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. 2021 Jun 23;16(6):e0253497. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253497

Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times—A cross sectional study in Chennai, India

Vijayaprasad Gopichandran 1,*, Kalirajan Sakthivel 2
Editor: Ritesh G Menezes3
PMCID: PMC8221523  PMID: 34161383



The COVID 19 pandemic created a global public health crisis. Physical distancing, masks, personal protective equipment worn by the doctors created difficulties in effective doctor-patient communication.


This study was conducted to assess the difficulties faced by patients in communicating with their doctors due to the COVID 19 preventive measures, and its impact on the trust on their doctors.


A cross sectional study of 359 persons attending a tertiary care center in Chennai, sampled in a non-probabilistic manner selected from the outpatient department, wards, and isolation facilities, was conducted using a questionnaire containing items covering three dimensions namely difficulties faced in accessing the health facility, difficulties in doctor-patient communication and trust in the doctors. The data were collected using Google Forms and analyzed using GNU PSPP open-source statistical software version 1.4.0.


More than 60% of the participants complained of difficulty in accessing the health facility. More than 60% had difficulties in communicating with the doctors. There was a high level of trust in doctors among more than 80% of the participants. Comparison of the mean scores revealed that accessibility was a problem across ages, sexes, education and occupation groups. Communication barriers decreased with age and increased with education, but trust increased with age, but reduced with increasing education. Multivariable linear regression analysis revealed that difficulties in communication had a negative impact on trust (β = -0.63, p<0.001) and increasing education had a negative impact on trust (β = -0.42, p = 0.034).


The COVID 19 pandemic and the preventive strategies such as lock-down, physical distancing, face mask and personal protective equipment created barriers to effective doctor patient communication and led to some compromise in trust in doctors during this time.


The year 2020 has endured a global health crisis in the form of the COVID 19 pandemic [1]. The disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS CoV2) spread widely across the globe and infected millions and had a case fatality rate of around 1% [2]. The pandemic entered India in late January 2020 and held fort infecting a large number of people up till late October, when the number of cases started declining [3]. In 2021, the country is facing a second wave of much larger and catastrophic proportion. Countries responded to the pandemic with closure of air travel, strict quarantine rules, lockdowns to limit spread of infection and mandatory public health measures such as wearing masks in public, temperature monitoring, hand sanitizing practices and strict isolation and treatment of the infected in dedicated Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) care facilities. India imposed one of the harshest lockdowns in the world during the first wave in 2020 [4]. On one hand the infection was ravaging the population and on the other the stringent public health measures were having their own negative impact on people. One of the serious negative impact of the public health interventions has been restricted access to health facilities and lack of available treatments for non-COVID 19 illnesses in the public health system. Many routine public health activities suffered because of the high emphasis placed on COVID 19 prevention activities [5].

Doctors and frontline health care providers are at particularly high risk of contracting COVID 19 [6]. Therefore, there were major changes in the way front line health care workers delivered their services. Non-emergency surgeries were postponed. Frontline health workers were advised to wear masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) to safeguard themselves from the infection [7]. Physical distance was advised and so the doctor-patient encounters happened from a safe distance of about 1 meter. Doctors also limited the time they spent with the patients to effectively restrict the transmission of the illness. It is highly likely that these changes in the way that doctors delivered their services would have impacted on the effectiveness of the doctor-patient interaction.

This study was conducted to assess the difficulties faced by patients attending a tertiary care center in Chennai, in the doctor-patient communication during the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic and to study its influence on the trust in the doctor-patient relationship.

Materials and methods

This study was conducted during July to September 2020, the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic, in Chennai, a metropolitan city in Tamil Nadu, a southern state in India. The study was conducted among persons attending a tertiary care hospital. This hospital serves employees who are covered by the Employees State Insurance Scheme, which is one of the world’s largest social security schemes serving employees who earn an average monthly income of less than INR 25,000 (USD 350) [8]. The nationwide lockdown that was imposed in India on 24 March 2020 was continued in Chennai over several spells.

Sample size was estimated to establish a 50% prevalence of difficulty in doctor-patient communication with a 10% relative precision and 95% confidence level as 384 participants. Non-probabilistic sampling, stratified by the place where the participants were interviewed, namely outpatient department, ward, COVID 19 isolation facility and hospital waiting area was performed. This was because, the patients in these locations represented various levels of severity and illness profile.

A questionnaire was developed by the study team for the purpose of this research comprising of three major domains namely, difficulties in accessing the health facility, difficulties faced in doctor-patient communication and trust in the doctors. The questionnaire responses were in a Likert format with options of ‘strongly disagree’, ‘disagree’, ‘neither agree nor disagree’, ‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’. The questionnaire items were shared with 5 experts in public health, infectious diseases and nursing and content validated. A pilot test was done among a random sample of 10 participants and based on their inputs the wordings of the questionnaires were modified to improve understanding. The questions were developed, content validated, and pilot tested in Tamil language. The final data collection was also conducted in Tamil. After analysis, the questions were translated to English for presentation.

Data collection was done using Google Forms, a web-based survey platform in the mobile hand-held device of the investigator KS. KS conducted all the interviews face to face after obtaining oral informed consent from the participants and documenting it on the Google Form. The collected data were exported to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and cleaned by VG. The data were analyzed in the open-source statistical software GNU PSPP version 1.4.0 [9]. The characteristics of the study population and responses to the various items in the Likert scale were described as frequencies and percentages. Reliability analysis was done by calculating the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the three sub-scales namely accessibility to health facility, difficulties in doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors. Exploratory factor analysis was performed. Extraction of factors was done by principal component method; rotation was performed by Varimax method. A three-factor solution explained 67% of the variance. The Bartlett’s test of sphericity showed a model fit with a statistically significant Chi square value. The KMO test also indicated sampling adequacy. The factor loadings of the exploratory factor analysis were considered as weights of the various items in the sub-scales. The crude Likert response ranging from scores of 0 to 4, were multiplied by the corresponding factor weights and a total sub-scale score was computed by adding the scores on each item in the sub-scale.

