81.08 | 79.10 | 84.72 | 86.38 | 1.466 | 0.2947 |
Proline | 90.31 | 90.62 | 91.07 | 91.67 | 0.543 | 0.8576 |
Serine | 89.52 | 87.92 | 89.37 | 91.18 | 0.939 | 0.7240 |
Tyrosine | 93.66 | 93.26 | 92.64 | 93.85 | 0.395 | 0.7535 |
1BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2.
2BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3.
3BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3.
4BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
DIAAS-like calculations
DIAAS-like reference values for growing puppies and kittens are presented in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively. DIAAS-like reference values for adult dogs and cats at maintenance are presented in Table 6 and Table 7, respectively. With the exception of threonine and sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine), most of the BSFL tested had DIAAS-like values over 100%. For BSFLA, DIAAS-like reference values for arginine, sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine), and threonine were less than 100% when using the AAFCO recommended allowances for growing puppies. Based on the NRC recommended allowances for growing puppies, all BSFL had DIAAS-like reference values above 100%, with the exception of threonine and sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine). According to the AAFCO and NRC recommended allowances for growing kittens, all BSFL had DIAAS-like reference values above 100% with the exception of sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) and aromatic AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine).
Table 4.
DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium for growing and reproducing dogs and growing puppies2
AAFCO (2019)3 | NRC (2006)3 | |||||||||
Indispensable AA | ||||||||||
Arginine | 98.51b | 104.32ab | 103.39ab | 105.03a | 0.906 | 124.70b | 132.05ab | 130.88ab | 132.95a | 1.147 |
Histidine | 139.73b | 146.86a | 147.31a | 146.79a | 1.030 | 157.65b | 165.69a | 166.20a | 165.61a | 1.162 |
Isoleucine | 120.30a | 133.59a | 133.60a | 127.50a | 1.600 | 131.41b | 145.92a | 145.93a | 139.27a | 1.748 |
Leucine | 101.25b | 110.81a | 109.07a | 106.87ab | 1.148 | 101.25b | 110.81a | 109.07a | 106.87ab | 1.148 |
Lysine | 153.87b | 165.17a | 158.41ab | 162.42ab | 1.460 | 157.37b | 168.93a | 162.01ab | 166.11ab | 1.493 |
Methionine | 99.72b | 106.59a | 105.25a | 106.94a | 0.930 | 105.77b | 113.05a | 111.63a | 113.43a | 0.986 |
Met + Cys | 49.89 | 51.38 | 51.51 | 53.24 | 0.751 | 49.89 | 51.38 | 51.51 | 53.24 | 0.752 |
Phenylalanine | 103.20b | 112.33a | 109.77a | 108.74ab | 1.063 | 131.78b | 143.44a | 140.17a | 138.85ab | 1.357 |
Phe + Tyr | 121.01b | 126.07ab | 122.91ab | 127.13a | 0.867 | 121.01b | 126.07ab | 122.91ab | 127.13a | 0.867 |
Threonine | 72.28b | 78.57a | 76.98ab | 76.73ab | 0.862 | 92.80b | 100.88a | 98.84ab | 98.52ab | 1.106 |
Tryptophan | 149.50b | 158.72a | 153.32ab | 151.82b | 1.085 | 130.00b | 138.02a | 133.32ab | 132.01b | 0.944 |
Valine | 167.77b | 199.59a | 196.42a | 190.39ab | 4.174 | 167.77b | 199.59a | 196.42a | 190.39ab | 4.174 |
1DIAAS-like reference values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like reference values were calculated using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles of AA for growth and reproduction of dogs and NRC (2006) recommended allowances of AA for growing puppies (4 to 14 wk of age).
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
a,bWithin a row, means lacking a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05); n, 4 roosters per treatment.
Table 5.
DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium for growing and reproducing cats and growing kittens2
AAFCO (2019)3 | NRC (2006)3 | |||||||||
Indispensable AA | ||||||||||
Arginine | 105.93b | 112.17ab | 111.18ab | 112.93a | 0.974 | 114.02b | 120.74ab | 119.67ab | 121.56a | 1.049 |
Histidine | 248.41b | 261.09a | 261.89a | 260.96a | 1.831 | 207.01b | 217.58a | 218.24a | 217.47a | 1.526 |
Isoleucine | 203.37b | 225.83a | 225.85a | 215.53a | 2.705 | 175.75b | 195.17a | 195.18a | 186.26a | 2.337 |
Leucine | 136.05b | 148.91a | 146.57a | 143.61ab | 1.542 | 113.38b | 124.09a | 122.14a | 119.67ab | 1.285 |
Lysine | 153.87b | 165.17a | 158.41ab | 162.42ab | 1.460 | 181.03b | 194.32a | 186.36ab | 191.09ab | 1.718 |
Methionine | 75.06b | 80.23a | 79.22a | 80.50a | 0.700 | 88.14b | 94.21b | 93.03a | 94.52a | 0.822 |
Met + Cys | 42.33 | 43.60 | 43.70 | 45.18 | 0.638 | 44.10 | 45.41 | 45.52 | 47.06 | 0.664 |
Phenylalanine | 219.63b | 239.06a | 233.62a | 231.42ab | 2.261 | 190.35b | 207.19a | 202.47a | 200.56ab | 1.960 |
Phe + Tyr | 109.25b | 113.81ab | 110.96ab | 114.77a | 0.782 | 91.52b | 95.34ab | 92.95ab | 96.15a | 0.655 |
Threonine | 137.30b | 149.25a | 146.23ab | 145.75ab | 1.637 | 128.50b | 139.68a | 136.86ab | 136.41ab | 1.532 |
Tryptophan | 159.46b | 169.30a | 163.54ab | 161.94b | 1.158 | 207.63b | 220.44a | 212.95ab | 210.86b | 1.507 |
Valine | 237.67b | 282.75a | 278.27a | 269.72ab | 5.913 | 198.06b | 235.63a | 231.89a | 224.76ab | 4.928 |
1DIAAS-like reference values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like reference values were calculated using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles of AA for growth and reproduction of cats and NRC (2006) recommended allowances of AA for growing kittens.
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
a,bWithin a row, means lacking a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05); n, 4 roosters per treatment.
Table 6.
DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium for adult dogs2
AAFCO (2019)3 | NRC (2006)3 | |||||||||
Indispensable AA | ||||||||||
Arginine | 154.53b | 163.64ab | 162.19ab | 164.75a | 1.422 | 125.09b | 132.48ab | 131.29ab | 133.37a | 1.151 |
Histidine | 258.87b | 272.08a | 272.92a | 271.95a | 1.901 | 143.81b | 151.16a | 151.62a | 151.08a | 1.060 |
Isoleucine | 179.82b | 199.69a | 199.70a | 190.57a | 2.392 | 99.90b | 110.94a | 110.94a | 105.87a | 1.329 |
Leucine | 153.66b | 168.18a | 165.53a | 162.19ab | 1.742 | 85.37b | 93.43a | 91.96a | 90.11ab | 0.968 |
Lysine | 175.85b | 188.77a | 181.04ab | 185.63ab | 1.669 | 175.85b | 188.77a | 181.04ab | 185.63ab | 1.669 |
Methionine | 84.61b | 90.44a | 89.31a | 90.74a | 0.789 | 47.01b | 50.24a | 49.61a | 50.41a | 0.438 |
Met + Cys | 42.98 | 44.27 | 44.37 | 45.87 | 0.648 | 23.88 | 24.59 | 24.65 | 25.48 | 0.360 |
Phenylalanine | 152.28b | 165.75a | 161.98a | 160.45ab | 1.568 | 84.60b | 92.08a | 89.99a | 89.14ab | 0.871 |
Phe + Tyr | 170.07b | 177.18ab | 172.74ab | 178.68a | 1.218 | 94.49b | 98.43ab | 95.96ab | 99.26a | 0.677 |
Threonine | 125.28b | 136.19a | 133.44ab | 133.00ab | 1.494 | 77.70b | 84.46a | 82.75ab | 82.48ab | 0.926 |
Tryptophan | 149.50b | 158.72a | 153.32ab | 151.82b | 1.085 | 94.92b | 100.77a | 97.35ab | 96.39b | 0.689 |
Valine | 186.26b | 221.59a | 218.07a | 211.37ab | 4.634 | 103.48b | 123.10a | 121.15a | 117.43ab | 2.574 |
1DIAAS-like reference values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like reference values were calculated using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles and NRC (2006) recommended allowances of AA for adult dogs at maintenance.
