Figure 2.
Subsets of vGAT GABA neurons in the zona incerta have different profiles of activity during wake–sleep states. 56.2% of the vGAT neurons were most active during REM sleep. A subset of vGAT neurons was most active in NREM sleep. As such, 60.2% of the vGAT neurons were most active in sleep, either NREMS or REM. In contrast, 29.8% were most active in waking or waking+REM sleep. Thus, our study indicates the activity of many of vGAT neurons in the vZI-dLH is biased in favor of sleep, which is not surprising since the most widely prescribed hypnotics promote sleep through a GABA mechanism. Pentagrams indicate statistical difference according to a general linear mixed model. Yellow lines indicate significant pair-wise comparisons (Bonferroni; p < 0.05), whereas the blue connecting lines indicate no significant differences. All values were plotted as scattered individual dots. Each dot represents an individual vGAT neuron. Column height indicates the arithmetic mean while data spread is indicated by error bars (+ or −SEM). AW, active wake; QW, quiet wake; NR, NREMS; R, REMS; Rt, transition into REMS.