Fig. 2.
a MAP4K1 expression in different lineages shows it is mainly expressed in the myeloid and lymphoid lineages (Figure was obtained from “The Human Protein Atlas”). b High expression of MAP4K1 was associated with poor prognosis of AML in TCGA data (red represents high expression) [log-rank tests; P-value = 0.006]. c MAP4K1 expression level in the AML patients was more than 5.5-fold higher compared with the level in the normal donors (red represents AML patient) (Figure was obtained from “GEPIA”). d MAP4K1 high expression group of the current study cohort was significantly associated with shorter OS (red represents high expression) [log-rank tests; P-value = 0.012]. e MAP4K1 high expression group in the current study cohort was significantly associated with shorter EFS (red represents high expression) [log-rank tests; P-value = 0.03]. f MAP4K1 high expression group in the current study cohort was significantly associated with shorter RFS (red represents high expression) [log-rank tests; P-value = 0.021] (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article..