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
a,bWithin a row, means lacking a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05); n, 4 roosters per treatment.
Table 7.
DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium for adult cats2
AAFCO (2019)3 | NRC (2006)3 | |||||||||
Indispensable AA | ||||||||||
Arginine | 109.46b | 115.91ab | 114.88ab | 116.70a | 1.001 | 113.72b | 120.43ab | 119.36ab | 121.24a | 1.046 |
Histidine | 229.17b | 240.88a | 241.61a | 240.76a | 1.689 | 210.19b | 220.92a | 221.60a | 220.82a | 1.549 |
Isoleucine | 189.81b | 210.78a | 210.79a | 201.16a | 2.524 | 176.57b | 196.07a | 196.09a | 187.13a | 2.348 |
Leucine | 121.72b | 133.22a | 131.12a | 128.47ab | 1.380 | 113.82b | 124.58a | 122.62a | 120.14ab | 1.290 |
Lysine | 192.80b | 206.96a | 198.48ab | 203.52ab | 1.829 | 362.05b | 388.64a | 372.72ab | 382.17ab | 3.435 |
Methionine | 201.67b | 215.54a | 212.84a | 216.27a | 1.880 | 182.50b | 195.06a | 192.62a | 195.71a | 1.701 |
Met + Cys | 100.89 | 103.91 | 104.16 | 107.67 | 1.520 | 91.31 | 94.03 | 94.26 | 97.44 | 1.375 |
Phenylalanine | 247.45b | 269.34a | 263.21a | 260.73ab | 2.548 | 190.35b | 207.19a | 202.47a | 200.56ab | 1.960 |
Phe + Tyr | 118.82b | 123.78ab | 120.68ab | 124.83a | 0.851 | 91.40b | 95.22ab | 92.83ab | 96.02a | 0.655 |
Threonine | 118.99b | 129.35a | 126.73ab | 126.32ab | 1.419 | 128.50b | 139.68a | 136.86ab | 136.41ab | 1.532 |
Tryptophan | 215.94b | 229.26a | 221.46ab | 219.29b | 1.568 | 204.44b | 217.05a | 209.67ab | 207.61b | 1.484 |
Valine | 212.63b | 252.96a | 248.94a | 241.29ab | 5.290 | 198.84b | 236.55a | 232.80a | 225.65ab | 4.947 |
1DIAAS-like reference values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like reference values were calculated using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles and NRC (2006) recommended allowances of AA for adult cats at maintenance.
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
a,bWithin a row, means lacking a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05); n, 4 roosters per treatment.
All BSFL ingredients had DIAAS-like reference values over 100%, with the exception of methionine and sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine), when using the AAFCO recommended allowances for adult dogs. Based on the NRC recommended allowances for an adult dog at maintenance, however, DIAAS-like reference values were lower than 100% for leucine, sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine), aromatic AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine), threonine, and tryptophan for most of the BSFL tested. According to the AAFCO and NRC recommended allowances for adult cats, all BSFL tested had DIAAS-like reference values over 100% with the exception of sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) and aromatic AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine).