Independent sample t test and ANOVA were used to compare the mean scores on the three domains across sexes, age groups, educational and occupational groups. Multivariable linear regression analysis was performed with trust in doctors score as the dependent variable and communication difficulties, age, sex, education and occupation as independent variables.

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, KK Nagar, Chennai after an expedited review process with the approval number IEC/2020/1/16 dated 29.07.2020. All interviews were conducted after obtaining oral informed consent. The Institutional Ethics Committee waived the requirement of a written informed consent in order to minimize the use of potential fomites of transmission of COVID 19 through the paper and pen on which the consent would be signed. The consent was documented in the Google Form survey platform used for data collection. Adequate privacy was ensured for each interview.


A total of 390 individuals were approached for the study out of which 360 consented to participate and responded to the questionnaire. The response rate was 92%. The 30 individuals who did not respond gave the reasons as not willing and did not have time. Of the 360 who participated in the study, 1 questionnaire was incomplete and therefore 359 data were available and taken up for analysis. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the study sample. About half the participants (48.7%) were in the 31–50 years age group. About 30% of the participants were younger than 31 years and 20% above 50 years. More than half (56%) of the participants were men. A small proportion of 24% of the participants did not have any schooling and about 30% had studied beyond high school. About 12% were unemployed and 22% were home makers. Of the participants, 67% had sought some form of medical care in the past one month and 11% had been diagnosed with COVID 19 in the recent past.

Table 1. Characteristics of the study sample.

S.No Characteristic Categories Number Percentage
1 Age < 31 yrs 109 30.4%
31–50 yrs 175 48.7%
51–60 yrs 42 11.7%
>60 yrs 32 8.9%
2 Sex Male 201 56%
Female 158 44%
3 Education No schooling 87 24.2%
Primary School 49 13.6%
Middle School 45 12.5%
High School 69 19.2%
Diploma 32 8.9%
Under graduation 65 18.1%
Postgraduation 12 3.3%
4 Occupation Unemployed 43 12%
Home Maker 81 22.6%
Manual Laborer 52 14.5%
Skilled worker 20 5.6%
Shopkeeper / Small Business 53 14.8%
Clerical 86 24%
Professional 24 6.7%
5 Sought health care in the past 1 month Yes 242 67.4%
6 Were you diagnosed with COVID 19? Yes 40 11.1%

In keeping with the main objectives of this study, the participants who consented to take part, were asked a set of 19 questions covering the key domains of accessibility, trust in doctors and problems in doctor-patient communication during the pandemic times. Their responses to the Likert scale are shown in Table 2. More than 60% of the participants responded affirmatively that they had difficulties in accessing the health facilities due to the lockdown. Similarly, more than 60% of the participants said that they faced difficulties in establishing good doctor-patient communications due to the physical distance, mask, personal protective equipment (PPE) and often did not understand the instructions given by the doctors. However, a large proportion of the participants (more than 80%) responded that they had a high level of trust in their doctors as indicated by high level of respect, trust that the doctors do what is in the patients’ best interest, and the opinion that the doctor has high integrity.

Table 2. Responses to questions related to health care access, doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times.

S.No Question Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Agree
1 As all nearby clinics were closed due to lockdown it was difficult to access health care 45 (12.5%) 4 (1.1%) 74 (20.6%) 21 (5.8%) 215 (59.9%)
2 As all transport facilities were suspected it was difficult to access health facilities 45 (12.5%) 1 (0.3%) 73 (20.3%) 23 (6.4%) 217 (60.4%)
3 As doctors practice physical distancing, it was difficult interacting with them 89 (24.8%) 2 (0.6%) 23 (6.4%) 105 (29.2%) 140 (39%)
4 As doctors wear mask and PPE it is difficult to interact with them 89 (24.8%) 2 (0.6%) 22 (6.1%) 105 (29.2%) 141 (39.3%)
5 Doctors do not spend much time with patients due to fear of infection 191 (53.2%) 14 (3.9%) 19 (5.3%) 55 (15.3%) 80 (22.3%)
6 Doctors do not touch the patients and so treatment feels inadequate 148 (41.2%) 8 (2.2%) 35 (9.7%) 75 (20.9%) 93 (25.9%)
7 Due to the physical distance and the PPE we are unable to understand the instructions of the doctors 96 (26.7%) 5 (1.4%) 23 (6.4%) 113 (31.5%) 122 (34%)
8 Due to too much focus on COVID 19 doctors are not paying much attention to other illnesses 234 (65.2%) 11 (3.1%) 28 (7.8%) 22 (6.1%) 64 (17.8%)
9 As doctors have reduced giving injections, treatment feels inadequate 83 (23.1%) 4 (1.1%) 182 (50.7%) 25 (7%) 65 (18.1%)
10 Nowadays we do not have a choice of doctors or hospitals 48 (13.4%) 2 (0.6%) 60 (16.7%) 56 (15.6%) 193 (53.8%)
11 Nowadays we are unable to trust that everything will be alright if we consult the doctor 246 (68.5%) 8 (2.2%) 10 (2.8%) 51 (14.2%) 44 (12.3%)
12 I trust that the doctor has my best interest in mind 49 (13.6%) 12 (3.3%) 7 (1.9%) 43 (12%) 248 (69.1%)
13 I trust that the doctor is honest 24 (6.7%) 7 (1.9%) 11 (3.1%) 19 (5.3%) 298 (83%)
14 I trust that the doctor’s advice is for my benefit 29 (8.1%) 4 (1.1%) 12 (3.3%) 21 (5.8%) 293 (81.6%)
15 I trust that the doctor works for my best interest even during the pandemic times 34 (9.5%) 4 (1.1%) 22 (6.1%) 33 (9.2%) 266 (74.1%)
16 As these are pandemic times I can understand why doctors and hospitals are acting in a precautionary manner 40 (11.1%) 4 (1.1%) 18 (5%) 45 (12.5%) 252 (70.2%)
17 As doctors and hospitals are also suffering a financial crisis, I understand the high cost of treatment 278 (77.4%) 7 (1.9%) 34 (9.5%) 27 (7.5%) 13 (3.6%)
18 As doctors are overworked, I can understand if they are rude to me. 111 (30.9%) 1 (0.3%) 2 (0.6%) 64 (17.8%) 181 (50.4%)
19 I respect the doctor a lot 22 (6.1%) 3 (0.8%) 7 (1.9%) 35 (9.7%) 292 (81.3%)

