Figure 3. Deposition of PM1, PM2.5, PM10 in the respiratory tract in runners. (A and D) Deposition at rest. (B and E) During a marathon race. (C and F) Total daily deposition of PM in runners.
(A and D) The values of the deposition rate at rest are expressed in [µg h−1] (A) and in [µg 24 h−1] (D) The calculations are based on the measurement of particulate matter concentrations (PM1, PM2.5, PM10) in the air in Kraków, as determined on the 28th April, 2019, as well as on the assumption that VE is 8 L min−1 and on the profile of the total DF presented by Hussein et al. (2019). (B and E) The values of PM deposition rate during marathon race are expressed in [µg h−1] (B) and in [µg per marathon race] (E). The calculations of the PM1, PM2.5, PM10 depositions are based on the measurement of particulate matter concentration in the air in Kraków, as determined on 28th April, 2019, as well as on the assumption that the VE during the marathon race in an elite marathon runner (marathon time 2 h: 00 min) was 115 L min−1, whereas in an average marathon runner (4 h: 30 min) the VE was 62 L min−1. It was also assumed that the concentration of suspended particles in the air determined during the first 2 h of the race was constant up to the 4 h 30 min of the marathon race. Furthermore, for the purpose of calculations of the amount of varied fractions of PM deposited in the respiratory tract, we used the profile of the total DF for exercising males, as described by Hussein et al. (2019). (C and F) The values of the total daily deposition (during the marathon race plus the rest period) of the PM1, PM2.5, PM10 are presented for an elite runner (grey) and an average runner (black), expressed in [µg h−1] (C) and in [µg 24 h−1] (F). To calculate the amount of varied fractions of particulate matter deposited during the marathon run, it was assumed that the concentration of suspended particles in the air in Kraków, determined during the first 2 h of the race, was constant during the 4 h 30 min of the marathon race performed on 28th April, 2019. Furthermore, to calculate the level of deposition of varied fractions of PM during the race, we used the profile of the total DF for exercising males described by Hussein et al. (2019), whereas to calculate the level of PM deposition at rest, we applied the profile of the total DF for male at rest, as described by Hussein et al. (2019).