The first-limiting AA based on DIAAS-like reference values from AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles for dogs and cats (growth and reproduction; adults at maintenance) are provided in Table 8. Sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) was the first-limiting AA for all BSFL when calculating DIAAS-like reference values using AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles for growing and reproducing dogs. Sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) was also the first-limiting AA for all BSFL when calculating DIAAS-like reference values using AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles for adult dogs and cats at maintenance. For these categories, all of the DIAAS-like reference values for limiting AA were less than 100, suggesting insufficiency if a diet was formulated with only that protein source and at an inclusion level to meet the nutrient profile. Sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) was the first-limiting AA when calculating DIAAS-like reference values using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles for adult cats at maintenance, with all values being greater than 100, suggesting sufficiency.
Table 8.
First-limiting AA based on DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium from AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles2
Growth and reproduction | Adults | |||
Item3 | Dogs | Cats | Dogs | Cats |
BSFLA | 50 (Met + Cys) | 42 (Met + Cys) | 43 (Met + Cys) | 101 (Met + Cys) |
BSFLB | 51 (Met + Cys) | 44 (Met + Cys) | 44 (Met + Cys) | 104 (Met + Cys) |
BSFLC | 51 (Met + Cys) | 44 (Met + Cys) | 44 (Met + Cys) | 104 (Met + Cys) |
BSFLD | 53 (Met + Cys) | 45 (Met + Cys) | 45 (Met + Cys) | 108 (Met + Cys) |
1DIAAS-like values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like values were calculated using the AAFCO (2019) nutrient profiles of AA for dogs and cats.
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
The first-limiting AA based on DIAAS-like reference values from NRC (2006) recommended allowances for growing puppies (4 to 14 wk of age), growing kittens, and adult dogs and cats at maintenance are provided in Table 9. Sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) was the first-limiting AA for all BSFL for growing puppies and kittens and adult dogs and cats at maintenance, whereas aromatic AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine) was the first-limiting AA for BSFLC and BSFLD for adult cats at maintenance. For these categories, most of the DIAAS-like values for limiting AA were less than 100, suggesting insufficiency if a diet was formulated with only that protein source and at an inclusion level to meet the nutrient profile.
Table 9.
First-limiting AA based on DIAAS-like reference values1 of BSFL fed different forms and concentrations of calcium from NRC (2006) recommended allowances2
Adult | ||||
Item3 | Puppies (4 to 14 wk of age) | Kittens | Dogs | Cats |
BSFLA | 50 (Met + Cys) | 44 (Met + Cys) | 24 (Met + Cys) | 91 (Met + Cys) |
BSFLB | 51 (Met + Cys) | 45 (Met + Cys) | 25 (Met + Cys) | 94 (Met + Cys) |
BSFLC | 52 (Met + Cys) | 46 (Met + Cys) | 25 (Met + Cys) | 93 (Phe + Tyr) |
BSFLD | 53 (Met + Cys) | 47 (Met + Cys) | 25 (Met + Cys) | 96 (Phe + Tyr) |
1DIAAS-like values were calculated from the true digestibility of AA in cecectomized roosters.
2DIAAS-like values were calculated using the NRC (2006) recommended allowances of AA for dogs and cats.
3BSFLA: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 1.2% CaCl2; BSFLB: 0.2% calcium in basal + 1.2% CaCO3; BSFLC: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.75% CaCO3; BSFLD: 0.2% calcium in basal diet + 0.6% CaCO3 + 0.6% CaCl2.