The reliability of the three domains of the scale were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha test of internal consistency. The Cronbach’s Alpha for the accessibility dimension was 0.870, Doctor-patient communication dimension was 0.930 and trust in doctors dimension was 0.780. Therefore, all the three dimensions had acceptable levels of internal consistency reliability. The findings of the exploratory factor analysis are shown in Table 3. It is seen that the three dimensions are separated appropriately with good factor loadings all above 0.4, indicating good structural validity of the scale. The respective factor loadings were considered as the weight for each of the items and the Likert response from 0–4 was multiplied by the factor weight of that item and then added up to generate the total score in that dimension for each participant.

Table 3. Exploratory factor analysis showing the grouping of variables into three dimensions and their factor weights.

Items Trust in the doctor Accessibility Doctor-patient communication
As all nearby clinics were closed due to lockdown it was difficult to access health care .94
As all transport facilities were suspected it was difficult to access health facilities .92
As doctors practice physical distancing, it was difficult interacting with them .93
As doctors wear mask and PPE it is difficult to interact with them .94
Doctors do not spend much time with patients due to fear of infection .50
Doctors do not touch the patients and so treatment feels inadequate .71
Due to the physical distance and the PPE we are unable to understand the instructions of the doctors .92
Due to too much focus on COVID 19 doctors are not paying much attention to other illnesses .39
As doctors have reduced giving injections, treatment feels inadequate .67
Nowadays we do not have a choice of doctors or hospitals .75
Nowadays we are unable to trust that everything will be alright if we consult the doctor -.75
I trust that the doctor has my best interest in mind .77
I trust that the doctor is honest .92
I trust that the doctors advice is for my benefit .93
I trust that the doctor works for my best interest even during the pandemic times .91
As these are pandemic times I can understand why doctors and hospitals are acting in a precautionary manner .87
As doctors are overworked, I can understand if they are rude to me. .65
I respect the doctor a lot .86

Table 4 shows the mean score in each dimension. It is seen that the mean score was high in both the inaccessibility domain and the trust in the doctors domain, whereas it was around the middle in the doctor-patient communication difficulties domain.

Table 4. Weighted scores on the dimensions of accessibility, communication and trust.

S.No Dimension (minimum and maximum possible scores) Mean Score SD
1 Inaccessibility to Health Facilities (0–10.44) 7.81 3.89
2 Doctor-Patient Communication problems (0–20.24) 10.88 6.87
3 Trust in the doctor (0–20.64) 18.96 7.52

In order to study the various factors influencing the score in each domain, the mean scores were compared between sexes, age groups, education groups and type of occupation. This is shown in Table 5. It is seen that women had greater trust in physicians than men, whereas there was no significant sex difference in the accessibility and communication barriers. With increasing age there was increasing trust in the doctor, reducing difficulties in doctor-patient communication and increasing inaccessibility to health facilities, all of which were statistically significant. With increasing education levels, trust in the doctors seemed to reduce, difficulties in doctor-patient communication seemed to increase and inaccessibility to health facilities decreased, and all these were statistically significant associations. Such a strong and clear association was not seen with occupation.

Table 5. Comparison of accessibility, doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors based on characteristics of the participants.

