Figure 5.
Networks specific to decision acuity versus specific to IQ
Predictive performance for d and IQ when correcting for each other.
(A) As in Figure 4A, correlation between observed d and dpr, but here additionally correcting for IQ in addition to demographic and imaging-related factors (brain volume, scanning site, head motion; see STAR Methods).
(B) Correlation between observed and predicted IQ, but correcting for imaging related factors and decision acuity.
In all plots, the leftmost bar corresponds to the model that includes all connections. The whiskers indicate the intervals containing the lower 95% probability mass (corresponding to one-tailed tests) for the null distribution, obtained via permutation of the subjects to derive the significance of the correlation between predicted and measured scores (see STAR Methods). The correlation is significant (uncorrected) when it falls above the whisker. ∗significant uncorrected; ∗∗significant with FDR correction for the 15 tests. Abbreviations as per Figure 4.