BSFL have been of substantial interest over the past couple of decades as a means for organic waste management as well as their ability to convert these food sources into a high-quality nutrient source for livestock feeds and pet foods (Newton et al., 1977, 2005; Sheppard et al., 2002; Tomberlin et al., 2009; Holmes et al., 2012; Kroeckel et al., 2012; Cullere et al., 2016; Marono et al., 2017; Barragan-Fonseca et al., 2018; Chia et al., 2018; Mwaniki et al., 2018; Do et al., 2020; Freel et al., 2021). Similar to mammals, BSFL must be fed a sufficient amount of essential nutrients to meet their nutrient and metabolic requirements (Cohen, 2003). Carbohydrates can be used as an energy source and building block for BSFL tissues. Essential AA such as arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine are important for the production of BSFL tissues, hormones, transport proteins, and energy (Cohen, 2003). Lipids also play several roles in these organisms, such as serving as a rich energy source, as a structural component of cell membranes, and as chemical messengers (Cohen, 2003). Micronutrients are indispensable for BSFL development, but limited information is available in regard to how dietary micronutrients affect BSFL development (Cohen, 2003).
BSFL can be a good source of calcium, but their calcium concentration is very responsive to diet and contain as little as 0.12% Ca (DM basis) up to 6.61% (Dierenfeld and King, 2008; Tschirner and Simon, 2015; Spranghers et al., 2016). If the diet was formulated with 20% of BSFL, the minimal requirement of calcium for kittens and puppies (NRC, 2006) would be met easily (providing 250% and 230% of the requirement). BSFL also have a calcium to phosphorus ratio (2.6:1) that is relatively easy to use in dietary formulations (Finke, 2013). Conversely, tebo worms (11%), Turkestan cockroaches (33%), and house flies (66%) contain low calcium concentrations and calcium and phosphorus ratios (1:18, 1:4.6, and 1:4.9) that are not easy to use in dietary formulas (Finke, 2013). Compared with other insects, BSFL can accumulate high calcium concentrations because they have a mineralized exoskeleton. Therefore, like face flies (Musca autumnalis), dietary calcium is positively linked with calcium accumulation in BSFL due to the formation of the cuticle layer during pupation (Roseland et al., 1985; Tomberlin et al., 2002; Finke, 2013). For those reasons, dietary calcium source may be an important consideration for BSFL development.
The gastrointestinal tract of BSFL is composed of three parts, including the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, with the midgut serving as the most important section for nutrient absorption (Kim et al., 2011). The Malpighian tubules located in the midgut and hindgut junction are essential for the excretion of nitrogenous products and other metabolites and maintaining nutrient balance (Murakami and Shiotsuki, 2001; Chapman, 2013; Gold et al., 2018). According to Grodowitz et al. (1987) and Krueger et al. (1988), dietary calcium in face flies is transported from the Malpighian tubules to the cuticle via hemolymph. They have mineralization of the epidermis during the pupal stage because mineralized granules, which are composed of calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and carbonate, accumulate in the lumen of the larval Malpighian tubules. Therefore, as with face flies, BSFL may have a similar mechanism of dietary calcium absorption.
