Effects of carrier frequency and envelope band on envelope tracking. Differences in MI values between factors Carhigh minus Carlow (ΔCar), Envhigh minus Envlow (ΔEnv), unnatural minus natural pairings (Inter), and the enhancement of envelope tracking when presented with two minus one carrier (Envlow2Car, Envhigh2Car). Pictograms on the left indicate which experimental conditions (black filled squares) were combined into analysis factors and contrasted (c.f. Fig. 1C). Topographies show the electrode-wise t-values for the group-level differences between factors of interest. Red and white dots mark positive and negative clusters (derived using cluster-based permutation statistics corrected across electrodes and EEG bands, p<0.01). Panels on the right show differences in MI values between factors for individual participants within each cluster (red for positive and blue for negative clusters).