List of interleukins with post-induction elevation > 2 fold (vehicle/naïve). Illumina sequence data for ONH are based on Deseq2-normalized (log2-fold relative levels) expressed in ONH RNA from individual naïve, mean naïve (n = 5), rAION-vehicle-induced and rAION-PGJ2-treated animals, using a cutoff of <3.4. Normalization is based on Trimmed Mean Values (TMM) and normalized by EdgeR-cpm function with a cutoff of 2. Naïve retina (tetina-N) and ischemic retina (retina-Isch) are from [19] and expressed in counts per million (CPM). The ratio of expression in ischemic retina/sham retina values are shown in the last column. The two greatest ratio changes in retinal conditions are shown in bold. The total list is found in Supplemental Data Table S1. NF: not found.