There are many potential calcium sources in animal feeds, such as organic salts (tricalcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium lactate gluconate, and calcium gluconate) and inorganic salts (calcium chloride, calcium carbonate, and calcium phosphate; Trailokya et al., 2017). In the current study, we compared CaCO3 and CaCl2 as dietary calcium sources for BSFL and they have different solubilities (insoluble vs. soluble; pH range between 3 and 6), calcium concentrations (40% vs. 27%), and acid-binding capacities (244 vs. 2.4 mEq/kg to reach pH of 3) (Weaver, 1998; Hamdi et al., 2015). Several studies have determined that calcium citrate (soluble) has a higher absorption rate than CaCO3 (insoluble) due to its solubility in water (Nicar and Pak, 1985; Heller et al., 1999). Heaney et al. (1990), however, tested seven different calcium salts (calcium oxalate, hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, calcium citrate, calcium citrate malate, bisglycinocalcium, and CaCO3) to evaluate their relationship between solubility and absorption and were unable to identify a significant correlation. Another in vitro study conducted by Goss et al. (2007) reported that while CaCO3 (3.6 mg mL−1) had a greater solubility in the gastrointestinal tract than calcium citrate (0.2 mg mL−1) at a pH of 6, CaCO3 (0.12 mg mL−1) had a lower solubility than calcium citrate (0.24 mg mL−1) at a pH of 7.5. The solubility of dietary calcium in water is affected by pH because it impacts its form (anion vs. cation). Secretion of hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate from the stomach and intestines affects the pH in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the solubility values determined from the gastrointestinal tract would be a key factor to understand the effect of the solubility on calcium absorption rather than simple aqueous solubility. Dietary calcium sources used in the current study have different pH-dependent solubilities and may have different absorption rates in the midgut of BSFL. The pH of the BSFL midgut changes according to region (anterior midgut: pH = 7, mid-midgut: pH = 2, and posterior midgut: pH = 6.3 to 9.3; Espinoza-Fuentes and Terra, 1987; Overend et al., 2016; Gold et al., 2018). Although CaCO3 has a higher calcium content than CaCl2, CaCl2 may be more bioavailable to BSFL because of its higher solubility in the midgut, and, in this trial, the combination of both forms resulted in the highest numerical concentration of BSFL calcium.
The nutrient concentrations, including indispensable AA, were similar for all BSFL tested in the current study. Shumo et al. (2019) reared BSFL on three different organic wastes, including chicken manure (high ash: 20% and low fat: 2.7%), brewer’s spent grain (high neutral detergent fiber [NDF]: 50% and high acid detergent fiber [ADF]: 39%), and kitchen waste (high protein: 20%). BSFL fed kitchen waste had higher DM (87.5%) and fat (34.3%) concentrations and lower CP (33%) concentrations than BSFL fed chicken manure or brewer’s spent grain. Also, BSFL reared on brewer’s spent grain had higher ADF (15%) and NDF (28.6%) concentrations than larvae fed chicken manure (ADF: 12.6% and NDF: 21.9%) or kitchen waste (ADF: 13.2% and NDF: 20.4%). Barragan-Fonseca et al. (2019) reported that BSFL CP concentration increased when larvae were fed a diet containing 10% CP concentration compared with a high-protein diet (17%). Similarly, Tschirner and Simon (2015) reported that larvae fed a high-fiber diet containing only 8.5% CP had a higher CP content (52.3%) than larvae (44.6%) fed a high-protein diet (31.2% CP).
BSFL crude fat concentration was shown to increase as dietary carbohydrate concentration increased (Barragan-Fonseca et al., 2019). Compared with AA concentrations of BSFL reported by Shumo et al. (2019), BSFL fed kitchen waste had higher concentrations of indispensable AA (arginine and phenylalanine) and dispensable AA (proline, hydro-proline, and tyrosine) than BSFL fed chicken manure or brewer’s spent grain. Based on the previous studies, the nutrient composition (DM, CP, fat, ADF, and NDF) of the substrates affected the chemical composition and AA concentration of BSFL. In the current study, different forms and concentrations of dietary calcium sources influenced the calcium concentrations of BSFL, but there was no significant difference in the nutrient composition of BSFL among treatments.
The precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay is often used to test the protein quality of pet food ingredients because the AA digestibilities and response patterns have been shown to be similar to that of ileal-cannulated dogs (r = 0.87 to 0.92; Johnson et al., 1998; Faber et al., 2010; Kerr et al., 2014; Oba et al., 2019). Other methods of testing AA digestibilities have drawbacks when compared with the cecectomized rooster assay. For example, the total collection method that uses fecal analysis is heavily influenced by the fermentative activity of the large intestinal microbiota and is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive method (Hendriks and Sritharan, 2002; Hendriks et al., 2013). Intestinal cannulas have been used to estimate nutrient digestion at specific points in the gastrointestinal tract for many years. Cannulation, however, also has many disadvantages, such as leakage of chyme from the cannula, skin ulceration and infection, and the discomfort of animals (Hill et al., 1996). Therefore, the cecectomized rooster assay is an appropriate model to evaluate the protein quality of ingredients because it minimizes the influence of microbes in the hindgut.