S.No Characteristic Categories Trust in Doctor Scores (mean ± SD) p value Doctor patient communication problems (mean ± SD) p value Accessibility (mean ± SD) p value
1 Sex Male 18.28 ± 8.20 <0.001* 11.09 ± 7.14 0.110 7.88 ± 3.44 0.340
Female 19.82 ± 6.46 10.61 ± 6.52 7.72 ± 3.10
2 Age < = 30 yrs 17.77 ± 7.78 0.020* 12.17 ± 6.82 0.001* 7.53 ± 3.57 0.360
31–50 yrs 18.87 ± 7.94 10.84 ± 6.64 7.78 ± 3.49
51–60 yrs 20.28 ± 5.21 10.60 ± 6.85 8.11 ± 3.17
>60 yrs 22.12 ± 4.79 6.77 ± 6.85 8.65 ± 2.69
3 Education Uneducated 21.16 ± 5.78 < 0.001* 8.87 ± 6.70 < 0.001* 8.46 ± 2.85 0.047*
Primary School 21.06 ± 6.13 9.65 ± 6.98 8.34 ± 3
Middle School 18.79 ± 8.99 10.14 ± 7.22 8.04 ± 3.35
High School 19.30 ± 7.95 11.26 ± 6.81 7.41 ± 3.77
Diploma 17.92 ± 6.81 11.55 ± 6.86 7.66 ± 3.03
Undergraduation 15.42 ± 8.10 13.52 ± 6.20 7.27 ± 3.26
Post Graduation 14.93 ± 5.81 15.04 ± 4.10 5.70 ± 4.14
4 Occupation Unemployed 18.05 ± 7.81 <0.001* 11.34 ± 6.92 0.093 7.80 ± 3.27 0.264
Home Maker 21.34 ± 5.28 9.51 ± 6.87 8.18 ± 3.02
Manual Labourer 18.71 ± 8.84 10.56 ± 7.04 8.17 ± 3.17
Skilled Worker 21.03 ± 6.02 9.95 ± 6.23 7.20 ±. 4.18
Shopkeeper / Small Business 20.04 ± 6.57 10.18 ± 6.26 7.15 ± 3.13
Clerical 17.23 ± 8.38 11.99 ± 7.31 8.10 ± 3.42
Professional 15.10 ± 7.50 13.73 ± 5.71 6.74 ± 3.42

*statistically significant p<0.05, independent sample t test and ANOVA performed for comparison of means

Fig 1 shows the association between problems in doctor-patient communication and the trust in the doctors. The scatter plot shows a negative correlation of reducing trust in the doctor with increasing barriers in doctor-patient communication.

Fig 1. Association between problem with communication and trust in doctors.

Fig 1

Multivariable linear regression to study the association between difficulty in doctor-patient communication and trust in physicians after adjusting for age, education and occupation confirmed the negative association between difficulty in doctor-patient communication and trust in the physicians. It was further seen that age and occupation did not have an influence on trust, but education was also negatively associated with trust, increasing education leading to lesser trust in the doctors. This multivariate linear regression is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Association between doctor patient communication and trust in the doctors.

Factors influencing trust scores Beta Coefficient 95% CI p value
Doctor-patient communication score -0.630 -0.730 to -0.540 <0.001*
Age 0 -0.05 to 0.05 0.932
Sex 0.840 -0.480 to 2.170 0.213
Education -0.420 -0.810 to -0.030 0.034*
Occupation -0.07 -0.440 to 0.300 0.695

*statistically significant p<0.05, multiple linear regression analysis


This cross-sectional survey among patients attending a tertiary care facility in Chennai showed that a majority of them faced difficulties in accessing health care facilities due to the lockdown. Many of them found it difficult to communicate with their doctors due to the physical distancing, personal protective equipment and limited time spent with them due to COVID 19 advisories. Despite this inaccessibility and difficulty in communicating with the doctors, their trust in doctors remained high even during the COVID 19 pandemic times. Further it was noted that women had greater trust in the doctors. With increasing age, trust in doctors increased but difficulty in communication decreased and with increasing education levels trust in doctors decreased and difficulties in communication increased. There was a relatively strong negative correlation between doctor-patient communication barriers and trust in the doctors even after adjusting for age, sex, education and occupation.

COVID 19 laid bare the weakness of the public health system in India. The lockdown impaired the access to healthcare facilities that were already inaccessible to many poor and marginalized people in the country. Many parts of the country faced serious limitations in access to health care during the pandemic for non-COVID 19 illnesses [10]. There were even reports of interruption of treatment for chronic non communicable diseases due to access issues [11]. Though this was a universal phenomenon, the urban slums in low- and middle-income countries were worse affected by this lack of access to health facilities [12]. Chennai city was a hot spot of transmission of COVID 19, and lockdowns were imposed very early during the pandemic. This lack of access related to the lockdown was reported in this study too. It was observed that this lack of access was perceived by people of both sexes, all age groups and across all educational and occupational classes. Even people who had their own private vehicles, found it difficult to get past the strict curfew and make it to health facilities.

Several studies have reported the difficulty in doctor-patient communication during the COVID 19 times. A study from Africa pointed out that patients perceived that physical distancing and personal protective equipment impaired the doctor-patient relationship [13]. Patients, especially the elderly, felt apprehensive communicating with doctors covered in PPE and this worsened their anxiety in the hospital [14]. Firstly, the mask and PPE covered the human face of the doctor. This created a sense of disconnect between the doctor and the patient. Covering the face with the mask prevented the doctors from expressing any facial cues including empathy, compassion, kindness all of which could be very effectively communicated by facial expressions. Moreover, individuals who are hearing and speech disabled, depend largely on lip reading for communicating with their doctor. The mask and head gear prevented these patients from reading the lips of their doctors. These greatly impaired the doctor-patient communication [15]. In this study also patients reported that the mask, PPE and physical distancing impaired effective communication with their doctors. It would be natural to expect that these communication issues would worsen with increasing age as older individuals are more likely to have vision and hearing difficulties. However, it was observed in this study that the communication problems were reported more among the younger individuals and it reduced with increasing age. One possible explanation for this could be that the younger individuals were more demanding and expecting of clear communication from their doctors compared to the elderly. It is also possible that the lack of clear communication was routine among the elderly, and they did not find it different with the mask, PPE and physical distance. One other explanation could be that the elderly experienced a sense of gratitude for having received any kind of medical attention despite the lockdown and this made them ignore the difficulties in communication. In medical institutions there are strong lines of hierarchy with the doctor on the top and other allied health professionals below them. However, the wearing of the mask and PPE homogenized all staff as it became difficult to identify the person inside the mask and PPE. This is probably one of the reasons why communication barriers were not perceived by the elderly as much as the younger persons.

