Graphical Abstract
Graphical Abstract.
LI, low-income countries; LMIC, low- and middle-income countries; HMI, high- and middle-income countries; HIC, high-income countries.
Resource web link: (Full classification scheme available at:
WHO region and country (World Bank): Region of the Americas, USA (HIC)
Peer review commentary
This resource provides a commentary as a video along with transcription of content to present a framework for outpatient antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) using an example of acute otitis media. Further reading and a variety of resources are suggested as a follow-up to the commentary. The commentary and the further resources will be of value to those setting up a stewardship programme in an outpatient setting and also to those who wish to further develop or improve their local system.
Some elements of the framework may not be suitable for teams outwith the USA owing to differences in healthcare systems. Some elements may not be suitable for LMICs owing to lack of local systems for prescribing and surveillance of antimicrobial use.
The target audience is multi-professional clinical teams managing or contributing to outpatient AMS programmes and the follow-on resource includes a range of materials both for professionals and for engaging the public.
The resource features a video narrated by a paediatrician and links on to materials from CDC, a credible and respected professional group in the USA.
The resource is engaging in its approach of providing a video to get key points across along with a range of useful resources for further reading. There may be potential to link to corresponding resources for other care settings in the USA.
In summary I think this resource will be of value to those leading stewardship programmes in the outpatient setting in the USA and potentially useful for those in other HICs aiming to improve community prescribing.