Because BSFL have a high calcium concentration due to their mineralized exoskeleton (Grodowitz and Broce, 1983; Krueger et al., 1988) and high dietary calcium concentrations may influence the digestibility of nitrogen and AA (Selle et al., 2009; Wilkinson et al., 2014), the current study was conducted to test whether dietary calcium source or concentration affected nutrient digestibility. It was interesting to note that nutrient and AA digestibilities were similar among all BSFL tested in the current study. According to McDonald and Solvyns (1964), increasing dietary calcium (CaCO3) concentrations from 9 to 25 g/kg resulted in a greater small intestinal pH from 5.6 to 6.0 and a reduction in weight gain of chickens from 77 to 63.5 g/d. Wilkinson et al. (2014) demonstrated that increasing dietary calcium concentration (CaCO3) from 2.5 to 10 g/kg led to a reduction in the apparent ileal digestibility of DM, nitrogen, and AA in broiler chickens. The possible reason for these results is that the increased intestinal pH resulting from the high dietary calcium concentrations reduced the action of pepsin. In the current study, the calcium form and concentration fed to BSFL had no adverse effects on BSFL protein quality or calcium concentrations, which may have been due to a low acid-binding capacity, impact on intestinal pH, and consequent nutrient absorption.
DIAAS-like reference values are an indicator of protein quality, providing a more accurate measure than the protein digestibility-corrected AA score because it uses ileal rather than fecal digestibility in its calculation (FAO, 2011; Mathai et al., 2017; Oba et al., 2019). Based on the DIAAS-like reference values in the current study, all BSFL tested seem to provide sufficient AA for growing puppies and kittens except for threonine and sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine). Because the AAFCO and NRC recommended allowances are lower for adult dogs and cats, more AA would be insufficient for those life stages if diets were only formulated using BSFL as the sole protein source and at a rate to meet the recommended CP concentrations.
This study had a couple of limitations that should be discussed briefly. First, although the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay is a highly repeatable method that has been used to study many novel proteins in recent years (Kerr et al., 2013, 2014; Deng et al., 2016; Oba et al., 2019; Do et al., 2020), the number of replications in this study (4 to 5 roosters per treatment) was low. This replication number may have provided us with lower than ideal statistical power and limited our ability to detect differences among treatments. Also, the DIAAS-like values used to estimate protein quality for dog and cat foods are based on the assumption that diets would be formulated with that single protein source and contain an inclusion level to meet the CP recommendation. Dog or cat foods formulated using a different strategy would need to keep this in mind when assessing the value of BSFL.
In conclusion, our data show that BSFL contain a relatively high concentration of calcium and that BSFLD fed CaCl2 and CaCO3 accumulated more calcium than the other BSFL. Despite their differences in nutrient composition, nutrient and AA digestibilities among all BSFL sources were similar when tested in the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay. Sulfur AA (methionine + cysteine) and aromatic AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine) were estimated to be the first-limiting AA of BSFL based on DIAAS-like reference values for dogs and cats. All BSFL ingredients, however, showed very high AA digestibilities, with most exceeding 90%. Therefore, although dietary calcium form and concentration may affect the calcium concentrations of BSFL, they all serve as high-quality protein sources for use in livestock feeds and pet foods.
The funding for this study was provided by EnviroFlight.
- AA
amino acids
Association of American Feed Control Officials
acid detergent fiber
acid-hydrolyzed fat
black soldier fly larvae
- CP
crude protein
- DM
dry matter
Food and Agriculture Organization
- GE
gross energy
neutral detergent fiber
National Research Council
- OM
organic matter
Conflict of interest statement
L.K. is employed by EnviroFlight. All other authors have no conflicts of interest.
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