The third important finding of the study was high levels of trust in the doctors, despite poor accessibility and difficulty in doctor-patient communication. One other previous empirical evaluation of trust in doctors in Tamil Nadu, close to the study setting, also revealed a high level of trust in doctors [16]. While there have been reports of eroding trust in physicians and the health system in the United States during the COVID 19 times because of a lack of consistent public health messaging on hydroxychloroquine and masks in the country, such a pattern of lack of trust has not been seen in India [17, 18]. The dimensions of trust in physicians in a low- and middle-income country setting like India have been explored in the past and the key dimensions are perceived competence, assurance of treatment, respect and loyalty [19]. It is seen that even though many patients were deprived of the assurance of good quality treatment, the overriding dimensions of respect and loyalty, ensured that they retained the basic trust in doctors. In this study the items including, ‘I trust that the doctor is honest’, ‘I trust that the doctor works for my best interest even during the pandemic times’ and ‘I respect the doctor a lot’ had a high rate of affirmative response. This indicated the high level of trust in the doctors. It was also observed in this study that women had greater trust than men, trust in doctors increased with age, and people with higher education had lower trust levels. Those who were home makers, unemployed and manual laborers had greater trust compared to those who were in business, clerical work and professional jobs. It is worth noting that the influence of age, sex and occupation on trust in physicians was nullified in the multivariable model, leaving only education and barriers in communication as factors influencing trust.

In a previous study of factors affecting trust in the doctor-patient relationship, it was noted that the doctor-patient communication including a personal involvement of the doctor with the patient greatly influenced the trust [20]. Based on this premise, this study attempted to explore the association between doctor-patient communication during COVID 19 times and the trust in doctors. A relatively strong inverse association was established in this study. Those who perceived greater difficulties in communication with their physician also reported lesser trust in their physicians. Even after adjusting for age, sex, education and occupation, it was seen that difficulty in communication remained negatively associated with trust in the doctors.

The strength of this study is that it was conducted during the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic among patients attending a tertiary care center to understand a crucial aspect of the doctor-patient relationship during the difficult pandemic times. The calculated sample size was 384, however, only a sample size of 359 could be achieved and analyzed. Sampling was stratified for the location in the hospital where the participants were interviewed. However, this data was not captured in the questionnaire due to a practical error and hence the impact of the location of data collection (non-COVID versus COVID) on trust and communication barriers could not be analyzed. The study also could not provide information on whether the trust and communication barriers depended on the severity of the disease. Another possible limitation could be a socially desirable response bias, as the interviews were conducted by the researchers in a health care facility. Despite these limitations, the study helps document an important dimension of the doctor patient relationship during the COVID 19 pandemic, namely communication and trust. Future studies should explore the dimensions of doctor-patient relationships during the pandemic times using qualitative methods, which are more suited for in-depth understanding of such experiences.

The COVID 19 experience has taught us that during pandemic times, while it is important to focus on public health measures, it is equally important to keep people at the center of the health care enterprise. All public health and disease prevention interventions must be people centered and focus on the welfare of the people [21]. This study further contributed to this idea by clearly indicating that doctor-patient communication and trust are very important considerations during pandemic times.


The authors would like to acknowledge the participants in the study for their valuable insights in their experiences of doctor-patient relationships during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Data Availability

Data are available in figshare: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14766846.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Ritesh G Menezes

25 Apr 2021


Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India


Dear Dr. Gopichandran,

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Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #8: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: I Don't Know

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #8: Yes

Reviewer #9: I Don't Know


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #8: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: No

Reviewer #8: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Good study. However the arrangements of sentences and paragraphs are not in sequential manner. The title and the content are not matching. As per the content more data regarding the doctor patient communication must have been analyzed.

Reviewer #2: The article investigated difficulties faced by patients in communicating with their doctors due to the COVID 19 preventive measures. This is an important issue. Although some issues found which need to be addressed prior to its publication.

1. Avoid using long sentences. This have caused grammatical errors and readability of the article.

2. Kindly use full form of abbreviations on first use.

3. Use MeSH terms as keywords.

4.In introduction every paragraph must have a theme. Paragraph 2 and 4 is very short. Club them with preceding paragraph. Arrange introduction as following: background characteristics, knowledge gaps exists, how your study is going to address those gaps. Cite important references used in discussion in introduction.

5. Avoid using terms like heart of the city. If your hospital were in heart were was the liver, kidneys and lungs????

6. If used a non-probabilistic sampling then why design effect was not used for sample size calculation.

7. Tables should be self-explanatory. Kindly write abbreviations used in the tables in the foot notes. Statistical analysis used in each table should either be used in title or footnotes. Indicate 'N' of each table.

8. If several prior studies were available on the issue. Then why they were not used in sample size calculation.

9. The article did not follow uniform referencing style. Kindly manually redo it as per the journals guidelines.

Reviewer #3: Doctor patient communication and trust is a complex process where social and emotional factors, empathy and attentive listening are important parameters, qualitative techniques may provide more information. I think it covers some points related to quality of care. Only a part of interaction was assessed without any comparison group. sampling technique is inappropriate and not representing the categories of morbidities.

Reviewer #4: Reviewer’s comment for the article entitled “Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India.”

The research question is quite interesting, innovative and satisfying the current need where continuous efforts are explored for doctor-patient communication and trust in pandemic situation. The article is well written and addressing major aspects in focus. The rationale for the proposed study seems clear and valid. The study has a clear methodology and interesting findings which would be positively utilized by the readers at different forums. Results can be understood simply and categorized properly. It includes relevant information. The data and analyses support the claims and findings. Discussion portion is clearly written. The authors are free to receive a suggestion to include recommendations to overcome limitations of the study which would be useful for future explorations by reader community. The study shows sufficient potential and up to the standards of the journal.

Reviewer #5: The paper is well written and covers a very relevant and important area during this pandemic. The analysis has been done reasonably well and results presented in an intelligible manner. The results are very pertinent to changing policies and behaviour.

Reviewer #6: This is a timely manuscript assessing the difficulties faced by patients in communicating with their doctors due to the COVID 19 preventive measures, and its impact on the trust on their doctors. The study was conducted during the peak of the pandemic in a large Indian metro city in a tertiary care hospital that caters to a specific group of patients. The participants were identified and recruited in four settings (in patients, OPD patients, Covid isolation facilities and the hospital waiting areas) and authors rightly explain the importance of settings where they were recruited in terms of severity and urgency of their symptoms.

The most intriguing finding of the study is that with increasing age there was increasing trust in the doctor but less difficulties in doctor-patient communication. One would expect otherwise especially the communication barrier increasing with increasing age of the patient. The authors elaborate on three possible reasons for this finding which are interesting and plausible in the context of Indian healthcare system. However, the fact that the communication with elderly patients might always have been challenging and therefore the elderly did not experience any added barriers in communicating with the doctors raises important questions regarding doctor patient communication during non-covid times. To what extent this finding could be also influenced by the fact that the elderly in particular felt grateful to be seen by someone in a health facility in these trying times when they might have tried hard to reach the hospital for several days? Could this sense of gratitude combined with high degree of respect towards doctors in general in Indian society at least in the minds of older patients influenced their perception of reduced communication barrier? This aspect can be explored further in the discussion section.

In follow-up of the point above, healthcare providers in PPE and masks during Covid 19 pandemic probably made it impossible for the patients to assess whether the particular HCW interacting with them is a doctor, a medical student and intern or a nurse. There is hierarchy among different health care professionals and patients also respect and trust these different groups of health care professionals differently. PPE and overalls in some ways homogenized all HCWs which can otherwise be easily stratified by patients based on the age, socio-economic status based on jewelry and clothing wore under the apron etc. I wonder what impact this phenomenon (of homogenization of HCWs in PPEs) could have had on patients’ level of trust in doctors. Could authors reflect on this aspect further and particularly its implications for doctor patient relationship in non-pandemic settings.

Women patients trusted doctors more than men. How can this be explained especially if it is not linked with education? Is it because women in general are less often in position of power or less likely to challenge the individuals with authority like doctors and therefore tend to put higher respect and trust in doctors?

I wonder whether the authors analyzed the responses in three domains in relation to the settings in which the participants were recruited in this study. How was the experience of those seen in outpatient department different than those who were admitted or were in isolation facility or were just in waiting areas? My suspicion is that the context in which they answered the questions combined with their symptoms and severity of those symptoms might pose different challenges in doctor patient communication and might also affect the level of trust they put in their healthcare providers. I would also expect difference in challenges encountered to access health services for participants in these four distinct settings, not just in terms of reaching the healthcare facility but also once they entered the facility while they were being triaged or diverted in different streams. Could authors elaborate on why they did not pursue this line of analysis?

Reviewer #7: Dear Authors,

The submitted manuscript, with its objectives is currently of utmost importance in the COVID era. This may help in formulating policies for future pandemics.

However, the following points need to be rectified in the manuscript

1. There are two objectives- first is to formulate a questionnaire using factor analysis and then execute the same. Hence, this needs to be clarified and subdivided in the paper

2. The flow of paper needs to be streamlined. The factor analysis to be explained first, then the execution of the study using this questionnaire.

3. Language and fluidity needs to be looked into.

4. Other comments have been made as track changes in the attached PDF.



Reviewer #8: The title of the study is more contemporary addressing the current issues that has struck the globe. There is an attempt with success to explore the outcomes from the COVID imposed behaviour which is also made mandatory by the Government and Statutes as 'Covid appropriate behaviour'.It is further appreciated that in a Metropolitan City of Southern India, the Covid appropriate behaviour from the part of the doctors and medical professionals had reduced the effective doctor-patient relationship. The authors could have explored the probable measures to overcome these obstacles, especially in a time when the globe is further being made to face the second wave ofthe pandemic.

Reviewer #9: The authors have used Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of parameters. This is not a statistical method but I do not know details of how this method works. I also do not know varimax rotational method although the meaning of factor analysis to study relationship of factors is understood. Application of Bartlett's test of sphericity to test whether the authors' model is fit or not is also not understood by me.

I have attached my review comments. On the whole the paper appears to be fine and requires only minor corrections.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Bijit Biswas

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

Reviewer #5: Yes: Aneesh Basheer

Reviewer #6: No

Reviewer #7: No

Reviewer #8: Yes: Dr. Arun M

Reviewer #9: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-08356_reviewer_19April.pdf

PLoS One. 2021 Jun 23;16(6):e0253497. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253497.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

28 Apr 2021

Reviewer #1: Good study. However the arrangements of sentences and paragraphs are not in sequential manner. The title and the content are not matching. As per the content more data regarding the doctor patient communication must have been analyzed.

Response: Thank you for your warm comment about our study. We have now read the manuscript closely again and have re-arranged some of the sentences and paragraphs to improve sequencing. The title is “Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India”. The content of the manuscript describes the various challenges that patients faced in doctor-patient communication and also the level of trust they had in their doctors. Therefore the title and the content are matching.

Reviewer #2: The article investigated difficulties faced by patients in communicating with their doctors due to the COVID 19 preventive measures. This is an important issue. Although some issues found which need to be addressed prior to its publication.

1. Avoid using long sentences. This have caused grammatical errors and readability of the article.

Response: Thank you for this useful comment. We have substantially edited several long sentences.

2. Kindly use full form of abbreviations on first use.

Response: We have now expanded all abbreviations on first use.

3. Use MeSH terms as keywords.

Response: We have now changed the keywords to MESH terms.

4.In introduction every paragraph must have a theme. Paragraph 2 and 4 is very short. Club them with preceding paragraph. Arrange introduction as following: background characteristics, knowledge gaps exists, how your study is going to address those gaps. Cite important references used in discussion in introduction.

Response: Thank you for this very useful comment. We have now reorganized our paragraphs as per the suggestion provided. We have also arranged them according to the following themes – Introduction to COVID 19 in India, Impact of COVID 19 on health care in India, especially impact on doctor-patient communication, Objective of the study.

5. Avoid using terms like heart of the city. If your hospital were in heart were was the liver, kidneys and lungs????

Response: We have removed the use of the term ‘heart of the city’.

6. If used a non-probabilistic sampling then why design effect was not used for sample size calculation.

Response: We believe that the difficulty in communication as well as the compromise in trust in the doctors must have been a universal phenomenon with very little variability, as the difficulties were faced by everyone. Since we expected a substantial homogeneity in response, we did not see the need to have a design effect, as the lack of random sampling is less likely to have altered the findings due to the homogeneity.

7. Tables should be self-explanatory. Kindly write abbreviations used in the tables in the foot notes. Statistical analysis used in each table should either be used in title or footnotes. Indicate 'N' of each table.

Response: We have now mentioned abbreviations used for each table. We have mentioned the statistical analysis used in the footnotes.

8. If several prior studies were available on the issue. Then why they were not used in sample size calculation.

Response: Prior studies have been largely qualitative and have looked at communication barriers. There have not been any quantitative estimates of trust and communication difficulties among patients. Therefore these could not be used in calculation of sample size.

9. The article did not follow uniform referencing style. Kindly manually redo it as per the journals guidelines.

Response: We have redone the references manually as per the journal style.

Reviewer #3: Doctor patient communication and trust is a complex process where social and emotional factors, empathy and attentive listening are important parameters, qualitative techniques may provide more information. I think it covers some points related to quality of care. Only a part of interaction was assessed without any comparison group. sampling technique is inappropriate and not representing the categories of morbidities.

Response: We agree that qualitative methods would have been more useful to capture the experiences of the patients in greater depth. Given the pandemic situation, and a fear among people to sit and have lengthy discussions with others, we decided to adopt a survey method, which involved significantly lesser time.

There is an internal comparison group. These various internal comparisons are highlighted in Table 5.

The sampling technique stratified the patients based on which place they attended, the general clinic, the COVID 19 clinic of the COVID 19 isolation ward. We believe this represents people who are most likely to have communication issues with their physicians. We have not stratified based on morbidity, as we believe that across different levels of morbidity there existed similar communication problems.

Reviewer #4: Reviewer’s comment for the article entitled “Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India.”

The research question is quite interesting, innovative and satisfying the current need where continuous efforts are explored for doctor-patient communication and trust in pandemic situation. The article is well written and addressing major aspects in focus. The rationale for the proposed study seems clear and valid. The study has a clear methodology and interesting findings which would be positively utilized by the readers at different forums. Results can be understood simply and categorized properly. It includes relevant information. The data and analyses support the claims and findings. Discussion portion is clearly written. The authors are free to receive a suggestion to include recommendations to overcome limitations of the study which would be useful for future explorations by reader community. The study shows sufficient potential and up to the standards of the journal.

Response: Thank you for your positive review of our manuscript. We have included a recommendation section for improving the limitations of this study.

Reviewer #5: The paper is well written and covers a very relevant and important area during this pandemic. The analysis has been done reasonably well and results presented in an intelligible manner. The results are very pertinent to changing policies and behaviour.

Response: Thank you for your positive review of the manuscript.

Reviewer #6: This is a timely manuscript assessing the difficulties faced by patients in communicating with their doctors due to the COVID 19 preventive measures, and its impact on the trust on their doctors. The study was conducted during the peak of the pandemic in a large Indian metro city in a tertiary care hospital that caters to a specific group of patients. The participants were identified and recruited in four settings (in patients, OPD patients, Covid isolation facilities and the hospital waiting areas) and authors rightly explain the importance of settings where they were recruited in terms of severity and urgency of their symptoms.

Response: Thank you for the positive review of our manuscript.

The most intriguing finding of the study is that with increasing age there was increasing trust in the doctor but less difficulties in doctor-patient communication. One would expect otherwise especially the communication barrier increasing with increasing age of the patient. The authors elaborate on three possible reasons for this finding which are interesting and plausible in the context of Indian healthcare system. However, the fact that the communication with elderly patients might always have been challenging and therefore the elderly did not experience any added barriers in communicating with the doctors raises important questions regarding doctor patient communication during non-covid times. To what extent this finding could be also influenced by the fact that the elderly in particular felt grateful to be seen by someone in a health facility in these trying times when they might have tried hard to reach the hospital for several days? Could this sense of gratitude combined with high degree of respect towards doctors in general in Indian society at least in the minds of older patients influenced their perception of reduced communication barrier? This aspect can be explored further in the discussion section.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. Yes, it is quite possible that the gratitude that the elderly felt for having received any kind of medical attention could be a reason for them not perceiving any barriers in communication. We have included this in the discussion.

In follow-up of the point above, healthcare providers in PPE and masks during Covid 19 pandemic probably made it impossible for the patients to assess whether the particular HCW interacting with them is a doctor, a medical student and intern or a nurse. There is hierarchy among different health care professionals and patients also respect and trust these different groups of health care professionals differently. PPE and overalls in some ways homogenized all HCWs which can otherwise be easily stratified by patients based on the age, socio-economic status based on jewelry and clothing wore under the apron etc. I wonder what impact this phenomenon (of homogenization of HCWs in PPEs) could have had on patients’ level of trust in doctors. Could authors reflect on this aspect further and particularly its implications for doctor patient relationship in non-pandemic settings.

Response: We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. We agree that the PPE homogenized all the cadres of staff in a hospital. It could have had a substantial influence on the perceived barriers to communication as well as trust. We have included a sentence explaining this in the discussion.

Women patients trusted doctors more than men. How can this be explained especially if it is not linked with education? Is it because women in general are less often in position of power or less likely to challenge the individuals with authority like doctors and therefore tend to put higher respect and trust in doctors?

It is worth noting that age, sex, occupation were not significantly associated with trust on multivariable analysis. This indicates some kind of confounding bias. Therefore we are not discussing the nuances of the gender difference in trust in detail.

I wonder whether the authors analyzed the responses in three domains in relation to the settings in which the participants were recruited in this study. How was the experience of those seen in outpatient department different than those who were admitted or were in isolation facility or were just in waiting areas? My suspicion is that the context in which they answered the questions combined with their symptoms and severity of those symptoms might pose different challenges in doctor patient communication and might also affect the level of trust they put in their healthcare providers. I would also expect difference in challenges encountered to access health services for participants in these four distinct settings, not just in terms of reaching the healthcare facility but also once they entered the facility while they were being triaged or diverted in different streams. Could authors elaborate on why they did not pursue this line of analysis?

Response: We had originally sampled the study participants based on their location in order to perform this analysis. But to our disappointment we could not perform this analysis because the data on where they were interviewed was not captured in the dataset. Further, we did not collect data on the severity of the illness. Most of the respondents of the study were not seriously ill. We have included this in the limitation of the study.

Reviewer #7: Dear Authors,

The submitted manuscript, with its objectives is currently of utmost importance in the COVID era. This may help in formulating policies for future pandemics.

Response: Thank you for this positive review of our manuscript.

However, the following points need to be rectified in the manuscript

1. There are two objectives- first is to formulate a questionnaire using factor analysis and then execute the same. Hence, this needs to be clarified and subdivided in the paper

Response: We would like to clarify that the objective of the study is only to explore the communication issues and trust in doctors during the COVID 19 pandemic. Developing a questionnaire was not one of the objectives. The factor analysis was used to assign factor loadings to the various items and give them weighted scores.

2. The flow of paper needs to be streamlined. The factor analysis to be explained first, then the execution of the study using this questionnaire.

Response: As the factor analysis was used only to assign weights to the items while scoring, it is retained in its current position. It is not done to primarily validate the questionnaire.

3. Language and fluidity needs to be looked into.

Response: We have carefully reviewed and edited the manuscript for language and fluidity as recommended.

Was the interview taken face to face and directly entered in google form?

Response: Yes, the interview was taken face to face and directly entered in the Google Form.

Likert scale and scoring to be mentioned in the questionnaire part of the methodology

Response: We have now mentioned the likert and scoring in the questionnaire part of the methodology.

Reviewer #8: The title of the study is more contemporary addressing the current issues that has struck the globe. There is an attempt with success to explore the outcomes from the COVID imposed behaviour which is also made mandatory by the Government and Statutes as 'Covid appropriate behaviour'.It is further appreciated that in a Metropolitan City of Southern India, the Covid appropriate behaviour from the part of the doctors and medical professionals had reduced the effective doctor-patient relationship. The authors could have explored the probable measures to overcome these obstacles, especially in a time when the globe is further being made to face the second wave ofthe pandemic.

Response: We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback on the manuscript. The scope of the study was limited to understanding the barriers in communication as well as trust in doctors during the COVID 19 pandemic. We were unable to explore the measures to overcome the obstacles.

Reviewer #9: The authors have used Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of parameters. This is not a statistical method but I do not know details of how this method works. I also do not know varimax rotational method although the meaning of factor analysis to study relationship of factors is understood. Application of Bartlett's test of sphericity to test whether the authors' model is fit or not is also not understood by me.

Response: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is a statistical method to assess internal consistency reliability of a scale. It works by studying covariance patterns. Varimax rotation method is a method of rotating the factor structure such that meaningful grouping of variables can happen. Bartlett’s test of spericity is a type of Chi Square test that gives information regarding the model fit of a factor analysis model.

I have attached my review comments. On the whole the paper appears to be fine and requires only minor corrections.


Submitted filename: Reviewer Comments.docx

Decision Letter 1

Ritesh G Menezes

7 Jun 2021

Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India


Dear Dr. Gopichandran,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Prof. Ritesh G. Menezes, M.B.B.S., M.D., Diplomate N.B.

Academic Editor


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #6: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #7: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #9: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #6: I Don't Know

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #9: (No Response)


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #6: No

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes

Reviewer #9: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #6: (No Response)

Reviewer #7: (No Response)

Reviewer #9: (No Response)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #6: Yes: Priya satalkar

Reviewer #7: No

Reviewer #9: No

Acceptance letter

Ritesh G Menezes

15 Jun 2021


Doctor-patient communication and trust in doctors during COVID 19 times – a cross sectional study in Chennai, India.

Dear Dr. Gopichandran:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Prof. Dr. Ritesh G. Menezes

Academic Editor


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